As promised, I have an Ella eBook giveaway for one of my lucky readers!! And if you've been with me any period of time, you know just how much I love the girls at Ella *and* how amazing their books are. This one is no exception. So...
Let's hear it for the girls!
Got girls?
While I don't have one myself, I *am* one and I know many of you out there are mama to some cuties and therefor this book is for YOU!
This handy-dandy guidebook is here to help you make sure you capture all the essentials of who they are—the facets of their lives and personalities that matter most—in between all the holiday and event photos that describe what they do.
The gals at Ella invited five moms of girls (and only girls AND some of my friends!) to brainstorm a list of 20 essential “girly” topics and create stunning layout examples for each. They offered up their best ideas for making their girls’ layouts meaningful, authentic, and unique. And with 13 daughters, ranging in age from 3 to 16, these women know a thing or two about buttons and butterflies, princess costumes and prom dresses. Let's get girly!
Simply leave your name in the comment section below along with why YOU need this girlie book by WEDNESDAY, Sept 1st at 12:00 noon Eastern and be entered to win!
p.s. As some of you might have guessed, Ella also has an Essential Guide for Scrapbooking Boys, too! You'll never guess who might be a part of that! ;) Watch for it in September 2010.
ME!! I've got 2 girls so I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed this! ;)
- April W
I have an adorable 3 year old who loves to have her picture taken. It would be so nice to get inspiration from the amazing folks at Ella!
Thanks for the chance to win.
I NEED this one!
Well, I have 3 boys and my hubby and I thought we were done with kids and just a bit over two years ago our little princess came!! My boys are 13, 11 and 9 and so for 11 years I did not do any pink, no barbies, no girley girl stuff... and now... well, I need all the help I can get!!!LOL
Would love to win this!!!
I don't have children, but I have a beautiful niece and maybe 2 on the way (my brother and sister in law are expecting twins and they don't know the gender yet...), so I could use this one!
How I would love to win one of these books!! I have two girls and one can never have too many idea books!! This one looks amazing!
Oh I definitely NEED this:) Seeing as we have 1 girlie girl so far. I told my DH that we are only having girls so he needs to get on board with that since that's his department;)
Awesome!! I have two girls and this would be a wonderful reference for those girly photos I take. Thanks for the chance to win!!
I NEED this book!!! I have one beautiful 3 year old and I don't want to miss ANYTHING!!! So, I need all the help I can get.
Thanks for the chance to win!!
I have 2 girls too. A little one, and a big one. I NEED this because I seem to find so many really cute boy themed layouts/products, but not so many for girls. I wouldn't want my girls to feel left out.
What a great e-book!! I definitely want to see this and the one for boys too!! :)
I would love to win a copy of this book! I have a little girly girl that I scrapbook and can always use more ideas!
I would love to have this book. My daughter was just married in June, but I am still scrapbooking (in some cases "re-scrapbooking") pages when she was little. I learned so much from the Ella book of photography tips, as linked through your blog, Kelly!
Love, love, love your designs, Kelly!
Thanks for sharing Kelly - as a Mum of 2 boys I can't wait for the boy book!!!
Love Sarah xx
Well, Kelly, of course, I feel I am the one who needs this book the most!!!!I have 3 daughters (twins who are 20 and another who is 15) and I still have TONS of photos that NEED to make it to pages and into albums!!! Please pick me!
I have two girls, and a HUGE backlog of photos. I didn't start scrapping til they were older!! I would love some inspiration for scrapping little girls!
I NEED this book! :) My little gal is only 22 mos. so I need to know exactly what moments to catch! Even at her young age I have moments I wish I had captured and didn't :( I don't want to miss anymore!!
Thanks so much for the chance to win this!
I would really use this. I have two girls. My oldest just left for college, and my youngest is just starting high school. Lots of things I should scrap!!
Thanks for the giveaway.
Lori H. (Lawrenceburg, KY)
I (a Dutch 17-yo girl) don't have children yet, but I do have the most cutest nieces...not just one or two or three of them...no, I'm blessed with 8 nieces and the youngest of them is only 1 month old. Of course they're my favourite subjects for layouts and mini albums. I'm definitely a girly girl and I think you can see that in all my creations too: I'm a huge fan of pink, glitter, flowers and pretty charms... And I think I can never get enough inspiration to make some more innovative girly pages. I can see myself reading this book over and over again.
Thanks for the opportunity to win this! I'll keep my fingers crossed:)
I don't have children yet, but I'm hoping to have a girl someday! I'd love to win this book!
I would love to win this - I have a two year old girl who wants to be like her brother. I need all the girly inspiration I can get- I'm sick of tractors and dirt....!!
I have two school-age girls and find that I get into a rut and scrapbook the same types of photos and events year after year. I need this book to help be get out of my rut>
thanks for the fab giveaway!!
I need this book for my sweet 5 year old daughter (who is 5 going on 16) and my 10 neices....lots and lots of girly stuff going on here!
Hi, my name is Sarah Mullanix and although I do have a little two year old boy, Carter, I have two older daughters, Becca 14 and Emmy 10, that I could totally use this for!! Thanks for the chance to win! :)
I would love to win this book as I have 3 beautiful girls and I am about to start a photography course at evening classes and as I will need to practice my camera skills I don't doubt I will have many more girly photos than I have already. Also I need some more inspiration as I am running out of new ways to scrap girls!
I have a bunch of pictures of my twin sister and me when we were little! I would love some ideas as I just have a boy and have forgotten a lot of the little idiosyncrasies of little girls!!! :-) Thanks for a chance to win!
I have 3 boys and 1 little girl. I do some many boy layouts. I would love some girl inspiration!!!
I would love some ideas on scrapping my precious daughter, Audrey. She's 3 now, so I've got plenty more years to scrapbook her. Send over the ideas.
Being the mother of 4 girls, I could always use more inspiration.
I have 2 beautiful daughters and love any inspiration for the many, many pictures I take of them.
Wow! I need to a girlie book because I have five nieces that I scrapbook!
Melinda Wilson
my baby girl just turned one, so i am officially at the end of baby and the beginnings of little girl, I am so glad that Ella is keeping us old Simple Scrapbook junkies from going crazy, they are great!
I have a little princess as well and I'd love some fresh ideas on some great girly pages to make, aside from the mandatory pink and sparkles. Thanks for the chance to win!
would love to win this book so i can document better my daughters life and her special feelings on growing up
I would love to have this guide as I have a dauhter that just turned 11 and thousands of photos of her. If I don't win I'm going to have to buy this one!
oh. my. goodness...this is SWEET!!! I "need" this book b/c there are four girlies in my household...one of which has 4 legs...and we LOVE to scrapbook about ourselves :) thanks for the giveaway!!!
I would love love to win this book; I just had a baby girl after 3 boys and I could definately use this for sure. Crossing my fingers for luck. Michelle P
Pick me! I have two little girls- a 3 1/2 year old drama queen girly girl and an almost 2 year old crazy tom boy! Not to mention I am pretty girly myself! ;)
I NEED this ebook! My daughter is 15 and I know I have missed so much. I would love to go back and get some of these layouts done. Thank you!
OoooOOOO! Thanks for the chance to win! (And I can't wait for the one on boys to come out either!!) :-) Thanks Kelly!
my daughter is 14 so I have lots of pictures to scrap! i need new ideas and i have never seen an E book. would love to check one out:)
Lori R
I need this book to give my girly idea for layouts!
I need this book to give my girly idea for layouts!
I have two girly-girls and I need to get scrapping as they are growing up much too fast.
Well, I have 4 boys and one daughter and my mind is always in boy mode when I scrapbook! So this would be perfect for me! I just can't get girly enough!
This sounds like the perfect book! I have a 7 year old daughter & I don't want to miss out on scrapping anything about her wonderful life :-) Thanks for the chance to win!
You can never have too many ideas for beautiful girlie pages. Would love to win, thanks for the chance.
I'd love to win because I have so many pictures of my daughter that need to be scrapped! :-)
Looks like a great book!! I have two girls and always need new ideas on how to scrapbook them.
I have a 2 year old and she may be the only child I will have. I grew up in another country and my experiences are totally different from what my daughter's journey will be. It would be a great book to have - giving me a glimpse of what to look forward to and what regular or (extra)ordinary day to day things or milestones are important in a girls' life in context to the country she is growing up in. Thanks for making me aware of this book which I believe will be a great source for ideas, inspiration and creativity!
I have two girly girls in my house and hundreds of pictures that need scrapping. I definitely need this book. Thanks.!
Well...let's see, I'm the oldest of three girls...I have two girls of my own...2 girl cats, 2 girl guinea pigs and a girl fish....need I say more?
I need this book, I do have a girl, but no inspiration :-(
I have just recenty begun scrapbooking and with two daughters age 16 and 19 I have an unbelievable amount of photos. I could certainly use the inspiration this book would provide.
I need this book to tell me how to handle the high maintenance drama that my 5yr old is putting me through and to laugh it off instead of pulling out my hair.
I would love this book! I have one little girl and I am always wanting new ideas for scrapping her!!!
i am the only girl in my house...so i scrapbook me, my mum and my nieces....this would be totally perfect for me...girl power in my house would be a good thing!!!!
I have the most amazing 7 year old daughter, and I soooo need this book!!
as a mama to two girls I would love to have this book!
I would love to win this book - I have 2 daughter 21 and 16 (and lots of old pictures that NEED to get into books)My oldest daughter's best friend also just had a little girl (I since I am "grandma" I have lots of new pictures of a baby girl to scrap too!! I can never have enough ideas!!
Would love to find inspiration in this book. I have a 1 yr old girl who was born very premature at 28 weeks. She's our little miracle girl and I'd love to learn some more ways to scrap and journal about her.
I was blessed with a rich man's family...one boy, one girl. My girl has two boys and my son has two girls. I scrapbook for both, but the girls have dance recitals, etc. This would really come in so hand for scrapbooking for my DIL (who is all girl) and her girls....my granddaughters. Thanks to you and your sponsors.
Carrie G.
Please, please pick me! I have a girly, girl and I need some ideas!
I'm a mum of 3 girls and have a sister too - this guide would be SO handy for me!!
I have a 12-year-old daughter. I have only been scrapping for three yeasr so I have a lot of "catching up" to do. I would love the chance to win this e-book!
Of all the Ella books, I need this one the most - that's 99% of what I scrap!! Pick me! Pick me!
Having a "late-in-life" baby girl (now 2), after 2 boys (ages 14 and 12), this would would be a great to help me with "girly" layouts. Thanks for the opportunity!
Kelly, I read your blog post that you wrote in 2008 concerning the church bus that was hit by a drunk driver. I was googling the name of a friend of mine, Charles Kytta, whose father, of the same name, was driving that bus and lost his life along with several of your friends. My friend, Charles Kytta III, just lost his life at the same age as his father in a head-on collision this past Tuesday. He was hit by a young driver and at this time authorities aren't sure if alcohol or texting was a factor. He leaves behind a wife and a baby daughter.
love your blog:)
I am following now:)
I hope you stop by and check mine out sometime:)
Oh and I wanted to invite you to http://www.chatterscene.com we have a great scrapbook and craft area:) As well as many other fun areas. And a contest to win $50.00 starting this week coming up:)
Has the prize been given away? I haven't seen Kelly post for a long time. Or is she teaching somewhere? Or is my computer doing something funny (like a "Groundhog Day" movie???)
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