So sorry for being missing in action lately! The end of May/first of June means the end of school and an insane (if fun!) schedule. And even though my kiddos are still in school (until the 8th thanks to all the snow we had here in Kentucky this winter!), we're getting into summer fever here! That includes trips to the pool, home improvement projects, popsicles, sprinkers AND spring, er, SUMMER cleaning!
Which means - I have a huge box of miscellaneous goodies that are looking for a good home! They range from BasicGrey to Lily Bee and then some!
To make this box yours, just enter your name along with what you're summer plans on in the comment section by Friday, June 4th at 11:59 PM Eastern! I'll draw a winner no later than Monday morning!
Have a fantastic (short) week!
1 – 200 of 228 Newer› Newest»We are doing stay-cations this year. Lots of water parks, pools, state park trips. Lots of pool playing at home, finding things to do around our town.
Our last day is June 8th as well, just our normal, no snow day add ons. I hope you have a wonderful summer break!!
Summer Plans: Relax and Regroup!
Our last day of school is Friday this week! This summer will be filled with trips to the beach, football practice, and BBQ's.
Swim, Swim , Swim and then some more swimming :) Thanks so much, Kelly, for such a great giveaway!!!
Well if summer ever gets here we have BIG plans...our little gal is just big enough to really enjoy the water park and the pool this year (19 mos. right now) so there is that...and the zoo, the aquarium and the beach! Now if the sun would just cooperate!
Thanks for the chance to win some goodies! :)
We have plans to visit family. I have plans for some summer organizing. The children have plans for lots of swimming and playing with cousins and friends!
Lots of backyard play, water gun fights and soccer ball kicking here... we live for summer. Glad you are back in blog land.
My plans are to stay cool and work on this backlog of photos that I have staring at me.
We're mostly just sticking around home & having playdates with friends. My son is supposed to go stay with my parents in OK for a week, so that will be like a little vacation!
This is the first summer in a few years that we've signed up for. . . NOTHING!! No summer camps, no soccer, no VBS, nowhere to be. We are sleeping in (until 6:30), travelling when we want to, doing what we want. We have plans for the art museum, the zoo, gramma and granddad's, nana and papa's, swimming, fishing, hiking, legos, playdoh, and fingerpaints.
My plans for summer include preparing for my daughter's wedding, which is actually next weekend (June 12th). While I am VERY sentimental about her leaving our home, I am quite excited about all of her STUFF leaving! Reclaimed space!! So, I would have plenty of room for your discarded goodies - they would find a good home here! :)
PS After seeing your lovely wedding post using BG Capella, I made sure to get the collection for my daughter's wedding photos. Love your designs!
My summer plans include aspirations of summer cleaning (ha!) and lots of outdoors activities (beach, kayaking, etc.)
Moving across state (which I am not looking forward too) and lots of time at the Lake (which I am looking forward too!)
Jennifer Cowan
As soon as summer shows it's smiling face we will hit a pool!!! Let me tell ya, all we have had is gloomy days, rain, and cold!!!! brrrrrrrr...
Our summer plans include lots of playdates, swim lessons, trips to every county fair in the area, and a family reunion in Oregon. Can't wait!
We'll be moving across town...finally a house with a POOL, which, in Arizona, is a HUGE plus! :) Swim, scrap, swim, scrap...I LOVE SUMMER!
My summer will start of with my son's 2nd birthday with a little party for his little friends and then a family day out to see Thomas the Tank Engine. But what I'm most looking forward to is our Wedding Day, after 10 years of 'living in sin' I'm looking forward to becoming Mrs Williams !! x
Our summer plans include a trip to michigan and trying to keep a teenager busy (he waited too late to get a summer job)! No fun! Maybe I should have him scrapbook with me. Then, at least I could have fun while I'm trying to keep him away from electronics 24/7! I mean 7/24 would be ok... :-) Thanks for a chance to win!
TOday is our first official summer vacation day. We are not sure what our summer plans are. We cannot go on a big vacation this year so it will probably consist of alot of cheap and or free little day trips.
I am glad for the time away from the daily routine. I am hoping to get alot of scrapbooking done too.
Have a great day.
~Nicole M
Ooooh, a yummy giveaway, can't pass up those fabulous products! My summer consists of trying to not run my 3 kiddos to too many activities and enjoy more outdoor cookouts and watching the kids play in the yard than I can take!! Then when the heat holds us all hostage inside our homes here in about a month, I plan to scrap like crazy! That sounds like a perfect summer to me! :)
We are going on a mission trip as a family this summer.
Yay for summer! We will be swimming in my parents pool a lot and playing in the sprinklers: ) oh and my husband and I will be celebrating our 10th anniversary: )
I will be relaxing this summer after a house remodel last year...We're also planning on going to Worlds/Oceans of Fun and going to the lake a few times hopefully! I love summer time!
great tans by the end of the summer because of all the fun stuff we did. with sun screen on of course
Our summer will include LOTS of baseball games, lots of reorganizing in the house and maybe a trip to the beach. Love to go to Bethany!
Thanks for the giveaway.
my summer plan: stay home and scrap till school starts back up! hoping to throw in a road trip or two around my great state (alaska), also...
summer doesn't start here for another month since school doesn't end until june 25. but we don't have any big summer plans -- we expect to do a lot of day trips to the beach and surrounding areas.
If that isn't the cutest picture ever! We have a wedding the middle of July, numerous camping trips, a trip to the Oregon Coast and lots of play time outside! OH and Garage saling every chance I get! :)
We are going to Wisconsin Dells waterpark! My kids are so excited! Add some local camping in and it will be a fun summer.
I plan on a lot of scrapping. My husband just graduated law school and is studying for the Bar. We are taking a cruise in August though as a graduation present. Can't wait!
We are hanging around home this summer... one of my goals is to visit/picnic at every park in our city... there are about 26 of them... and then scrapbook them.
My summer plans are a short vacation to Savannah, GA and then I have to have some surgery. I will be recouping for a while but I can still scrapbook . . . so I would love to win these goodies!
working, working - but weekend getaways to the ranch in the mountains of Georgia. And a scrap getaway to North Carolina in August!
Summer plans: CHA for the first time! Maybe I'll run into you again, here's to hoping!!
My husband turns 50 this month.....so that means a picnic party!!! We have a week at a cabin in July---we have been going up there with the same couple for 10 years now. Lots of watching the World Cup---GO USA!!!. We are still deciding on what our plans should be for August......hubby is a principal and he will want 1 more vacation/activity before school starts again.
Looking forward to spending some time at Disney this summer. Can't wait to meet you at Memories ala Mode in a couple of weeks. Looking forward to your class. Thanks for the give away.
Lori H.
My summer plans are to relax and just enjoy the last summer before my baby goes off to kindergarten!
Thanks for the give-away!
My summer plans are going to be spent with my children as a SAHM for the first time ever. I no longer have to wear the uniform and or worry if I am going to be deployed. I have just recently retired and I am looking forward to our drive to England. Now let's hope daddy can come with us too ..
oops I meant Ireland LOL
My crew will continue on with baseball/softball until about mid-July...we will then pick up with Church camps (two that are back to back) and then get in gear for the new school year. It is a BUSY summer, but I am lovin' every minute of it :)
Happy Summer Days to you and yours!
Studying for GMATs, working on b-school essays, and a vacation in August!
I'm going narrowboating here in the UK in July, never done it before so will take loads of pics for scrapbooking with!
Becky W
I'm spending the summer cooking this baby, lol. My 3rd trimester starting in late June. I'm pretty sure that I'll easily be found in front of a fan. I'm going to try to take the kids to the water park and pool as often as I can too.
A little vacation to Wisconsin, lots of home improvement projects (hopefully), a bunch of cook-outs and going out for ice cream with some beach and pool days thrown in.
Staying out of the Arizona heat...unless we are by the pool that is :)
Jocelyn D
We've got four weddings to go to this summer, 3 of which are out of state!! Crazy, but should be an adventure!! I'm also having a hard time getting my scrapbooking jumpstarted and hope to jump in this summer, and would LOVE to add some stuff to my stash to inspire me to get going!!
I can't believe summer is here already...but I'm happy because we're going to Riviera Maya on vacation at the end of June! Thanks for a chance to win some goodies! Have a great summer!
Very cool! Our plans so far are to be LAZY and go to the beach in July! :)
Thanks for the chance at some goodies!!
- April W
You guys get out way earlier than they do here! My husband is a teacher and his last day with students is June 22nd and that's NOT because of snow! That's the scheduled date! We don't have big plans for the summer, but I do plan to get outside some and enjoy the weather! We might be moving, too, we shall see....
I'm so looking foward to attending Lollapalooza in Chicago this August. 3 days of rocking without the kids!
We don't have much planned besides having a baby! I am due July 16, but my first two were early so I am thinking we will have this baby by the 4th of July.
We just ended school last Friday.. so far we have lined up soccer camp, swim lessons and a big trip out to Cali!!!
We had planned on spending lots of time at the pool, but unfortunately, my 11 yr old had to have open heart surgery last week so we'll be laying low for about 6 weeks. Luckily, we're going to Disney (FL) in October so we have that to look forward to! Thanks for the chance to win some goodies!
School is done and we are heading for Maine to visit family for the summer. Hope your summer is a great one!
Both of my boys' birthdays are in the summer, going on a vacation and playing in the sprinkler a lot!
Can't wait for summer vacation to begin! Plans: remodeling kitchen for myself - just crown molding and painting, and lots of time spent together with kids - they grow up SOOO fast! My sister has children same age, we decided to visit each other a lot! We love summer!
This summer I plan to spend long lazy days at the beach with my kids! I will have lots of pictures to scrap!
Lots of weekend trips this summer...can't take too much time off, but we're close to lots of great places.
I'd love to win that box of goodies! We'll be spending lots of time at the pool and the zoo this summer, celebrating my daughter's 3rd birthday, and joining 3 friend's families on vacation in Hilton Head. Should be a fun summer!
Our boys are 3 and 5. We'll be hanging here at home, playing in the water, going to grandma's pool, visiting the waterpark and playing with our friends and cousins. Let the lazy days of summer begin and go slowly!
my summer intales a large amount of time spent in our backyard playing with the swingset and water in all forms with my little kiddies!
Welcome back!
Summer plans: My Babies are coming to spend 5 weeks with me this summer YEY... Disney, Pool, Beach...can't wait!
My name is Nora Anne and we have a camping trip planned for July in PA and then a Disney trip planned for the last week in August~can't wait!!!!!
My summer plans including meeting my new little baby and loving every minute I get to spend at home with her this summer.
Camping and swimming at the lake is in store for us!! We are really trying to enjoy the summer and let it last!! My oldest starts K this fall so Im wanting summer to drag on :) Oh and tee ball this month (the first sport we have ever signed up for :)
LOVE your style so your goodies would fit just fine here in my stash!!!! hehe
Yay for summertime!!! :) I'm planning a long weekend girlfriends' trip to Chicago with some scrappy friends of mine. Probably a couple of waterpark and state park trips this summer....nothing huge like last year when we went to Disney World. Still recovering financially from that trip...LOL!
WE arent going too many places this summer but thank goodness for a pool at our house. My daughter who is 14 will be doing junior lifeguarding again this summer. We have a trip to Reno planned for a friends wedding which should be very fun!! tHanks for a chance to win some new great goodies!! Basic Grey is a favorite of mine!!
Our summer plans include a short trip to the beach and a few weeks of summer camp for my kids, and I'm sure lots of park and pool time!
Our summer plans...lots and lots of baseball! I plan to take lots of pictures this summer and relax a little more. Great giveaway Kelly. My fingers are crossed!
I can't believe your kiddos are almost out of school! When I was a kid we were always in school until almost the end of June ... Kids these days have it so lucky :) I just finshed overhalling my scrapbook room this weekend too and guess what ... there's an empty shelf that would be more than happy to accomodate your pile :) Have a great day and thanks!
Oh I guess I forgot to mention my summer plans ... oops :) I think we are just planning on staying close to home this year and doing some camping :)
Sounds like lots of fun...on my side of the world we're just starting winter...it's wet & cold & summer is but a distant dream. But to look on the bright side, I've got a good excuse to stay indoors & be crafty! Have a great summer.
Winter here in Oz Kelly, so rugging up by the fire with some yummy pumpkin soup!
Because of all the snow days, my kids are still in school til mid-June. But we still plan to have some fun - mostly in the area. Thanks for the fun giveaway!
Would love some BG goodies. I just had a baby girl last week so my summer plans are to hang out with her!!
My summer plans are full of teaching summer school, training for the new job, going to Chicago for CHA for the first time and then just some regular relaxation!
We are camping and hanging out at the backyard pool! Can't wait for school to end so the summer fun can start!
Kari D.
Carrie G.
I am so happy to be on summer break with my kids. Our summer will be filled with baseball, swim team and backyard bbq's. So happy to have this time with my family!
So happy to be on summer break with my three kids. Our summer will be full of baseball, swim team and backyard bbq's. So grateful for this time with my family!
This summer we are moving, and the new house has a pool, so we can 't wait!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Well since I don't have kids really my summer plan is to scrapbook more on the weekends and maybe do a few mini trips to and from Tampa to Orlando for Seaworld/Aqutica. I am also hoping for a 3 day cruise.
I don't have any huge summer plans....yet... We have two diferent rounds of company coming in July. I am super excited about seeing these family members. I just hate they are so close together. We are still recovering from moving, so boxes and decorating are in my future.
I hope you have a great Summer with your family and thanks for the fun give-away.
We are heading south next week for a short holiday.
Beach, Mountains and no schedules! Only two more days of school and the kids are hard at work on their "Summer Fun" to-do lists. I can't wait to see all of the great things we are going to do. Maybe they will include some scrap time for me :)
We are going to spend our summer around the house, relaxing and hoping to get in lots of swim time.
Hey chickie!
Since I just got back into scrapping, i'd love to win me some goodies! ;)
My plans for the summer? Spending it at our campground in Vermont, discovering waterfalls, fishing, swimming in the lake and pool, building fires, hunting for beach glass... lots of fun!!
The highlight will probably be going to Yellowstone National Park for a few days. I'm hoping for lots of gardening, and hopefully scrapbooking.
my (down under) winter plans are to capitalise on the fact that i have just recently cleaned my scrapping table (a wonderous thing for me) and crack open a recent 2peas order full of origins stuff and make me some layouts!!
no major plans for the summer. I will spend the bulk of it hanging out with my family and hpefully taking some great pictures.
Wow.....what a sweet giveaway! Summer plans......lazy days at the beach, family bbq's and relaxation! Bring it on! TFC!
maddenmom at gmail dot com
So nice of you!! We're planning on renting a lake home for a couple of weeks in July to relax and play. I can't wait!!!
My summer will be spent hanging out in the pool, trips to the beach and park, lots and lots of arts and crafts, making rainbow snow cones and anything else I can think of that will give us a break from the heat.
I'm ready to swim and BBQ! Thanks for the chance to win BG, etc!!
We have lots of plans this summer -my sister is getting married at the end of this month and then we have many summer camps for the kids, family reunions, vacations and weekend campfires! :)
I plan to spend time outdoors being part of my community enjoying the (free!) summer concerts and movies our park district offers (and I hope to craft a bit here and there!).
If I can keep ahead of the mowing, I hope to get some more photography practice and get some LO's made with lots of journaling
From the title I thought this post was all about ME! LOL. It can be, if you choose my comment. Hee hee. We will be blessed with many visitors (one right after the other) this summer. I love having visitors since we are in a new state and it gets a little lonely.
Trip to Washington DC with kids, lots of trips to the pool, strawberry picking, zoo, fires, smores, theater camp for my outgoing boy & science camp for my brillant girl. Plus lots of pictures & hopefully some scrapping time for me!
my DD is out of school school already so we made a quick trip to AL to visit my sister (and the beach) - another trip planned in a few weeks - Mission trip to New Mexico!! Have a great summer :)
Hmmmm...summer plans...playing with my grandson, redecorating the house, reading, scrapbooking, gardening...whew!
Hope your summer is non-stop fun!
Our summer plans are mostly staycations as we are saving for the vacation next fall! Thanks for the chance!
Lots of swimming and season passes to Idlewild (an amusement park)
Our summer plans include lots of time with water, in many forms! It's HOT here all summer! But my biggest goal is to start getting up earlier to get my runs in...running + heat is not my idea of fun, but I have to keep pressing on towards my goal of my first Half Marathon in October...woot woot!
Just moved to Cali in November and are going to explore , this new state! Can't wait to scrapbook all of our trips! Tina in Cali
I'm hoping to fit in some sort of vacation this summer, but I'm also trying to fit in swim lessons for my girls, plus a few VBS sessions, plus theater camp...sigh...maybe it'll be a staycation...
Hi Kelly! We just bought our first house, and we have a lot of work cut out for us this summer! We also plan on taking a break to visit California. Thanks for the giveaway!
My husband and I are going camping with my family and to the lake with his family as our two mini-vacations this summer. Other than that, just a lot of work for both of us :(
My family's summer plans are to take a day trip every week. First will be a museum about an hour or two away to see a Lego exhibit. Also trips to the local library, the pool, the park, and anywhere else our whimsy takes us.
I plan on finalizing my plans for my wedding in October, hopefully a weekend getaway drive somewhere fun, lots of BBQ's & watching fireflies!
Lots of day camps for my son and daughter this summer...from cooking to computers to soccer. We're also all going on a cruise! So much to look forward to this season.
Thanks so much for the chance to win! I bet your box of goodies is awesome.
We are renting a 27' trailer and together with our best friends are heading south to the Oregon Coast. Both families are looking forward to spending two weeks exploring the Oregon Coast, Diamond and Crater Lakes and the lava caves.
This summer we'll have lots of fun camping with our grandchildren, tending to our garden and going on a little trip to the Okanagan Valley to get some fruit for preserving. And reading and scrapbooking and sewing and taking lots of pictures :) Thanks for asking!
We have still a month to go untill summer holiday. And it is a little bit chilly still in the Netherlands.
But we can't wait untill summer.
we'll most likely do a staycation and visit the waterpark and/or park daily! Backyard pool (the one that mommy has to spend 2 hrs blowing up and almost passing out in the process) is also a must on days where its too hot to move!
Well we're actually getting ready for the cold to hit here in Australia. Makes us long for summer all the more!!
Thanks for the chance to win.
I'm hoping to spend lots of time at the beach this summer. My birthday is Saturday so I'd love to be your winner!!!!
Enjoying the great outdoors, even if it's just in the park!!
Here in Germany the kids have only 6 weeks of summer holidays. Every country starts at a different time so there is less traffic on our highways. - That means my three kids will have to go to school for 5 more weeks now. - While our holidays we will go on vacation for tree weeks to a very cosy little farm in the south of Germany. Just relaxing for the grown ups (no computers and no telephone) and playing for the children. Feeding animals, visiting the playmobil fun park, going swimming in a lake nearby, taking picknicks at a river, taking part in scrapbook workshops for kids ...
Greetings from Gemany,
Gabriela Duve
Planning on lots of vacation time off work and going to the beach! Reading, crafting, and spending time with family. Leesa
well what can I say I live in NZ its winter and its sunny and warmish.On the south island its cold and they open the ski fields this weekend....Enjoy your summer ladies I hope its a good one . My brother and family live in Minturn Colorado they will go fishin and trampin and I wish we could be there with them but hey maybe one day......
summer plans....huge family reunion in July on our home turf...which means major housecleaning to get ready for a house full of guests~also looking forward to beach trips, camping, fishing, and awaiting news of our Ethiopian adoption....
lots of day trips and enjoying the lack of schedule... thanks for a chance to win some goodies!
IF we ever get out of school (too many snow days) we will travel to Texas to see family and to VA to see my dear friend of 30 years (gasp!). My boys are getting older so I am sure they have plans of their own that I have yet to hear about!
Plans for this summer are based on my 18year old triplets getting the grades they need for University. They are all coming away with us for some time in Devon and this may be the last break we all take as a family!
I will enjoy the summer with my baby girl. I couldn't be happier.
We have alot of things planned for the summer :) We still have about 14 days left of school, so there are school events, and the end of Spring Baseball for both boys. The boys will be going off to sports camp for a week and going on a week long trip after that with my MIL. We have TONS of camping and beach trips planned.
We are hoping to get a Disney trip in and LOTS of swimming :) I also have the boys signed up for summer reading at the library. They love to read and this sounded like such a good idea. I plan to relax and read a ton too :)
I can't wait! I love the summer time!
My husband and I are graduate students, so summer (when we don't have classes) is usually our busiest time. :( Oh well, we're still hoping to find small times to get away. And of course, summer always means lots of softball!
Summer for me includes visits to a local splash park, fun day trips with my kids, a trip to Gatlinburg, lots of mountain biking and a little part-time work :)
Our summer doesn't start till the end of June. We have plans to go swimming, hiking, and camping. I love being outdoors!
Who doesn't love goodies. My summer plans... an IVF cycle! Started shots today and hoping this journey is a successful one. So needless to say - taking it easy and scrapping a lot.
My summer plans include trying to keep my flowers alive in this heat. Already in the 90s in TN and it looks like it's going to be a brutal summer. Better get a kiddie pool for the dogs...
But I'm looking forward to late summer/early fall for a trip to the Grand Canyon...never seen it and I can't wait!
I'm going to California for two weeks to see my little brother get married and travel around the state. I will have lots to scrap with the inherited goodies, if I win. Thanks for the chance!
Our summer plans include home improvement projects, garage sales, staycations, and BBQs with neighbors.
Thanks for the opportunity to win your goodies! Have a great summer!
K in PA
This summer I will be going to a lot of parks and lakes with my one-year-old son. I will also be learning how to box from my husband, and then in return I will be teaching him how to take pictures with our Canon G10.
Hope you have a good summer :)
I don't know yet. My summer will hopefully start around July 10th, but before that there's a lot to be done! But I would like to make some trips to the pool and some picknicks!
Hi Kelly! I'm planning to ---- scrap!
I sure could use a box of goodies ;-)
This month, I am taking an online class and will end up with 13 new layouts! In July, I will be going to a 4-day retreat in KS to crop with ladies from a scrapping site I visit every day. In August, I will be traveling with my dh. I plan to take LOADS of photos, so I can scrap some more! :-)
Here's wishing you a scrap-happy summer, too!
My plan is to play with my 2 dd, pools, games, beach, fun and some scrap projects.
Happy summer to you!
I'm going to play with my baby girl! I'm a teacher and this is my first summer home as a mommy. Can't wait!
Summer here in the northwest is just about the best time of year for me. Tending my garden is a wonderful way to stay outside and remember the summer stories I want to scrap. My job even takes me outside 2 days a week - just another reason to love summer.
No plans on leaving home, so a big box of miscellaneous goodies would surely help getting the scrapbook pages done! Thanks for the chance!
We all look forward to the break from a set daily routine and getting away from it all for a few days:) We're headed to Savannah, GA and Tybee Island for a few days this year--looking forward to some touring local sites, fun in the sun on the beach, and we certainly can't pass up some of Paula Deen's cooking ya'll! LOL!
My summer plans include lots of day trips around SoCal, visiting my folks in Stockton, and a little time in Santa Barbara.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Oooh...summer....amazing season! I think this summer will be filled with lots of beautiful days outside and with our amazing vacation to France of course.
First I am going to finish my spring cleaning. I'll be spending time with friends in and out of town, hanging out with my nieces and nephews and just finding time to relax, read and scrap!
readin and scrapin and that's about it :)
Relay for Life the end of June. Just put together a couple of scrapbooking baskets for a Silent Auction, so I now have room for more goodies. Lol Then hopefully my mother and brother can make a trip to visit for awhile.
We'll visit family out of state, make lots of trips to the pool and movie theater, and just enjoy being together. Yahoo! Our last day of school is today!
My daughter is getting married so that will be the main focus of our summer. After that I plan to RELAX!!!
My plans for the summer include taking care of the garden we planted, lounging on my beautiful front porch, and visiting grandchildren and friends who live a few hours away.
Our plans for the summer include several mini vacations to some sunny close by destinations!!! I am counting the days till the first one arrives!!!!
Hope it's ok I'm from Canada. I'll be going to the Philippines in August, to visit my relatives. It should be a fun trip :)
School is out today! We will enjoy a fun but long trip to see both sets of parents/grandparents in a few weeks! Hope you have a great summer, too!
I think our plans include a little bit of everything. A weekend get away, some home projects, swimming, playing and some travel ball.
One of the perks of being a teacher: having your summer off! I'm renting an RV and taking my two boys from Florida to visit family in Michigan and then heading cross-country to see lots of the National Parks in South Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado and then start working our way home. Daddy's planning on flying out to go to Yellowstone with us but the majority of the 5 week trip will be just me and my boys (7 and 10-should be interesting)!
And our last day isn't until the 15th-wah!
We're going on a cruise in a week, (can't wait)and have plans to go to the aquarium and the beach in July-August. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Our summer plans include visiting family and friends in LOUISVILLE and Lexington, a road trip to Florida, a short trip to London, and some rest in between. Can't wait!
Our summer plans will be to stay cool. It has been a mild summer so far, I'm just waiting for it to hit 100 though.
Tomorrow I'm celebrating my little girl's 2nd birthday, that's our Summer kick-off!
We are heading into winter over here, so I plan to stay inside, keep warm and get crafting!
Going with my two boys to see my parents back in England. The boys love going and get a little spoiled :) Count me in if you'd ship to Canada. Happy summer!
Hi Kelly!
Our last day is June 6th, and it can't come fast enough! We are sooo ready to hit the pool and enjoy the sun! Bring on summer!!
I've been checking your blog every day - glad to see you back!!!
We are doing swimming lessons and lots of grandparent time! Oh and vacation bible school!
Well our biggest summer plans would have to be the arrival of our 2nd child! Prior to that we plan on taking our 4yr old son to various places like the zoo, train museum and the beach!
We plan to visit sunny California for a week of fun...starting out in San Fran and ending up in LA. Besides our big trip the kids are just going to hang out and have fun.
I plan on going to some water parks with my little guy trying to get a scrapbook convention this summer and takin alot of photos and scrappin
Hubby and I will be celebrating 25 years of marriage and we are planning a trip to the east coast to explore all the wonders. After reading your explorations of the "Outer Banks" it made me want to explore too....so off we go!!
Hope your summer is wonderful as well....Norma
My summer plans include the pool...swim team meets...going to the beach...working :(....and planning a Disney vacation!!
We live in a beautiful place with lots of local things to see and do that we have never seen or done. So, this year, we are going to explore what is around us and be grateful for it!
Wow...our summer plans are to got camping a couple of times, and just enjoy the sunshine and have fun with the kids..the 8 weeks will be over before we know it...lol
Relaxing and not following a schedule!! Lots of family time!
Ooh! Thanks for the reminder - and the chance to win. Our family has already started off with a mini-vay over the memorial weekend to the omaha zoo. Hoping to take a few other trips close to home. Also, taking an online photography class to learn more about my DSLR - so exciting!
My summer plans are spending as much time visiting my parents in the UK as I don't know how much more time my dad has.
Apart from that, I'm just going to enjoy whatever each day brings.
Oh and thanks for the reminder :)
Attending graduations-altho that may be considered still Spring and as always still looking for a job! Thanks!
Baseaball tournaments, a trip to Yellowstone, visits to the Ocean and hoping to enjoy lots of home days!
My summer will consist mostly of motocross events and scuba diving. YAY!
Getting married in Paris and honeymooning in France!!!
i'm all about the fun stuff this summer; the beach, scrapping, road trips, camping & of course, s'mores!
Lots of hanging out and relaxing here! Good times ahead!
I'll be heading to California for a family reunion, checking out some of the great movies being released this summer and (not so fun) headed back to school for the 2nd year of my MBA starting in August.
We're off to California to visit family then a summer of camps and fun.
I'll just be crafting away....waiting for my sailor to get home from his deployment. Thanks for the chance to win! You're my scrappy hero!!!! :0)
My summer plans include my sisters wedding in July and then a week in San Fransisco!
Happy Summer =)
Our plans include a trips to Vegas to visit my brother, Disney World, Universal Studios and preparing for my little guy's first experience in team sports!
Summer! Woo hoo, so glad it's here! We are going to Idaho, my parent's have a ranch there. We are going to Rio, Brazil. We are going camping in the White Mountains. And I am going to Creative Escape with some girls I grew up with! Plus lots of trips to the pool, zoo and park.
Summer...we are so looking forwad to park playdates, picnic lunches, swimming pools, grass on our bare toes, parades, fairs, friends and homemade ice cream...and my daughter will not let me forget a very special 6th birthday party celebration.
-Jodi R
I love summer - my favorite is going to the beach with the kids!
We're planning on doing lots of camping with the kiddos on our farm. So much fun & FREE!
Finally getting the chance to spend time as a family!! Cannot WAIT! Thanks for the chance to win!
We have a few trips planned, other than that we'll be trying to spend as much family time together as possible. Oh and my not so little summer project of clearing out the study and finding myself a permananet scrapping place!
I am looking forward to seeing the sun this summer-here in Washington state we have had a lot of rain lately! We are going to Cape Cod this summer!
Summer means karate camp, orchestra, more lessons, more hiking, more time at the beach... so much to do! But the biggest thing of all is moving into our new home, we are finally homeowners, and I even have a scrappy space! thanks for the chance...
Our family is gearing up for a brand new baby due around the beginning of fall. That includes a move and lots and lots of cleaning (unfortunately) and a ton of sno cone ventures, but we are excited for another fabulous addition!
We plan on taking my five year old on his first camping trip along with some family friends. We also plan on taking lots of day trips to visit some local area attractions. I hope to keep very busy.
We already did a cruise in April. Soooo
we will hang by the pool and welcome lots of family and friend over. When summer is over I think the plans are to sneak away for a " big kids" get away to Disney.
I just got engaged ... so our plans are to PLAN A WEDDING!! Woo hoo!! :)
Clean the house and keep it cleaned for all the family and friends coming thru. Yikes!
I plan on scrappin the summer away. I was diagnosed the first of the year with breast cancer and have not felt like scrappin. But I should feel a lot better by summer and CANCER FREE!!
We are justgonna hang out at home and hope for good weather, October we are heading your way for a visit to Lexington! Cant wait!
Two weeks at the shore, my daughter's 6th birthday, my 8th anniversary with my husband and a long weekend away for us, lots of vegging at the pool, and preparing for baby #4 arriving in early September--- that about sums up my summer:)
My little one and I have lots of fun trips around our area planned with friends (museums, parks, etc). As a family we are going to spend a week at the beach with my parents. Otherwise it's as much R&R as we can squeeze in. Hope you all have a fun summer ahead and thanks for the chance at the giveaway! :)
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