Monday, July 03, 2006

FREE STUFF! (BG free stuff at that!)

Everyone likes free stuff, right?? And in the interest of my sanity, promoting my baby blog and a desperate attempt to keep BasicGrey from completely taking over my entire teeny scrap-space, I have decided I'm going to have a huge BasicGrey Give away! I have compiled over 2 1/2 inches of BG papers, etc...from Motifica lines, to SweetPea Jack/Alyssa to Lollipop and Skate Shoppes. There are three big prize packages and one consolation prize ;). They are numbered and shown here. Can you believe all that BG goodness?!

Here are the packages:

Package #1 includes: Coordinating pieces of Motifica, Sweet Pea Jack and Skate Shoppe (perfect for a mom of boys!)

  • 49 pieces of Patterned Paper
  • 4 sets of tags
  • 3 sets of cardstock alpha stickers
  • 1 set of Cardfolders

Package #2 has: Coordinating pieces of Sublime, Sweet Pea Alyssa and Lollipop Shoppe (a girlie dream!)

  • 37 pieces of patterned paper
  • 4 sets of cardfolders
  • 4 sets of monogram alphas
  • 2 sets of cardstock alpha stickers

and Package #3 contains: Coordinating pieces of Motifica, Vagabond and Lucky

  • 44 pieces of patterned paper
  • 3 sets of cardstock alpha stickers
  • 3 sets of monogram alphas
  • 1 set of tags
  • 1 set of cardfolders

I think I'll let the consolation prize stay a's all BG but a hodgepodge of all kinds of goodies. You just don't know what could be in there but if you look closely at the pic, you might just get an idea! ;)'s what to do....Post on this blog by Friday at Noon Eastern time which prize you're interested in - 1, 2 or 3. I will have three seperate hats and one of my able assistants (read one of the boys ;)) will draw for each package. When those three are chosen, the remaining names will be pooled together and the consolation prize awarded. So have at it! Be sure to say hi too!


Corinna said...

what a fun give-away!!! I would love #2 *big grin!* now to just keep my fingers crossed! Too fun!

Anonymous said...

Being a mom of a 4 1/2 year old...I am interested in #1!! Thanks for the chance!! :)


Anonymous said...

Did someone say Basic Grey and Free Stuff in the same sentence??? :) I'd be interested in set #3! Thanks for the fabulous opportunity! Have a great 4th!

Benita said...

Wow, what an awesome thing for you to do! I'll play & pick # 2 for my old favorite Nascar driver ;)

Great blog, btw.....adding it to my favorites :)

Unknown said...

They are all great stuff!, if I have to choose, I am going to pick #3.

Anonymous said...

How fun...I be interested in #3!!

Unknown said...

You rock sistah!!!! Have I told you that lately? Oh, ya! I tell you that everytime I talk with you! LOL!
Man! Hard choices 'cause I like Lollipop and Skate Shoppe but I'll say #2. (not like I'll win either!)

I am so loving your blog. You know I'll be checking you out daily! LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly!!! LOVE the fact that you have a blog now! How cool! What a neato giveaway - I'm going to throw my name in the hat for #2! Oh, and how far are you from Nashville? I'm moving there in the next few weeks! ;)

Anonymous said...

They all sound fabulous! I guess my 1st pick would be #2.

My e-mail is


Melissa said...

first off I love your banner!-too cute

thanks for having this yummy BG giveaway-I pick set #3 :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds great!!! Thanks! I'd be interested in 1, although I have both types of kids. Love your work, by the way.

Kelly Goree Photography said...

Kristina, are you kidding??! I lived in Nashville for 10 years and am only 3 hours from there now :)

Kip said...

What a great way to clean house!!! I would love #2 the best or #3, next best!!


Heidi Cocca said...

What a fun way to clear out some of your stuff... I'd love to take #3 off your hands!

Andrea Wiebe said...

way too fun! #3 sounds great...thanks for the fun contest!

Create It Simply said...

Oh how fun!! I think I only have 1 sheet from #3 so I'll post for that one.

Chelsea said...

Whew!!! Sure would love #2!!!! What a fun thing for you to do!!!

njscrapdiva said...

Oh oh oh...I'd love #2... (crosses fingers! LOL!) :)

Thanks Kelly for the great give-away! So generous!

Lovin' your blog... LOVE the banner!

Mands Haynes said...

Hee Hee, now that is a way to bring lurkers out of the closet, although I normally follow you at that you have a Blog!!!
No. #1 would be neat!
Congrats on the Queen & Co for another year!

Anonymous said...

What fun!
I like package 3!

Anonymous said...

Would really like set #2! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, new to this, just said I would like set #2, but didn't realize it wouldn't put my name on it???!!


Anonymous said...

What a cool deal Kelly! I'd be interested in set #3. Have a fantastic 4th! :-)


Anonymous said...

Have just come across your blog. What a great way to pass on unwanted goodies. I would love #2! Thanks for the chance.


Roxy Roller said...

Hi Kelly,

Since I have 4 boys and a girl, I would be happy to take #1 off your hands.

P. S. I've always thought I'd love to read a blog written by you, I'm glad you decided to take the plunge.

Roxanne Jegodtka

Anonymous said...

I want a chance at #2. You know I'll be checking out your blog.

Roo said...

Hey just read you are on the Queen team, way to go. Oh BG love it all.

ShortcakeScraps said...

How sweet of you! I'd like #3! :)

Anonymous said...

Great Giveaway. I would love to be put in the Hat for Package #3. Right now I am lovin Vagabond and cannot get enough. Now Fingers and toes crossed Thanks Kelly

Anonymous said...

You are so awesome kelly!!!! put me down for #2!!!! :)

Shani kowalczyk said...

mmmmmm Basic Grey. Just so much is not enough. I cant get enough. I love how it mixes with so many other paper lines also.
Have a lovely day
Shani :-)

Anonymous said...

how creative...i have the girls so you know i want the pink! by the way, loving your banner!

Anonymous said...

whoo hoo Kelly is cleaning house :) I would love me some #2

Nikki said...

This is so much fun.
#1 sounds yummy!!

Thanks for doing something so fun!!!


Becky said...

WOW! Thanks for the great giveaway. By the way...I'm new to reading your blog...Have a great 4th!

Becky said...

Oh, I'd be interested in #1. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Hey Kelly, it's me, your biggest fan!! Even before you were famous! :D You totally deserve all the wonderful attention and work that is coming your way, girl! :D Does all that kissing up get me any more of a chance at prize package #3? ;) Love ya!


SusannaT said...

Kelly... did you feel some insane need to feed my ever-growing BG obsession???
That photo was just too much...have to go dig out my papers now...

Oh and the #2 girlie pack would be lovely if I'm lucky enough :o)

Anonymous said...

WOW! What a fun give-a-way you are doing Kelly!!! I would totally love getting number #3~ thanks! :) Love the new banner too Kelly, it's looking good. :) Have a great 4th.

Anonymous said...

Ummmm...coming out of lurkdom to hop in the #1 hat :)

Anonymous said...

so glad i too have found your blog, i am thinking No 2 is the lucky one for me
Robyn W

Mary Jo said...

Hi, Kelly!! I discovered your blog through 2p's :)!
Hmmmm...I'm liking #2!

Anonymous said...

Love your work. Your work inspires me.

I'd love package #2


~~~Francy~~~ said...

Hi! How cool of you to do this. I just LOVE bg.

I will say #2, however, I will cross my fingers for the consolation prize since I am kind of a hodge poge kinda gal!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I would be thrilled to win #1.

Nicky said...

How generous! I'd love set #3!

Happy 4th!

Anonymous said...

I would love set #2. Thanks for doing this.

Robyn said...

Fun blog as usual! Ummm I have both a boy and 2 girls so um I'm not really picky. I have a boy and girl dog too! LOL Throw me in whatever hat you want! LOL

Trinka said...

Love reading your blog. I think I like the #1 choice.

Mary Mac said...

Hi Kelly! I would love #3!! Happy 4th!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly! Thanks so much for letting me know about your giveaway. I'd love any of the packs (you know me when it comes to BG!) but I love Lollipop I'll say pack #2!'re a sweetie!!

Micaela (aussiescrapper)

Cheryl said...

Wow what an awesome thing to do! Me well I would have to say pretty please can you put me down for #2 two little girls and the only testosterone in the house being my husband, well I think we will just stick with the girly thing please.

Sarah said...

Hope this applies to us Aussies here in Australia, either way I will take a punt on lucky number 2


Anonymous said...

I'm sure #1 is calling my name !!
what a cool giveway

Anonymous said...

Good to see you blogging, girl! Fun give away! Throw me into the hat for #1! :)

Beth said...

Wow! What an awesome thing to do.

I'll choose #1

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thank you for the opportunity!! What a fun idea! I am interested in #3. Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet thing to do! Please put me in the hat for #1...

I just found your gallery at 2Peas and am completely blown away by your talent. So glad you have stared a blog...


Anonymous said...

I'm not anonymous! I'm just computer illiterate...


Michelle said...

What an awesome giveaway....I pick #2
BTW love you blog I found it via Nic Howards blog...I am surly going to add you to my favorites.
Congrats on Q&Co for another year.


Anonymous said...


you rock Kelly!!! =)

Jolene Pienaar said...

Yay gotta love free stuff and people who give them away!
Love BG for my daughter pages so will go with giveaway #2


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much - would love to fondle bag number 3! So cool you started a blog. Love your work.

taniawillis said...

she blogs!!!! yeah!
total fan of your work!

package #2 sounds awesome!

Just Say Julie said...

you're so generous!!

package #3 sounds great to me!

Anonymous said...

Wow How great!
Put me in for #2

Lindsey Grice

Anonymous said...

Great give away!
Set no #1 for me :)

dallas said...

Awesome blog - gorgeous colours! Found my way here through Nic Howard too, another blog to add to my list
I'd love package #2 being a Mum of 2 girls!

Michelle said...

WOWserz!!! Looking forward to being a regular on your blog :)

BG Wise
Three boys and one girl ummmmm be sensible Michelle, package 2, no package 1, no,.... package 2 so purrty, no, package 1 cause 3 boys one girl. Ok my hand is up up up in the air for package ....... 1.

Anonymous said...

aren't you too sweet! they all look great, but I'd say #2 ...thanks Kelly

Anonymous said...

so many wonderful choices.....umm... put me in the hat for #2
thanks so much!!

Jana said...

Fun stuff!! I'd *adore* package #1 please. *crosses fingers*

Anonymous said...

You have quite a way of stirring up some excitement! Wow! I just found your blog and will be adding it to my favs, as it looks like a good one that I need to frequent often. Since I love all BG, I'll pick the one I use the most - #2!
This is a fabulous idea for a giveaway - I need something fun to do for my blog next week to celebrate my birthday! Hmmmm. Looks like I might have to 'gift out'some of my fun stuff in my scrap room!

Kimber-Leigh said...

so very hard to choose...and how generous of you! i love basicgrey! but who doesn't???

i'll try for the #1 set...i need to start working on my little guy's first year album before he turns one! lol!

glad to have found your blog!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly, this is awesome. All three are great. I would love #3. Thanks Jagu

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly,

Thanks for being so, so kind!!
I would love to add my name to the #2 hat. Thank YOU!!!

Amanda Williams

Sarah said...

Cool giveaway! Gosh- I'd be thrilled to get any one of the three since my lss doesn't carry much BG but I'll go with pkg#3...

Debbie said...

I am one of the lucky ones to have your autograph now that you are even more famous. I am glad that you started the blog. I would love #3! Your youngest looks and reminds me of Drew my grandson. Your boys are all so cute.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh,how fun! Thank for the chance to win some fun product.
I'm interested in #3!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your work im so happy I have found your blog.

I would love any of the packs but I will pick #3.

Thanks for sharing and for being an amazing inspiration.


Marie said...

I'm probably waaaaayyyyy to late for this but #3 is very appealing. Hey, winning anything is great!

ps I came here via Nic Howard's blog. She's love BG, too!

Kate Skwishy said...

Hey Kelly. I was "redirected"to your blog by the one and only Mrs Nic Howard (yay!!!). BTW: she said that you would send her chocolate, lol. I would love the girly pack (Pack 2). Hopefully I am in ontime, NZ time atm is 23:27, so have no idea what that is US EST.

Thanks, cool blog.


Amy Harle said...

Fun!!! I have two I'll say #2, please :) Amy Harle

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly

I am new to scrapbooking blogs and don't currently own one of my own so great to come across your blog. Sadly I don't currently own any Basic Grey supplies so I would love the chance to boost my scrapbooking supplies. All prizes are wonderful but I would like to pick #3. You have a great blog and I look forward to visiting regular.

Sha in OZ

Stephanie Jedlicka said...

Hi Kelly!! :) I *love* the banner on your site and am BEYOND excited that you have a blog! :) Your work is such an inspiration!

And as a mom of a 2.5 year old boy I would LOVE package #1! :)

Shirley said...

Cool! #2, please!

Kelly Goree Photography said...

Contest is now CLOSED!

Any responses posted after this one unfortunately will not be included in the drawing!

Thank you so much for playing and I'll try and get the winners announced no later than Monday :)

The Mabe in Me said...

I just ran into your blog from a friend of mine. Love the give-away idea!! I am interested in #1. You have a great blog and really like the slide show idea!! Went right there to create my own. Thanks !!

Anonymous said...

HEY Kelly....Looking good here in the bloggy world!! GOod Luck w/the SODA shot, it looks Wonderful!!! I would love any of the prizes :) Anna

Anonymous said...

Sure Kelly, you send me the link for your blog AFTER your contest! LOL Just kidding :)

Your boys are just too cute. I cannot believe how much they've grown up.
