Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Obsession

Some of you know about our awesome bus driver, Mr. Scott. I've even done a scrapbook page about him before because he was just such an important part of Ethan's Kindergarten year. This man is beyond amazing for many reasons, but the best reason is because he and Ethan really took a shine to each other. They are buddies with a mutual admiration society. Anyhoo, I got thinking on this subject because school is starting up again soon (as I mentioned in my last post), so Mr. Scott has been making his rounds, practicing his route and getting things ready and in shape for the first day. What this means for us is that the bus has been going by our house everyday for the past few days and it sends my boys into a tizzy - especially Carson. Carson LOVES buses. He points out every stinking bus we see anywhere we are. Even mail trucks are called mail "buses." He's a boy obsessed. So we thought it would be neat (and Mr. Scott agreed) to let Carson actually ride on the bus around the subdivision one afternoon. Oh boy. You would have thought the kiddo won the lottery. He was SO excited. Um, that is until the bus actually came. For some reason, that changed his mind. I admit seeing that huge yellow bus parked in front of our house was a bit of an awesome site. So I tried to carry him onto the bus but he'd have none of that as he clung to my neck. He reluctantly went to Daddy who tried and actually managed to get him on the bus - but his lip was stuck out so far, you could have landed a plane on it! Lol But we managed to get them on a ride around the block (it didn't hurt that Mr. Scott bribed him with M&M's! Gotta love a boy who will work for chocolate!). The look on his face when he came back was entirely different. He LOVED it (can you tell?!). I'm somehow doubting this will curb his obsession!


Debbie said...

My little Drew has the same obession with buses. And I can just imagine the first time he runs one of them. That bottom lip picture made me miss Drew. He's on vacation right now.

Unknown said...

ROTFL at the lip & plane thing!!! You crack me up!! That is so funny!!
I'm almost crying though just looking at his sad little face. I want to give him a big hug!
Love those pictures Kelly!

Jana said...

Oh my word, how cool is it that your bus driver is actually practicing his route before school starts?!!! Those pics are adorable and I too loved the lip/landing a plane on it comment, too funny. I saw your bus LO in the latest BH&G and I just loved it.

SusannaT said...

Poor little guy.

Anonymous said...

how cute! you are so lucky to have an awesome bus driver. my ds HATED the bus now it's back and forth I go to the school :( LOVE your entry. you have to use some of that to journal on a page!


Candi said...

Awww, how CUTE Kelly!!

Anonymous said...

Such a sweet face. How do you ever get on to him if he shoots you that look? It must be hard.

Anonymous said...

That is so neat! LOL

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, this is a priceless story and your son's expressions say it all! I hope you scrap this event wonderfully!

Anonymous said...

how cute is that.
thanks for sharing w/ us kelly!

Anonymous said...

Adorable! Love those photos and the story, too. Makes you feel for the little guy (and you)! Seriously, he reminds me so much of my son that I am mixed up between going, "Aww.." and laughing. Thanks for making me smile!

Tracey Odachowski said...

Awwwwwwww, poor guy!!! Love that he got on there for M&Ms, though - smart kid!

Greta Adams said...

oh that is a cute story...TFS....

Anonymous said...

aw - what a wonderful story -your little guy is just so sweet! you are so lucky to have such a great bus driver who genuinely cares for the kids -that's awesome!

Cindy Lee said...

what a sweet, sweet story! loved reading your blog today! Blessings, Cindy Lee