In the meantime, I can't post without having pictures to share! These are from a recent visit to the pumpkin patch - which, by the way, we only made it to ONE time as a family this year contrary to the opinion of a few friends of mine that seem to have this year confused with last! ha!
OH! And a final reminder, Don't forget to leave me a comment in this post for a chance to win an BG Halloween album kit (designed by me!) along with a slew of other BG goodies including an entire pack of designer cardstock!

Happy Halloween, all!
Its flu here :-( Hope ur little man feels better soon. Chrissy
OMG, I so want it
Oh I hope you guys recover quick!
Great pumpkin patch pics Kelly! I hope your little guy feels better soon.
Awesome photos! Sorry to hear your crew is sick on Halloween though. That sucks. :(
Big Hugs to you all!! so sorry your little guy has got the flu!! Hope he gets to feeling better real soon and none of the rest of you get it. your pictures are picture perfect!!
Can I borrow someone's child? I'd love to have some Pumpkin Patch photos, too. Kind of embarrassing to go to one without a kid.
Sorry about the flu. Bad timing for your children!
I hope he feels better soon, that's no fun!
We are staying home as well. We all have viral bronchitis and my 3 yr old had a fever yesterday.. he missed his preschool Halloween party and now it looks as if he'll miss out on TOT'ing, too :(
HUGS.. Hope we all feel better soon! Cute pics, too!
So sorry you middle guy has is a hint for the rest of the family. I hear that H1N1 takes 3 days to show symptoms....but if you drink hot fluids before bed or gargle with hot salt water or Listerine and blow your nose really good you should be OK. Just a piece of advice I heard. Can't hurt Hope you all stay healthy and Happy 'indoor' Halloween!
So sorry to hear about the flu bug hitting your household! At least he'll get that extra hour of rest tonight for the time change?
Hope you're able to enjoy some least answering the door for those trick-or-treaters!
Happy Halloween anyway!!
Sick on Halloween? Poor kid!! Bad enough to be sick, but to miss out on costumes and candy ...
Oh Wow!!! tes photos sont juste sublimes!! J'adooore les contraste, les couleurs, bravo
Happy Halloween to you and your family
Marinette from France
Hi Kelly
Hope your family is quickly over the nasty bugs. Thanks for the chance to win - counting down the days to do your class's here in little ole New Zealand!
Aw, sorry to hear about the flu; what a nasty trick to have. Hope he feels better and the rest of your family stays healthy.
Hope he feels better soon.
Sorry to hear your boy has got the flu. Hopefully he feels better soon. The pumpkin patch pics are great. I am sure they will make a great layout.
Happy Halloween!
Ugh - so sorry :( Are E and C ok?? Sending you healthy vibes and looking forward to your faux Halloween photos later on :) If it makes you feel any better, we never have an authentic Halloween out here... xo
So sorry to hear that he has got the flue. Hope he will get better soon. I love your pics. Happy Halloween!
The story of a sad scrapbooker/wanna be photographer. So...last night, we take our munkins' to our town's Downtown River walk Trick or Treating. The light is perfect, the sun setting behind them is etheral...the non-posed beauty of my children is wonderful. An hour and a half into it, I realize, no memory card! Who does this! Me? I'm sad, I almost lay on the ground and cry. Instead, I head to an expensive dinner and a cold beer. I still don't feel that much better. I wonder if they will set it all up and do it next week just for me?
Oh man - we're day 9 of that flu, and still it lingers! My eldest got it and within 72hrs we ALL had it - it's a meanie for sure! Good luck - rest up - and Happy Halloween!!
I hope you babe feels better. I'm still debating the merits of that vacine.......
You live in such a beautiful part of the country! Somehow I think you will make Halloween fun, even with the "hiney" bug in da house!
What terrific fall photos. We've had so much rain that we haven't made it to the pumpkin patch this year. Hope wellness finds your family soon!
Beautiful shots, love the colour!
Hope he feels better soon!! Beautiful pumpkin patch photos!!
Aw, Kelly - hope your little guy is better soon...and that the other two can escape the grasp of the H1N1. Love the pics from the patch - even your photos are filled with color! Make it a fun night anyway...Happy Halloween!
Would love to have anything BG! Hope your middlest doesn't share! Take care! Terri
What beautiful memories! Your orange is soooo awesome!
Sorry to hear the bug has hit your house! My husband had it a few weeks ago and was banished to the basement. Happy Halloween anyway!
Wow, I really love those pics, that is a beautiful place and the colors are so bright and pretty. Get well wishes sent your way! :0)
Speedy recover to your son! Hope you don't get it! !!!
Sorry to hear about your son's unfortunate luck. It is a real bummer missing out on getting dressed up & going out trick or treating on Halloween. Hopefully he will have a speedy recovery & the rest of your family will be spared.
Great pumpkin patch pics!
awesome pics! we too have h1n1 in our household ... :(
Love the pumpkin picking photos! Hope your guy recovers quick. Happy Halloween!
Best wishes to your smallish man for speedy recovery. As for the pictures, one of the nicest things about your work is how your boys are all dressed in colours that complement their surroundings. How on earth do you manage to get them to co-operate?
oh no! hope your lil guy is all better soon (and that he keeps it to himself lol)! my middle little just got out of the hospital with pneumonia, so no T or T'ing for us either :(
oh no- H1N1 on Halloween. Poor guy. Hope he feels better soon.
Oh no it seems like every Blog I have read....someone has a sick little one!!!! This stinks on Halloween!!! Hoping he is feeling better quickly!!!! I just adore the amaze me with your photography skills!!!!
hey sweetie! you know i've got all sorts of get healthy vibes heading your way. fabulous pumpkin patch photos. and i won't tell about the after halloween photo shoot if you don't, k? love ya!
OMG...I hope your little one is better really soon.
I LOVE your pictures of the pumpkins...I just love pumpkins!!!
Kelly i hope your little boy is feeling better. this H1N1 flu is sure taking it's toll on everyone. we're all very unsure of what to do regarding the vaccine here in toronto...
ps - your pictures are beautiful
We've been playing the flu and cold game over here.. no fun.. My dd is the only one who actually tossed her cookies.. several bazillion times.. everyone else had the cold.. Hang in there momma!!!!
And your photos??? Oh my.. LOVE all the fall colors! The one with the barn is my fave... such a contrast of different layers of color!
Happy Halloween - even indoors:)
oh no - that's horrible!! Hope it doesn't last long and that it managed well by advil and antiviral meds! My son and hubby also are just finishing up with it - NOT fun. fingers crossed for a speedy recovery.
Hope your family is all healthy and happy very soon. Bummer. But, I'm betting that at least one of those photos will grace the cover of some October addition of a scrapping magazine next year - they are wonderful photos, and combine with your skills, the potential is limitless!
oh so very sorry, you son is ill. I sure hope and pray he recovers nicely!
and too the photos! Wow, they are so neat! Great job!
thanks for the giveaway chance!!!!
Beautiful family and pictures.
Hope the flu bug passes quickly and doesn't spend time with everyone in the house before leaving! Your pumpkin patch pics are fabulous Kelly!
I hope you all get through the virus quickly and no one else in the family catches it.
Love the pumpkins on the fence. :)
Have a great day.
Nicole M.
I hope that your son get better soon...bummer that he was sick on Halloween! What a great pumpkin patch and you photos are so cute!
Fantastic patch photos!! So sorry to hear about your son with the H1N1....sending healthy wishes!
Awesome photos!! Hope your son feels better soon!!
Love the great fall pictures! Beautiful.
I wish your son a speedy recovery. My oldest has also suffered through H1N1 and fortunately my younger 2 did not get it. These pictures are beautiful. Can't wait to see what you do with them. Happy Halloween!
Kelly - I hope you get rid of the ickies in your house soon! I love your pumpkin patch photos - they are goregous!
The pics are adorable. I hope your son feels better soon.
I hope your son feels better soon! Awesome pumpkin patch photos!
hope your sweetie is feeling better soon, and that the rest of you stay healthy! your pumpkin photos are amazing!
Those are some amazing shots you got at the pumpkin patch!!! WOW!!!
Hope your little guy feels better soon!!
sorry about the flu, hope he gets better quick! and, your pumpkin patch is soooo much prettier than the one by us. those shots are beautiful!
Love your photos. Hope your baby is feeling better soon and you don't all end up with it. Yukky flu :(
Love the pumpkin patch pics!! Hope your little guy feels better soon!!
Hope your young man is feeling a little better.A belated Halloween would certainly perk him up a bit.I just loved your photos I so envy you guys in the Northern Hemosphere all those gorgeous pumpkin patches your boys look so smart in their green.Look forward to seeing your layouts ....
Oh yes and have a great Thanksgiving..Jane Auckland NZ
Hope your little guy is feeling better soon. Shame he missed out on (most) of the fun. Love the pumpkin patch photos - gorgeous.
GREAT pics! This is one of my family's favourite traditions also - the clear crisp air just makes the day so great! Hope your little one is well soon!
Hi Kelly. It's always hard to disappoint a child. Mum's the word on the Halloween pics. Wink. Hope you and your family have a Happy Healthoween Week.
So sorry to hear about the flu, wish you all the best in getting everyone healthy again. Great photos thanks for sharing!
What a beautiful colour you got in your pumpkin patch pics! They glow with fallish warmth. ~Kirsten
Your pumpkin patch pics are amazing ... the colors couldn't be more perfect!!
I hope you are all feeling well/better & that you had a fabulous 'alternate' Halloween (if that is the correct way to put it) :)
I am sure that you came up with something fun to do indoors :)
Looks like the pumpkin patch visit was tons of fun! Hope all are feeling better and thanks for the opportunity to win!
Please pick me!!!! BG is my favorite line ever. My kids would be so cute in that album!
Hoping your little guy gets better and soon!
Hoping I win. It's been forever since I've used BasicGrey . . . doing a LOT of stuff digitally now. Hey . . . ever though of putting a bug in their ear to offer their designs digitally? Just a thought! ;D
Crossing my fingers!
Love the pic of your ds carrying that heavy pumpkin! Hope you all feel better soon.
i love autumn and these pictures are priceless!! I love working with BG lines- they are so beautiful and i would love to win this!!!!
What gorgeous little boys!
Oh my word, I AM HEARING YOUR PAIN!!!!!!!! Our 3.5 year old came down with it on the 23rd Oct and is really only starting to come right now. Then last Thursday 29th, our 6.5 year old AND ME go down with it. Neither of us are great (as I sit in bed alongside my hot little man :-( with laptop and hot water bottle). DH is feeling 'funny' since yesterday and so far our 7.5 year old has skipped it! We head from here (Ireland) to Florida for our summer hols in 15 days! I hope it's gone by then or they may not be a holiday.
We got our littlies to dress up and they knocked on the back door when it was dark and we made them sing a song each and get a bag of sweets :-).
Sending you well wishes :-)
Ali in Ireland
I am sorry that your Halloween didn't go as planned and that you had to stay home. You have taken some beautiful pumpkin patch pictures though. Maybe you have the flu out of the way for the rest of this year's holidays! Thanks for being an inspiration to me.
Kim Lee
Love the fall pics. Hope your family recovers quickly from the flu.
Oh poor baby! Give him lots of candy!
Happy Birthday Week Kelly! Love your pics from the pumpkin patch, looks like a great time. I hope everyone is back to tip top shape in no time. BEST!
Poor little thing! I hope he gets better soon, and I hope you all don't catch it! Yikes!
Looks like you had fun at the pumpkin patch. Can't wait to see the costume photos! :D
Oh! And Happy Birthday, Lovely! Hope it's super fabulous! :D
That's such a bummer! Hope he's feeling better soon and that the rest of you stay well.
And I'm so jealous of your REAL pumpkin patch!
So sad for your family that you were indoors for Halloween. I know how hard that can be, we have all been sick around my home too!
Would love a chance to win a bg halloween album kit! Always love a giveaway!
Lots of rest and fluids!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that album!
Karen in NH
Being here in Florida with 80 degree weather I so miss the real pumpkin patch and the cool weather. I would so love to win your kit!
love those pumpkin patch pics! Awesome!
Hope your little guy feels better soon!~Susan B.
Great pumpkins pics. We didnt go to the pumpkin patch this year because we actually had 3 really big ones grow from the seeds we tossed out last year.
Stephanie M.
those pics are so cute! i wish we had a pumpkin patch like that! hope your son is doing better.
Just discovered your blog and LOVE your photos. Thanks for inspiring all of us with your Basic Grey work.
Terri H.
It's my favorite time of the year too! Sadly, it seems to be a much mellower fright night this year, as people are staying home, either because they are sick or because they are afraid that they may become sick! Love the pumpkin patch photos! Beautiful autumn colours!
Just can't count the number of times that I have re dressed to have more pics for scrapbooking. Go for it, sister! And, hope everyone feels up to it soon!
What an exciting giveaway! BG is my absolute favorite!!!!
Hope you Halloween was happy despite being inside, and hoping that the rest of the family doesn't come down with it too!
The flu went thru our family as well and we got 48 hours of snow the Wed and Thurs before Halloween.
Anyway, looking on the bright side, Halloween was fun and we went to a really fun wedding...yes wedding!!
Love your photos of the pumpkin patch and stay well.
We were victims to the h1n1 also...hope you little guy gets to feeling better soon! Great pictures!
Hope your little one is feeling better. Take care of the rest of your household! Loved seeing your BG work on your previous post!
thanks....michele h...
Gorgeous photos - hope your kiddo feels better soon.
Hoping your guy is feeling better. I was in your neck of the woods yesterday. Visiting Bellamine University with my daughter. What an nice area to live. Picked up some BG in Archivers but not the Halloween lovelies. Also, thanks for the great pdf on using the Wassail.
I would love some halloween scrapy goodness! Halloween is my favorite!!!!!!
Amazing fall photos! I would love this kit!
Hey.. I would also love to chat with you for a minute.
My email is
Do you mind sending me your email so we can visit?
Kim Rose
Wow...Amazing photos. Loved your pumpkin patch wish we had one near and my kids could experience the beauty of a true Autumn
Your photos are truly amazing! I hope everyone is feeling well soon.
So sorry to hear of your sick one on Halloween! One year my brother was sick on Halloween and I took his bag (it was paper as this was in the late 1950s) with me as I trick-or-treated. It had been raining earlier that day and when I got back home, we realized I had dragged his bag and at some point the bottom fell out as well as all the candy, LOL.
Your pics of the patch are absolutely fabulous, as are all of yours!!!
Sorry to hear that your Halloween was more trick than treat.
Kelly....those pictures are absolutely GORGEOUS!! It looks like it was a fantastic time for the whole fam!!
And hope he is feeling better. I had a bad one too.... bronchitis and walking pneumonia. BOOOOOO! And not the FUN boo!:)
Great picturs!
Hope your middle one is better soon! Those are amazing pumpkin patch pics!
Hope your family is on the mend.Love the pumpkin pictures.
So sorry that the flu found your family. Hope everyone feels better soon!
Is this post still open? Anyway, I love your style and your pictures..I can see how much more I can do with my camera!
Oh how I love a Basic Grey Giveaway! Hope you are all better soon!
gorgeous photos! be well!
Hope everyone is doing better!
I heart Basic Grey!I cant wait to see the new line!!
What amazing pictures!! Great inspiration for what to do NEXT year! Would love the chance to win! love BG!!!
Wow, those pictures are amazing. Love the colors. I'm like you and love halloween as well. I'm so sorry that your son is sick. I hope he's feeling better soon. Happy Fall!
Oh! I am so jealous that you got to the pumpkin patch and got such beautiful photos! Sadly we had to cancel four - FOUR- separate planned trips to our patch because we've had so much rain and mud. Hopefully we can go next time.
i hope i'm not too late, cuz i'd like to be included in the drawing.
We didn't get to the pumpkin patch this year...what beautiful photos...thanks for sharing those colors!
My husband and I had the "piggy flu" as well. We were unable to go to our local corn maze because of it but we were able to pass out candy for trick-or-treat. Even though a lot of kids had to miss out on the candy-gettin' I'm sure that you were able to provide your family with some great fall memories :)
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