...you make amazing scrapbook pages like my sweet (and sassy!) friend,
Sherry Steveson! Sherry is the author of two books with F+W Publishing,
When Life Gives You Lemons: Turning Sour Photos Into Sweet Scrapbook Layouts, and her latest,
The Scrapbook Embellishment Handbook. She is also the instructor of the class "Lemons: Making Sweet Pages from Sour Photos" at Debbie Hodge's site
"Get It Scrapped!" where she shares some of the ideas and techniques found in her book. The fantastic news is that she is giving away a spot in her class to one of my fantastic blog readers! (Thanks, Sherry!!)
Just leave a comment here telling me all about your "lemony-est" photo and you'll be entered to win! I will take comments until 11:59 pm Sunday night (9/13) and will draw a winner Monday morning. Sherry's class starts that following Wednesday, September 16th!Have a blessed day.
I will never forget.
Oh my goodness!! My lemony-est photos would have to be the ones I took of my daughter as we were finishing up her off to college shopping. I did not have my camera so I took them with my phone and sent them to my email. The girls wold not stand still so the are so blurry!!! But still need to scrap them!
my favorite subject is my daughter but lately all she does is hold her hands to her face or runs/turn around at the last minute. most of the time, i end up with blurry or 'i-don't-wanna-have-my-photo-taken' pictures. But I still love those photos and I want to use them in my projects.
thanks for the chance to win!
Wow first. . . usually not up this early! My "lemony-est" photo is of my daughter on her first day (second year) of preschool. She's coming down the stairs holding her daddy's hand. You don't see daddy but you see the hand and she's looking up, smilling at him. It shows how small she was and the love she has for dad. It was out of focus with the wrong shutter speed situation. I've gotten around it by printing a small image.
I have been taking photos for so long my list of "lemony-est" photos is too long to even begin to list.
Then there are all the family photos taken by my dad & others that are not so great due to the available equipment at the time or the ravages of time. But I do want to preserve the memories with those and mine.
my lemony-est photos right now are my kids taking their tae kwon do belt tests. I definitely want to document each belt they earn, but the photos are soooooo not good.
Oh I have all kinds, some blurry, some taken by my boys with my head cut off! LOL!
My lemony-est photos are the ones I took the first day we brought our brand new puppy home. ALL of them blurry. Not one good shot.
I actually have a great one of me, mid-air jumping on a sand castle...only problem...GREAT BIG THUMB covering most of one side of the photo! Yikes!
I have one of a bunch of my friends while we were on retreat... it is awfully awfully yellow!!!!
Mine have got to be the pictures from my oldest daughters kindergarten graduation. It was inside the gym at her school and I had a horrible camera that was dying, so the pictures are colored awful and she's soooooooo far away because I couldn't even zoom in. Ugh!
Thanks for the chance to win!
- April
I have what would be a wonderful photo of my uncle...except my husband poked his head in the pic and stuck out his tongue so it looks like he's licking the side of my uncle's head. Sigh. LOL!
My lemony-est is of the beautiful ocean and my baby Hunter. I also have great shots of family
Wow. I could really use this. I have so many 'lemon' photos and it really bums be out. There are those that I get when I hand the camera over to someone else; but I want to be in the photos with my kids, too! I'd love to get ideas on how to scrap them. Thanks!
My lemoniest photos are the ones I don't have. I forgot to charge the battery on the camera & missed photos of my granddaughter's Bday. It seems everyone was counting on me & didn't bring a camera.
My lemony-est photos are of my DD's dance and cheer recitals. Why is it that they always/without fail/you can count on it - put her in the back row?? It's not like she's the tallest. grr.
My only daughter is very pale...like as in ghost-white pale. It is often really hard to get a good photograph of her without blowing out the whites on her face. I took back-to-school pictures of the kids, thinking I was catching some excellent morning light and found that everyone of them is just a bright white blog where her face should be.
I think my "lemony-est" photo would have to be the ones that my dear hubby took of me while I was in labor with my children. They are ones that you really dont want the whole world to see but they are a part of my child's beginning in life so I decided to be bold enough to add them to the scrapbook pages!!
Actually.... my lemony-est photo ive taken must be today...when i took pictures of a bowl of lemons and limes. hehe
Hugs, Daniela/Neliz
Seems like I take alot of lemony photos and my lastest were from a Detroit Tigers baseball game where I didn't notice that my son had put a big finger print on the lenses of my point-n-shoot camera which made a big blur right in the middle of each photo.
Wow! Great giveaway!!! I think the sourest photos I have taken were from one Easter about 4 years ago. I am not sure what happened but each and EVERY photo came out blurry!! My husband was deployed that Easter so I was very sad not to have decent photos to share with him!
I don't know about my lemony-est photos but the pictures of my first child were pretty bad. And then to make it worse, they were the first ones I scrapbooked about 13 years ago. Of course, I used the lovely scissors and funky shapes and pretty much demolished them. Aargh!
When my 2nd daughter was born, I didn't know how to use my new camera yet so almost ALL of her first pictures, from newborn to about 4 weeks of age are blurry b/c I didn't know what I was doing wrong. :(
There aren't very many pictures with me in.... cause I'm usually on the taking side! But the last time I really wanted some photos of me and passed off the camera to my other half. Needless to say, his focusing skills were a little off and everything is either focused in front or behind me. ;)
Jenn in Vancouver
There aren't very many pictures with me in.... cause I'm usually on the taking side! But the last time I really wanted some photos of me and passed off the camera to my other half. Needless to say, his focusing skills were a little off and everything is either focused in front or behind me. ;)
Jenn in Vancouver
I have a photo of my two-year-old with a lollipop in her mouth while praying. She folded her hands to pray, then snuck he lollipop in her mouth when I closed my eyes. I quickly took it with my phone, so the quality is horrible, but so very precious.
I've got lots of lemons! Many sports photos, my daughter cheering and my son playing basketball. The yellow cast from the gym lights, horrible! And newborn photos from my dd 16 years ago. Those make me sad. I didn't know any better and took horrible pictures, but they're all I have so I want to scrap them. I could really use this class.
I have 3 grandsons and have had a camera stuck to me since their births.
I took the youngest to Great America amusement park for the first time. I didn't want to lug my big camera around so brought my great point and shoot. Get to the park.....battery is dead and no extra battery. All the photos had to be taken with my camera phone :(
My lemony-est are usually the "facebook" style ones my daughters and I take together. They are usually too goofy- but that would make a great layout.
hmm well last year I made this grand attempt to dress up my girls in Christmas Dresses and get a "lovely" picture of them outside of Santa's set up at the mall. Except my 1 year old at the time had just learned to walk and wanted nothing to do with sitting still. And my 5 year old had this goofy fake smile on the whole time.
Every picture has goofy smile dd 2 with a blur of dd 1 in front of her whizzing by. They are awful but they are the only pictures I have of them in their lovely dresses. sigh.
My 'lemon' photos must be from the entire beach vacation when there was a blob of sand on my lense - so every photo taken has that big blob right in the middle. ug. They for sure all have that 'beach feel' - lol.
Picture this: 1st grade school picture. Mom curls littloe girls hair. when mom isnt looking little girl goes to bathroom and wets it all down. THEN when said school photo is taken 1st grader looks like she is scared out of her skin. (now favorite) worst school picture ever! :) still have to love her.
Katie (katscrapper@blkbart.com)
I just got some very lemony pictures yesterday at the high school football team - both of my daughters are seniors and on the cheer squad and my pictures of the pyramids came out all blurry! I need help!
All my photos of my children performing or receiving awards on stage are lemons ( I can never get stage photography right!!) - but they are special occasions in their lives so I scrap them anyway. Thanks for the opportunity to win a great class.
One of my lemony-est photos is one of my oldest daughter when she was about four and coloring at her little table. Like many 4-yo's she wouldn't give me a natural smile if I *asked* to take her photo. So instead, I stood at the top of the stairs, leaned over the railing as best I could and called her name. She looked up and gave me the perfect spontaneous, natural smile and I snapped the photo. What I didn't realize until I developed the photo (another reason to thank god for my digital SLR) was that the railing showed up as a huge blurry line across the bottom quarter/half of the photo. I can't crop it out because then I would lose an important appendage on her.
the one photo that I would love to scrap is so bad.....Both dogs "graduation" from a 6 month obedience course. It's 2 of us that took our dogs thru standing witht the teacher that we loved dearly.....Our heads are halfway cut off.....and we cannot "recreate" the moment because she moved...
I've botched great shots by having them completely out of focus, so frustrating. Or I focus in on my son and then the picture is printed and half is head is cut off. Ugh!
I'd love to win a spot, that is so generous of you and Sherry! My 'lemony-est' photos are those that are out of focus - it's so frustrating to have a great digital SLR camera and still have photos turn out blurry/out of focus, or have a lot of noise.
Without knowing which specific photo I am talking about, I can guarantee you that my most lemony photo would be one of my wonderful husband and I that has turned out blurry. For some reason it seems any time I am able to muster up the courage to hand the camera off and ask someone to snap a pic of the two of us together, the darn thing comes out blurry. :(
my funniest lemon story:
i have this 'sweet' photo of my dear niece smiling at me . . . so sweet . . . a few weeks later i look at the photo and realize she's giving me the LOSER sign!!!!!!!!
If this book is as good as her latest "The Scrapbook Embellishment Handbook", then I am all over this class!
I recently got a new Canon Rebel - Dang, I still take horrid pics! I have tons - too many to pick that fit the lemon-est style!!
My "lemony" picture(s) are from my wedding 12 years ago. We didn't have the best of luck with our photographer, but fortunately my mother made sure that EVERY guest had a disposable camera. Needless to say we have some VERY lemony photos...great memories, yet "dripping with LEMON juice";^)
The one time I didn't take my camera to the blueberry patch, my husband had to use his phone to get pictures of our two-year old triplets looking as dirty as the Mary Poppins Chimney sweeps. I can't wait to find out how to make that picture functional on a page. It was such in hoot!
What a great idea. I have a some photos that are terrible but it's just so hard to dump them.
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