I've had the worst cold/flu/bronchitis thing for the past 2-3 weeks it seems and it's just not completely going away :P - which is a big part of the reason I've been so bad in posting my CHA recap. Ok, so I know it's probably all old news now ;) but I wanted to share a few pics and highlights from my trip to Anaheim!
There is almost too much to mention, but I'm going to give it a try! My trip started out with meeting the amazing Tracey Odachowski in the ATL airport - and then proceeding to bug her and her friend for 45 minutes of the flight and then on into baggage claim! (Sorry Trace!) After getting settled in, I managed to take the tram to the show were I finally got to meet Amy Howe in person. I swear I never thought that day would come! ;) Even better was meeting the crew from BasicGrey again and my awesome roomie, Tarrah. They're an amazing group and I am so blessed to work with them!
Then it was show time! It was crazy busy constantly and I think I made-n-took my little heart out! I am so grateful to have meet all of you that stopped by and spent some time with me, especially those of you that were working the show as well as I know how short your free time was - Cari, Davinie, Lea, Suzy, Jamie, Jackie, Angelia, Susan, Kel, Roxanne, Heather - I loved meeting you all...and RUTH! My Dear BFF...I could never forget you, truly! ;)
And I have to say especially to Sande Krieger - it was an absolute thrill to finally meet you. You are even more amazing in person if that's even possible. Huge hugs to you! And Erikia - if you read this, that invitation to Derby is definately open, girl! I hope you take me up on it! :D

And just a few more highlights - the amazing scenery (I mean really - FLOWERS IN JANUARY???!!) and an impromptu photo op with Amy and her amazing family! Aren't they stinkin' cute??!