Oh yes, it's soccer season!
Soccer practice, soccer games and then, more soccer! Wheee!
I have to admit I do so love being a soccer mom. It was one of the things I was most excited about when I finally figured out I was going to be a mom to only boys. Sadly, my older two don't have much interest in soccer, so it's all on my baby. He, though, loves soccer. Loves. And while he's really not the greatest at it, his enthusiasm just kills me!

I love that they end every practice with a "hands in" and a "go team". Too stinking cute and I think Carson's favorite part beyond snack. (C is the one in the white holding his blue ball.)
The Team:

Unfortunately the weather has been ugly on game days so we've only managed to get one in so far, but it was a riot. It's not soccer, it's herd ball at this age. Everyone rushes to get the ball at once, fighting each other for it even when you're on the same team. Makes for many a hilarious moment I tell you. C is learning to be agressive while out there (last season he always ran about 5 yards behind) so sometimes you get something that looks like this...

And then at others...something more like this....(hee)

And then when he plays goalie, this...

(He looks so excited, doesn't he?!) He hasn't quite figured out that at goalie you can use your hands and that often it's preferable so well, he gets scored on as much as he doesn't. So um, he doesn't play goalie often, but he's darn cute when he does.
Just a few more...

And that tongue? Yep, it's out every time he's concentrating on something really hard - from soccer, to homework, to anything he's serious about! Too cute. I'll miss it when it's gone!

Ok, I'm off to get some work done before all the after school activities and then more soccer tonight (a make-up game for one of the yucky days we'd had last week). It's Derby Time here in Kentucky so that always makes things extra exciting and extra busy. Stay tuned in the next few days for
Balloon Race pictures! (My all time favorite Derby event ever!)
Have a great Grey Thursday!