Let me explain my joy here. Ever since I started scrapbooking professionally almost 3 years ago, my one goal, my dream goal, was to save up enough money to get my "fancy" camera. I can still remember my girlfriend Robin earning hers and it the thought was so amazing to me that I could actually do that, so it became my goal too. And well, for some reason or another, even though I could have gotten one some time ago, it just never happened.
But tonight, it's MINE it's MINE it's MINE!!!! :D I'm now the proud owner of a Canon Digital Rebel XT 8.0MP SLR camera! (Move over just a little, Carson, Mama has a new baby now! ;))
Conggratulations! Bella is gorgeous...LOL!
Can't wait to see all the great pics you'll take with it!
Have fun with your new camera! And yes you have to treat here as a baby...
Yah! You will love it! Have fun!
Enjoy her dude!!! You've certainly earned her :)
Bwaahahaha, congrats Kelly!!! You are gonna love that puppy!!! I love mine, just need to take some pictures. Hmmmmmmmmmm! Can't wait to see some new ones from you. :o)
Ps... maybe one of you with your purse? LOL
I wish you and Bella much joy, lol.
Congratulations, Kelly! Bella sure is pretty! ;) I'm doing the same thing right now (saving up for one) and I can't wait until I have that baby in my hands! Have fun with it! :)
oooh kelly you lucky girl!!! why don't you use your dh as a subject and post a pic of him....hee!
Congratulations! How fun! And now, a new addiction...
Yea! Big congrats to you and have a ton of fun!!!
YAY! Congrats!! That is the exact camera I have & you will love it - cant wait to see all of the gorgeous photos you take! :)
this is the exact camera that i am getting SOON!!! :) congrats on your new Bella!!!!
I own Bella's sister! Trust me, you will LOVE her.
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