So. My neighbor has 2 cats and a litter of 7-week-old kittens (the 2nd litter in 6 months mind you because she hadn't gotten the cat spayed). I dutifully ignore said cats, even the cute fluffballs of 7-week-old newness. Why? Because I am NOT a cat person! It would be nice if it ended there, but sadly it doesn't.
The other day - right before the 4th of July weekend - my neighbor goes away for the holiday. She leaves all 6 cats out the entire time she is gone with no food, no water, no shelter. I admit it, I got angry. Even though I am not a cat person. I was especially angry for the four kittens who were barely weaned yet expected to make it on their own for the 5 or so days my neighbor was gone. And then we begin to feed said cats. We gave them water, the kittens milk and all of them a wee bit of tuna that was all we had in the house we could think to give them. That's when we noticed it. The cutest of the kittens - a teeny little orange tabby - had a skin issue. Flies were

And that's when it happened.
Suddenly, *we* have two cats. They sleep on our porch, get fed and watered and showered with love by my boys. Particularly Turner. Who *is* apparently, a CAT person. *sigh*

(That's T with the sweet orange tabby we had to send away...and with Peanut this morning. See? Cat Person...but I love him anyway ;))
I am a dog and cat lover. And they are so cute but watch out cats multiple fast. lol
This is hysterical. I never knew you weren't a cat person :) Congrats on the new additions.
oh I don't blame you on the dog person thing :) I think cats are sneaky... lol.
good for you, for looking out for the little animals, though :)
Man, that woman needs to learn a four letter word
S P A Y !!!!
That stuff drives me crazy! Thank you for caring for those kitties. I'm totally a dog person but I love all animals.
Awwww, they are so cute!!!!!!
Aww, Kelly, I'm so happy there are people like you out there. My daughter watches that animal cops special on Animal Planet and I just get so upset when I see the things people do - I don't get that....I hope all works out for the kitties and what sweet photos you have there!!!
No cat person over here either, give me a dog and I 'll do fine.
I'm not a cat person either - I agree w/Missy, they're sneaky, lol! I would have been really upset too, can't believe she left all of them out!! So awesome that you took care of them though! =)
OK, let me first say... OMGoodness!!! can not believe someone would be so irresponsible to not spay their cat!!!! and then to top it off by just leaving the babies to fend for themselves!!!! erked! I can totally understand why you did what you did... and you are a kind sweet person, despite your being a dog person... to take on these two little cuties... I to am a dog person... but in those sort of circumstances what could you do.
Yay for you....not only for taking in two of the kitties but for taking care of the whole lot of them and calling animal control. You totally did the right thing. I love both cats & dogs and how people can resist adorable little kittens is beyond me.....they're one of the sweetest things in the whole world!! Congrats on the newest additions to your family! If you need any help/advice with them just LMK, I've had cats all of my life.
I'm SO not a cat person either (I love DOGS), but I think it's wonderful what you did for those cats! You go girl! They're so cute! ;)
GOOD FOR YOU!!! I would have done the same exact thing!!!
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