This was the scene here yesterday morning! It wasn't much (I think we accummulated all of about 3/4" or so which, of course, was gone by noon), but it's rarity is now documented and I finally have some "snow" pictures!
So while I do love snow, I have to say I HATE winter and being cold, and the only thing that gets me through it is looking forward to Valentine's Day. I'm such a romantic and living in a house of all men, I'm all about a holiday that is about red, pink, love and glittery pretties! Since I've been all in the spirit lately, I thought I'd share a bit that makes me smile :)

I could eat this kiddo up, he's so cute. Yes, I realize I'm biased, but I'm allowed! By the way, these yummy looking lollies (that's for you, Nic!) can be found at the $1 Spot at Target and Carson assures me that they're pretty good. Warning - they last ALL DAY and getting them away from wee ones can prove slightly..uh...difficult!
And being the good little enabler I am, GET THEE TO TARGET! They have all kinds of fun, cute, and have-to-have goodies there for Valentine's Day. It's taking all the restraint I have not to buy them out!

Ok, so back to other fun pretties...here are a few love-related/pink things I've made lately - a little mini-album and some Valentines along with a Christmas present for my sister-in-law (I posted it on a gallery or so but don't think I shared here).

So tell me (by February 1st!) - are you into Valentine's Day like I am or do you dread it? What do you like to do to celebrate? What was your favorite Valentine's Day ever (or worst!)? There just might be a Valentine-related RAK for my favorite story! ;)