So I admit I'm not the best at keeping up with this blog, but I do so love reading *other* people's blogs. One of my faves is of my cutie Mrs. Kayla Aimee. She has such a great writing style and a quick wit that has me laughing almost every time I visit it. But last night was different. Last night, I saw a link on her blog to the talented Jody Ferlaak and I followed it. Let me preface this by saying that I am familiar with Jody's work though I don't know her personally. I had heard snippets of her story on layouts or through message board posts. And yet, I still had no idea of the breadth of her story and how much it would touch me.
You see yesterday was the anniversary of the death of Jody's daughter Teagan in a tragic accident. I got caught up in the story last night - reliving the horror with Jody and then getting inspired by her hope for the future and the way she chooses to live her life positively - for herself, her husband and her children. The minute I was done reading, I practically ran up the stairs to my own children's rooms and hugged them a bit tighter and kissed them a bit more in their sleep. I told them again how much each one of them meant to me and how much I loved them because Jody reminded me just how life can change in one brief instant. It was like she spoke directly to me and I wanted to make sure I was listening.
After I went to bed, I was lying there next to my husband and I tried to tell him about the Ferlaak's and the loss of Teagan (who incidentally was about the same age as my youngest when she died). He couldn't quite get it but I kept saying, "You just never know. You just never know."
I didn't realize quite how true that could be. This afternoon with my entire family in the car - all the boys strapped into the back - we headed into the city to run some back 2 school errands. As we almost reached our exit, the car in front of us braked suddenly to avoid hitting the car in front of him who had done the same. We veer off the interstate into the median to avoid them both and as we did, the car in front of us did the same and came sideways at us. We barely missed him at each point and then almost drove into the oncoming lanes. Surely God was looking out for us that not only did we not him anyone but that no one hit us. It completely shook us all up but we were all safe.
Life can change in an instant. I will try to never take that for granted again.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
We're Rollin' on the River again

Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Growing Fast

As another school year fasts approaches (August 6th here!), I'm suddenly too aware of how fast time passes and how big the boys are getting. I had really been noticing it in Turner lately, but after doing an impromptu photoshoot of Ethan for our family wall, it's even more apparent in him. He's lost 2 teeth in the past week and is looking a bit snaggly there in the smile department, but his face is taking on an angular look and his clothing and interests are really changing.
It's 2nd Grade in a couple of weeks and football and turning 8 all coming up fast. If I blink too much, I'm going to miss it all, so I want to write it down while I can.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Friday the 13th...

Happy Friday the 13th everyone :)
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Monday, July 02, 2007
Happy 4th! (Not sure you'll remember me!)

A quick recap of the past 2 weeks:
After I returned home, and beyond the jet lag (and yes, to those I promised sharing AUS photos, they will eventually make their appearance here...cross my heart!)...there was Father's Day and Turner's Birthday. And since T's bday was the day after Father's day, we celebrated the same day. We went to a petting zoo, had pizza and, after I got through with it, an upside down cake. It didn't start out that way - it began life as a very cute spiderman cake, complete with web. Of course I have no pics of that to proove it as it soon landed on my mom's wood deck. Thank goodness Turner took it better than I did!
So the actual day of his birthday, we had his t-ball game. All the boys were laying down trying to rest up for it as the games go on pretty late in the evening when we hear this thud and before we can get to the stairs, Ethan is flying down them crying, "Carson is hurt and is bleeding bad!" So not what you want to hear. As Hoyte and I rush to him, we can see the blood pouring from his head. Yep...he decided to take the words literally to "5 little monkeys" and did his darndest to re-inact that song. So Mama called the doctor and the doctor said we had to come in quickly for some stitches. Poor thing.

After that, things became a whirlwind with the upcoming CHA show and other work-related activities which show little to no signs of slowing, which hopefully somewhat explains my lack of posting.

(Btw, the little redheaded cutie is my friend's daughter, Emma....don't you wish you had that hair??!)I think there were a total of at least 25-30 children, the majority of them my kids' ages. Turner had his best friend from preschool there and Ethan and Carson soon found some buddies to hang with too. They were like a swarm as they went from one activity to another. It was a riot to watch. They didn't want to go home when we finally pulled them away at about 11:00 that night. Already we can't wait for next year.

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