There's SO much going on around here with school winding down, graduations upon us and the end of some sports seasons and the beginning of others...not to mention the new release of BasicGrey coming Wednesday (you didn't think I'd let you forget, did you?! TWO DAYS! TWO DAYS!) ANDDDDDDDDD....I have a fun giveaway coming up a bit later today so don't forget to check back! I promise you won't want to miss it!

School ends for him this week as well (and then I'll have a big Kindergartener and all three of my babies at the "big" school!) so it's been quite the series of events! Dare I say I'm looking forward to the normalcy of summer? (Hee - I'm sure THAT one will come back to bite me in the butt, eh?!)
Have a great Monday! See you a bit later!
Awww! He looks so very proud. As he should be!
He is so cute with that big grin! Yea for summer, fun and sun! Oh and yea for BG's new release!
so stinking cute, kel!
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