(desperately) to keep up with things. It's been an incredibly busy weekend with a football game, fall festival and a pumpkin patch visit that today is my "ketchup day"...you know catch up on laundry, dishes, yardwork, paperwork, photo editing, viewing Grey's that got bumped due to our stormy weather (the important stuff). The upside is that I'll finally have a clean house
and photos to share. I do try and be a silver lining kinda girl.

Anyhow, here are some pics from a recent trip to the apple orchard. It was in late September but so flaming hot, all we could do was pick our apples and go. And the boys were agreeable to it only because Daddy promised them he'd make an apple pie with their pickings. Yes, I said Daddy. I'm *so* not a baker. So several pounds of apples later and a couple gallons of water in sweat, we had completed our visit. I wish I had a picture of the pie to show you because I knew you wouldn't believe me. But it was impressive, trust me! ;)

Finally we get a cold snap this past week and it's actually starting to feel like fall which is my all-time favorite season. I love the colors, the crisp air, the activities. It's so gorgeous here that we've been spending every minute outdoors. So we met up with my parents after Ethan's football game for a little fall festival yeserday that included pony rides, firetrucks, bluegrass music and more. The boys loved riding on the firetruck - but it was only a close 2nd to the pony. :)

And lastly because my friend,
Shannon, mentioned that she loved to go to the pumpkin patch in the evening when the sun was setting, I lugged all the boys there around 6:00 pm. Shannon said she loved it because there were no crowds and the lighting was spectacular. She was sooooo right. Loved these shots I managed to get of the boys - so much so I'm going to drag them back there tonight so I can try some fun techniques. Thank goodness they're willing participants when it comes to getting dirty in the patch. But please note, I did
not promise them a pumpkin pie!
Happy Fall, y'all!