<----Ok, so let me start by ratting out my friend, Laura. Laura always gives me a hard time about appearing on my blog - she says she's never on it, even though we attend many of the same events/parties. So Laura, even though I'm a week late, this one's for you, girl! :)

And speaking of a week late - can it be that the 4th was already a week ago? I blinked once too often, apparently, because I am in denial it's already the 11th and I haven't posted 4th pictures or mentioned anything about the holiday. I blame preparation for the CHA trade show, NOT my lack of organization, just so you know! And here's to hoping that I'll be sharing with you the results of all that labor in less than a week! (FIVE new lines - I'm SO excited!)

Anyhow, back to the 4th...again, this year we went to Scott & Amy's for their annual bash. It was so cool that it was actually ON the 4th this year, but not so cool that it rained off and on all day. How completely un-American! But we all did our best to keep it from dampening the party! Case in point - I

hardly saw my kiddos all day (note the lack of pictures of them beyond the one I force them to pose for each year!) as they ran around with all their friends and only seemed to appear when they were hungry or wanted some help opening packages that contained temporary tatoos, popsicles, candy or the like! I was much enamored with this little sweetie, Molly, a 10-day-old baby GIRL that her mama was so kind to

share. This is Ange holding her, but trust me, I got my fix in too! It was a wonderful day, but as always with these parties, it took most of Saturday for us to recover and get back into our groove. (Here are a few more photos from the day :))

This week was also the end of tball/baseball season for the boys. I'm not sure what we're going to do with the rest of our summer without having to be at the park at least 3 days a week. Ethan had a wonderful season - it was his first playing and I'm so proud at the effort he gave it and how good he was at it. He ended the season with a cookout with all his buddies and a trophy to mark the occassion.

The littles also ended their season this week. Their last game was actually a make-up so they were 2 of 4 teammates that showed up. Because of this they got to play...a lot...and Carson actually got to field some balls without someone beating him to the punch. And he made SURE he did, even if it meant pushing his big brother out of the way! They too ended the season with a little token trophy - I love seeing Turner's smile here!

And finally to catch us all the way up..today we took the boys to the pool for an hour or so and C decided he wanted to go down the big slide (the swirly, whirly kind) all. by. himself. eeps! But once he made up his mind he was all set. He climbed up to the top all alone and slid right on down into his mama's arms! He was SO stinkin' proud of himself! I had Daddy catch him the next time down so that I could grab a picture of the event. This face just cracks me up. I think I'll keep it on my desk for a while because how can you have a bad day looking at that??
Ok, so that's it from me - what's going on with you??!
Great pics! Sounds like a fun summer so far. Can't wait for the peeks at the FIVE new lines. Bless you in your hard work preparing for CHA!
Sounds like you guys have been having fun! I am excited about the BG releases...can't wait ti see what you've been working on! We are headed to Disney on July 28th, so our best summer fun is yet to come!
The picture of Carson coming off the slide is unbelievable.. look at that face!!!! How cute is he!
seemslike you've had a busy summer.
me? not so much.
just chilling with the kiddos...
hope you are well, kelly!
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