CONGRATULATIONS! Please email me at kelly(dot)goree(at)gmail(dot)com to claim your prize!
Hello, all! Sorry. I couldn't help that reference in my post title. I'm still in denial they are wanting to remake "Dirty Dancing" but I digress. ;)
Most of you who know me know that when I talk about "My Baby" I'm referring to my annual BasicGrey calendar - my labor of love that I work so hard on and am so darn proud of. And as I've already mentioned last month, 2012 is by FAR my favorite. Yeah, yeah. I know. I say that every year. But this time, I reallllly mean it! And guess what? It's shipping to stores near you NOW!! You'll so want to stock up on several as it truly makes a wonderful holiday gift...for others OR yourself! So much is included in this kit (just check out the image below) yet it doesn't take forever to assemble.

Here are just a couple of images from some of the months that you'll be creating. This one is using the HOPSCOTCH line - one of my favorites for whimsical fun!

And my favorite BOY line for this one - OLIVER. I can't get enough of the colors and grids and stars! All they need now is YOUR photos, right?!

And I know you're waiting for it - it gets even better this Monday morning because I'm giving one of these awesome kits away for FREE!! Oh yes! Simply leave a comment on this post telling me why you need this calendar and it could be yours! Only one comment per person please! Contest will end sometime this week so get your name in soon!
Have an awesome day!
I need this calendar because I give a calender to my mom every year for Christmas, and this one looks AMAZING and I think she would love it! ALSO I agree that Dirty Dancing should not be remade! 9x out 0f 10 when they remake a classic, and that is a classic, they ruin it!! Maybe if Footloose is worth anything then I will change my tune, but right now, I'm worried!!
I would love to win this calendar! I made my first one last year and it's fabulous! My boys love looking through the pictures!
what a great calender!!! I need this cuz I am kinda old fashioned!!! the calender is how I keep track of ALL my family activities!!!
love it and can't wait to play with next years version!!!
I would love to have this calendar also - I'm in love with the colors! I can see this helping me with some inspiration for layouts! :)
Very nice pages! I can't believe it's already time to think about organizing NEXT year! I need to make sure I have a good calendar on hand. DS is starting Pre School this year and I already have seen MANY big events on the agendas sent home. Also, I've got to keep my chemo dates straight, DH's game nights, the weddings that are already in the works.... Wow!
Because using my phone or computer calendars just won't do.. gotta write it down or I don't remember. Something about writing it down helps me remember better.
NEED this calendar REALLY bad! Loooove it!!
*This calendar should be mine because every year I make ones for my daughters and never for myself!! Plus its downright grand . Thanks for a chance at winning it.
Your calendar is fabulous, and would look so great in my craft (crap) room, where inspiration, whimsy, and total chaos rein supreme. I'm on your side about Dirty Dancing... no one could possibly take Patrick Swayze's place... it's almost sacrilege!!!
I totally need this calendar because I LOVE it, never had one like it and I'm lost without one (my family too BTW) I keep mine on a very visible wall and this would look awesome there! Can't wait to assemble this kit! Great job Kelly
What an awesome giveaway!!! I WOULD love to win this! I desperately need a calendar for my office. Thanks for giving us a chance!
I LOVE your calendars!! If I have to look at a calendar everyday then it needs to be awesome-and the BasicGrey one fits the bill! As a bonus I take the monthly "layouts" off at the end of the year and make an 8x8 album to memorialize our past year!
I really need this calendar because.. I love Basic Grey, I need help organizing my life, I need a calendar, I need one that I will want to look at everyday, etc. etc.....
I love this! I need this calendar because last year I never got a traditional one and I miss it! I would love to design this and then have it all year!
I'm a school librarian and I sooo.... Need this hanging in my library for everyone to see. I think it will be a great inspiration for the kids and myself. It will remind me to do one creative and inspirational thing each day. Thanks for all of your hard work!
Love Basic Grey and LOVE this calendar! Thanks for the chance to win such loveliness!
Love it!! Can't wait to start working on mine. I do 4 every for my office, one for hubby's office and one for each of the great grandparents. This year I might even do for each of the grandparents as well. Of course I would love to win one it would be like buy 5 get one free!!!
LOVE it! Thanks for a chance to win such a fabulous gift.
Lov'n Basic Grey since the beginning black and white, but each new collection makes me love color that much more. I keep track of my baby's milestones on a calendar than scrap it to savor the memories later. Loooovvvveeee this year's calendar, thanks for the opportunity.
I've been wanting to make my own calander but haven't been sure where to start. This would be perfect!
I would so love to win this awesome calendar kit!!!! My first paper addiction was and always is Basic Grey of course!!!!!!!!! Thanks fort he chance to win this!!!!!
I would love to win this calender! This would be my 1st and would be perfect for jotting down the crazy things by boys say and do, on a daily basis. It would make blogging and scrapping easier! And it would be so nice to look at later in life! Thanks for the chance.
I'm in major denial too... who just WHO can replace Patrick Swayze??? Nobody that's who! I need this calendar so I can scrapbook my worries away about this stupid remake!
I give these calendars away every year for Christmas to the "grandmas" - but would love to win one to do for myself this year! The basic grey calendar kit is my favourite "hand-made" Christmas gift, and I always suggest the recepient use the pages from their calendars to make their own album at the end of the year :)
I really need this calendar because I make a gift for a friend every year and this would be a great gift to give to her!
I love the Christams layout in the teaser you posted. How awesome must it feel to know that your designs are hung up and admired in so many homes. I'd love a chance to hang it in my home too !!!
I would love to have this calendar. I would use for a door prize for our MOPS group. Thanks for opportunity to win.
My MIL lives about a thousand miles away so I love giving her a calendar for Christmas each year with photos of her grandkids. This amazing kit would take so much of the work out of doing that! I really hope I win; but if not, I'll probably be buying one anyway! :) Thanks for the chance!!
I need this calendar! I love Basic Grey so much. I made a calendar for the first time this year for my scrapbook room. I love adding the dates that I do my layouts on it. It's fun to flip back through and remember creating and all the fun I had!
Gorgeous! I always have a "real" calendar even though my husband prefers we maintain a shared online calendar. This is super cute!
Seems like you have outdone yourself!! I need this calendar...i make a calendar for my daughter and stepmother every year!!!
This looks fabulous Kelly!! I neeeeeeed it because I looooooove Basic Grey. ;)
- April W
I so love Basic Grey and do the card kits often. Would love to try the calendar. Thanks for an opportunity to win one. Be a fun gift to friend or family. But I'll probably love it so much I'll give it to myself. LOL
Anything this pretty that will help keep me and my family organized would be welcome in my home! I need it to stay on top of the chaos that we call life : )
I need this calendar because they are so stinkin' cute to put pictures on to display in my home. :)
Steph H.
I love love love this calendar!!I would love this due to the fact that I write on everything & I have 3 places I write everything in my scraproom of things that need to get done, one on the fridge to keep the kids & the dinner menus together...and then all the other appointments on my phone. This calendar would go into my scraproom for sure!! Thanks for the chance to win some of your talent!!
So pretty. I love these calendars and make them for my mother & mother-in-law every year. Last year I started too late and didn't get them finished. I would love to win this so I can get a head start on my X-mas gifts...
Love these calendars as family Christmas gifts.
Kelly, I LOVE your calendars! I have made one every year for hubby for Christmas!!!!
I could use this calendar! We just recently moved and I cannot find my old one. This is really bad since I work full time and have four kids and a husband with really busy schedules. Thanks for the contest!
I have been wanting to get one of my hands on one of BG's calendars for years and never seem to be able to find them locally, or they are already sold out before I can get my h ands on them. Would love to be the lucky recipient because I'd love to do it as a gift for my mom this Christmas. Thanks for sharing and thanks for the opportunity to win such a fabulous giftaway.
i recently redid my office/craft room and could really use a calendar to keep track of all the upcoming events that i would like to make cards for! please pick me! :) and i love love love basic grey!
I would love to have the Calendar because I really like the patterns. Every year I make calendars for my friends and family as gifts and use pictures of my 13 month old son. I would be lucky to have the be the one chosen to receive this giveaway.
I NEED this calendar because I'm going to have a little girl next month and I would love to have a beautiful calendar to write down her first moments as well as her appointments. It would be a beautiful keepsake.
This is just gorgeous! I will need one just for myself and then several more for Christmas gifts! I've always loved Basic Grey and this just proves to me again that they're awesome! Thanks for your generous giveaway!
Congratulations on your beautiful baby! I would love to adopt it for myself. I make calendars with family & friends' birthdays on them to give. I have many birthdays & anniversaries on the one I keep; if I don't send them a card, it's a reminder to pray for them.
I need several! LOL! First i need one for my self to record special journalling events that happen so i can add to scrapbook later, then i need one for my mom, teachers, neighbors, etc...Everyone loves these. I NEED them!
My reasons for needing THIS calendar:
1. I'm a huge fan, and I LOVE the style
2. We NEED calendars to stay organized in my house!
3. I have an awesome wooden calendar holder/spice rack that would show case this off beautifully...
4. Basic Grey Rocks!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I NEEEEED one for myself!!! With one 4 year old girl and one 2 year old boy, I keep forgetting EVERYTHING!!! And my girl is starting pre school, so I´ll have more in my head!!!
I´m also giving these as x-mas gifts to both grandparents.
THANKS for the opportunity to win one!!!!!!
I need this calendar because I NEVER seem to have a calendar when I need I guess I am what you would call "calendar needy?" Maybe it is because I give them away too. :))
This is SOOOOOO awesome :) I've never had one of these so would love one-Thanks so much for the chance!
I need a calendar because without one my life would be just so unorganized :) xx
I need this calendar because I LOVE Basic Grey and because I my whole life is on my calendar. To CREATE my 2012 calendar would be awesome!
I would love to make it as a keepsake of my Grandmother that passed away recently for my mum
I NEED this calendar because a) it's made of my fave paper, Basic Grey and b)it's designed by my fave designer, you! I love it when the practical is also beautiful. Completed with pics of my grandkids, this would be a joy to look at everyday. Many thanks!
I love these calendars! I make One for my grandmother every year but last year I couldn't get the Basic Grey one. I made one from another manufacturer and it was nowhere near as nice! I will definitely be getting these this year! Thanks for the chance to win one!
This is gorgeous and just so fun! I haven't made one yet, but I so love Basic Grey. I would use this for keeping track of when challenges are due and of course the kiddies schedules. Thanks so much for the chance! :D
Oh I need this because the colors would keep me so motivated!
Wow - I'd love to win! We actually never got a 2011 calendar early in the year - so I JUST picked one up last week (yes, when it was August... and on clearance!). I'd love to get a jump start on 2012!!
I would love love to have one of these to make for grandma! Thanks for all your work.
Oh Kelly Kelly Kelly! I messaged the other day about this very thing! I am so excited about a Basic Grey calendar. I had to suffer this year by using a not-as-great one for my memory calendar. I missed all the yummy designs and sweet chipboard accents. I use these calendars for a scrapbook/photog planner. I take images from each month's events, make a 4x6 collage, and use that to sum up the month. I have 2 BasicGreys, the "other" calendar which shall remain nameless, and I'd love to have a BasicGrey again. It's been too long. BasicGrey and I need some catching up time.
I definitely need this!! It makes the perfect Christmas gift for my mother-in-law!!
And you wanna know why I need to win it?!?!?! Well, because I asked about this just this past weekend at my lss and they have no idea when they will get it because it is out of stock or something. Please hook me up!!!
I need this calendar because I have had one for the last couple years and I love it... I need one so that I don't have to buy it... but I will if I don't win... because I need it that bad. :) ha
OMGravy!!! I "need" this calendar just because "I" need it!!! It would look FANTABULOUS hanging over my scrap space :)
I need this calendar to keep track of the various challenges, class assignments etc. I love BG and it would look so fabulous in my new scraproom. Thanks for the chance to win
I make a calendar for my "mom's" each year for Christmas. I did this one last year and loved it (I had it the year before for me too). So I need this one, so I only have to buy 2 more!!
Can't wait to see more of next year's calendar. I need this because I always make little calendars for the kids grandparents, but never one for me. This would give me the jump I need to actually make something for myself to put in my cubicle at work. Thanks for the chance to win!
after making several calendars for my mom and mother-in-law, i'd love one just for ME :) thanks for the chance to win!
I need this calendar to spruce up my old fridge. I may not have stainless steel, but as long as I have Basic Grey I will be happy!! :-)
Ooh, this looks scrumptious. What a wonderful giveaway. Thanks.
Pick me, pick me! :) I bought the 2010 calendar and the 2011. LOVED them both! And this one looks fantastic too!
Love this calendar! I need it because I have a space reserved on my wall for a "real" calendar. My husband insists on electronic scheduling, but my kids and I like to see our schedules prominently displayed...and this way, I can see our happy faces every month (once I fill in the spaces for our photos. ;) ) Thanks for the chance to win!
Love your work and love Basic Grey! Would be thrilled to win the calendar kit!
I would love to win this calender because I have never made a calender in my whole life. And you need to do everything once in your life, that's why... (-;
I need this calendar because my life needs organization, and if I am going to be organized I at least want to look cute doing it :)
Every year I make a calendar through Shutterfly for my parents and my husband's mother. It would be a great touch to give them something "more homemade".
I love love love Basic Grey. It looks like an awesome kit. :)
Thanks for the giveaway!!!
Sharon A.
I'd love to win this calendar kit...I've never made one before, and it looks positively gorgeous! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!
I need this calendar! I have every one since they started, always put in pics from the previous year in the month it is from :) then, i cut them out of the book and put them in an 8x8 album! soooo fun to look back!
I love calendars. I did some up a couple of years ago for presents and everybody loved them.
I really need a calendar to keep track of people's birthdays, anniversaries, exams, etc.!
::Jumping up and down::: PICK ME, PICK ME....I love your calendars. I have 2010 and 2011 and can't wait to get my hands on this lovely little gem. They are so fun to put together and the instructions are very easy to follow. I always get great comments on the final product, thanks to you and Basic Grey.
(Your boys are growing up before our very eyes...they are so cute!)
I use the Basic Grey Calandar as a growth chart fir my grandson. It's so easy to print out the iPhone photos and I have an instant yearly album!!! Love it!!
Oh that sure is SUPER CUTE!!!Ok so I really need it at my house as I have no corners!!!No really I do have corners but I promise it will go in a prime spot to show all!!
Super cute calendar! I really need to update my old scrapped calendar that I've had for a few years now and this would be just the perfect replacement! :) Thanks for the chance to win!
What an awesome calendar kit! Let's see....I would like to win because I have never made a calendar before & I really love Basic Grey. :-)
I love the Basic Grey calendar! I need it because I make a year in review scrapbook for myself (since I usually make the scrapbooks for my kids). The past couple of years I've used the Basic Grey calendars to do it! :)
Kelly, I have been with you since your first "baby" in 2009 and I can't wait to see your fourth "child." I agree that this is your best one yet! I actually make an 8x8 album out of the kit instead of the calendar and it is my favorite project each and every year so I'd love to win this. Thanks for the opportunity!
Also, as a long time user of the calendar kit, I would like to offer some suggestions for the 2013kit assuming there will be one. I would really love to see some embellishments included in the kit such as brads and buttons. Additionally, if the kit could include some alternate titles so we can change the page to suit our photo for that month, that would be great as not all of us have kids. Just something to think about. Thanks for listening!
Would LOVE to WIN this calendar ... I've never made one before ... what a great way to celebrate 2012 every day :)
I absolutely love this! I need this calender to stay organized while I'm at college! Keeping track of exams and meetings and whatnot can get pretty hectic and I would love love love to hang this in my dorm room!
Thanks for the chance to win!!
Jamie :)
The calendar, for a mother of three, is an indispensable tool that she could not live without. Well, she could, but her family would *never* get to anything they were supposed to. I heart calendars. Thanks for the chance to win :)
i need it because making this calender would be the time of my life.. um I mean I carried a watermelon.. err i mean when i look at it I have "hungry eyes".. cos it's like the wind? Let me put it this way, this is my scrap space (arms out) and this is your scrap space (puts your arms out) and they both need this calendar in them!!
I NEED this calendar because I work in a sterile cubicle work environment. A beautiful calendar with photos of my family will brighten up my cubby and my work day (and remind me to be creative)! thanks for the opportunity to win your calendar kit!
my girlfriend and I make the kits every year for Christmas gifts...we have a slumber calendar making party. I look forward to it every year! Thnaks, Judy.
I need this calendar to keep the BG tradition going, I always buy and complete it, luv it!
I would love to win this calendar! It would take pride of place in my kitchen where the whole family keeps track of our planned activities.
Oh I need this calendar, to keep me in order and make me happy every time I look at it. Everyone in our house loves handmade and it would grace our home just perfectly.
I would love to make this calendar for my husband as a Christmas gift!! I made one online 2 years ago, but this one seems so much more special and personal!! I´d love to win a kit like that!! :)
Oh I love your calendar Kelly...I have bought one for myself the last few years and adore having it in my craft room. This year I want to make one for my mum and a friend it would be extra great to win one:-)
I make my daughter a calendar every year for Christmas. If I could win this it would save me so much time. Plus, I love Basic Grey papers.
I NEED this calendar to keep track of our crazy busy schedule, and to create, and to appreciate and enjoy some delicious BG! -Alisa
I would love to have this calendar so I can show all my BGPOTM students just how awesome it is. Thanks for sharing one of them with us. :-)
I need this calendar due to a failing memory bank!!!! Thanks!
I need this calendar because I think they are AWESOME! Thanks for the chance to win!
Every year for Christmas I make 2 such calenders for my parents and in-laws. Owning BG calender would be less work at Christmas time.
I would love this calendar as I've never made one before, I buy a boring family planner at Marks & Spencer every year at Christmastime - this would jazz up the kitchen wall so much!!
Thanks for the chance to win.
love these calendars. my daughter is having a baby in Feb so this would be perfect for her!
How did I not know these calendars existed?!! I'd love to get one to make it for my office to (1) show off my crafty skills and (2) to be inspired by BG every day of the year! Looks awesome!
Would love a chance to win. That Oliver is awesome!
Love all of your work and I need this calendar because of the monthly inspiration it offers! Thanks for a chance to win.
I make calendars every year for Christmas gifts and this would be a total time saver + it is gorgeous!! Thanks for the chance!!
Love Love Love the BG Calendar. Been doing them for years as gifts for my mom and brother. They've come to expect their calendar and they are displayed prominently!
Lynn B.
I would love to have this calendar also - I'm in love with the colors!
I so need this calendar to keep track of our new crazy busy schedule, and to get me to create again. Thank you for the chance to win.
Would love this calendar for use with my 3 kids' schedules. They get crazier every year. Plus I am tired of the store bought ones. So drab. Thanks for the op! Beautiful paper designs. BG as outdone themselves this time!
We're having our 1st girl and our last baby. I'd love to track her 1st year with us.
I need one of these becuase I love creating calendars and this would make a great gift for my mom!!
I make a calendar every year for my MIL, so this would definitely come in handy!
I'm so excited. This will be the third one I've done and I absolutely love that I can make a book out of the layouts once the year ends.
I need this calendar simply because it is so stinkin' cute!
Beautiful!!! I totally agree about Dirty Dancing,but I heard that they might get Derek Hough from DWTS to lead, so I *might* watch it-but no one can replace Patrick!
I need one of these calendars because at the end of the year, I can pop them into an 8x8 album, and have a scrapbook done! I also need it because it works so well with all of the previous calendars in that scrapbook!
What an awesome way to mark 2012! It is going to be a beautiful creative year. I would love to make and use this calendar to tally up the days ahead. Would love to win one, but will definitely buy one--thanks Kelly!
I would love to win this calendar! I love to give homemade gifts to the grandparents at Christmas and this would be perfect!! I've not made one of these yet, but can't wait. Basic Grey is my all time favorite!!
As the mother of two boys I just can't get enough of the "Oliver" line. So glad they included it in the calendar. Thanks for sharing the pics. Oh and good luck with the football season!!
I'd love to have this calendar kit. I had so much fun making one last year!!! ^^ Thx!
a gift for my mommy !!!
This looks, as always, fantabulous!! Can't wait for 2012! :)
Wow! What a fabulous prize. I would love to fill this calendar with pictures of my 2 year old son and his family and hang it in his room. He would LOVE it!
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