Saturday, July 29, 2006

It's not always easy...

You ever have one of those weeks? We've been having one here, I'm afraid. One of those weeks where it's either been too hot or too rainy to go outside much. One of those weeks where the kids are going crazy and we're about to pull our hair out? Yeah. One of those. So to work through it a bit, I did this layout last night using some Queen & Co. fab flowers.

The journaling reads:

It's not always easy...
To be the parent
To have to enforce the rules

To be the responsible one

To set the boundaries
To be the example.

It's not always easy...
To be a child
To be the oldest brother

To behave
To do what's right
To listen

To learn

To grow up

But it's
always easy to love you.


Anonymous said...

beautiful layout, love the journaling - I've been a scrappin fool cause it's been like that here too! HOT HOT HOT then like a huge DOWNPOUR with scary thunder and lightning. the kids and I are getting used to the scary southern summer storms... LIttle M keeps asking "are we safe,in here" LOL


Caro said...

Beautiful page, K!! Fantastic journaling!!

And hum yeah, that type of 'week' has lasted all summer so far.

Debbie said...

Jamie just was saying this morning to a customer to look at your work because somehow you manage to make pink or girl colors work on your pages with your boys! And now I totally agree. Awesome! It rocks!!!

Unknown said...

Oh my friend!! I have SO had one of those weeks!!!! This past one I'm sure that I did pull out some hair!!! (mine though, not my kids!)LOL!
It was rainy, it was hot, we were tired, we were grumpy, etc. Just not a fun time!

I LOVE your layout though!! fabulous design and awesome handwriting girl!

Stacey said...

Love the journaling and the design on this one. Hope the weekend and next week are better!:)

Tracey Odachowski said...

Oh, Kelly. Once again, you did it - make the perfect page. And I hear ya - it's been that way here, too, and the kids are going NUTS. I hope next week is better for you!

Anonymous said...

this rocks! a-ma-zing! :) :)

Chrissy King said...

This is a great page and I love the journaling. I can so relate!

Anonymous said...

Love this page!!! The journaling is really great and I love the Black, white, pink combo. Great job.