Friday, October 06, 2006

cherryArte GIVEAWAY!!!!

Ok, girls! What you've all be waiting for - my fun, fantastic, fabulous cherryArte give away! We are giving away (the design team thanks to Lu, Ms. cherryArte herself ;)) the entire new releases of cherryArte to some lucky winners!! This includes the new stamps, papers, chipboard, the works!!!

And all you have to do to win is submit your favorite cherryArte layout to me at and I will randomly pick a winner at the end of the month from all the entries. Please, only one entry per person and for US residents only (the other CA girls - from Canada, Australia, Netherlands and so forth will have contests open for those located there :)). I can't wait to see your work! :)


Anonymous said...

oh MAN! you are killing me!! gorgeous gorgeous stuff!!! :)

Melissa said...

See... now that's one way to get me to comment! :)

This stuff is GORGEOUS!!!!

Unknown said...

oh my.... i love the colors.. my favorite colors... i love anything black and white.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

awesome papers! i sent ya an email :)

Micaela said...

Beeeeautuiful stuff Kelly!! How do I find an aussie CA girl? LOL!

Anonymous said...

You've got mail...I think.

SusannaT said...

Makes me wish I HAD some Cherry ARte stuff to use.... bummer...

Brandy said...

Darn it, no CherryArte stuff here, with there was cause I would grab it up!

Anonymous said...

Oh my Kelly! I am going to get on this, I LOVE that Cherry Arte, awesome giveaway!!!!

Mary Kay said...

E-mail's on its way. Thanks, Kelly!

Anonymous said...

just give it to me and save on shipping!