Years, actually.
And I couldn't be happier for a day to arrive (that is until another special day a month or so down the road. ;)) Last weekend happend to be the baby shower for my best friend, Ann Marie. After too long a wait, she is finally going to be a mommy, and did we celebrate in style.

Her Aunt Sharon and cousins Megan and Colleen hosted a beautiful shower that included a full sit-down lunch, wine, the works. The entire theme was pink (including their outfits). And the decor was absolutely gorgeous right down to inventive clothesline DRIPPING with little outfits and socks to the mandatory diaper cake. ;) You could totally tell Aunt Sharon is an elementary school teacher with her attention to detail (and seriously, what kid wouldn't have wanted to be in her third grade classroom?!)

I've never, ever, EVER seen such gifts lavished upon an unborn child - made entirely worse by this being a little girl. It's hard pressed to find a woman who can resist little girl clothes! I think Baby Girl got anything she might possibly need and a whole lot more than is imagineable!
It was a wonderful weekend and I'm so glad that I got to spend this time with her. It's been so hard on the two of us since she moved away and our time together doesn't come nearly enough. I miss her already and it's only been a week.
Oh, and I have to post a couple more pics - the proud grandmas with the mommy-to-be and the two of us with a our friend Maureen and Gretchen who I hadn't seen in YEARS! And please note I'm only posting this picture so that you can see the teeniest of baby bellies that "someone" was lucky enough to have! I'm just sayin'.

And just so you know...I'll of course be posting pictures when my darling niece finally makes her appearance. I'm just praying that she's not late like her mama most often is ;)
Stay tuned for THIS weekend's update as it was action packed as well :)