Thursday, January 22, 2009

And so it begins!

The banners announcing the new lines have started appearing on BasicGrey's site! CHA (the Craft and Hobby Association trade show) will be starting on Sunday and a new taste of what's to come will appear on the site each day leading up to the show! I LOVE this time of year!

The first line up is MARRAKECH! I have to tell you that Marrakech is one of my two personal favorite lines from this release. The colors are so rich and divine and the patterns just work so beautifully together! Here's just a little peek.
I'll be sure to post more as they go live and check back here Sunday morning for some work examples featuring all four of the new lines!

ETA: A little more to intice you - The next line is now up (I was a bit slow on the first one). Now it's time for PORCELAIN, which blends a refined palette of delicate lace and floral motifs in watercolor-inspired hues of sunset yellow, spring greens, soft corals and espresso brown. (I didn't write that myself ;)) Here you go!


stephanie howell said...

purty purty. can't wait to see you!!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the colors in this line Kelly. I can't wait to see all your samples... they are always my favorite sneak peeks for CHA. Have a fun time there! Amy Tara

Melanie said...

so pretty! I love the sneak peeks that they post on their site! so exciting!

Linda said...

The paper is so pretty, I really like the colors in this line.

Eveline said...

Reminds me of my holiday in Marocco. We went to Marrakech one day and we had to get up very early, saw the most magnificent sunrise and Marrakech is a great city.

Eveline said...

And the paper looks beautiful. Forgot to mention that in my first post:0

Carine Hartman said...

Very nice colors, I think I would use that new line a lot

MaraMay said...

I am definitely loving the navy which has recently become one of my new favotire colors! YUM!

Misty said...

oooohhhh....i think i am in!!! tfs and look forward to more :0)

Rachel Carlson said...


Cynthia Baldwin said...

ooo! Looks like blues and reds? Can't wait for more!

Anonymous said...

Looks great so far! Can't wait to see more :)

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I've been to Marroco and the market in Marrakech - brings back memories of fabulous sights, textures, smells...Hmmm. Will definitely get this line - cannot wait.
Wish I were going to CHA

Nancywithajones said...

yummmmm I see now I will need it! haha

Sarah Mullanix said...

The new lines look amazing, they always outdo themselves! Can't wait to see your work, it's always my favorite!!


Anonymous said...

Those are GORGEOUS!! I am a DIE HARD BG fan! I have not been disappointed yet!! I am drooling over that Porcelian line! Simply GORGEOUS!! [Amanda from Ontario]

Linda said...

Like Amanda I to am a "die hard BG fan and am also lvoing the look of the Porcelain range however I will probably have to wait for 6 months until they are out down here.

Anonymous said...

Love the Marrakech. Very rich.

Mary Jo said...

Porcelin looks so pretty to me :0)

Nikki said...

I am in LOVE :) love what has been posted so far :)

Melanie said...

the porcelain reminds me of pretty!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty, I think I am really going to like the porcelain collection.

Paola said...

Oh the colors look so wonderful!
I can't wait until they come out!

Anonymous said...

OMG - all I can say about the PORCELAIN collection is... YUM! *grin*