Friday, September 15, 2006


It's official!!! I can finally spill my good news!! I have been chosen to be the Guest Garden Girl (GGG) at TwoPeas for the month of September!! I am so stinkin' excited and beyond thrilled that Kristina asked me to be a part! I hope you'll take a minute and check it out here!


Anonymous said...

You are the BOMB girl!!!!! HUGEST congrats to you....I am so happy for you....

Anonymous said...

AWESOME Kelly! You so deserve this! Have a ball and enjoy your time as a GGG! (Doing the happy dance in your honor!)

Anonymous said...

Yah Kelly!!!
So thrilled for you!
You talent is beyond amazing! LOVE all your
gorgeous layouts!

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness. so deserved. CONGRATS!!! off to check it out :)


Tracey Kendall said...

Wow.....that is such awesome news. I think you should just become a garden girl forever!.I have told you several times that you are an amazing scrapbooker with such great talent and l can never get enough of your work. Congrads to you!

Stacey said...

You totally deserve it Kelly! I love your work! Just got back from visiting your GGG layouts, and they are great!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Kelly! :)

Anonymous said...

so happy for you kelly!
your creations are amazing
and i loved seeing the GGs
lift you.
congrats, my friend!

Unknown said...

YAHOO!!!!!!!!! You rock girl!
I am SO HAPPY & EXCITED for you!!!! Wow! What an honor! (I wouldn't doubt if you're become a GG one day!) ;)

Anonymous said...

huge congrats!!!! so wonderful!!! and so happy for you.

Jlyne Hanback said...

You rocked the Garden, my friend! I am always in awe of your work. It is about time! Can't believe you aren't a permanent Garden Girl! This is incredible news,but not the least bit surprising, because you are the most talented thing EVA!

Hugs to you, and we have so much in common! I have been married nine years this month, too and I used to live in Nashville! Plus, we both like black cardstock. BWAHAHAHA! ;)

Congrats again!

Anonymous said...

SUPER congrats Kelly! What a dream that is :) Couldn't have happened to a more sweeter or more talented artist!

Roxy Roller said...

Yah, Kelly! Way to go! You totally deserve this and more! I am so happy for you!!

Missy said...

congrats, kelly!!
I'll have to swing by the garden and check YOU out! :)

Tracey Odachowski said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!! You know, I was secretly thinking your secret was a GG, but this is close enough! WTG KELLY!!!!!!

Davinie Fiero said...

So awesome! Love your work! Excited to see you in the Garden. Congrats!

Jana said...

Yay for you!! Your work rocked as always! Ok, so we haven't talked "Rockstar" since the finale.....are you happy that Lukas won?

Theresa Tyree said...

Oh, Kelly! That's fantastic! But, it doesn't surprise me. You're such a mega talented artist! I turn to you for inspiration all the time!
Have fun!

Unknown said...

congrats... you definately deserve it.. wow!!! i love looking at your work.. so glad everyone else agrees.. great job.. so how you gonna celebrate?

Anonymous said...

Yay for YOU!

Anonymous said...

I didn't get a chance to congratulate you yet...but I CANT WAIT to see ya!!!! How FREAKIN cool is that??????!!! Don't forget about us little people on your way up to stardum! :O)

Micaela said...

Congrats Kelly! They couldn't have picked a more talented person!