Just a quick post to wish you and yours a little "luck o' the Irish" today! My boys got into St. Patrick's Day this year and we made sure they were decked out head to toe for school lest they get pinched. ;) Some hats from the Dollar Tree completed the deal and they were ready to party. Hope you had a wonderful day yourselves, ate yourself silly with some cabbage or potatoes or anything green you could find!
They look SO cute!! :)
omgosh kelly... what a vibrant gorgeous pic of them!
they are so super cute...
happy st. pats to you!
Kim Faucher
those are some seriously precious boys.
hope you had a wonderful day!
I hope you see my previous post about proton beam radiation therapy for Jake. dont know how to send it to you directly
Wow, what a cute picture.
I love your layouts very much! :)
Happy easter
TOO cute! Love it!!!
aren't they cute!
love the hats :)
Could your boys be ANY cuter? Adorable little Kelly's - that's for sure! Happy Easter! Suzy
I love that you have 3 boys. I hopping for one more and I can have 3 in a row. I love this photo.
Your boys are darling! I love this picture!!!
How cute are they?? Love all the green!
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