Friday, November 04, 2011

Friday Giveaway!

HAPPY FRIDAY, everyone!!!

I have to say it's been quite the busy week so I'm so excited for a couple of days of rest....that is until Sunday night when my oldest plays in his 5th FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP. Then I'll be going crazy - GOOOOOO COLTS!

I told you yesterday that I'd have a fun giveaway today and what could be more fun than a sketch class? I know I know! A sketch class from my friend KELLY PURKEY! Trust me, you're going to love it! First, here are the deets:

Sketchpad is a brand-new class from Kelly Purkey, spinning off from her series of successful Sketchbook classes. Sketchpad is a downloadable, self-paced class featuring 12 original sketches, 35 exclusive layouts from Kelly + and her talented contributors, 35 MORE sketches made from those layouts, and 12 amazing cards based on the sketches from the talented, Kristina Werner... all in a full-color 75 page PDF. Visit Kelly's blog for more details on the class and how to purchase.

Here's a peek at the project I did for her class to give you a very small taste of what is included:
(and yes, more HALLOWEEN! But this time I'm ahead of the game -they're THIS year's photos! ;))

KP has generously agreed to let me give away a spot in her class to one of my lucky readers! So here's what you have to do:
Simply leave a comment (one per person, please) between now and Sunday night November 6th at 11:59 pm Eastern telling me what you love about sketches and what this class would do for you and you'll be entered to win! Winner announced Monday!

And a little freebie for you today, too! BasicGrey has put up their free desktop calendar for November - it's adorable! Get yours HERE!

Have a fantastic weekend!


Beth said...

I adore sketches...they help speed up my scrapping by giving me inspiration! This class would help me learn to utilize all the sketches I've accumulated and give me some great new ones to work with!

Charlotte Brochu said...

Sketches are just the most awesome thing to me! I'm constantly on the hunt for new ones to work with as that's how I do the majority of my scrapping! There are so many talented artists out there and this class looks like it just be phenomenal! Thanks for the chance!

Susan said...

what an awesome give away!! I absolutely LOVE sketches! makes starting a layout SO much easier.....which means I get more layouts DONE! thanks for the opportunity to win!

Jennifer said...

I love sketches. They stretch my layouts beyond what I can think of myself.

Tanya said...

I NEED sketches! LOL, I am lost without them, I just don't have enough mojo I guess. Thank you so much for the awesome chance!

Mernin said...

I love sketches to get me in a creative space. It really is a jump start that I need! Thanks for the chance to win!

Michelle L. said...

I can spend endless amounts of time placing elements on a layout in all kinds of arrangements, and so sketches help me use that time much more wisely-- doing the actual scrapbooking & preservation of memories! Knowing that my two favorite "Kelly's" in scrapbooking are involved in this class makes me say that I'd reeeeallllly love a spot in it!

Kelly said...

I love sketches b/c they help speed up the process a little. We have two active boys so scrappin' time is hard to come by. I also like the help in using patterned papers!

Jennifer said...

I love sketches ... why invent the wheel? They're a great starting spot!

Katherine said...

What I like about sketches is that it makes me scrap quicker as most of the design is taken out of my hands, and also challenges me to do different things with my papers and photos. I would use the class to create an album (I need to do a Christmas present for my sister and scrap photos of her little boy, so it would be perfect for that)

Cindy deRosier said...

I love sketches to help me out of my comfort zone. I am always stretched creatively when I use someone else's sketch. And I LOVE Kelly's work.

Lisa said...

I like sketches because it helps me scrap faster. And gives me new ideas for layouts.

Lisa H.

Diane said...

I haven't used sketches much, but I would love to take this class and get a better handle on them Thanks for the chance to win!

Michelle said...

I LOVE sketches! I think if I don't use them, my pages don't flow as well or start to look all the same. It also speeds up the process for me as I don't have to think about design as much. I am actually a little lost if I don't have one to use... mojoless in a way. Thank you, Kelly, for the chance to win. Have a great weekend!! Go Colts!

isabel said...

it's fun for the imagination, love sketches

Toni said...

I love sketches. They really are the jump start that I need to make scrapbook pages!

Melissa said...

I love to use sketches as a starting point for my layouts. They really help me to get beyond staring at a blank page. Thanks for the giveaway ;)

Ellie said...

sketches are my go to when I am mojoless (is that a word lol) They help me get back into the groove & once you start you can't stop. Its always fun to see your page come to "life" after using a sketch! Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

oooh! I have never done an online class, and I KNOW how useful sketches are when scrapbooking, even just as inspiration! ....yes, I have Pagemaps...

It would definitely kick-start my own scrapbooking (I have taken into scrapbooking for others way too much in the last year).

This is a great contest!

{dawn} said...

I would to try Kelly's sketches! I usually your layouts or something like pagemaps to kick-start my layouts.

Julie said...

I'm a beginner in the scrapbooking world and most of the time i use sketches and this class will certainly help me to improve my pages.

Thanks for the chance.

Kellie Groves said...

Sketches help give me a starting point for my pages. I love how they can be manipulated to be any size or configuration so you can customize them to your needs. Sketchpad will not only give me great sketches, but inspiration from some of the top names in the scrapbooking industry. Thanks for a chance to win!

Lou said...

This class looks amazing,how fantastic would it be too win a spot...thank you for a chance.
Sketch's are great, there is always one that fits the number of photos you'd like to use and if i've lost my inspiration a sketch is always a good starting point to get going again.

MNJackson said...

Love sketches, it really helps when I am having one of my "mental" blocks. Thanks for the chance to "unblock". :)

Kim M said...

I take everything so literally and sketches for me are just wonderful cause it is all laid out with where to put what and I don't have to think at all.

karen s said...

It seems I am more of a paper collector than a papercrafter as I too often can't think of what I want to do with all my great stuff! This class would go a long way in getting me started. I never thought of using sketches and I think this class would be perfect!

Kate aka stinkydudette said...

Sketches are a good jump start, and they are flexible and can be adapted many ways. Hope I win this class!

cutiephinphin said...

I'm a scrapbook newbie so sketches give me an idea on how to get started and I love that you can also get inspirations from the different interpretations of a sketch.

LaNell said...

Sketches are a stepping off point for my page creation. It provides inspiration. The class would help me catch up on my scrap booking. Thanks for the opportunity to enter.

Jennifer Cowan said...

WOW KP has lots of awesome ladies with layouts in her class...hoping to win a spot!

gloria said...

Hey, I have been wanting to give this a try. Hopefully I can win it :) What I love about sketches is the versatility--use it--turnit 90 or 180 degrees and use it again!!

April said...

I would SO love a spot in this class! Sketches are my go-to starting point in scrapping. I love that I can look at a sketch and an idea will come to me, and I can create something totally unique and fantastic because of it! :)
- April W

Anonymous said...

Sketches help me out in so many ways, from picture placement to deciding what size to print my photos. I'd be lost without them!


Lynne said...

I love sketches! They allow me to frame my page in good design principles but also have freedom to personalize my page.

Sophie N said...

I love how sketches always help me to figure out an idea, but add my own creativity to them. This class would give me a boost and hopefully help me out of my "scrapbookers block" I'm in.

Aurelie said...

Sketches for me are a must!! I've always said, "Don't try to fix something that ain't broken!" Sketches take the guess work out of creating. They are a great starting point and it's always so much fun to see just where I can bring a project from someone else's idea. I often switch from sketch artist to sketch artist in order to keep things fresh. These sets would be a new part of my ever-growing starting points. Sketches: what a truly wonderful things!!

Rebecca Kettner said...

I love KP! I love sketches! 99.9% of the time, I go to a sketch or an inspirational layout before I get started on a page.

Stéphanie said...

I use sketch when i'm not inspire...And i'd love to win so please...
Thank you for the chance to win/

souDulce said...

I like sketches because some times I'm not design inpired. And it's a nice way to save some times not to worring about design and spending on the other things (like jounaling)!

KatKat said...

I love sketches because they are often very inspirational. I can either follow the exact sketch or make my own twist.

Marie said...

I love how sketches can give me that 'kick in the butt' to do something unusual on my cards and scrapbook pages! I like using sketches as starting points for my own creations, and tweeking them to fit my project =)

Dolly said...

I love sketches, they give me creative inspiration. I've taken one sketch I love and used it 4 different ways - I love that each layout will look different! Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I love sketches. They help me to visualize where I'm going with a layout and to get there faster. I've not seen Kelly Purkey's work so this would be a new venture for me. Thanks for the chance to try it out.

Lisa Henderson said...

I would love to take Sketchpad! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love sketches. They just make planning a page that much easier. I always sketch out my pages prior to even printing my pages! Love that this class would give me tons of inspiration in that department! thanks so much, and that sneak of halloween is AWESOME :)

Shelley Taylor said...

I love sketches for the inspiration, and I could really use some now! Thanks for the offer. . .

Arjanne said...

Looks nice!

Melinda AKA medialady said...

I love using sketches to speed up my process (which seems to be very slow right now). This class will give me some more great ideas!

Cheryl Leong said...

One good class's for me to anticipate! Sketches saves my time!

cheryl131091 at yahoo dot com

Susan said...

Sketches definitely get me out of a scrapbooking rut ~ it works every time!! This looks like so much fun and I could use a little jumpstart to get some pages done before the holidays. Thanks for the chance to win it!

Nicole said...

I love sketches because they help me get more photos scrapped.
Thank you for the opportunity! :)

Lisa P said...

awesome! I am so loving sketches. I use one for most layouts just to get a basic idea of photo placement. Then I let my mind and creativity take over. Love it. Would love this class to see other ways of utilizing sketches and have more sketches to scrap!

crazydebbi said...

I love sketches because they put a jump into my creativity. When I just can't come up with a page idea I look through the sketches I have and ~voila~ an idea developes based on the sketch. Awesome!

Jill said...

I'll take all the inspiration I can get

April said...

Sketches keep me sane!! :). I know this sketch class would help me stay focused and organized when the ideas and thoughts are too overwhelming. Thanks!

Brittany said...

Faaaantastic!!! Love KP and love sketches! They get my juices flowing so much that I've actually started taking certain photos to "fit" a particular sketch in mind. Fitting life to art! ;)

Pegg S said...

I definitely need sketches to scrap! I am still learning how to scrap and the design principles, so sketches definitely start me off right away.

Dale P. said...

Sketches help me a lot. Otherwise I spend way tooOOOO much time thinking about the layout. So I get very little done. This class will help me get more pages done!!!

Michelle said...

I love sketches and I love KP - and it's on your blog so what could be better!

Jamie said...

I love sketches! Especially lately, I don't think I'd be able to scrap without 'em. I like the fact that everything is already planned out for you before you ever start working. For unorganized, crazy people like me, they're a must!

Vitoria B said...

I love working with sketches, not always, but it helps me sometimes.

La Zaz said...

Thanks for the chance ! I love sketches so i'm sure this class is for me.

Stephanie VR said...

Thanks for doing the give away! I love sketches because they give me that boost of inspiration I need to make fabulous pages at a quicker pace than normal!

kmp1515 said...

I always love to start with a sketch. It never ends up being exactly like it but it is a great place to start.