Sunday, July 30, 2006
Taking a cue from a few friends - Ask Kelly
SO...I'm taking a cue from a couple of friends of mine, Amy and Angela and opening up an "Ask Kelly" session. I've had a few ladies drop me a line lately asking about one thing or another, and I thought it just might be something other people would be interested in. I'm ready for anything so if there's something you've always wanted to ask, please do! (Lurkers too! ;)) I'll be happy to answer as best I can. I think I'll leave this up until probably Tuesday night and then start replying.
Don't be shy! Ask away!
Saturday, July 29, 2006
It's not always easy...
The journaling reads:
It's not always easy...

To be the parent
To have to enforce the rules
To be the responsible one
To set the boundaries
To be the example.
It's not always easy...
To be a child
To be the oldest brother
To behave
To do what's right
To listen
To learn
To grow up
But it's always easy to love you.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
The Obsession

Monday, July 24, 2006
Summer School - Goree-style!

It's hard for me to believe Ethan will be in 1st grade, Turner in 4 yr old preschool and Carson in the 3 yr program. To help get them prepared, we've been working on reading, spelling and math with Ethan; numbers, the alphabet and writing with Turner; and counting and ABC's with

Saturday, July 22, 2006
AND....a little plug for BasicGrey here since I'm missing dinner with the girls (and Greg! ;)) tonight. I want to hype up their new lines LILY KATE and GYPSY! (as if they need it!) These lines are just scrumptious! I love the subtleness of Lily Kate and Gypsy for me is a cross of 2 of my favorite lines - Lollipop Shoppe and Urban Couture. If I'm not careful, it's going to give my Color Me Silly a run for it's money! ;) Here are the images of the new goods! ORDER ORDER ORDER! You'll love them! :)

Thursday, July 20, 2006
CHA Blues & a new Layout
My first step to consoling myself was to post this new layout I did for BasicGrey that WILL be at the show even if I will not. I can't help it. This layout just makes me smile when I see it. That's my ham of a Carson cheesing it up for his mama. Love that face. Love that boy. And I admit. It helped. For a minute.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006
My Baby is going to PRESCHOOL!

Really cried.
Because that letter meant that my baby will be gone from me four mornings a week just like his two big brothers. I'm especially hit hard because Carson is the only one out of my three that's a Mama's boy. He and I are two peas in a pod and I can't imagine spending most of the day without him. That and..well...there are no more babies at my house, ya know? I'm just so not ready for this. Carson is, mind you. He's so excited about the school and the bus he can't see straigh

Ok, so in honor of my BIG little he was at just three days....and now at almost three years. *sniff*
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Feeling Nostalgic...
The next MMM contest deadline is fast approaching (July 31st to be exact) and I know alot of ladies are scrambling tryi

I wish this years winners only the most wonderful year as a representative of Memory Makers and hope that it is everything that they wish it to be :)
P.S. for those that asked - that brown tab was part of the box I sent my entry in. It had a prayer on it and the editors cut it out and saved it for me when they returned my layout :)
Thursday, July 13, 2006
More Queen & CK POTD!

This is my Turner at a 4th of July party. You can't PULL that kid away from the slip-n-slide!
Did you see

Wednesday, July 12, 2006
ABC's of Me

Blonde, Blessed
Creative, Compassionate
Erratic, Energetic, Effervescent
Flirt ;), Friend
Intelligent, Impulsive
Kind, Knowledgeable
Mother, Maid ;)
Opinionated, Organized
Persistent, Proud
Quality, Queen of my House
Stubborn (I'm a Scorpio, what can I say?;)), Scrapbooker
Vertically Challenged
Yellow-lover (at least lately!)
Zany (on occasion ;))
Monday, July 10, 2006

They are:
Make Waves

Soul Mate
Scrap in the City and
My package just showed up on doorstep calling my name to come scrap...and you know I listened! I've already completed a layout using the new HOTTIE line (see above). I hope you like it! ;) So if you're going to CHA - designers or store owners alike - be sure to stop by Q&Co's booth #617 and gobble this stuff up!
He's SO not getting his license when he's 16!

This kid is a little stinkin' speed demon. He mastered how to maneuver this little jeep in just one quick afternoon and it wasn't long before he was chasing after one of us (parents or brothers) at breakneck speed...ok, well as fast as the jeep would go anyway, but still! And, yes, that made him positively giddy. Check out that g

These pictures were taken as I was running backwards trying to avoid him running me down. That's ok. He won't think it's so funny in a few years when he wonders at 16 why he doesn't have his license! I'm saving this photo and post for evidence. ;)
Saturday, July 08, 2006
I am a DOG person.
So. My neighbor has 2 cats and a litter of 7-week-old kittens (the 2nd litter in 6 months mind you because she hadn't gotten the cat spayed). I dutifully ignore said cats, even the cute fluffballs of 7-week-old newness. Why? Because I am NOT a cat person! It would be nice if it ended there, but sadly it doesn't.
The other day - right before the 4th of July weekend - my neighbor goes away for the holiday. She leaves all 6 cats out the entire time she is gone with no food, no water, no shelter. I admit it, I got angry. Even though I am not a cat person. I was especially angry for the four kittens who were barely weaned yet expected to make it on their own for the 5 or so days my neighbor was gone. And then we begin to feed said cats. We gave them water, the kittens milk and all of them a wee bit of tuna that was all we had in the house we could think to give them. That's when we noticed it. The cutest of the kittens - a teeny little orange tabby - had a skin issue. Flies were

And that's when it happened.
Suddenly, *we* have two cats. They sleep on our porch, get fed and watered and showered with love by my boys. Particularly Turner. Who *is* apparently, a CAT person. *sigh*
(That's T with the sweet orange tabby we had to send away...and with Peanut this morning. See? Cat Person...but I love him anyway ;))
Friday, July 07, 2006
And the WINNERS are.....

Ethan picked them fair and square so you can take any issues up with him! ;) (btw, he's not above bribery the next time around. I heard he would like Freddos Frogs if he ever had some *ahem Nic Howard ahem*) Anyhow, I hope you ladies enjoy your goodies! And if you would, please each of you drop me a note with your addy (to and I'll try and get these packages shipped out to you next week! Thank you to everyone for playing! It was alot of fun for me (and I hope you, too!). I'll have to do it again sometime!
I also wanted to give y

Jones Soda Label
My first goal was to become known and/or respected for my photography skills. I took some generic photography courses in high school, have always had what I would call a "good eye" for composition and design (that art degree wasn't for nothing, mom, really) and have loved, loved, loved to take photos with a passion. And I took alot. And I entered a few contests and had some success. And it pretty much ended there. Lately, that passion has been re-ignited in me and I'm working on doing more, learning more, practicing more to improve my photography skills. Occassionally I'll come out with a photo that just makes my heart stand still. The lighting is just right, the composition just right, the focus spectacular and I'll think that I'm not too far away from my goal....which leads me to my second goal.
The Jones Soda Label.
I'm serious now when I say that. For me, having a photo selected for the Jones Soda label is a huge accomplishment and one of my deep seeded goals I've had for myself ever since my sister-in-law, Dawn, introduced me to them a few years ago. Have you seen the photography they include on their labels? It's outstanding, every one. And so after I took one of those heart-stopping pics I mentioned a second ago, I took a deep breath and submitted it to their gallery for possible inclusion on a future lable/bottle.
And this is it:

And I think it would be so stinkin' cute on a real bottle of Jones Soda. So if you agree, please, go here and vote! And just maybe this label will be at a store near you soon!
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Sneak Peak :)

Hey all! Since I'm lacking of something fun to post about today, I thought I'd give a little sneak peak of a fun cherryArte project that the dt is going to upload to the site tomorrow. This month we got to alter one of the stinkin' cool Maya Road chipboard books. CA has done a product swap with the gals on the Maya Road dt and it's been such fun to play with their yummy products! This is a shot of the cover using the new Tropics line. The colors are just incredible in this line - so saturated and fresh looking! And yes, it appears I, too, have been bit by the doodling bug. I don't know what to make of it or if I'll do it again, but it sure was fun to try.
In other scrap-related news, I'm getting so excited to head up to Chicago for CHA! Shannon Z. and I are road-tripping it again this year and it should be tons of fun (especially if we keep our yaps shut during critical exit times. She'll tell you it's all my fault, but I wasn't the one driving ;)) We're going to be staying at the Doubletree right across from the convention center so it'll be so much more convenient than having to worry about shuttles or finding places to part. AND the best part is that Joanna, Erica and Jen are going to room with us. I've adored these gals online for forever and it'll be fab to finally meet them face-to-face. I'll be working make-n-takes at the Memory Makers booth at I think 9:30 and 3 and will probably pop into both the BasicGrey booth and Queen & Company booth in between running around on the floor. If you see me, please be sure to stop and say HI! :D
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
A Tribute...of Sorts

I know today is the 4th and most people would probably blog about their bbq or other fun celebrations, but eh, I already did that. So today I'm taking a different turn. See this picture of me? The beautiful woman standing beside me is my best friend. Right now she's going through a major life event and moving from her home of the last 15 years in Nashville to head back north to be closer to her family and her husband's job. This has been a huge change for her as she spent her adult years in the south and really considers it her home, yet she's excited for the future ahead for her and her husband. Because of that, I am extremely happy and excited for her...and looking forward to visits to the Jersey Shore with my crew in tow (or not ;)).
But on a personal note, we haven't been further apart than 3 hours for the past 15 years. And even though we didn't visit lately as much as we should have, I still knew she was there...and COULD have. So this move has been hard on me, too, and I'm going to miss having her close. This is for you, Ann Marie. It's about time that I'm finally doing a layout about us (ok, I've put it off so long because we could never agree on what constituted a "good" pic of either of us! lol) and while I can't share it yet online, I wanted everyone to know just how important you are to me. Here's the journaling (and please note our clothing colors in above picture when you read this!). I love you, Roomie! Happy 4th of July.
Peach and Pink. Those two words just about say everything there is to say about us. We're night and day. A little 5'1 and a glamorous 5'7" (but seriously, it's like 6' with her heels!). Brown eyes and blue. Long hair and short (though we're getting closer and closer to the same color at least, in part, thanks to Miss Clairol!). South and North. Vinegar (yes, I'm calling ME the vinegar) and oil. Yep, that's us.
We're as different as we can be, on the surface. But when you look closer, you'll find that we compliment each other so well that we're like two halves of the same person. Your Libra evenness balances out my Scorpio rashness. Your fun nature makes me do things I'd never do on my own. My creative energy gets your decorating fever going. We complete each other's sentences. We both watch (and are learning from) "What Not to Wear!" My boys call you Auntie and when the day comes that you're blessed with your own, that will be my name too.
Well before the full seventeen years we've known each other (I'd even say from the moment you walked into my dorm room), we have been the best of friends. Yet it's so much more than that, even. We are the sister that neither of us ever had. You and I have faced just about ever major milestone together. You're my rock, my confidant and I love the moon and back."
Monday, July 03, 2006
FREE STUFF! (BG free stuff at that!)
Here are the packages:
Package #1 includes: Coordinating pieces of Motifica, Sweet Pea Jack and Skate Shoppe (perfect for a mom of boys!)
- 49 pieces of Patterned Paper
- 4 sets of tags
- 3 sets of cardstock alpha stickers
- 1 set of Cardfolders
Package #2 has: Coordinating pieces of Sublime, Sweet Pea Alyssa and Lollipop Shoppe (a girlie dream!)
- 37 pieces of patterned paper
- 4 sets of cardfolders
- 4 sets of monogram alphas
- 2 sets of cardstock alpha stickers
and Package #3 contains: Coordinating pieces of Motifica, Vagabond and Lucky
- 44 pieces of patterned paper
- 3 sets of cardstock alpha stickers
- 3 sets of monogram alphas
- 1 set of tags
- 1 set of cardfolders
I think I'll let the consolation prize stay a's all BG but a hodgepodge of all kinds of goodies. You just don't know what could be in there but if you look closely at the pic, you might just get an idea! ;)'s what to do....Post on this blog by Friday at Noon Eastern time which prize you're interested in - 1, 2 or 3. I will have three seperate hats and one of my able assistants (read one of the boys ;)) will draw for each package. When those three are chosen, the remaining names will be pooled together and the consolation prize awarded. So have at it! Be sure to say hi too!
Banner Frustration - sorta FIXED! YAY!
Thanks to the tutorial of the amazing Lindsay Teague, I got this darn banner up. I have realized it's a bit wider than I like and I still have my title showing through (it wouldn't let me erase it, Lindsay! Darn it!) but it's better than the generic! Thanks to Kim M. for pointing me in the right direction! :) (Guess I'm lovin' you forever, girlie! ;))
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Celebrating the Red White & Blue!

We celebrated our Independence a little early this year with our traditional party at our friends, the Prehers. As always, their Annual 4th Bash lived up to it's reputation! Amy and her husband Scott always go all out for this event and it shows! There was a Bouncy Castle, tatoos, swimming, slip-n-slide, cotton candy, glow sticks, sack races and more for the kiddos...plenty of food, drinks, music, games and conversation for the adults (even an adult sack race which was hilarious but moving so fast so late that I couldn't get a decent pic of it!). My boys had a ball running around, getting a taste of freedom without their parents under their feet, and enjoying a bit of a sugar rush with all the goodies around. Hoyte and I had fun getting some adult conversation, a few adult beverages and getting a chance to be silly and kidlike ourselves! There's no doubt why we look forward to this party every year! Oh and the fireworks! I can't forget to mention the fireworks! The were amazing (and always get bigger from the year before) and Carson's face was just priceless. He sat on my lap the entire time watching raptly, clapping after big explosions and oooohing at everything as it glittered down. We've already marked our calendar for next year's event! :D
(And hey, check it out - I've managed two days in a row! ;) Stay tuned tomorrow for the "Great BASICGREY Give-away!")
Saturday, July 01, 2006

Wow. Ok, I'm finally using this account I think I've had set up for over a year! I have to confess that I did try to blog before, was terrible at it, and abandoned it quickly. We'll have to see if that changes! Bare with me and pester the heck out of me if you find me slacking. I promise I won't mind.
I want to start by wishing everyone a very wonderful (and safe!) 4th of July holiday weekend. The crew and I will be attending the Preher's annual 4th Bash later on today. It's the party we look forward too all year - ALL of us - since the kiddos can run and be wild...and so can the parents! *grin* The boys are all ready in their matching Old Navy t's and have already been pestering me about when we'd be going. Here they are in anxious anticipation....I must admit this photo is a few days old. They just couldn't wait to break out their shirts so I took their annual photo a wee bit early (gotta do it when the gettin' is good, kwim?!)
And I can finally share some big news I had been holding in. I have just been added to the Queen & Company Design Team!!! I'm so incredibly excited to be working with these amazing products and to be associated with the 11 other phenominal women on the team. If you don't know these ladies, you must check them out. They totally rock. They are:
- Nic Howard (DT Coordinator)
- Nely Fok
- Susan Weinroth
- Amber Baley
- Johanna Peterson
- Adrienne Looman
- Jen Parks
- Vicki Boutin
- Heather Preckel
- Wendy Reed
- Leah LaMontagne
and me...amazing, huh? ;) Have a great day everyone! I hope to be back tomorrow with some awesome pics of the party!