Wednesday, July 19, 2006

My Baby is going to PRESCHOOL!

Boy, it must be hormones or something (can we say PMS?). I've been so sentimental and sappy lately. Take today for instance. Today we get an acceptance letter in the mail that Carson has been officially enrolled in a preschool program. YAY! This is wonderful news. We've been working toward it for a few months now and he really needs the social interaction it'll bring. But when I got the letter today, I cried.
Really cried.

Because that letter meant that my baby will be gone from me four mornings a week just like his two big brothers. I'm especially hit hard because Carson is the only one out of my three that's a Mama's boy. He and I are two peas in a pod and I can't imagine spending most of the day without him. That and..well...there are no more babies at my house, ya know? I'm just so not ready for this. Carson is, mind you. He's so excited about the school and the bus he can't see straigh
t. Me? I dread it so much I can't see straight...through my tears. Does it ever get easier? *sigh*

Ok, so in honor of my BIG little he was at just three days....and now at almost three years. *sniff*


Debbie said...

They grow up way to fast in my book!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and HUGS! It's so hard watching them grow up (I remember this from my younger siblings and feel it, like you, for my "baby").

Anonymous said...

you can always have another one (tee hee)...

Michelle said...

Kelly I know exactly how you feel...I just sent my one and only baby off too school on Monday its very lonly at home without her but I have managed to get a part time job 3 days a week which helps to pass the time more quickly.


Missy said...

awww.... deep breaths, my dear.
I can't even imagine the day Con goes to preschool. I'd be crying too :)

Anonymous said...

This entry just really struck an emotional cord within me. As I reply with tears running down my cheeks, I remember different occasions when I would look at my babies/boys/young men and get choked up because of the changes taking place in our lives, whether it be their physical traits looking "older" or their excitement over a milestone that they looked forward to, not realizing what it was doing to me emotionally. My "babies" are now 19 & 21 and I wouldn't change a thing. But sad to say, it doesn't get any easier.... Keep up the beautiful work - you inspire me!

Kori said...

i'm right there with you kelly! it's so hard to watch them grow so fast...knowing that you can never get that time back....ok, getting weepy! big hugs....

Jenn said...

It doesn't get easier... :0) Wait until you see them dancing and flirting with girls!!

He is going to love school, though!

Chrissy King said...

Some days I just can't believe how fast time goes by. My 'baby' is 5 and in school and I felt the same way. The good part-- he's still my baby-- still a momma's boy. Makes me happy!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Kelly, I know how it feels. Hayden is the oldest but she is SO ready for Kindergarten and I am not....We will have to have a crying session together!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh kelly,

I just registered little man for 2nd grade and I am NOT kidding you started crying in the school office!

Anonymous said...

oh, don't be sad..saw a quote the other day..something like..the best things we can give our children are roots and to take my own advice my little one starts preschool in the fall also

Unknown said...

Oh Kelly! HUGS!
My middle one is heading to Preschool in September. I can't believe it either.
It's rather bitter sweet that they grow up so fast isn't it!

Kylee Barrow said...

I feel your sentiments here, Kelly. I, too, became emotional when my baby girl took her first class in preschool. I was really filled with mixed emotions. Anyway, it’s been six years. How’s your little-Carson-now-a-big-boy doing now? =)