WE HAVE A WINNER!! Thank you all so much for stopping by! I was floored by the response! :D

Big Congrats to Wendi!!! She was lucky number 58 as selected by the super cool random number generator! :)
wendipooh13 said...
hello and CONGRATS!!! you are super talented and love your photos too!!!! way to go, and thanks for the inspriation!!
7/01/2008 7:43 PM
Wendi, please email me at kelly.goree@gmail.com to claim your prize! :)
Happy Blog-a-versary to me, Happy Blog-a-versary to meeeeee...(be glad there's no sound on my blog, people. Be very glad.)
And it all started two years ago with this post.
So now I want to party!! BasicGrey has generously donated a Euphoria Prize Pack valued at $30 retail for the occasion and I'm ready to give it away in celebration. I'm not exactly sure what all's in it yet, but I'm sure it'll be good and I might even kick in a few extras of my own! ;)

All you have to do is leave me your name and a hello between now and the 4th of July to be entered to win!
1 – 200 of 201 Newer› Newest»Congrats! I enjoy your blog and free stuff is always good!
WOW, that is so great! Happy Anniversary to you!! I love your work, you are sooooo inspiring!!
hey girl! I'm in on whatever you're giving away, but i really just came here to say, that next time you're in AZ, we def. have to hook up!!!! Fun!
congrats on your blogiversary!
Hey Kelly! Happy Blogiversary! Yay! Thanks for always inspiring me!
HELLO! lol Happy Blogiversary!
Happy BLOGiversary!!
What a great time to be a newcomer on your blog.
Wooo Hooo!! CONGRATULATIONS on a successful year!! Thanks for all the wonderful inspiration you provide us with!!!
Huge congrats! And a BIG thank you for inspiring me!
Happy Happy Anniversary! Thank you for all the inspiring project photos! I love, love, love Basic Grey products!
happy blogiversary!!
your work is gorgeous - but I especially love the NC Lighthouses page!
Happy blogiversary, K. Thanks for the offering the giveaway. You know I dig your stuff and think you are a great gal!
Happy Blogaversary Kelly, I complete *heart* your blog and not JUST because it showcases my long term love of Basic Grey LOL, but along with your talent and inspiration, it goes a long way to fulfilling my BG fix!
Many thanks for the opportunity to take part.
Happy Blogiversary! Long time admirer (and stalker :D) Love your work!
Happy BLOGiversary! I actually just found your blog this week. Have been a big fan of your work for some time. I'm usually a lurker but I will come out now and again. The lure of free stuff selfishly is one thing that will draw me out! Thanks for doing the giveaway!
Hello and Congrats !!! Happy Blogiversary to you :) I just took some time and went thru your stuff and Your have some Amazing stuff. Alot of inspiration. and Love that BG line how exciting.
Hi My name is Angel and I just looked at your work it WOW!!! you are aewsome...Happy Blogervesery!!!
Happy Blogiversary to you! I am excited to meet you at Creative Escape in Sept. Whoo Hoo!!
Congrats on 2 years! Thanks for being so inspirational :)
Congrats on 2 years!!!! I love your work...so inspiring. Michelle.
Happy Anniversary-so exciting! Your blog is super cute!
Happy Blogiversary. I love those sponge bob side walk chalk pictures. Super cute and colorful.
Happy Blogiversary to you!!!
Happy Blog-iversary! I always love it when my Google Reader says "update!" on your page, it's always such a great source of inspiration and good stories :)
Cool!!! Happy Blogiversary!!!!
Hello :) Love your blog..and your pages...Happy Blog-a-versary!!!!
-Amy Harle
Well happy "Blog-a-versary" to you!!
Your projects are Fantastic!
I love Basic Gray stuff....
Thanks.... Kandi
Happy Blog-a-versary! Hope you have a great Fourth, too.
Susan (a former KY girl).
Congrats on your blog!! I love everything that you make!
I've been eyeing your work at sb.com and in mags for a while. Love your style!!
Congrats on your 'versary!!
I love your work & blog! The Euphoria stuff is so pretty!
Wow, congrats on your blogaversary! Very cool!
I've been reading your blog for a few months now and am such a big fan of your work! You do the most amazing things with BG and it is so inspiring!
Nothing like a give-a-way to get people to post comments, hey?! ;)
Happy BLOGiversary!! WooHoo!! Love that prize...wish it could be mine...
Thanks for being so inspirational to me and i'm sure everyone else to!!
happy anniversary! :)
What a wonderful idea. I would love some inspiration and a few free goodies would be a perfect way to get going. Love your layouts and Basic Grey!!
::Singing:: Happy, Happy, HAPPY Anniversary to you and many moreeeeeeeeee!!
(I am also glad people can not hear me sing!)
Congrats on the anniversary! I love your scrap and can't wait to see more! Count me in for EUPHORIA!! :)
happy blog-iversary!
hope you are well...
Happy Blog day! Lovin' the new Basic Grey line!
Love everything you do with the basic grey line. Happy blogaversary!
Melissa Z
waving HI! congrats on the anniversary!!!!!!
Happy Blogiversary! I always enjoy reading your blog :)
Hello! Is it me you're looking for?
Happy blogaversary!
YAHOOO for your Bloaversary..And for creating a coool new word:) BG rocks!!!
happy blogaversary to you!
I can't wait to meet you at CE in September!!
Hello! :)
Time flies when you're having fun, right? Happy Blog-giversary!!!!!
Happy Blogiversary! Really enjoy your pages!
Happy blog-a-versary!! I love checking in on your blog (and here ya probably thought I fell off the scrappy-earth ;) )! :)
Hey Kelly! I love what you do with Basic Grey and I have been a lurker at your blog for ages. Nothing like a giveaway to bring us all out!
Hello! Hello! Hello! Love your blog and your work!
Hi Kelly, just started viewing your blog, so excited to meet you at creative escape. I am in love with your style. Congrats on the success of your blog. See you in Sept. (isn't that a verse of a song?!)
wohoooooo!!!! How exciting, happy blog-iversary to you, happy blog-iversary to you! I love reading your blog. Thank you for being such a great inspiration!
Trisha (OH)
Happy blog-iversary! Love catching up with your inspiring work.
Hi! Congrats on your blogaversary! I hope I win the prize. Pick me! Pick me!
Hello, it's Maureen.....most of the time lurker ;)
Happy Anniversary to your blog!
hello and CONGRATS!!! you are super talented and love your photos too!!!! way to go, and thanks for the inspriation!!
Happy Anniversary. I too love your photos, such handsome boys in your family. Have a great week
Love your work, discovered your blog recently and can't get enough of your designs
..and a happy anniversary to you! Congrats and have a great day!
Congrats on your blog-a-versary!!
happy anniversary...enjoy your blog and your creative style.
Happy Blog Anniversary! I love your work, come back to New England soon.
Hey Kelly! Love reading your blog and would love to win the Basic Grey free stuff. I always like seeing you work!! Have a great 4th.
Congratulations and happy BLOGaversary to you...to you...to you!!! :)
congrats!! i love visiting your blog, you are an inspiration!
SusanBeth here to say your blog is awesome! And I get excited to read each new post! Congrats on two years of this!
Congrats on your anniversary! I lurk more than comment - but am a HUGE fan of your work! ;)
Congratulations Kelly! What a wonderful week to celebrate an anniversary!
Have a great summer!
Happy Anniversary! How cool is that! Love your work!
Love all your photos and pages Kelly - happy blogiversary!!
Happy Blog-a-versary, Kelly! I hope you continue to blog and share your talents for many more years. I am always in awe of your beautiful layouts!
Happy Blogiversary!
Doesn't time fly when you're having fun, girl? Congrats on 2 years!
Happy Anniversary! LOVE BG - super sweet give away!
happy day to you! happy fourth, too...kristen in nor cal
Congrats on another great year!!
Happy Blog-a-versary Kelly! What a gorgeous paper pack! Pick me! :)
Hi :)
Have a great 4th!
Happy Blog-a-versary !!!!
Barbara Bird
Oh gee.......forgot to say HELLO !!!!!
Sabrina Clark. Congratz on your blog!!! I just started mine this year. Best of luck to you with everything.
Congrats on your BLOGiversary!
HI! Happy anniversary! Love your blog!
Congrats on your milestone! Thanks for the inspiration!
Melssa Priest
Congrats on your milestone! Thanks for all the inspiration!
Melissa P
Sweet! BLOG-a-versaries are my FAVORITE! Congrats on your first year!
I don't think I'll be at CHA..so have enough fun for the both of us.
crap...it was supposed to log me IN!
number 90 is me. :D
Love your Blog love your layouts love free stuff lol
Congrats on the blogoversary!!!! Hope to see you at CHA - hehe, I'll wave as we both rush towards our next destinatio!
Happy Blog-a-versary !!
I have your blog listed on my blog so I rememeber to read it daily, I just LOVE your work !!
Woohoo, how cool for you! Congrats on your blog anniversary!!
Woohoo!! Happy blogversay - love your work and I lurk regularly - please keep up all the wonderful inspiration!
Jo from Aus
Hi Kelly, Happy Blogiversary from down under Australia and Jacquie
Happy Anniversary to you.. Happy Anniversary to you... You are the best.. Love everything that you do, from pictures, to layouts to color choices.. I hope I can be like you when I grow up..(even if I am older than you now).. You ROCK!!!
Happy Anniversary to you! Have a fun 4th as well.
Congrats on the anniversary.
I LOVE your blog.
Trace G
I hope you a happy BLOG a versary !
I visit it every week and your work inspire me a lot !
(Sorry but my english is not very good ... )
Delphine From France
I hope you a happy BLOG a versary !
I visit it every week and your work inspire me a lot !
(Sorry but my english is not very good ... )
Delphine From France
Hello Hello Hello!! Happy Blog- a- versay! Love everything you share. Keep it up!
Happy Blogaversary!! Love your work! Kim
Wow! Happy BLOG-a-versary! 2 years is quite an accomplishment! I wish you many more years, please keep the eye candy coming. :o)
Hey Kelly I have been following your blog for about a year or so now! Love it...Congrats!
Fabulous! Hope you pick me! I love your eye for design. Love all your layouts and pictures.
Oops forgot to add my name.
Anonymous at 10:01 am is me: Stephanie M. from Ohio
Your 2 year blog-iversary was on my 40th birthday. July 1 sure is my lucky day. Maybe I will be lucky enough to win this fabulous BG products.
Michele M
110 peeps.. you are POP-U-LAR!!!
Happy Blogiversary, Kelly! I found your blog about a year ago and was so excited because your pages never cease to delight me! I, too, am a mother of boys, so your use of papers and embellishments that are outside of the typical "boy" lines really help me to stretch my mind and scrap outside of the box. Thanks!
happy blog-a -versary
Always exciting to celebrate milestones!
Hi Kelly!!
Congrats!! I sure enjoy your work!!! And thanks for being sooooooooooooooo very inspiring!!
Happy Blogiversary! I discovered your blog a year ago, and love checking in to see your new work. Thanks for sharing with us!
Happy Blogiversary! Love your blog I check it everyday.
Happy Anniversary! I love your style, you are by far my favorite.
Happy Blogiversary! I enjoy looking at your layouts. They are so fun and colorful.
Heidi H.
Happy Anniversary to you! Love your blog!
WOW, thanks for sharing this awesome prize package with us. Love Basic Grey products and love love your work.
My name is Jeannie and I live in Florida
Hi Kelly,
Upon viewing your slide show, I could not believe how many of your LO's I have either scraplifted or put in my idea/layout binder:) I really LOVE your work. Thanks for the chance at a great gift, for I also love Basic Grey too. Happy Blog-a-versary!
A very happy blog-i-versary. I always enjoy seeing your work.
Hello!!! Happy blog-a-versary!!!
Love your work. I'm just down the road from ya in the E-town area. I stop by your site often for some inspiration and to take a gander at those handsome boys of yours. Keep up the GREAT work and thank you for sharing it with all uf us!
Congratulations? I love to read what you are up to. Thanks for sharing.
Hey Kelly! Congrats on a great 2 years of blogging!! :]
Happy anniversary! I really enjoyed reading your blog. :)
Congrats! I love your blog.
Oh, so glad I stopped by today and so glad you started this blog two years ago! Happy Blog-a-versary to you, my dear! You are amazing!
That's cool...2 years!! I have been a long-time fan and blog lurker. I LOVE your stuff, every single thing!! Thank you for sharing your time and talent with us...have a great day!!
Happy blog-a-versary to you!
Happy blog-a-versary to you!
Happy blog-a-versary dear Kelly.
Happy blog-a-versary to you!
Becky W.
Arlington, VA
ConGraTs oN yoUr BLOG-a-vErsAry! And what a following you have! I think I am number 130 to respond to your generous give-away! Always enjoy your Blog! -Susan
hi..Happy 4th of July and congrats on your blog anniversary! :) Shelley
Wow Kelly!!! I just ran across your blog yesterday and WOW!!! I love your work and am so inspired by it. Thanks for doing what you do !
Sharon A.
Happy Blog-iversary!!! You have some amazing layouts!!!!
happy Anniversary! Thanks forall the inspiration!
aren't blogs fun!
happy blogaversary :)
Ooooo...a year old already??! Congratulations!! Love, love, love the blog!
Happy Blog-a-versary! Fun, fun :)
hi kelly
happy blog-a-versary. Love your work
Congratulations on your blog-iversary! And thanks for offering up such a great prize. Best wishes for another great blogging year!
Both my MM and CK magazines arrived today and my two year old opened them before I got a chance. She saw the one-page ad for euphoria and said, oooooh! What's this? I told her it was scrapbook paper and it was called Euphoria. I asked her if she liked it and she said, very emphatically, Yesssss! I said, well then I shall buy that for us! Maybe, just maybe, I won't have to buy it afterall. Ooooh, pretty please, pick me, pick me! Thanks, Kelly.
HI!!! What a fabulous prize :) Love your work, Kelly, you ROCK!
Happy anniversary and many many more. Your work is great and thank you for always keeping your blog fresh and interesting!
hi there! you were one of the first scrappers i ever "noticed" and you have continued to inspire me! thanks! jennie
happy anniversary!!! have fun in chicago.
Holy cow woman, 145 comments so far. You + Basic Grey = goodness for everyone!!
Cheers! =)
Wow Generous gift. I just went to sweden to buy some stuff from this series, but I could SURE use more it is SO GREAT .
go girl as Nic Howard would say
well done
Happy blog a versary. I follow your work on the BG site and your blog always inspires me. Thanks
Hi My name is Yuko and I usually looked at your work it !!! ..Happy Blogervesery!!!
Happy Blog-a-versary!!!!! Thanks for all the great inspiration.
The happiest of Blogaversary my sweet dinky girl xx
Hi Kelly! I really love your work!
Happy Anniversary! - Pia
Yeah, free stuff!! Got to love that!! Happy 4th!!
Congrats! I love your work and can't wait to see more for many years to come :)
Well, it's not like I need any more scrappy stuff ... I just wanted to wish you a Happy Blog-a-versary!!!!! Congrats on 2 years!!
Hope you're doing well. It's been a while since we last chatted.
congrats! i am fairly new to your blog...only about 3 months or so but i have signed up to your stream and i love that. thanks for sharing your LOs.
how fun! love your work. love your blog. happy blog-iversasry! :)
Hey Kelly!
I was shocked to see how little your baby looks on that first post. Happy blogversary!
Hello, hello, hello!
Congrats! Thanks for the chance of the goodies!
Happy anniversary!! Congrats on a great year!! Your a huge inspiration! thanks!
Congrats! I love your blog and the wonderful layouts you share...thanks!
Happy blogiversary! I really like your work, you are inspiration for me thanks you
thanks for sharing your creative mind with us.
Good thing there is no sound to this either! :)
Have a good one!
Happy blog-a-verssary to you! Love the Sponge Bob chalk pictures! Sidewalk chalk is so much fun. Thanks for sharing your beautiful creations.
love the new bg, can never have too much. LOL
Happy Blog-a-versary to you Kelly! Here's to more great years ahead! Just got back from camping for the first time with the 3 kiddos (my husband and I haven't been since before kids--about 8 years ago!). And let me tell you, I could use a little Euphoria right about now :) Actually, it went really well and we had a great time--so I guess you could say I wouldn't mind a little more Euphoria! LOL
Congratulations! I am just setting up my own blog... Thanks to creative and honest gals like you! I have been lurking for a while :)... hopefully I will make it 2 years! :)
Happy Blog Anniversary!
Hello Kelly!
Love the new line! Can't wait to see all the new ones coming out for CHA. Keep up the great work!
Susan M.
Happy blog Anniversary to you. I love hearing about all your activities in SHelbyville...I'm not too far away in Georgetown. :)
Well happy blogversary kelly:)
Happy Blog-a-versary to YOU !!! Thanks for the smiles!
Happy Blog-aversary Kelly...can't wait to meet you at CE
I love your work. Your are very talented! I always keep up with your latest layouts. Happy anniversary!
lots of great inspiration!! congrats on the anniversary
:-) Melisa
Hi !!! love your blog...and lvoe BG too! :D
happy "Blog-a-versary"
and have a happy 4th
love your layouts
happy "Blog-a-versary"
and have a happy 4th
love your layouts
Very cool! Congrats and happy blogiversary! Pamela here...waving hello! :)
Happy Anniversary to you :)
Your work is beautiful!!! TFS
Nothing like waiting till the last minute to get over here! Happy BLOG-a-versary you cute thing! When are you going to get yourself over to Utah eh?
Happy Anniversary to you.
Hi Kelli! Congrats on keeping up with the blogging. You know I really need to start one.
I love your work Kelly and wow, this is so cool to have a giveaway!
I love your work Kelly! So cool to have an awesome giveaway in honor of your blog a versary!
well Happy 2nd blog-a-versary to you, Kelly!!!! I love reading your blog - you've got cute boys and I love your BG Work!!!
Happy blogaversary Kelly!!
Kip in Florida
Congrats Kelly -
Since finding your site I have to say I spend far too much time here oogling your fabulous layouts. I'm so glad you're blogging!!!
lynda j
Fortunately I am just in time to give it a try. Congrats on your blog-a-versary. And Happy 4th July!
Happy Blogaversary! I love reading your blog and seeing all the eye candy - so inspiring! Happy 4th!
Happy Anniversary!
I love your style and your work. Keep up the good work!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! you are always an inspiration, I am so happy you blog!
Hugs martine
Congrats! I love to watch your blog- you are so talented!
Happy Blog-a-versary!!!
Great papers.Cheers Lynda.
Congrats Kelly!
oh my gosh!!!!!! i just saw this and THANK YOU!!! sooo much, I'm jumping up and down!!!!!
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