Back in October, I was asked by the adorable Jamie Sorenson, community + education director at TwoPeas if I wanted to take part in their upcoming 20 Days of Holiday Sharing. As always, I jumped at the chance to do something with one of my favorite websites, especially when it is combined with something else I love - Christmas! After a lot of thought (a. lot.) I decided create a layout - my favorite crafting thing to do even though I usually cringe at scrapping holiday photos. Here are few images of the results and my corresponding guest blog post.

Source List: BasicGrey patterned paper, die-cuts, clips, rub-ons, alpha stickers, element stickers, glazed brads, Woolies, magnets; Uni-ball pen (white); Zig pen (brown); Sizzix die-cuts (inspired by BasicGrey); Fiskars scallop border punch.
I have a confession: I used to hate to scrapbook double-page layouts.
Yep, it's true.
I couldn't ever seem to figure out how to fill up two whole pages. Paper that size totally overwhelmed me. Then I figured out that two-page spreads were a fantastic way to document a huge event or large period of time. It was like an epiphany for me! (Can you hear the angels singing?!) I began to love the space a 24"x12" canvas gave me for all the pictures I wanted to show off but couldn't fit into a smaller frame.
One of my favorite layouts I did with this idea in mind was a blocked page that resembled a calendar and marked off in increments exactly what happened and when on a wonderful African vacation I got to take. I adored that I could fit all the wonderful memories I had of that time in one layout. I loved that page. So this got me thinking...about another thing I usually don't like to do - scrapbooking the holidays.
Let me just say in my defense that the holiday photos scare me! There's so many different picture-taking opportunities with usually such horrible lighting conditions and such bad images that I never really wanted to document them. I know. I'm bad. But then the idea struck of putting them all into one, all-encompassing layout and I was sold. I could DO that! Even more, I loved the idea of making a type of Advent Calendar all right on my layout so I set to work.
First I pulled out all my favorite photos from the month of December. I organized them by the date or event. I built a grid based on a 2 1/2" square and started laying out my pictures. The ones that didn't easily fit into a square format, I scored at the 2 1/2" mark and then hid them under their corresponding date like a special present to be opened.

I utilized small hidden magnets to keep some of my windows closed and then I kept some days completely visible and easily opened.

It was so much fun playing around with this and it has been by far the favorite layout for my boys that I've ever created. They love seeing the month in review, what they were doing and opening up all the little compartments and I love that I got the holidays scrapped in one fun layout!
Merry Christmas, everyone!
For those of you that are dedicated enough to read through all of this ;) I have a little *extra* sharing I want to do with you! Just leave a comment here by WEDNESDAY, December 1st at11:59 PM Eastern about your favorite part of the holidays, a special tradition, etc. that you have with your family, or anything else you like and you can be entered to win a BasicGrey JOVIAL prize pack of your very own! AND there might even be a little something extra in there, too - it is the holidays, after all!
Thanks for reading and I hope you'll keep checking back at TwoPeas daily for more holiday inspiration!
Happy Tuesday and Happy 40th Birthday to my sweet husband!
Love your layout! and thanks for a chance to win! our special tradition is to eat Shepherd's pie on Christmas Eve (helps keep it simple and focused on the true meaning of Christmas)!
Kelly - You never cease to amaze me! Basic Grey papers never look better than when you create with them!
I just LOVE this layout! And the cards with the photos inside - so inspired! LOVE it! My favorite part of the holidays are the kids' and their absolute delight with everything - from the lights, to Santa, to cookies, to bells, it's just so magical. ;)
So clever! I usually have some photos left over from the Christmas season that I don't necessarily want to dedicate a whole layout to, but want to use, so this is perfect!
I love to bake, so I really enjoy documenting all of the cooking!
I love your layout!! I am still daunted by the 2 page layout but maybe one day I'll have an epiphany that will get me started, hee, hee.
My favorite part of the holidays is the gathering of all friends and family plus all the fabulous decorations.
HAHA I am just like you!!! I dont have many birthday or holiday pages because they just seem like such big events and I couldnt possibly do them justice on a layout. I LOVE your idea and will be scraplifting this!! Thanks. My fav part of Christmas is reading the night before christmas book to my kids in bed on christmas eve. :) Love christmas with them at this age (6yrs and 3 yrs) THANKS AGAIN
I really LOVE your double page LO's, it's kind of shocking that you never used to like doing them because they turn out so great! My favorite part of the holiday season is all of the kids darting for the Christmas tree on Christmas mom started this when I was little because she made all of the kids wait in their rooms until she turned on all the lights and got her camera ready before we were allowed to come out which caused more or less a race down the hallway to the Christmas tree. She always captured the best and most hilarious photos and I definitely wanted to continue that with my kids, it's lots of fun!! Thanks for the chance to win! :)
Darling LO and I love your double page confession! Christmas holds so much import to me, but my favorite by far is the celebration of Advent - the remembering the four Sundays before Christmas, and all our family traditions that unfold during this.
I absolutely adore this LO, it is truly amazing. I can totally relate to you not liking to scrap double page LOs, I feel very intimidated by them (lol). On to our holiday tradition, while I still lived in Germany, my sister and I chose 5 or 6 cookie recipes and started baking hundreds of each kind. Now that my daughter is old enough I try to do the same with her, she has a real interest in baking :) We already have all of our cookies planned out for this year :)
FABULOUS LO! So much there and yet not crowded looking in the least!
My little gal is just two so my favorite part of the holidays is seeing her "get it" to see the awe in her eyes of the giant snowflakes hanging from the mall ceiling, to see her excitement in seeing glimpses of Santa here and there! I hope to introduce many traditions to our family starting this year...I drink in the magic of it all through the eyes of my Babe!
Okay, THAT was awesome and inspirational! Overall, I save 2-page LO's for holidays and special occasions specifically FOR all the photo space. I prefer to get as many photos on a page as possible... while leaving some room for fun extras.
But this.... I never thought of using magnets and little "secret doors." I'd LOVE to use this page as inspiration this year and I will be sure to link my blog back to this post when it's ready.
Oh, and my favorite part of the holidays is a new addition. Last year we had our first official Breakfast With Santa event. It was fun anyway, but it was also evidently the perfect touch to get a 2 1/2 year old boy to really believe that Santa was really real. Can you imagine doubting Santa that young? We get to do this again in a couple weekends... right after I fulfill my jury duty obligations in the two days before!
Gorgeous work! :)
Your layout is truly beautiful - I love it - what a great way to use all those photos. I love the baking of holiday treats!! We have several cookie recipes that ONLY come out for Christmas and that really makes them special. One of the traditions that we have in our home is that on Christmas Eve everyone gets to open one present - of course it is always pajamas and then we all get into our PJ's and drive around the neighborhoods and look at all the Christmas lights. My children are all over 15 and still love to do this!!!!
well, you have done it once again!! You are so very inspiring and I just love your creativity!!! Thanks for sharing!
As for our family tradition...We always enjoy Mrs. Claus' pancakes on Christmas morning...she makes sure that Santa leaves a package of her special pancake mix for us to enjoy :)
I LOVE this layout! Fabulous! I have so many favorite Christmas traditions it's hard to pick just one. Going to our community tree lighting, decorating gingerbread men, baking lots of cookies, holiday crafts... but I think my favorite is decorating the house. We decorate with hundreds and hundreds of snowmen, turning our California home into a winter wonderland.
Love those hidden windows!
One of my favorite traidtions has been that my DH and I have reserved Christmas Eve for just us and the boys. We've done this for several years now and it is so fun to have some tasy snacks by the fireplace, slowly open gifts, and let them play with them as they wish. No rushing on to the next house or the next gift.
Every year we go into the forest and cut down our Christmas tree. In fact we're going this Saturday! can't wait! Thanks for the chance to win Kelly!
Beautiful pages! My favorite part of the holidays is just being with family. I live far away from my parents and grandparents, so just being able to spend quality time with them is the best part of this time of year.
Your layout rocks!I only work in 2 page spreads so I find yours to be a great inspiration (since so many people only do single pages) My favorite holiday thing-cookies!baking them, eating them, giving them, getting them!!
What an awesome layout! My favorite part of the holidays is having our granddaughters over to help us put up the Christmas tree! They are such a joy and we are so blessed!
Cindy Davis
I, too, was surprised that you found 2-page layouts intimidating because I love your 2-pagers! In fact, I have used many of your 2-page layout ideas! This Christmas design is another keeper- LOVE it! Love that you included so many photos as well as Christmas memories!
My favorite Christmas tradition is getting together with family. I see most of my family almost everyday, but getting together on Christmas day is just really special!
I love your layout! All the little details you add are amazing!!
That is just beautiful!! I love the pictures and all the room for journaling.
Sweet sweet sweet!!! I love this idea! And the hidden magnets, too!
I also am not a big 2pager fan, but I started the Project12 challenges this year..with Becky's sketches it has been awesome! It gets easier and easier...
fa la la la la!
This page is fantastic! I love making Christmas cookies and I love doing a special advent calendar with my boys.
Gorgeous layout! Hmmm, probably trying to get that 'perfect' picture for the holiday cards that never seems to happen. LOL!
I LOOOVE your page, Kelly! Genius! My favorite Christmas tradition is when my dad reads about the birth of Jesus from the Bible on Christmas morning before we open presents. He reads the scriptures, then we all pray, and THEN it's time to open presents. I love that we keep the focus on what the holiday is really all about. :)
What a beautiful layout, Kelly. My Christmas pictures are usually not scrapbook worthy, but precious all the same. Our favorite tradition is decorating the tree. We purchase an ornament from each place we travel and we have a wonderful evening reminiscing of our fun life moments while building something amazing! Merry Christmas to you!
My favorite part of the holiday season is just the magic of it all, and seeing it through the eyes of my children make it even more magical!
I love that my daughter really loves our traditions. Even at age 20, she is not willing to give up or change much.
What a beautiful layout! I love how much you were able to fit into those 2 pages. Our family looks forward to our advent calendar every year. I wrap up 25 Christmas books. We unwrap one every night and have family story time along with a special Christmas treat!
Fear the two page layout no more, Kelly. You rocked this, girl! I absolutely love, love, love this! Just gorgeous!
It's hard to pick one thing to love about the holidays. There's the tree, the cookies, the family gatherings, the snow, etc. It's just a magical time of year.
Thanks for the opportunity to win the Jovial collection. It's one of my favorites from Basic Grey this year!
Happy Holidays to you and your family!
I love that layout! It is so fun and cute!! It makes me want to go home and scrap some of my Holiday pictures. One of my favorite things about the Holidays is when my entire family goes to cut down Christmas trees. We just went this past Saturday and I can't wait to get my pictures scrapped!
Happy Holidays!!
J'adore ta création elle est tellement magnifique, j'aime chaque petit détail
Merci de nous donner l'opportunité de gagner ce magnifique kit Jovial, c'est l'une de mes collections préférées
Ce que j'aime le plus durant cette période qui précède Noël c'est toute la magie qui plane autour de nous, les yeux illuminés de mes enfants à l'approche de NOël
My favorite park is decorating the tree with all the ornaments--recounting the stories of how each one is special.
My goodness.. your 2pager is gorgeous! Jovial, looooove it! I also tend to steer away from double pages, it's kind of intimidating. Someday, I'll be brave lol.
My son and I make a gingerbread house together every year, that's always super fun. Oh! And can't forget all the great holiday movies - snuggling with my son while watching A Christmas Story is definitely a highlight every Christmas.
Thanks so much for the chance to win Jovial goodies. Loooove!
I love the ones that fold! so clever. My favorite holiday tradition is to stuff the toes of all our stockings with little satsuma oranges. the fresh fruit really is yummy first thing on christmas morning. :)
Great Layout! My favorite holiday tradition is to sit in the dark with just the Christmas lights on. It seems so festive and yet so peaceful. Reminds me of my childhood when my brother and I would wake eachother up so very early on Christmas morning and then just sit by the tree in the lights hoping that our parents would get up soon!
I love your two-page LO!!! You are the reason why my bff and I are crazy about Basic Grey!!!
I was really use to celebrating Christmas with my family, it was all about hugs and presents... don't get me wrong, I LOVE that!! When the clock hits the 12o'clock and the hugs started was and is the best.... but when I got married and traveled to Mexico for Christmas... well, I was a little surprised...
The 24th at 11pm we went to church and attended mass, we got home around 11:45 and my mother-in-law started taking out her Baby Jesus ceramic figure and handling it like if it was a real baby and talking to it and all. She held him in her arms and as soon as the clock hit 12o'clock.... everyone (except me and my kids, we were observing) she started clothing the baby and when she was done everyone turned on a candle and (cant seem to thnk of the name) flickiring lights (luces de bengala).... and everyone took turns carrying Baby Jesus and they all sang.
I have come to appreciate Christmas A LOT more now, gifts are awesome, but I really think that my kids and I have learned to appreciate that it is Jesus's birthday and that is more important than anything else and all can wait!
thanks Kelly for the chance!
Abby Grimaldi
Amazing layout!
One of my favorite holiday traditions is opening new Christmas pajamas on the Eve. I've already picked up my son's for this year and can't wait to start the tradition with him (he was born 12/24 last year!).
Kelly, you are always an inspiration. I love this layout. Our tradition each year is to travel to Ohio to celebrate Christmas with my family. My kids know this is where Santa comes to visit and is special for them to be with family, since we have none where we live.
This is a stunning layout. Love the folded parts!
This is a beautiful layout Kelly!!
My favorite part of the holiday season is going to pick out our tree! I love walking the lot with the kids, watching dh try to get the tree into the house, and the hot chocolate that follows!!
Love the layout! Hard to pick a favorite tradition. We do advent calendars and taking a minute each day to just think about what Christmas means is great.
I love baking and spending time with my family. Great job on your Christmas layout! Too cute.
Lori in Lawrenceburg
Kelly, this is just amazing!! So beautiful. I love the grid and all the hidden areas for pics and what not!! I think all of your photos are beautiful!!!
Our favorite tradition for the holidays is spending time together and baking cookies. I love that Ben is SO into it! Brit still likes to help. We also love going to Macy's downtown Mpls and seeing the animated holiday display up on the eighth floor. Usually, every year, it is a different theme. The kids enjoy it.
Oh wow! I love it when you post a layout. Now I feel the need to create a 2011 'month in review' album by repeating your layout each month in a different paper range.
Thanks for the chance to win Jovial. My favourite holiday tradition is seeing my kids opening their stockings, one either side of me in bed.
Love your layout and I love our Christmas tradition of making frosted Christmas cookies. It's the one time of year I don't feel too guilty about eating all that sugar!
Your layout is truly spectacular! I am in awe of your detail. We don't really have any Christmas traditions yet. Neither my family nor my husband's were big into the traditions of Christmas. It's so much fun now having 2 very young boys that we can make our own traditions. I love reading these comments to see what everyone else does to maybe inspire me to start some new ones. Thank you for the chance to win this sweet giveaway!
Kelly, this is a gorgeous page and one I will definitely be using as an idea to get all the holiday photos scrapped!
My favorite part of the holidays is when we get our tree, it isnt something that takes a lot of time or is really involved but I love that we have made it a family event!
I adore the window flaps!!!!
We have so many great traditions that involve just our family, so i treasure our tradition of decorating sugar cookies with just our friends.
Love the LO.
My family has several fun and fabulous holidays tradtions. One of my favorites I jokingly refer to as "Santa's Little Sweatshop." Not a very pc name, but a great tradition. Every year right after school gets out for the break, I set up tables in the garage and the kids all make wonderful holiday crafts to give family members for Christmas. (We live in FL so it gets a little sweaty out there.) They paint, decoupage, bead and sculpt - ornaments, picture frames and more. We have a great time crafting and everyone loves the gifts.
This is a beautiful layout!! I totally love the hidden photos.
I am drawn more to single page layouts, but I do enjoy doing the double page layouts, too.....I kind of feel like I get more accomplished with the double pages.
My favorite holiday tradition that we have is when the kids and I set up a gingerbread house together. They marvel at it the whole holiday season.
Thanks for sharing with us!!
I hope you do make all 20 days of sharing, I love checking your blog for inspiration ! Since this year will be the first time I will be in another state around Christmas time, I'm excited to see how it's celebrated elsewhere. Thanks for the chance to win !!
My favorite part is being off work and able to just spend time leisurely with my family.
P.S. love your layout!
My favorite part of christmas is the food Baking cookies, christmas ham, and Hot chocolate.
I love your two pager....I also like the small magnet idea to keep the tabs closed. thanks for the fabulous giveaway
gORGEOUS WORK AS ALWAYS!! My favorite part of the holidays is always the joy of sharing it with my family. I love the lights, decor and music of the holidays as well. Thanks for always being so inspirational!!
What a wonderful LO!
My favourite tradition is the Christmas peace declaration at 12 am. The mayor of the oldest city in Finland announces the Christmas peace. It is a tradition from the medieval times. When I was a kid we weren’t aloud to fight or pout after that on the Christmaseve.
wow, i like the idea
a very beautiful, cozy, heartwarming lay out.
i like the time around christmas to have dinner with family and telling story's and just enjoying each other...
My favorite part of the holidays is the music!
Love, love, love your LO :)
I love spending time with family, the decorations and baking :) Beautiful layout!
I totally hear you on the two page layouts. I seldom make them except for my month in review layouts. They are always two pagers. My favorite part of the holidays is seeing the kids get so excited and just the anticipation in their little faces.
What a wonderful layout! My favorite holiday tradition is picking out and decorating our tree. Thanks for the chance. Hope you will be teaching at Scrapbook Expo in NJ this May!
Hi Kelly - I would have to say putting up my Christmas village is my favorite part of Christmas. I love piecing it together & having it come to life with all the little figures & the lights in the buildings. I never grow tired of looking at it & dreaming about Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you!
My favorite thing is cooking Xmas eve dinner like my parents used to.
I LOVE the whole advent calendar theme here-and your LOs ALWAYS blow my mind! My favorite part of the holidays is building a snowman on C-mas Eve with my little man & then having a nice relaxing evening watching C-mas movies with my hubs before bed. Thanks for the chance! Cindy :)
Wow - great layout, what a fabulous way to capture memories of a period of time. Loving the BG Jovial collection, such divine colours! Thanks for sharing.
Love your layout! It reminds me of a christmas quilt. Too many years ago that I don't even remember when my kids were "little" a bought a book called Santa Mouse". It's all about a mouse who falls off of Santa's sleigh and leaves tiny presents hidden in the xmas tree tied with a yellow ribbon. Really cute story. I'm not doing it justice. Anyway, my kids "older" now and in the "know" but, big BUT they still expect Santa Mouse to come and hide a present in the tree. If I only knew way back when what I was getting myself into. Love that they still expect the same silly traditions to continue!
What a gorgeous, colorful layout! A holiday tradition for us is opening up a new box on our advent calendar every day in December. We also watch the Polar Express together as a family ... we all LOVE that movie, especially when they sing the "hot chocolate" song.
my fav is on Christmas is my sons birthday...and we always do something really special on that day to make it stand out from xmas....this year we are going to the zoo...i wonder if the bears will have santa hats on!!! lol
My favorite part of the holidays is baking. I look forward to it all year long!
my favorite part is the shopping...I love finding that something special!
Wow, I think your two pager turned out stunning! It looks like you put a lot of work in it, but it was definitely worth it:) My favourite Christmas tradition is our family dinner on 25 Dec. It's so much fun to be around with people you really love and to talk around all night.
My favorite part is getting ready. Picking a tree, getting the decorations up, listening to the music. I love the holidays! Thanks for the chance to win!
Fabulous layout. Love those windows, so interactive. Our tradition is Christmas potatoes. It is a recipe that I got from a pastor's wife 30 years ago. We love it.
My favorite part of the holidays are the decorations (NOT the decoratING) and the cards from friends and family. I love getting caught up on everyones' lives. I do a grid layout with scraps of all the cards/photos every year, but this time, I may use my own photos since I LOVE your layout!!
Favorite tradition with my gang that is also good for a scrapped page or 2 is cutting down our own tree...we're either trudging through snow or mud, so either way I get some funny pictures :D
My favorite thing, other than spending time with family is the tree. Every part, from picking it out, decorating it and even putting the stuff away. LOVE IT!
One of our very favorite traditions is driving around to see all the Christmas lights, after going to Starbucks for coffee and hot cocoa!
This is your most AMAZING layout ever!!!! LOVE everything about, papers, photos,...
I LOVE everything about christmas! ..everyone is happier, all the decorations, the family dinner, cooking with my mother and sister cookies, and right now I loved decorating the tree and the house, with lots of lights. And to see the little faces of my 3 year old daughter and 1 year old baby know how little kids LOVE lights!!
...And I have to admit I also LOVE the presents!!!
Thanks for the opportunity to win this amazing papers (already on my wish list)...HOPE I WIN!!!
Wonderful layout, I can wait to scraplift it! You are so brilliant! I have a 1 and a 3 year old and we are just starting to create our own holiday traditions, including some jewish ones. This year we will once again go for a christmas lights drive and i'm hoping to include my 3 year old boy in the christmas card writing. We shall see!
My favorite tradition is baking Christmas cookies with my siblings... I'm 23, and we've done it every year!
I love this LO! We always eat ham and pease pudding on Christmas Eve, don't know why, it's not even a UK thing. More creatively, I make myself a new decoration for the tree each year. Kx
Stunning layout Kelly! I think my favourite part of the holidays is decorating my big Christmas tree. I didn't even get a chance to bring it out last year so this year I'm REALLY looking forward to doing that! Nothing beats looking through all the pretty decorations.
I love your layout, you've got the two page thing mastered!!
My favorite traditon is going to church on Christmas eve, with my husbands family, singing Christmas carols and then returning home for goodies.
You page is amazing!!I love all things christmas:) we hide a elf in the tree for the kids to find all month its super fun.I think that might be my fav roght now :)
I for one love your 2 page layouts, so I'm really glad you got over your fear! :) Special tradition... I love baking and giving away goodies to friends. I love that it is something they look forward to every year. I also love Christmas Eve with my family. I love that it's become a night of focus on what the holiday really is for.
I am the opposite of you...I find 1-page layouts challenging - I can never condense all the pics & the story I want to tell down to just a single page! We have several holiday traditions but my absolute favorite is the Christmas baking we do with the kids every year - not just my daughter but her friends and & friends' kids! Its great to get everyone in the kitchen, hanging out & baking!
As usual, a well planned and beautiful layout to inspire. I love the music of the holidays, especially when I'm decorating or planning, it is the ultimate conncection to the season.
Some special traditions that I have done my entire life is go to my grandparents house on Christmas Eve and spend time with family, now my children can have the tradition.
Out tradition with my family is on Christmas, we stay home, in our jammies and watch a new movie, Santa has brought for us.
What a gorgeous layout! I love how you hid the photos! My favorite Christmas tradition is baking and decorating Christmas cookies. I love when my kids get all messy from the flour and icing!
Very fun layout! Gave me some great ideas. My favorite part of Christmas is Christmas Eve candlelight services. I also enjoy lining up Christmas activities during the month. This year it's an Amy Grant/Vince Gill show, Cirque Holidaze, and a trip to see the lights at Selby Gardens.
LOVE your layout!! One of our family traditions on Christmas Eve is to play board games together after dinner while we wait to open the presents at midnight!
My favorite family activity is baking cookies and fudge with my kids and sometimes their friends come over to help. Thanks for the giveaway! Happy Holidays!!!!
I have always loved your double page layouts Kelly. One I saw in a CK feature where you did a double page for each month, I have adopted myself for this year and am loving the album that is coming together. My fave Christmas thing to do is bake goodies with my DD and shop with my DH.
One of my favorite holiday traditions is getting our Christmas pajamas on Christmas Eve. My sister and I are grown women but we act like little kids when we see the presents under the tree with our names on them.
I wanted to start a new tradition this year - December Daily. But have already realised it's just going to be be to big for me. But this double layout is the perfect alternative. Thanks for the inspiration. Alison
love your layout! my favorite part of the holidays is listening to christmas music and looking at all the christmas lights all around town.
Love your layout. I love to do two page layouts, it is such a big canvas.
My favorite tradition has to be letting the kids open a present early. I love the whole "Do you want a really good one, or just a kinda good one?" and then trying to think of what to pick out for them that won't ruin the rest.
I love the idea behind this page Kelly, the advent calendar idea is wonderful.
I too struggle with "event" photos but I really need to scrap some of mine from past years.
My favourite thing about Christmas is the Honey Mustard Ham that has become a tradition.
Once upon a time my nan made it but now I make it and my kids absolutely love it.
Another beautiful & inspiring layout :) My favorite holiday tradition is to celebrate St. Nikolas Day on 12/6. I lived in Germany as a child & began the tradition of setting our boots by the door for St. Nikolas to fill. I continue this tradition today with my own children and fill their boots with their December advent calendar.
I love just spending time with family and friends and driving around looking at the christmas lights in our town.
My husband is in the military and this year we are in a new home in a new city and we are going to be here just the four of us..but that is our tradition...a relaxing day together wherever we are..being thankful for all of our blessings. Happy Holidays!
Beautiful layout, Kelly! Love how you even used magnets to get some of the flaps to stay closed.
As for our holiday favorite one is just enjoying Christmas morning at home! Staying in our PJ's all day, grazing on food, and enjoying our gifts...sure makes all the holiday rush worth it! :)
My favourite tradition is creating our gingerbread house from scratch, and making gingerbread cookies. My favourite part of the holidays is when it snows because we rarely get it here!
What a great layout! I loooove the idea of the hidden pics. ;)
One of my favorite Christmas traditions is having each of my girls open up one present on Christmas Eve. Even though they always know what's inside (new jammies!!), they still get really excited every year!
Thanks for the chance to win, and Happy Birthday to your honey!
- April W
This is beautiful, such a lovely piece to represent your family :)
What an awesome layout... love it!!! A favorite tradition of mine is making holiday cookies with my mom... nothing beats it :)
I love how you created little pockets for more pictures or journalling. All your different images capture all the special moments which take place in December. I love this layout!!
Your layout is fabulous!
My boys are excited to start their Lego Kingdoms Advent calendar tomorrow!
The favourite part of this holiday season is the lead up to Christmas and all the "wish lists" that seem to be all over the house. Hardest part with my youngest is trying to decipher her writing. Oh and their faces on Christmas morning.
BTW love your layout - double pages are great..
Your two pager is stunning as ever and i love all your vlever little details!
There is so much to love about the hollidays, i love taking out my decorations that has so much history behind them passed on from old relatives I love making the wishlist with my daughter and on the first of december leving it together with some coockies and candie for santa in the fireplice lighting a small fire cracker so he knows that is there to pick up.. the excitment in her eyes is one of my favorite moments as spending time with loved ones!
your layout is absolutly fantastic, love every single detail.
I love to see my kids doing their wish list, and then wait santa !
Love this new collection from BG, perfect for this season. And your layout is so gorgeous!
Thanks for the chance to win som BG stuff
The hidden photos is a very clever idea, i've got to try this technique too.
Thanks for the inspiration on your blog and this fantastic giveaway!
Happy Christmas!
I don't like Christmas photos too, the bad light and the confusion... but this year, i'll try to create a mini with some Christmas photos of my 2 boys.
Thanks for the post! I don't like 2-pagers either, but maybe I'll try again after reading this!
I have just found your blog today :)
My favorite part of the holidays has always been spending time with our families. We have always been away from home since we married in 1981 so all of our holidays, vacation time, etc. was always spent with our families. My favorite tradition decorating. Whether for fall or christmas I have always enjoyed decorating for the holidays.
WOW! What a fabulous idea to do an advent calendar-style layout of the holidays! I'd love to know how you used the magnets...I want to incorporate them in a layout soon. Our favorite family tradition is Christmas morning. It marks the end of the hustle and bustle and this is when I usually start to really enjoy myself. We're all in our PJs, gathered around the tree and very relaxed. It's not so much the opening of the presents that we look forward to, but the time of reflecting on the season as a family, being all together and savoring every moment of Christmas Day.
My favorite thing about the holidays are all the little traditions that go along with it. It is so fun to see my girls get excited about something they know is going to happen.
Fabulous layout Kelly! I also am daunted by scrapping Christmas pictures. Seems like my photos and layouts never really reflect the excitement of the holiday, as Christmas is my favorite time of the year. But I'm definitely going to attempt a layout like yours this year. Spending time with family is my favorite thing to do on the holiday...everyone bringing a dish to my grandparents' for Christmas dinner, and sitting by the fire with a cup of hot chocolate and just slowing down enough to spend time with everyone. That is my FAVORITE! Merry Christmas to your family!
My favorite part of the holidays is the music. I love, love Christmas music. I could listen to it all year long if it wouldn't drive my husband nuts!
Thanks for the chance to win :)
your layouts are always so inspirational! what i like about the holidays is having the time to travel!
In my family, we open the gifts one at a time and everyone have to guess what they might be getting before they unwrap the gift. It makes it fun - especially if the person giving the present is there.
I too detest scrapping Christmas photos, but I do love decorating cookies.
Your layout is lovely, what a great showcase of the Jovial line! My favourite part of the holiday season is definitely seeing my kids get excited about Christmas. There is really nothing like young kids to make me feel the magic of Christmas!
Love your layout! I really enjoy baking a variety of Christmas cookies to share with friends and family.
My favourite part of the holidays is seeing my kids excited about Christmas!
Always such inspiration, love your site.
I love your double-page design and the cute hidden photos. Wow!
My favourite part of the holidays... well, I have more than one. I love spending time with family and giving gifts. Oh, and the food and the music and the decorations... and the smiles on everyone's faces! :)
I pretty much love everything about the holidays ~ spending time with family, the food, the decorating, the joy of the season. I can't wait!
And your page is gorgeous!!
Great layout! My favorite is probably the "arguing" over dessert and who gets what!
Ive never seen that cute line from Basic Grey- the snowman with the glasses is adorable- Merry Christmas!
My favorite part of the holidays is being with all four of my grown children. This is especially treasured because our oldest son serves in the military, and we only see him once every 2 years!
One of my favourite parts of Christmas is the BAKING! The tried-and-true Christmas cookies are baked, and new recipes are tried out and tested by the family! Yum! Maybe cookies with pumpkin this year.....hmmmm...
One word about Christmas for me: TAMALES!!
Wonderful color palette for the Jovial line. Eye-popping designs and just enough mix of traditional and trendy to catch your attention. Will be doing my first Dec.Daily.Mini! You experts make it all look easy!!! Thanks.
Having the 3 kids decorate the Christmas tree and seeing how they remember all the past Christmas events related to the different ornaments. I just have to keep one eye shut as they decorate to "their" liking. The Christmas tree becomes a tree house for all the kids' ornaments because they love to play with the tree. Again, one eye shut, and a big smile. Please ignore previous post. Didn't read right.
Beautiful LO! One of my fave parts ... getting cards (especially those homemade and/or with pictures) - love having a fun-filled mailbox! :)
Very Cute! Love to see the different takes on the DD. This will be my first and I'm excited!! :)
Love your 2 page LO Kelly! You rocked it. Happy bday to your hubby. One of our favorite Christmas traditions is to go up in the mountains with some friends, play in the snow all day, eat chicken tortilla soup, and cut down our Christmas tree. So fun! Merry Christmas! -Alisa
I am shocked that you did not like to scrap 2 pagers. Your pictures are awesome and with 2 pages there is more eye candy to look at. I love to bake and decorate cutout cookies with my boys. I actually dislike frosting them, but the boys love it so I bake them and they frost them.
So TOTALLY love your layout! When I scrapped, I LOVED doing 2 pagers. :)
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