Sadly that above photo was one of the precious few I took at CHA. For some reason I just never seemed to remember to pull out my camera (I'm relying on those of you that did to send me pics - Trace, Emily, Silvia... ;)) but CHA was wonderful. I always love going and getting to see the latest and greatest that all the manufacturers are showing. Granted, I only got to see it for about 45 minutes each day as I was the sole make-n-taker at our booth, but I loved it all. I especially love getting to see friends that I only get to see once or twice a year. This year included a special surprise in the form of a former college friend - and if you knew that our college was only about 1200 students or so, you can know how rare that is that I'd run into her in California of all places. So HI to Lani in Florida! I hope to see you at more shows now that we know the other attends! :)

I remember those cloudless blue skies... sigh...(I was born and raised in California, lived in Arizona and Texas before making home in Rhode Island) much different.. but I"ve learned to love the snow... esp. when you see those sweet faces tubing, sledding, skating etc... so fun to be a kid even in the most dreary of weather, huh?!
Looking forward to meeting you at Right at HOme. My neighbor and I will be attending the Friday night layout class.
I can't wait for a night out! lol
Kim F
Oooooo...I'll trade you some time with my palm trees for some time with your snow! ;)
Hi there Kelly...I love your work...it inspires me so much, thanks!
I don't know if you agree, but I have found that often scrappers from all over the world, look in at scrap 'celeb's' blogs often without leaving a comment...so today is the day I thought I'd change that & say HI! It is amazing to think that you guys are in the depths of winter, while we are in the middle of summer, here in Cape Town~South Africa (30 degree's C outside)...isn't the world of cyber space something! You must be missing your beautiful family, while you are away? Have a great day anyway!
~Kim :o)
I'm so sad I missed meeting you in person. I went with Tinkering Ink on Monday to help out. Here is the funn thing about the REALLY NICE cali weather... it only lasted while CHA was going on. After you all left the RAIN came down... and DOWN... AND DOWN LOL
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