This kid is a little stinkin' speed demon. He mastered how to maneuver this little jeep in just one quick afternoon and it wasn't long before he was chasing after one of us (parents or brothers) at breakneck speed...ok, well as fast as the jeep would go anyway, but still! And, yes, that made him positively giddy. Check out that g

These pictures were taken as I was running backwards trying to avoid him running me down. That's ok. He won't think it's so funny in a few years when he wonders at 16 why he doesn't have his license! I'm saving this photo and post for evidence. ;)
Cute pic's...my girls aren't getting theirs until they are 21!!!
LOL, that title made me giggle!
Adorable pictures, and yes, I know from what you speak of speed demons! :) ENJOY peace for another few years!!!
ROFLOL! That is cute!
so funny!
So cute!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Cute pic's Kelly...your little one looks very pleased with himself.
Have a wonderful Day
OH my gosh this made me CRACK up laughing Kelly. My little guy always wants to ride in the jeep but he's not old enough to maneuver it yet so he just rides along with his big brother. Hehe. SOOOO cute, can't wait to see the lo about this.
LOL!!! You're title just cracked me up!
My youngest is SO like this too! Love the pictures - especially since you're running backwards while taking them! Pretty good girl!
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