I think this might be one of the best valentine's I ever got! Love this from my little man, especially because when you open it up, it says "THIS MUCH!" all in his cute little five-year-old handwriting! So sweet...and those feet? Ha!
Just popping on here a minute to announce the winners of my Valentine Giveaway but first I want to THANK YOU so much for all your awesome ideas! WOW you all are so creative! So far we've done heart-shaped powered sugar donuts and there's more to come :) Hope all of you are having a day dedicated to those you love, too!
Huge congratulations to: #14 and #30 which means Ms. Harley Dee (who's name just happened to be sandwiched in between two past winners!) is the winner of the Porcelain pack and Ms. Erin Sweeney (whooohooo!) is the winner of the Lime Rickey goodness! Email me at kelly.goree@gmail.com with your addys, ladies, and they will be on their way!