So I think I've mentioned that it's Spring Break around here. And sadly when your mom works from home (and the weather has been really cruddy), the poor kiddos get the short end of the stick as far as activities go. But yesterday, since it was our first beautiful day all week, my mom and I took the boys across the river to Indiana to see the
Falls of the Ohio.

First for a bit of history (school never really ends even when it's out, does it?!), the falls really are "falls" (but not of the Niagra magnitude - ha!) where there are uneven waters that make boat passing really impossible. Since the Ohio is such a major waterway, ages ago they set up these "locks" that controlled the flow of water and allowed for boats and barges to pass easily. When they started controlling the water, they discovered something they hadn't expected - one of the largest fossil beds of limestone in this region which contains remains that indicate TROPICAL sea life from 387 million years ago! TROPICAL - in KENTUCKY!

Anyhow, it's really fascinating and you don't have to look hard to find all kinds of fossils even though we went when the water was high. (Autumn is when the water is lowest and you can get deeper into the fossil beds.) The boys were constantly showing me what they had found and we even got to take one small fossil home from the digging area they have set up for the kids. (Fossil removal from the river bed is illegal.)

We ended our afternoon excursion with a visit to the yummiest little ice cream parlor (in an adorable little Victorian house) and then playing at the park by the waterfront. It made for some tired kids, but a wonderful day. If you're from this area and have kiddos that love rocks, dirt and climbing, this is the place for you! I hope you'll check out the link above and go! :)

And one final reminder my
Coordinates Collections giveaway ends at midnight tonight so click
HERE to get entered to win! :)
Have a wonderful Good Friday, everyone.
Gorgeous photos!!! Your little guys are so cute! I especially love that smiling face with the ice cream cone!
awesome day you will all cherish :)
Adorable photos to scrapbook. Looks like a fun city to visit.
That's cool! I go to Louisville (from Indy) alot and I never knew about that. I'll have to check them out.. my son would love to play in some dirt by the river, LOL.
I'm in central Ohio, but grew up on the river - and I've never been to the Falls, though I've heard about them. I think that'll be a road trip this summer! Thank you for sharing your day.
We still have locks from the Erie Canal up here - maybe you could venture up a bit more north to share more history with the boys. ;o)
thanks for the post... i was looking for "staycation" idea for the boys.
ill have to head there soon..
Kelly - I was just jumping from blog to blog and came across yours. But what caught my attention was the photo of your "spring break" trip to the Ohio Falls. I thought this looks so familiar. So I had to scroll down to check, yup, it's familiar. I live in Indy and have been down that way a time or two, my husband travels through this area all the time. He always calls when he's on his way home to report "I'm crossing the river." Which means he will be home in about two hours. It's good to find a blog by someone who is local. I will bookmark your blog. Adorable boys!!
Love all the photos! Your kids are sooo cute! the place looks like a great place for kids :-)
Have a great easter!
Great pics! Looks like your boys had fun. :)
The colors in the ice cream alone mesmerized me! What inspiration! Thanks for sharing your life and talent w/ us!!!
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