Winners announced soon!
Good morning, all! I don't know about where you are, but here it's not only Spring Break, but it's SNOWING! For the love of all things holy - SNOW in APRIL in KENTUCKY! Gah! I don't think we've had that happen since my Junior Year spring break in High School! (I'm NOT going to give the year because it was awhile back...too long. And WHY is it that Spring Break is totally different when you're the parent?!! Sigh. Sorry. I got off-track there for a second...)

Anyhow - since it's one of those nasty looking days, I figured I needed to spread a little cheer and what better than FREE GOODIES??! Last week Jamie at
Coordinates Collections contacted me to see if I would like to give away one of each of her two collections this month both featuring
BASICGREY! And since I know everyone likes free stuff, especially BasicGrey free stuff, I jumped at the chance to do that for her.
She has two kits up for sale this month at her site. The first is the
Puddles kit featuring quite a bit of Marrakech. Doesn't it look fab?
The other is this beautiful
Petals kit featuring BasicGrey's Porcelain. I am totally loving all that pink and orange together! Jamie does an amazing job at creating these unique kits. They coordinate and mix so beautifully!
And just think - this bit of happiness can be delivered right to your door if you are the lucky winner!
Just leave me a comment between now and Friday at 11:59 PM Eastern telling me your favorite thing about Spring or Spring Break to be entered. I'll draw the lucky winner on Saturday and Jamie will get your kit right out to you!
Good luck and Happy Tuesday!
1 – 200 of 251 Newer› Newest»Oh Kelly I feel your pain! We started off with snow here in Colorado too! and I totally hear you about SB not being so fun for Moms...*sigh*
Ok so my favorite thing about Spring is the colors! I love how everything starts to come alive in the spring!
Enjoy your week!
One thing you can say about Kentucky weather is that you only have to wait about 5 minutes for it to change!
I would love to win one of those wonderful kits. I haven't been able to get my hands on any of the new BG yet. :(
The fresh air, trees coming back to life and all the flowers blooming! Spring is really my favorite season!
And snow here too in Ottawa Canada, yes it's common, but we were finally seing the grass!
My fave thing about Spring Break is that my hubby actually takes some time off to be w/ our kids during their vacation. We've taken some fun vacations in the spring - Disney, skiing...but the best things is that we're ALL together to enjoy the break!
Thanks for the chance to win one of these kits!
Yay, thanks for the giveaway! My favorite thing about Spring is my birthday. It is on April 3rd and I turned fifty this year.
My favorite thing about spring is spring weather! Not this cold, rainy and snowy stuff we've been experiencing, but beautiful sunny days at a comfortable no-coats-needed temperature!
I actually wish we had some snow here! Spring is my favorite season...I love the rain, early sunshine and green grass. It helps that my birthday is in spring!
I'm completely over this snowing thing in April. My favorite thing about Spring is the warmer weather and being able to break out the capri's and flip flops. Now to just get the weather to cooperate...
love jamie and her kits - so miss designing for them!
dude, we had snow here as well but it melted quite quickly. the current forecast for easter is 58.... we'll see.
These are beautiful kits!
My favorite part of spring is going for long walks in the neighborhood and park and seeing everyone that has been cooped up all winter.
My kids are in school for 2 more days then off for 10, so I'm enjoying my last days of quiet!
I am loving watching my son have a blast playing outside. Its so nice that its spring and we are able to get outside! Although next week could be winter and snow! haha!
Oh you poor thing I cant imagine having snow during spring break. The thing I love about spring is the warmer sun and the beautiful flowers that start to bloom
lots of snow here in Canada too!
my favorite thing about spring break is spending time with my boys :)
thanks for the chance to win...got some candy over on my blog too!
My favorite thing about spring is bluebonnets in Texas. They are everywhere...and you just can't help but love them!!
Kelly, we didn't get the snow, but it is considerably colder here than it has been in awhile. I cannot imagine how spring break is going to be when my boys are older...I remember what I used to do. What was my mom thinking by letting me go by myself??
Anyway, my favorite part of spring is waking up to nice blue skies and the sun shining more often. It is a sure sign for warmer weather!
Both of those kits are fabulous! My favorite thing about spring is spring cleaning and planting flowers. There's nothing like looking around after you've finished and loving the way your home looks.
Spring... so many things, I love. But for sure... being able to go outside with the kids. And just .. PLAY! We get spring fever during the winter months, and it's so good to be able to run around and feel the sun on your back! Love that about spring. Oh... and it's never too hot. Which is nice.
My favorite thing about spring is the beginning of the baseball season with my 3 grandsons age 11,7 & 6.
I would love to win me some BG :)
My favorite part of spring is getting the kiddos outside to play, run, ride bikes, etc. There is nothing like getting some fresh spring air. I also love the smell of fresh green grass after the first lawn mowing of the season and the beautiful tulips, crocuses, and hyacinths popping up through the ground.
I just checked out the Coordinates Collections website. They have some fabulous stuff. Thanks for such a fun giveaway!
Spring has finally made an appearance her in B.C. Last week it was snowing here, during our Springbreak so I feel for you!
I love when things start greening up and budding, I love all the new life.
I live in Florida, so we've had spring weather since mid-January. But my favorite thing about April and May is the orange trees blooming. There's nothing nicer than the smell of orange blossoms everywhere you go!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Ahhh, we just had what I am HOPING was our last snow of the season.
My favorite thing about spring is the smell of the dirt! After months of cold frozen ground, it just screams nature to me!
Ooooh. I love their kits. My favorite thing about spring is the weather. No more mits, boots or big fluffy jackets.
Tulips! Tulips! Tulips! My favorite thing about spring is TULIPS!
Oh those kits are so great.
My favoritye things about springs are: the flowers in the garden,the kids playing outside and all the peolple being happier than before.
Greetings Ilse
Oh, I'd kill for that BG goodness!!
It's cold here in Indy, too when just Saturday I took my little guy to the park! Crazy crazy!
My fave thing about Spring now that I have my little guy is Easter. I look forward to hunting eggs with him and seeing the expression on his face when he sees his Easter basket :)
Thank you for this great giveaway! I love Spring because of the sunshine and flowers blooming.
I love all things spring but it looks more like winter outside now.
fantabulous, and they marry well with all the emballishments. Thanks to both of you for the chance to win :)
Spring break has come and gone here already... but it's still snowing outside today. *sigh*
My favourite thing about spring... putting the big, heavy winter boots, coats, snowpants, hats, scarves and mittens away!
These kits look great!! I love seeing the tulips come up in the spring! That's my favorite!! Thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite thing about this spring is that I am getting married. (in 4 days from today... WOOHOO!!)
Have a great day.
Nicole M
I can't believe that it snows on Spring Break. Snow just seems the total opposite of Spring :)
Here in Las Vegas, things have been blooming and growing for awhile. My fave tradition is growing seeds in egg cartons with my DD and then moving them outside once they sprout.
Both kits are amazing!
I love watching the flowers bloom and the beautiful photographic backdrops.
My favorite thing is the sunshine and the flowers!
I love the tulips. And we are getting snow here in MD too! YUCK!
My favorite thing about Spring is seeing my garden start to wake up and bloom. Never fails to make me smile seeing all the dafodils and hyacinth starting to color up and bloom!
spring is all about no more snow, though we still get it in MN, but this Saturday we will plant peas, that's exciting stuff!! Gardening will begin soon...
Well my favorite thing about spring used to be that it meant no more freezing weather. But the last few days here have just smooshed that! I love being barefoot, so warm weather needs to get here to stay!
My favorite thing about spring is celebrating lots of birthdays - mine (tomorrow!), my sister's, my mom's, my husband's and one of my bff's. And then our anniversary right before summer. Spring is great!
I love to see the buds gradually grow from the trees and become flowers and leaves.
Oh my..it snowed here yesterday too--in MISSOURI. Hello Spring..??? Where are you ? We are really hoping it appears soon so we can get out and enjoy the SUNshiNE!! i have 2 toddlers-boys-and we are needin gto run some energy out ;) GREAT kits! WOW! Love the orange/pink combo!!
My favorite thing about spring break is getting to sleep in!! No getting up at 6:30 to get my daughter ready...just blissful sleeeeep. :)
- April
My favorite thing about spring is the warm sun..but it is taking it's time this year! I also love that it reminds me daily that summer is on the way and I LOVE summer!
We have snow too- very surreal seeing snow & blooming trees. Favorite part about spring break = staying up late scrapping & sleeping in:)
Thanks for the chance at a great give-a-way!
My fav thing about spring is getting to ditch the boots and winter coat! I love being able to go outside in a light sweater,jeans, and sneakers, and that being comfortable!
Haha I guess what I love about spring is the perfect spring weather- not too cold or too hot, mild enough to wear a light sweater but not too cold either! It's the best part of spring!!!
Great papers.
My favorite thing about spring is that my Oklahoma Redbuds start blooming.
This year my favorite thing about spring break is my daughter coming into work with me. She's a junior, so only one more year with her before she goes off to college. Im enjoying this week of bonding with her one on one!
My favorite thing about spring is playing outside with my 2 soon-to-be 3 children, and seeing their joy! And of course I love the excuse to go for soft icecream!
WOW! Somebody actually does all the work of gathering pretty stuff from different companies into one kit. That's cool!! I love Spring because of the colorful flowers after months of brown.
Well, there is so much I love about spring, but I love that the birds start chirping a lot again and I love to drive through our neighborhood and see all the beautiful blooms. Although today in GA, I am seeing them through snow flurries!
I LOVE BG! It was snowing in Indiana yesterday. I love spring when it is warm and the tulips are out - not when it's snowing. :)
Beautiful paper!! I really like about Spring is how the kids love to be outdoors and enjoy!
My favorite things about spring are seeing the color come alive after the dreary winter season and perfect weather for grilling out!
my favorite things about spring:
green - on the trees, on the lawns and on the left field wall at Fenway Park!
ooooh what a fun giveaway Kelly. My favorite thing about spring break is that my son's are all home for the week. Nothing better than having the whole family together. Have a wonderful day! Amy Tara
I love the spring cleaning bit - I know I'm crazy but once it is done don't you just feel better!!! and the house looks so beautiful if only for a couple days!!
Awww Spring!! A sign that warmer weather is just around the corner. Joyous colors and the beginning of new life. We had a really bad snow storm in Colorado and all I could do was wish.... so, I know exactly how you are feeling! Love the new BasicGrey papers as these are truly spring...
No snow here in NZ yet, just lots of rain as we head into autumn. I could use one of those bright, beautiful kits to make up for the dull weather! Spring is a long way off down here, but what I look forward to most is when it starts to get a bit lighter in the mornings...good things are on the way when I don't have to leave the house in pitch darkness every morning!
we had snow here the day before easter 2 years ago. so i know how you feel. and im down in that warm weather you were talking about.
when i was a kid spring break always meant "NO SCHOOL!", then i grew and it didnt have much of meaning at all cause my kids are still too little for school. and now, i am back in college, so again it meant "NO SCHOOL!" :)
I love turning a corner and seeing green. It sneaks up on you...and all of the sudden the trees and grass and plants are all green!
I've been dying to get my hands on some of the new Basic Grey! Thanks for the chance to win! (Oh, and if you need someone to send your yucky paper scraps to, I'm your girl! wink, wink)
My favorite thing about Spring is the beautiful colors of the trees and flowers. We always take DD to a beautiful buttercup field and take pictures. It's always something fun to look forward to. :)
My favorite thing about spring break is having the extra time to spend with my kids. After the week, I'm usually ready to send them back to school for a little while. :) Flurries here in Louisville today :(
I love the smell of fresh cut grass and that perfecg spring day where the sun is strong but, there is still a breeze strong enough that you need a light jacket or sweater. Bliss!
I love love love when things start turning green. Nothing makes me happier than watching our yard come to life again.
My favorite thing about spring is my own renewal -- after hibernating for winter, I love the new-found energy I have, and I always seem to be so much happier in spring than in winter. There is something about the brown turning to green, the dirt to buds and blooms, the snow to rain, the cold to warm that just energizes me!
I love it when our magnolia tree blooms! (its the first bloom on our street) It's in our front yard and I love looking out my windows at the gorgeous blooms!
Mmmmm - top of the list - Sandal weather!!! 79º here today!!
I just adore everything about spring - the brown grass turning green, the buds on the trees, the flowers starting to bloom.
Our snow is melting today. I'm so ready for winter to be over!
We are having crazy wintery weather again here in Ontario too. I don't like it!! I want Spring full-time!!
My favourite thing about Spring Break is that since I work for the school board I don't have to go to work and can stay home with my baby girl!!
I love the smell of spring rain, which is quite different than fall rain. It smells fresh and clean, I love spring showers!
OMG-OMG-OMG-OMG.... pick Meeeeeeee! LOL
I love how soft the air gets and how gorgeous the new green is outside. Two nights ago I heard chirping (frogs? crickets?) and that was my fist real sign that Spring was here to stay!
Hi Kelly, My Favourite thing about Spring is my birthday is at the start of spring. Who doesn't like their own birthday. I just have to wait a while seeing as Spring in Australia doesn't start until Septemeber. Here's hoping your snow disappears as quick as it appeared.
Cheers Sally
Happy Tuesday! My favorite about spring is the flowers, lilacs, irises and tulips. Just love them!
Snow is definitely not my favorite thing (and that's what it has been doing all day!), but the flowers that have been trying to peek out of the ground definitely are!
i was fortunate enough to live in the usa and experience the true seasons, seeing the flowers pop out and see their colours really makes spring come alive
My favorite thing about spring break is I get to spend some time with my son since I am the one in college...
Snowing here too! We've been teased with some warm weather which just makes it feel that much colder. Would love a chance at one of those wonderful kits... my favorite things about Spring are the warmer weather, the sound of the birds singing and the smell of spring rain.
My favourite thing about Spring is the flowers - daffodils, tulips, fresias - you can't help but smile when they start to poke their heads through the ground.
My favorite thing are all the new blossoms
Those keeps are excellent!!! Especially the BG. ;-)
My favourite thing about Spring is...Easter! I love the religious and spiritual journey from reflection to sacrifices to humility to joy!!!
I also love Spring flowers... I should really plant more tulips, crocuses and daffodils next Fall! =)
I like the nice weather!!!
But it's autumn here now :(
one of my favorite things about spring is Opening day! My husband is a huge baseball fan and so am I. Its fun to spend a nice spring day at the ballpark!
My favorite thing about spring is when the first flowers start to peek out of the ground. Then you know warmer, brighter days are coming!
2 more weeks then we MAY be able to say spring! I love spring break because my hubby & kids go away for week to in-laws and leave me home all alone ! Can we say scrapping and take out???!
My favorite thing is the longer days. Love when it stays daylight longer.
What I love about Spring... for the past 3 years (since DD started walking) handfuls of crocuses and daffodils are strewn around the steps. DD picks ALL of them. Her reasoning is generally something sweet like she wanted to give the flowers to me! My crocuses are currently buried again. I hope they recover!
I love all the new flowers that come with spring. I'm not loving spring break this year- I'm at home with my kids while it rains or flurries and my husband is out of town!
I love all the bulbs we have around the house...sooo pretty!
Hi Kelly,
I have been admiring your work for a couple of years now, subscribing to different magazines that often display your pages. I plan to spend spring break with my family this year as always. We will be planting our vegetable garden. I will also be working on my own Easter pages, and the wisteria in my yard. Basic Grey is my absolute favorite paper line. Your pages give me such inspiration.
Have a great spring break yourself.
I agree with you about the weather, although I do live in Florida, but the weather here has been cold for us. I love spring when I can plant all my beautiful flowers and enjoy all the colors!
Spring Break is the best part of being a teacher! A week to catch up and prepare for the long haul to summer break....
LOVE the Petals collection!
My favorite thing about spring is all the new life: grass is getting greener, buds on the trees, baby animals at the farms, but especially the tulips (my favorites!) in bloom!
My favorite thing about spring - that it's the end of winter! I don't like the cold weather and winter blahs and love when it starts to warm up and be nice and sunny outside.
Thanks for the giveaway! I love CC and Basic Grey!!
we homeschool, so spring break means no school scedule to stick with, no students to oversee, no reading to do...everything else remains the same, but at least there's NO SCHOOL! :)
My favorite part of spring is being able to put away the winter jacket. Today was the first day I didn't have to wear a jacket when I was out and about, and I was soooo happy!
I have to say that being from Wisconsin....my favorite thing about spring is when it finally STOPS snowing and the flowers begin to peek through! It's like a sign of hope to see that yellow of the daffodils!!!
My favorite thing about spring is watching all the flowers come up!
My favorite thing about Spring Break is a week of pure relaxation! Since I am a teacher, I really need it come springtime!
Great giveaway!
my fave thing about spring is the gorgeous blossoming trees. And the slowing up of the PNW downpours.
My favorite thing about Spring is all the new flowers in bloom! Puts a smile on this girls face! What wonderful kits to win! Thanks for the chance!
Happy Spring!!
Kelly, I love everything about Spring. The mix of sunshine and rain and rainbows. The blooming daffodils and tulips. The warm sunshine on your back and coolness on your barefeet. The new born baby calfs and lambs... Everything. Thanks for the chance to win this rockin BG. Saying a little prayer. : ) -Alisa
Snow I can relate I live in northern Canada and we still have a lot of snow.
My fav. thing about spring are the cherry blossom trees. The are just breathtaking when they bloom.
Have a great day!
My favourite thing about spring is hearing the boys say, 'we are going outside to play'... and knowing that they are out there for awhile..... getting some fresh air... no winter coats, boots, toques, mitts...... hurry up spring!!
Finally after some weird March weather, Seattle is finally getting some sun - I'd have to say my favorite part about spring is the first weekend where it is really nice and where we can spend it outside!
Thanks for the giveaway offer!
Texas weather is especially good for change in temperatures! I love our regular spring weather for the temperatures in the 70s. We get so hot in the summer where it makes it hard to do anything other than the pool!!
Lisa Smith
The best thing about Spring is seeing the neighborhood come back to life. In Michigan we seem to hibernate during the winter, and then when spring comes....everyone breaks out enjoys the warmer weather.
Ok, I absolutely LOVE Coordinates Collections! And Basic Grey - woo hoo! LOL!
My favorite thing about spring break is NO SCHOOL! For me at least; I'm sure you parents have a quite different quality! ;D
Love these BG collections. Yummy! So glad I found your blog.
My favorite thing about spring now is lilacs! When i was a kid, it for sure was the Easter bunny and a new dress! My favorite thing about spring break in college was margaritas! Now, with kids of my own and living in Wyoming where we usually have snow still, it's just having some down time to hang out and catch up with each other.
Spring means putting the table and chairs back on the deck.
snow in April - amazing!
love those kits - especially the first one!!!
Sorry that it is a "white" Spring Break for you guys (and gals), but hey, it is definately one you will always remember!! As a kid, I had two "white" Spring Breaks...ugh! And yes, it is very different when you are the parent!
Anyways, as far as spring....I absolutely LOVE the crisp air!!! It is just amazing....God's hand is all over the place with the new beginnings...and it is BEAUTIFUL!!! He is so good!!!!
My favourite thing about spring is the flowers everywhere...but I hate that it sets off my allergies :(
Unfortunately here in Australia it's Autumn and we're heading into winter...but I do love autumn colour too, it's just not as pretty as Pring :)
My favorite thing about Spring is the warmth :) Today was such a sunny day over here, with a light breeze - perfect weather. I loved not having to wear a thick jacket, heehee. Thanks for this awesome giveaway!
My favorite thing about spring is that everything blooms! We have a garden and I love to see my beautiful flowers come up and blossom. And don't forget the smells of everything blooming!
I LOVE these kits! Thanks for the amazing chance to win them.
my fav. thing is when the snow starts to melt and the earth comes back to life. i love seeing little shoots of green coming out of the ground and seeing buds on the trees.
Oh my Freakin Goodness! Those are stinking gorgeous! I was going to buy Marakech(sp) at the store, but they didn't have the pads anymore, so I skipped it... I wished so badly that I had bought it afterward, but maybe I'll win it instead! (oh please!)
My favorite thing about spring is hearing my DGS's playing outside. Hearing their conversations, their giggles, laughter and getting flash back memories of my childhood play. And its the perfect start for taking lots of pictures and feeling the warmth of the sun on your face..
(Pattie's passion)
I Scrap so All Moments Are Remembered!!
It's snowing here too in the Midwest - yikes! I love that the kids' baseball is starting. Fun to watch!
well, winters on it's way here ... but, snowing? no, not yet!!LOL ... the thing I love most about spring is the promise of warm balmy days to come ...
I love spring because that is when nature comes back to life! The tree blossoms, daffodils, tulips, leaves on trees (finally), and then everyone starts cutting thier grass! I love the smells of spring so much!
My favourite thing about Spring is seeing daffodils blooming and wearing lighter jackets.
A great giveaway!
Oh I love spring and these awesome goodies aren't so bad either! My favorite is the beautiful flowers and everything turning green again!
Thanks for the chance to win the goodies!
Oh! It would indeed be a bit of happiness if either of these were delivered to my door! And frankly, with our white landscape, they might be the most spring-like things I see for awhile. I'm sorry about the white stuff on your spring break! Here in Montana were used to that kind of thing, but most of the country is spared it!
I just love the different weather you get in the spring....rain, sunshine, cold...every day is a mystery here in Texas!
We had snow here in Missouri too....craziness!!
My favorite thing about spring is seeing the flowers coming up...I have tulips, which remind me of my grandma. Seeing them makes me smile :)
I love sunny days in Spring!
My favorite thing about spring is seeing the bright daffodils bloom in our yard.
My favorite thing about spring and summer is all the people (friends and family members) seem to come out of hibernation. During the winter months we only see people at Christmas time. Once the weather gets better we have gatherings for birthdays and holidays and days that end in y. It's just so nice to see everyone again.
I love the fact that Summer is (supposedly) just around the corner and our boys stay out to play later after the clocks have changed and the nights are lighter.
I don't want to hear the word snow! Only spring thoughts happening here! Yuck! Hope it stopped as quick as it started!
Beautiful kits! My favorite thing about Spring Break is that it is completely random for us! LOL We like to wake up, say "let's do this today" and go do it! Those are my favorite days :)
My favorite thing about spring is the smell, and how that first feeling of warmth makes you feel.
What an awesome giveaway! I love spring break because I can be home with my children plus I know that means there isn't much school left and summer is soon approaching.
Living in Wisconsin, after the snow has FINALLY melted, my favorite thing about spring is seeing the first buds coming up through the ground and hearing the birds sing. I love to listen to that early in the morning. It is a sure sign that warmer weather is on its way!
Happy Easter!
Definitely spring flowers, I'm Dutch, the moment the Christmas tree has returned to it's box I buy springflowers, lots of tulips.
My favorite thing about Spring is Easter..its my Favorite Holiday!!!
oh i love spring...not too cold and not too hot. I look forward to spring break because then i can sleep in.....wooohoooo
Yup, flurries here in MD yesterday afternoon, too! I've got daffodils blooming and it was snowing! Please come back spring! It better be warm tomorrow at the Oriole's game (baseball is my favorite thing about spring).
So there are a lot of people competing for this prize! I cannot personally say that this Spring Break has been anything to like about it because my youngest has been sick for a week! I too woke up to snow two days ago in Illinois and to boot, by daughter is in Florida for Spring Break with the high school choir and it was in the 80's there! I have accomplished some Spring cleaning of closets and drawers,which feels good, but other than that it has been a pretty sad Spring Break for me this year!
It's snowing here today too - NOT funny Mother Nature!
I LOVE Spring because I love to garden and I actually LOVE to weed as well - crazy I know but it's instant beautification in my eyes.
Lynn :)
My favourite thing about Spring is hearing the birds sing. It might be awile here too in Muskoka...we just had another 5 inches of snow ahhhhh!!
Thanks for the chance to win one of these lovely kits :)
Favorite thing about spring.. the comfortable weather! ... unfotunately, we had the nice weather but the last couple of days, winter made a re-apearance! AUUUG! ... soon I hope to see more green :)
My favorite thing about spring break is sleeping in because there is no school for my girls!!!
After the dark and cold winter I feel myself much more happy from the sunny days. I love the nature at this time. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and the trees are blooming. And I really enjoy it!:)
Thank you for the chance to win: Szilvi
After the dark and cold winter I feel myself much more happy from the sunny days. I love the nature at this time. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and the trees are blooming. And I really enjoy it!:)
Thank you for the chance to win: Szilvi
Sunshine, flowers & the smell of mowed grass!!
Spring is Ohio is crazy. On minute is sunny the next it could snow. You just never know what the day will bring until about mid June.
The collections are lovely. Keeping my fingers crossed I get picked.
Stephanie M.
I love spring flowers - especially tulips in all their splendid colors!
I do love the Porcelain collection. What a great giveaway. My favorite thing about spring is the amazing warm weather and all the beautiful flowers!!!
My favorite thing about spring is new flowers...although I feel your pain. Here in NC it was high 70's over the weekend and a frost warning last night! I had to cover all my new flowers. Beautiful kits-thanks for the chance to win!
I like spring break because I dont have to get the kids up, pack lunches or check homework. I sure could do without the snow too.
Hi Kelly -
My favorite thing about Spring is the start of new life...flowers, chicks, bunnies, leaves on trees...it's so rejuvenating.
I love grass stains. Honestly, when the fresh spring grass sprouts and the kids are outside and able to play after a long tough winter, grass stains make me happy.
One of my favorite things about Spring is sitting on my front porch with my grandkids. As for spring break....you're right it's different when you are a parent. On our daughter's spring break at college, her dad and I went with her and some of her friends....we footed the expense of getting there, so it was fine with them....We all had fun....and I didn't worry as much as I would have if they would have went alone.
Have a great day.
My favorite thing about spring is the warmer weather. I can open the windows and enjoy the fresh air! Love it!
Great kits!!! My favorite thing about Spring break is bringing our kids ice fishing! The lakes are still frozen here, and ice fishing during the break was a tradition when I was a kid...so we've continued the tradition! So much fun, even though we don't catch anything most of the time!
Here in Florida, we don't really have "spring" per se, but I do love the concept of "renewal" and a "fresh start" that the season brings. Thanks Kelley! See you at the SB Expo in Orlando next month.
I love the fact that the days are brighter and the sun no longer sets at 5 pm....so the kids can stay out and play :-)
Happy easter.
I once read a quote that said something like there is nothing that Winter throws out that can stop Spring from happening...I paraphrase...but I LOVE the thought of that. I love that the Goldfinches come back right as Spring peeks around the corner!!
Have a Good Day!!
No snow here. Thank goodness! What I love about Spring is tulips, Easter candy, and pulling out the flip-flops again. Ahhh!
It's cold here too. Not at all spring like, but at least it's not snowing!
Love the BG stuff. Lovely! Thanks for the chance to win this.
My favorite thing about Spring Break is having my boy home from school and having time off from subbing! :)
I just love spring! It shows a new time has come - new things can happen, anything is possible!
Thank you for letting us have a chance to win!
Jenn in Vancouver
I'm also not too happy about the "spring" weather we are having in KY...however, I do love spring because it brings baseball season with it! With two boys, that's our favorite time of year.
(LOVE those kits BTW!)
Spring Break mean that the oldest is home from school and we get to spend quality time together!!! So darn cold here, but I see some buds on the plants!!! Happy Time!!!
I love seeing the ugly brown grass turn green and all the trees and flowers blooming.
Ah yes, here in the Pacific Northwest...we started our Spring Break last Friday with snow...and then hit 70 on the weekend. After a few sunny days, it looks like the usual rain is returning to finish our week. Oh well, some Basic Grey would cheer me up!
Spring is the best thing about Spring Break! The fragrance of the hyacinths is amazing.
Karen P.
I know what you mean about the snow, some schools were canceled here! Would love to get my hands on one of those kits, they are gorgeous!
For us, spring break this year means Disney!!!!! I think these goodies would work great with some new Disney layouts.
I love the flowers! And there still being lots of light when I get home from work. These kits are great!
We've had the same thing here in Chicago the past couple of weeks but only snow once!
My favorite thing about Spring is watching the world come back to life!
Snow - ugh! I live in Texas for a good reason - don't have to deal with snow! My favorite thing about spring are the bluebonnets blooming all along the highways here is Texas. Thanks for the chance to win these awesome kits!
We are heading into autumn (fall) here in Australia. But the thing I love the most about spring is the smell of the flowers.
I'm feeling lucky, so maybe I'll win one of your kits this time around. Although everyone would assume your contests are rigged if I did.
Lets see my favorite part about Spring is that although we live far apart you and I always seem to see each other every Spring.
Happy Easter to you, Hoyte, and those handsome young men of yours. Hugs to all! AM
kelly we also had snow on spring break,so i had to stay inside and play with some new basic grey products, i just can't get enough. spring is very special to me as i have one grandson born march 7, and i just had another grandson born on march 26, it is a perfect time to use the new papers
Awesome giveaway!! I live in TN and it did flurry here the other day.....hopefully spring is right around the corner!
my fave about spring? the weather definitely - - and the colors that goes with it (green for the grass, blue for the sky, and other colors for the flowers).
thanks for the chance to play.
We also started off with snow here in south western Ontario...even with my tulips bursting through the ground in preparation for Spring...
I love the smell of the blooms in the spring, it reminds me of linens which are dried on the line...there isnt anything like it...and what an awesome giveaway!!!
Hope the weather in your area is more Spring"y" soon!!
My favorite thing about spring is hearing the birds sing, the flowers start to bloom and playing outside with my girls.
ah, spring... the season of smelly mud and puddles... i will say, my favourite thing about spring is cherry blossoms... we don't really have many cherry trees where i live, but last year i was in Vancouver when the cherry blossoms were out and the beauty stole my heart...
my fave thing about spring are the blooming flowers!
oooh yummy
the thing I love about spring is that winter is on its way out and summer is not far away- lol
What a lovely price!
I love the sun in Spring, so bright and worming after a long winter.
I love the spring flowers, spending more time outside and hearing the cardinals chirping!
love your layout for BG
and thanks for the chance
hi... thanks again for your giveaway... those kits are beautiful...
enjoy this easter week end
ALEXANDRA - idonasci@sita.fr
beautiful kits for this season !!!
thanks kelly for the chance and have a nice day
spring means freedom and beautiful flower to me...
and chocolates for the easter lol
as weird as it may sound, I'm not a fan of Spring. I think it's due to allergies! But I do enjoy watching mother nature do her thing. And I have no young school age kiddies but when I did I guess the thing about Spring break was knowing they were relaxing!
My favorite thing about Spring Break is how your professors give you homework/projects to do OVER Spring Break. Oh wait, that's a lie! My favorite thing about Spring Break is sleeping in an extra 30 minutes...such a luxury!! =)
My favorite thing about Spring is waking up and listening to the birds chirp while I drink my coffee. That is my own little piece of happiness every morning.
And I love the kits. They are beautiful.
I think the best thing about Spring is that it always seem like we are starting everything new...the grass is turning green and growing, the flowers are coming up beautiful, the trees are budding out everywhere. The kids are starting spring sports and playing outside. And there is noise in the parks everywhere with the kids playing.
I live in Missouri and it snowed the other day, I thought it was Spring, I was mad when I opened up the door.
My favorite thing about Spring is spending more time with my son since he is in school.
My favorite thing about spring is all the blooming flowers and the smell of fresh cut grass....I would love to win a kit:)
I love how everything seems to be reborn in spring. The entire world 'wakes up' to a new day.
Here's to lady luck...
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