And apparently, I lie. Even when I don't mean to do it. I prommmiseddd (as my 9 year old whines) to come back after my last blog post and well. I didn't. I stink. And I'm sorry.
But I'm going to try and make it up to you today and be at least a little better about blogging. I've missed it. And I've missed you guys and now that the kiddos are back in school maybe I'll have more than 2 minutes to myself to think during a day. Maybe.
So here are the fun things I want to talk about and share with you today!
First up is this:

Whoot! That's right! The fall issue of the all-new and improved and BIGGER
Scrapbook & Cards Today is now available! I love the work I did in this issue and let me tell you, the eye candy abounds! (A personal favorite is my girl Vicki Boutin's 3 Designer layout called "Let's Go!" Trust me, you won't want to miss it! Get your free e-copy TODAY by clicking
HERE or if you MUST (like me) have a paper copy, order your subscription now or hurry to your local LSS!
And then there's
My darling friend Lynn Ghahary has put up an amazing workshop at
Two Peas in a Bucket called
"Step up your Scrapbooking." It's only $25 and worth. every. penny. And I'm not just saying that because she let me be a teeny part of it. I'm saying it because I spent some real time last night going through the entire workshop and being blown away with the caliber of projects and material that is included. If you ever, ever, ever wanted to challenge yourself to take your scrapbooking to the "next level", then this class is for you!
Below are just small peeks into two of the pages I did for Lynn's class. The first was for a section on Journaling and the other in the Titles chapter. The one on the right is one of my fave pages in ages!
And finally, my "apology" for being so sporadic lately - a GIVEAWAY!!!! Last weekend was Archiver's SCRAPFEST in Minneapolis and not only did I make and take all three days of the events, but I also taught two classes a day. My favorite class was my BasicGrey Clippings class and I brought back my teacher's kit (with full instructions) for a lucky one of you!!
Here's a little sneak of the three single page layouts you can make with the kit:

Simply leave a comment on this post telling me what things you still need to/are wanting to scrapbook, then enter saying you did so using my RaffleCopter and you could win!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Have a wonderful Friday!