Hello and Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a fantastic (And WARM like we did!) weekend and are all geared up to face this brand new daylight savings time! *yawn*
The giving keeps continuing here into the new week! I'm so excited! So let's get right to it today, shall we?! Today I'm helping my amazingly talented friend Vicki Boutin give away a couple of copies of her new book, CREATIVE FOUNDATIONS!

Let me just scratch the surface of why this book is a must-have! I'll begin by mentioning that I was an art major in college. I absolutely loved getting my hands dirty with paint, ink, canvas primer (gesso) and anything else I could think of. It was my life for those four years. Then enter working a "real job" and marriage and kids and my creative outlet disappeared. I never could figure out what was missing in my life until scrapbooking came along and once again I had an outlet for my artistic endeavors. But I never even THOUGHT to marry my love of inky, painty type stuff with my scrapbooking. And that's where Vicki comes along. When I say this girl is creative it's only because I don't have a stronger word to use to describe the incredible ideas that come out of her cute blonde head! She's a total rockstar and what's even better? She MAKES IT EASY!
Oh yes! Those of you that are reading this and thinking to themselves right now - "But *I* wasn't an art major and *I'm* not artistic!" - I'm here to say oh YES YOU ARE and Vicki will show you how....simply. (And another bonus? These techniques don't HAVE to be confined to a scrapbook page!)
Here is just a peak at one of my projects I contributed to Vicki's book. For this I not only stamped on vellum, but I also used mists for masks and several other cool techniques. Vicki helped make it approachable and ever step is SO well illustrated! I promise you NEED this book. So here's how you can get one:
Vicki is doing something creative (of course!) to give away some copies of her fabulous, must-have book. She is having everyone collect a word at each blog they visit to complete a phrase to be entered to win!
My word is "A". Simply leave a comment here to consider it "collected" and then hop on over and visit the talented Bethany Kartchner HERE to collect the word "COPY" and you're almost there! Remember, once you're done, stop back to Vicki's blog and let her know you collected all the words to "I'd LOVE A COPY OF CREATIVE FOUNDATIONS!" and you'll be entered to win one of TWO copies of her book! Fabulous, right!?! And for those of you that are impatient like me, here's a link to Amazon to buy a copy NOW!
So what are you waiting for?! Get hopping!
I'll be back a bit later to announce the winners of CARD MAPS 2 and Kimber's 100 Fun & Handmade Cards!
Have a fantastic day!