To start, it was the birth of our nation this weekend - the best nation in the entire world full of opportunity and freedoms much of the world can only dream of! We played it a bit low-key this 4th but did manage visit a neighbor's for a yummy cookout and light a few cheapy fireworks much to the delight of the boys! Speaking of the boys check out how BIG they're getting. Seriously! I take this same photo every year and all of a sudden, this year...well this year I realized I don't have "little" boys any more...

See what I mean? sigh. And please don't mind Ethan's smile ( or Turner's big lip. Someone (I'm not going to name names) was doing something he shouldn't (jumping on the couch) and busted it big time. Poor kid, but he'd been warned...more than once. Just saying.
And for those of you who are crafty like me and love to get your pictures down on scrapbook pages, Better Homes & Gardens' Scrapbooks Etc included tips in their newsletter for patriotic and summer sports pages. I was excited to see some of my own old favorites included but beyond my pages, there are some really great ideas there. I hope you check it out. :)
My next celebration is over at STUDIO CALICO for their 4th Anniversary/Birthday! I had the honor to come back to party with them a bit and put up a challenge for the site members which just sent went live over the weekend. Here's a link if you want to play along! And yes, there are prizes involved!

And the final celebration I get to talk about is for my 5th ANNIVERSARY/500th POST Blog Extravaganza giveaway! To think it all started on July 1st 2006 with THIS POST! See what I mean about my boys?! Five years ago they were ALL so little! To celebrate, I am giving away a USPS flat rate box SHOVED FULL with all I can fit into it. Unfortunately that means US friends only unless any of my international friends are willing to split the difference with me to get the box to them. (I'm happy to do that if you'd like :)) I'm not exactly sure what all that will be but I can tell you it *will* at least have a full collection pack of both OXFORD & OUT OF PRINT - the newest releases from BasicGrey...and maybe even something handmade, too. So please - leave a comment on this post (one per person please) - telling me something you've enjoyed about this blog and I'll draw a winner a bit later this week! I'm leaving this open for a while because parties are more fun when there's no set *end date*, right?!
Oh and Monica Schoenemann - if you're still reading! Send me a little message because you were my first ever blog commenter and I'd love to send you a little something, too!
Here's to a wonderful July!
I really like your blog! It's a slice of life that reminds me we don't need special occasions for scrapbooking!
I love all the sneak peaks of the fabulous Basic Grey products you post! I also love seeing what you do with all of that fabulous product! :)
I love looking at the photographs you take and your scrapbook layouts.
Thanks for the fabulous giveaway!
I love all of your layouts! They are so inspiring !
I'm new to your blog but I enjoy your style! To me you have a good balance of embellishments with the focus being on the photos! I look forward to seeing more! Thanks!
you are such an inspiration Kelly!! Love your work and your three boys are growing up just like my three girls! TOO FAST!!! :)
I love reading your blog because I love your layouts! The way you combine the BG papers and embellishments - so inspiring!
I love all the photos, layouts and scrapping inspiration you post!! I also like the manufacturers you have on your blog b/c they are my favorites, too! Thanks for sharing!!
What I LOVE most about your blog . . . your AMAZING layouts! SooOOoo inspiring! Every single one of them! Seriously!
Happy blog-iversary, Kelly!!
I love all the BG sneeks... plus your fabulous layouts using BG!
I always enjoy getting a bit of a heads up on what's coming out for Basic Grey... my favorite! Thanks for the chance at a great sounding prize!
Congrats on 5 years of blogging, and 500 posts!
I love your work! You are awesome at using so many different supplies together and I have lifted your work more times than I care to admit! Thanks for sharing - your blog is one of my top inspiration sources.
I love your blog because your pages are so beautiful. I also have three boys, and they do grow up so fast. Enjoy every minute, mine are 15, 17, and 19 and it seems like yesterday taking pictures in their matching Old Navy 4th shirts. Thanks for all the inspiration!!
I always visit for one reason and that is to be inspired!!! You have never failed me!!! We did a fun "who do you wanna be when you grow up" post over at Two Peas and as always, my answer is KELLY GOREE!! You seriously rock some PP/CS not to mention BASICGREY!!! Thanks for always shoving me toward creativity and Happy Blogiversary to you!!!
I enjoy your photography and your fresh clean style. It's different from my own, but there is so much inspiration in your work. I also love all the BG sneaks!
Your boys are getting big! I love following your blog because your scrapping style is inspiring to me!
I love of your layouts and foto your boys!
Congrats for you 5th anniversary and 500th post blog:)
Love the close up views of the cute little details on your layouts!
Yay for your 5th anniversary!
I remember Monica!!
I love that you are a mama of boys and you clearly love being a mama of boys. Many of the scrappers I love are girl mamas and while their pages are beautiful, I'm not sure I can rock lace and butterflies on AJ's pages if you know what I mean! I love seeing your boy pages Kelly!
I always enjoy your layouts, your photography and your easy going style. Congratulations on 5 years!!!!
I visit for the constant inspiration....scrap pages, phoTography, and as a mother. You do it all!!
I love reading your blog because, as you know, you're one of my favorite scrappers. I love your designs and the fact that you continue to stay true to your personal style, regardless of what trends come along. You make LO's that inspire & if one desired, are fairly easy to recreate. You know I puffy heart you. :)
Wow, congrats Kelly!! I found your blog not long after I started scrapping 3 years ago and I've been a huge fan since then! I love your style of scrapping and also LOVE the BG peeks you show us. Thanks for all of the inspiration!
- April W
Congrats on your Blogiversary! (I've seen that on other blogs, so it must be a real word, right?? ;) )
I'm so happy to have found your blog - you give me so much inspiration with your lovely projects! No one works patterned paper like you do. Thanks for sharing your beautiful work. Good luck to all your blog readers - I just know your box will be filled with so many scrappy goodies! Thanks for the chance.
Congrats on your blog! That's a long time to keep one up.
Yes, I know what you mean about your little ones. I take a photo the first day and last day of school in the same spot and this June, it was the last day of High School, time does fly!
Love your blog for great ideas, there can never be enough of those, keep it up!
I am a photography buff and a scrapbooker. You give me tons of inspiration on a regular basis! Thanks!
this blog is great! your layouts are so inspiring....shows me how to use those pieces of bg that I sometimes just cast aside!
Love your blog. I'm always excited about the new Basic Grey releases and love to see your layouts. Thanks!
All right, I'll play :) I have enjoyed your scrappy awesomeness in a CONSISTENT fashion. That's huge!
I am new to your blog...but I love your style!
I always feel connected to another boy mama (x3!)...and your style is oh so cute!
I come to your blog for great ideas for boy pages and sneak peeks of Basic Grey! Keep it up!
Love coming here to see your talent and to admire the photos of your 3 boys. How in the world do you get them to sit still for photos? Seriously! I am also the mother of 3 boys (albeit now grown) and that is quite the challenge, ha! Love your work! Thanks for sharing with us!
Congratulations Kelly! Your blog has been quite an inspiration for me over the years. I admire ALL of your projects you, especially your boy projects! I have all boys in my family and I LOVE coming here for inspiration. Basic Grey has always been one of my very top favorite scrappy companies and it's great to know I can come here for all the latest news and releases. Thanks Kelly.. Best wishes for many more wonderful years!
I like your blog first of all because you are a fellow KY girl, secondly because I love your designs. Every since I saw one of your layouts in a scrap mag (I think it was an all about me type layout), I have been following your work. I love your layouts and cards and really enjoy all the inspiration I get from checking out your blog. Congrats on post 500!
I love visiting your blog because of the fabulous pages you create, your happy-go-lucky attitude that comes across in your posts, and the pictures you take. Thanks for all the inspiration over the past 5 years!
i love visiting your blog for great design inspiration and also for a little humor!
i love the layouts, they are very inspiring.
I'd love to win.
I love your scrapbook layouts. I look forward to seeing them everytime Basic Grey announces a new line. Thanks for the inspiration!
I love to see your layouts and hear a little about how you design them. I especially like the close-ups of the details. I admire your unique style.
Happy Anniversary, Kelly! I don't let a day pass without checking your blog. Your ideas are so inspiring. They make me want to create right away! To heck with my responsibilities for the day, I just want to use your fun ideas to make something cute of my own!Thank you for the years of inspiration!
I love reading about basic grey and seeing your wonderful layouts!
I started reading to see Basic Grey lines and your layouts with them. But I do love to see you cute boys!
As a mom to 3 boys myself, I always like seeing good boy layouts - thanks for the inspiration!
Love your inspiration and everyday layouts
krazykcrafters at msn dot com
I originally came to your blog because I love your work. I've stayed because I love your work, lol, and I get to see new Basic Grey and your outstanding photos. Thank you!!!
You've been so inspiring over the years (I've followed for quite awhile). You always find new ways to stretch my imagination. I thank you for the time you have put into it, and for all your talents you have shared!
I like your sneaks and layouts but what makes your blog special to me is your down to earth, real life attitude and writing.
Congrats! i love your blog because you always inspire me!!!! Thanks for the chance!
I could tell you that I love the sneaks, or your layouts, or even your giveaways...but that is all a given, right? Honestly, I love to visit your blog for your photos...of those adorable little boys that have grown so much! I think my favorite photo/post of yours "so far" was the one of your littlest asleep under your Christmas tree. THAT was absolutely priceless! YOUR post and photos inspired me to start getting more of those priceless, for that, I thank you!
Hi Kelly - I followed your blog, and then one day, you came to town, & I got to take two of your classes. You were so much fun! From the start, I've loved Basic Grey papers, & I really enjoy your style, so I just like seeing what you do with each & every new release! Thank you for all you do!
I love Basic Grey and I love what you do with it. A great prize.
You bet I am willing to split the difference to Canada! LOL! I just have to say that I absolutely love your blog! I check it regularly and am continually impressed with your ability to scrap patterned paper. Keep up your supreme awesomeness!
Genny V (from Canada)
Oh my goodness, how they boys have grown! I love coming to your blog and seeing the newest from Basic Grey. I feel like you're my inside scoop to what's going on over there. :)
Hi Kelly,
I'm in Australia, so Im happy to split the cost, thanks for thinking of us internationals.
I love your blog and eagerly check it for updates. You know that I have rabbited on before about how much I love your 2 page designs, so well balanced and even though you regularly include 4x6 they never look the same, you're genius! On you blog my favourite thing though is the easy going friendliness that your writing creates, it is a happy place to visit.
Kelly, I love reading your blog to get inspiration from you. Your layouts are always gorgeous and fun. Please keep posting!!!
Hi Kelly, I love your photos because they always give me so much inspiration!
Good Morning Kelly, Happy Blog Anniversary! I love seeing your BG creations, especially around CHA time. My favorite part of your blog is the "ask me anything" feature. Here's to another 5 years of awesome blogging! Cindy in VA
Hi there, To be honest, I'm a newbie round here so i'm keen to read more about the photography aspect of your posts, but loving the eye-candy of pretty papers too! Hugs.
I love your blog because I get so inspired by your layouts. You use a lot pictures and 2 page designs which I also do. Your pages are always "scraplift" worthy. Thanks for the inspiration.
I enjoy drooling over your layouts! :-) Thanks!
Congrats on your blogoversary Kelly! I love reading your blog for the inspiration! Your projects are so creative and well designed and your photography is awesome too! Keep up the good work lady! -Alisa
I love all the LOs you post on your blog! So much inspiration! Also your boys ARE getting so big! Cute photo. :) Thanks so much for the giveaway.
Like so many others, I love seeing your layouts. Thanks for sharing so many good ideas!
I love your layouts Kelly! Congrats on your 5th anniversary!
Like so many others it is your gorgeous layouts that draw me back time and again. Congratulations on your 5th blog anniversary and I hope you celebrate many more! Thank you for the chance to win.
Congrats, Kelly! A blog is alot of work and takes dedication. You do a great job. And I love your scrapbook style, I have loved it for years.
Congrats, Kelly!! I love reading your blog to see the amazing ways you use BasicGrey. Very inspiring!!!
congrats on your blog!!! i LOVE to come to your blog to get scrappy inspiration from your projects and your photos are always amazing and make me smile!!!
Your boys are getting so to watch them grow up. I enjoy your blog and humor...makes me smile everytime...thanks for the uplifting words. Congrats on your 5th year and many more!!
You're blog is my go-to for layout ideas and inspiration!! You ROCK Basic Grey like no other! Thanks for many years of fun and ideas :)
I would LOVW to split :) I love your style and your blogg!
Congratulation on your 5th anniversary!! WOW time does fly... I started scrapbooking after I fell in love with a layout your created for BG (March 2009 but saw it in Oct) -- My friend invited me to a Scrapbooking store, I saw it and that was it!! It took me a while to get into blogging (around a year ago)... found you after that!
I really enjoy visiting your blog for inspiration with my scrapbooking and your pictures make me wish my daughter was that young so I can take fun pictures to scrapbook like you do! (but keep insisting [almost demanding] to my daughter that she does that with my grand babies so that I can scrapbook them!)
I believe in doling out compliments regularly for those who are deserving... So here we go: 1) I love that YOU love my two fave scrap product companies, Basic Grey and SC. 2) I appreciate all the LOs you share on your blog, but *especially* ideas for boy pages, and 3) Amid the current "shabby chic" and "vintage" trends, you maintain balance and geometry on your pages, which I absolutely adore.
There you go! Thanks for a chance...
Congrats on the Blog-iversary! I discovered your blog 'cos of my love for Basic Grey so your inspiring BG projects & peeks of new lines are always enjoyable. Thanks for all the effort you put into sharing your talent with us through your blog.
Congratulations on your 5th blog-iversary!!!!!
I LOOOOVE to see your AMAZING layouts, your blog is the first one on my favorites list and I allways check it DAILY...I wish you posted daily to see all you create. I also enjoy the BG releases and the photos of your adorable boys, they are super CUTE.
Thanks A LOT for sharing with us!!!
...and for this great giveaway!!
I love your blog... love it! The way you use color in your pages, the way you combine patterned paper in ways that I never would have thought of, and even all those details (like the penned-on stitching on your pages) that are your trademarks. Thank you for inspiring me to create memories that my daughter will cherish. I follow your blog very enthusiastically!
I'm a big fan of your layouts and love hearing about new products!
i love the amazing ideas you have, I seriously only became addicted to Basic Grey because of you.
I love seeing everything you create-it's great inspiration!
I love your scrappy style!! You made me fall in love with Basic Grey. I was always a little scared of Basic Grey, but seeing how you used the products gave me the push to try them too! Now I am hooked on BG & your blog:) Happy blogaversary!!!
Your blog is my go to source for inspiration. I can remember the first day I spotted one of your layouts I had to jump over and spent hours on your blog filling up my inspiration file! It is like Christmas when my reader shows a new post from you!
Happy Blogaversary!
I visit your blog for INSPIRATION! I love your style! My sister connected me to your blog and I thank her for it often....Happy Anniversary to YOU and thanks for the chance to win! My sister and I share all our supplies so you would make us two happy scrappers!
I love your blog for the sheer inspiration for scrapbooking!
I like seeing all your layouts. you have a great style and combination of products.
Congrats on #500! I love your style ... plus the BG sneaks. ;)
I just love your style - your layouts are so inspiraional and I need all the help I can get! I especially love layouts for mutli-photo events - I always struggle with this. I'm international, but am happy to pay postage if I was lucky enough to win!
Five years blogging! Congrats! That is dedication! I love your sneaky peeks at the new Basic Grey Collections and seeing how you use them in your layouts!
Congrats on your 500th post, Kelly - that's quite an achievement - well done for sticking at it all these years!! I love to visit your blog for inspiration, and especially because I know you do the best BG sneaks!!!
P.S. I'm in Ireland, and if I was lucky enough to win - I would merrily do a deal on the postage!!
I read your blog for the fun little stories and especially for the BG news! BG needs more peeps blogging about their product. Thanks you for sharing all you do.
I love your beautiful pages. You use lots of great patterns and embellishments, but the focus is still on the photos. Love that! Thanks for sharing.
Congratulations!!! I love reading your blog. Your work is so inspiring and beautiful! (and it included Basic Grey - score!!!)
I love looking at your layouts. I have so many saved in my gallery as inspiration. You are extremely talented. Congrats on your anniversary.
I love all your wonderful layouts!
I've just stumbled upon your lovely blog and I can't wait to read more...and Basic Grey? Yes Please!!!
Congratulations!!! I am so inspired by your creations & pictures.... love your style! Thank you for the daily inspiration!!
I have found so much inspiration here and have been inpired to get a little more done in my scrapbooks...thank you and thank you for the chance to win!!!
Tracy D.
I have always been a Basic Grey fan and later found your blog. I have enjoyed all of your great layouts and also the other items you share. Congrats on your wonderful blog!
I check your blog at least every other day.. I LOVE your work! What's not to love about your blog. Your boys are adorable, your work is by far the best in the industry and you take AWESOME pictures! :)
Hi Kelly! I've been reading your blog ever since I took your class at Scrapbook Expo in Somerset, NJ last year. (Please come back, next year!) Anyway, the wonderful thing I get from your blog is inspiration. Lots and lots of inspiration. In fact, I dedicated a week to you on my blog last July! Congrats on this wonderful milestone.
It seems so long ago yet at the same time like just yesterday! Have always loved your work even before you were blogging. Celebrating 5 years myself next month! Not nearly as popular as you though :)
I just love seeing your layouts! Thanks for sharing so many great ideas! And I can't say I also don't love getting the latest and greatest info on BG!
Kelly, your layouts continue to amaze and inspire me! I always look forward to see what you've come up with!
Cheryl Pruitt
Congratulations on 500!!!!
I love all the LO's and inspiration they provide! I love how you use pp:) Happy Blog-iversary:)
I love all yr scrapbook layouts. You inspire me!
Basic Grey is my favorite manufacturer; however, I always need a little help getting started with my own layouts. I love the high quality layout ideas you provide!
What do I love most about this blog? Wow...that's a hard one. I would have to say your creativity. I am a scrapbooker, and the pages you post ALWAYS give me a creative spark and push my creativity. LOVE your work...I'm always inspired! Happy 5th Anniversary! Bring on more...
I have to say that my favourite bit of the blog is the sneak previews of basic grey - just love them. But I also love to see your layouts and your photos - because they are always lovely. I live in the Uk but would be happy to split the shipping on a goodie box as we dont get all the US supplies here.
I love to see what you do with all of the new basic grey goodies. I also look for photo ideas - yours are always fabulous.
I love the way you use pattern paper in your layouts! Your layouts always put the photos first and have helped me complete more layouts of my own.
Thank you!
Actually, I just came across this blog today on google. Will try to read it regularly now, though.
Happy 500th post - what a fantastic accomplishment!
I love everything about your blog: the BG sneak peeks, your layouts and your photos. Thanks for inspiring us and teaching us how to use that patterned paper from BG so beautifully. Happy Anniversary and please keep on blogging!
I love your photos and your perfect use of colors and of Basic Grey's Collections! You are great!!!
Happy 5th Anniversary!
Wow, happy 5th anniversary!!! I love checking in and seeing your pages, they are constant inspiration. All the best for the next 500!!! Andrea (New Zealand)
Wow! 500 posts is epic. And I took a peek at the new BG releases and am drooling! Fun stuff!
Congrats on your blogiversary! <3
Gosh, I remember when you first started your blog, Kelly! So glad that you have kept it up for all of these years (I love your constant inspiration plus all of the wonderful updates on your lovely family! :D) for all of us faithful readers! :D
Wow! What an accomplishment. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! :D
Thanks for sharing your gorgeous layouts! I've gotten so much inspiration from your work.
I am kind of new to your blog, but I am loving the inspiration I get from your photography!
I love your blog. I love seeing your fabulous pages, all the sneaks of new Basic Grey, and your cutie boys!
I think you are sooo talented. I love your layouts, which I sometimes try to copy, and your photograhpy, (a skill that I am working on). Congratulations on your 5th blog.) If I win, I would be happy to split the postage with you!
Jeannine H.
Love how you incorporate so much color into your layouts and your great pictures :)
I'm sure this is too late for the blog candy, but I'm here... LOL, so anyways, what I enjoy about your blog is just being able to study your layouts and drool over BG goodness :)
[Can't seem to figure out how to work these darned Comment boxes! Gonna try again - here goes]. I adore the way your journal about those gorgeous boys. Just short phrases that get right to the point, they are light-hearted and clearly show how much you adore them and they always make me chuckle. Plus, Basic Grey! Is there anybody who does not just love Basic Grey??
I am relatively new to your blog, and I absolutely love all the inspiration I've gotten from it! Your pictures and layouts are truly amazing; you're so talented! Thanks for sharing and congrats on five years!
Jamie :)
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