I have to say, I'm not exactly sorry to see you go. You have been one of the hottest, most miserably humid Julys on record. We usually save that kind of heat and ickyness for August. You were an overachiever, July. But I can see you're trying to redeem yourself with absolutely glorious weather your last two days with us and for that I thank you! :)
Many times as I summer passes, I can recall absolutely NOTHING of what we did all summer. My memory is terrible in that regard and then I always feel horrible that we didn't do "enough." Thank goodness for my 365 pictures! This year, I can remember all the fun we had and all the different things we did...even in this most oppressive month of July.
We did things like...
go to the farmers market for fresh fruit...

played in the sprinklers...and swam and swam and swam....

spent a little time on the river and swam some more (what else can you do in the heat?)...
Oh yes, well, we consumed quite a bit of ice cream, too....

grew things from seeds and saw the results...

saw gorgeous things in nature....

attended a couple of football camps to get ready for the season (one at St. X and let me tel you, that was a bit surreal!)

enjoyed our town...

went to an always-amazing 4th party...

and so much more..
And that? That's why I still am working so hard to do this 365 project this year.
And now I can officially say "Good-bye, July. Thanks for everything and see you next year!"
But I'm sooooo not ready for you, August!
Have a beautiful Saturday, friends!