He's 5 today.
My youngest.
My little boy.
My baby.

Five years ago today I saw his beautiful, sweet face for the first time and fell as completely in love as I had with his brothers before him.
But with this one I'm quite certain that when he was born, he decided to take my heart with him.
And he hasn't given it back yet.
What an extremely wonderful photo and expression of love for your son.
Happy Birthday :) and Happy BIRTHday to you kelly :) after all you did on the work on that day.
HE is such a cute guys
I am French and big fan of basic grey I fell in love with your pages. they are so beautif like your children !!
and "Bon anniversaire" Carson
Awww, so sweet! Happy birthday to him---hope you guys have a great weekend!
Oh this is SO sweet, Kelly. :) Happy birthday baby Carson!!
Wonderful pics. Happy Birthday to him!
Happy Birthday little man!
Seriously let out a little shriek of glee at his absolute baby cuteness! Happy Birthday to Carson! And congrats to you on the anniversary of giving birth to a 3rd beauty. :)
where did you get your vintage frames?
happy birthday to your little man!
I'm sure you've been tagged already but you've been tagged again. I love your work and you inspire me so I had to put you on my list of 7.
Sarah Mullanix
Super sweet! I have been checking out your blog for a while. I really like your photos. I saw your work first on scrapbook.com and always wondered what kind of camera you use or what kind of filters you process your digital pics with before printing or posting. They always have such great color and richness to them.
My little boy is 4 now, so I guess he's not so little anymore. It happens so fast!
happy birthday! (late) :)
what a cutie!
Awww, Kelly, this just made me cry! It's so sweet, and I know exactly what you mean, but my "baby" is 19 now!!! (sniff, sniff) Your boys are such cuties!
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