So school did start back (like oh 2 weeks ago!) and while that might make some believe that I now have all the time in the world, that apparently isn't so. Suddenly we're thrust into a world of homework, practices, games and lots of other craziness and it only shows signs of getting worse! We haven't yet gotten into the routine of managing it all, but we're working on it!
As crazy as it's been, a few really fun things have been happening! Beyond all the back-to-school stuff, I have been traveling quite a bit teaching at various events. During my trip to New Jersey this weekend for the Scrapbook Expo, I finally got to meet one of my long-time friends, Melissa, and her adorable (and precocious!) daughter, Rachel! It was such a joy to finally meet in person after all this time! There were also several wonderful women that came just to take my classes and they really made the trip a great one - Jing-Jing and crew, Christine, Doreen, Beth! But I have an especially huge hug for Lynn. Thank you so much for not only spending one day with me, but TWO! You are such a sweet and wonderful person and I am so glad to call you a friend! (And as I'm typing this, I'm still sitting in the Charlotte airport enjoying my 4 hour layover and anxiously waiting to get home to my guys!)
AND at his scrimmage against another county this week, Ethan will be playing the position of quarterback! It's been his dream since he started playing and while he loves being a running back/defensive tackle, he can't seem to get the grin off his face, he's soooo excited!I'm excited for him and just a tad bit proud! :)
Last but not least, my little man celebrated his 6th birthday yesterday. It's unreal to me that he's six! When did that happen??! ("On my birthday", he'd tell me! ;)) Since I was going to be out of town on the actual day, we celebrated it in style last Sunday. We headed out to Kart Kountry for go-karts, video games, miniature golf, batting cages, bumper boats and more! Now *that's* a party! I think it's safe to say a good time was had by all! (And he's totally milked his birthday for the entire week!) Here are a few photos of our day and my happy BIG boy!

Lots of things are coming this week that I hope to share with you including a guest blogger stint at Scrapbook & Cards Today, an appearance at TwoPeas for Miss KP's Super Sketches, and as a guest designer at Scrapbook Deals4U.com.
Have a wonderful week!
I wondered what happened to you. Good to have you back. :)
We loved meeting you, Kelly! Glad you made it home safely.
looks like you have been busy....looks like fun!
{waving} It was great to finally be able to hang out in person after all these years! Rachel is now a huge BasicGrey fan and so excited to have her very own BG stash. I might have to introduce her to what I have left of the very early lines so maybe she'll share with me if I share with her. LOL
PS. Notice the new avatar. :D
I was actually at the Expo on Friday and tried to find you 'cause I'm a fangurl of yours, but no such luck so I ended up spending far too much $$$ but it was so worth it :)
Looks like this birthday was a blast! Glad you guys had so much fun. :)
Your class was fantastic. We had a great time....thanks for putting up with us! I can imagine we were a little disruptive -- we blame Jing-Jing.
Awwww ... super huge hugs to you my wonderful friend. I think it's amazing that we could just sit and chat for hours about all sorts of stuff having only just met. You are one of a kind my dear and I miss you tons already! :)
Oh my gosh, Kelly! I can't believe your youngest is 6!! I am glad you had a wonderful time will everyone at your class/expo!! It would be fun to meet you one of these days if you are ever in the Twin Cities! I am a huge fan of you and your work!! :)
It was so nice seeing you again Kelly - I still remember having met you at CHA 3+ years ago, and it was so nice to see you again and be able to take your classes - it was the highlight of my day at the expo!
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