I am completely in love with fall and the glorious changes of color, the falling leaves, football, pumpkins, Halloween, apple picking, just everything! (Ok, everything except the allergies that come along with it - ick!) I can't wait to head to our local apple orchard this weekend for some yummy apples & cider. (Jonagolds are my favorites!)
Anyhow to celebrate the arrival of fall and the month of Halloween (also my favorite holiday - perhaps because my birthday is only 2 days later ;)) I decided to have a HUGE giveaway. Check out the amazing collection of BasicGrey's EERIE line! Holy cow! There is a collection pack, rub-ons galore, bling and more bling, buttons, brads and then some all going to one lucky winner.

SO - here's what you have to do. Just leave me a comment between now and Friday, October 1st at midnight (11:59 pm eastern) with what you love most about fall and this package could be yours!!
Have a wonderful Thursday!