So while I do love snow, I have to say I HATE winter and being cold, and the only thing that gets me through it is looking forward to Valentine's Day. I'm such a romantic and living in a house of all men, I'm all about a holiday that is about red, pink, love and glittery pretties! Since I've been all in the spirit lately, I thought I'd share a bit that makes me smile :)

And being the good little enabler I am, GET THEE TO TARGET! They have all kinds of fun, cute, and have-to-have goodies there for Valentine's Day. It's taking all the restraint I have not to buy them out!

Ok, so back to other fun pretties...here are a few love-related/pink things I've made lately - a little mini-album and some Valentines along with a Christmas present for my sister-in-law (I posted it on a gallery or so but don't think I shared here).

So tell me (by February 1st!) - are you into Valentine's Day like I am or do you dread it? What do you like to do to celebrate? What was your favorite Valentine's Day ever (or worst!)? There just might be a Valentine-related RAK for my favorite story! ;)
Hi Kelly, Just want to say that I love your work. Last year, you taught a "blessings" mini-album class. When you posted about it on your blog, I contacted the owner of the store and signed up to have the kit mailed to me since I live in Idaho. But the instructions don't have pictures and I am such a visual person. Could you email me pictures of the pages? My email is dlcc10@yahoo.com. Thanks, Debi Clark
I love Valentine's Day too! However we do not go all out...since we have three kiddos and Valentine's Day is right in the midst of the BUSY TAX SEASON (which is when we hardly get to see my husband) we all enjoy a special dinner together at home and its the same every year...my hubby BBQs prime rib...we have baked potatoes, rolls and usually green beans and I make a heart shaped Cherry Cheese Cake...we usually have candles on the table and we just enjoy eating dinner together :) Hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day
I love the new layouts, and those lollies look delicious! I may have to make another trip to Target :)
love the lolly pics... note to self: head to target...
I love Valentine's Day, and any other holiday, for that matter! But Valentine's seems to bring out the romantic in my hubs- one year he made me a cd of all our songs that ever meant anything to us, complete with a cover, and songlist with descriptions. Totally rocked, and whenever I'm feeling...umm.. not so thrilled with him, I listen to it. :) We also go to the Meltin Pot on Vday every year- which is SO yummy! They do a neat little package every year for the couples- very fun, and great time to reconnect. Nothing like sitting someplace for three hours eating to get ya talking :)
Hi Kelly...I love reading your blog and checking out your latest creationis! I think my funniest Valentine's Day was when I was in grad school and a bunch of us didn't have a "significant other" so we had a girls night Valentine's party and invited one of our guy-friends to join us (since he didn't have a Valentine at the time either). Well, it turned out to be so much fun b/c he ended up bringing each of us our own box of chocolate and made us all feel so special. As for him, he got to spend Valentine's Day with 6 or 7 girls...I guess it doesn't get better than that! Love your photos and can't wait to get my own lollies from Target! Hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day!
I love all your creations, you always inspire me! I also love Valentine's Day. Although my husband thinks it's become a bit much, he always does something special because he knows i love it. After the kids have gone off to bed, we have dinner and watch a movie. I also love making little Valentine's cards and gifts with my children for classmates. I better go check out Target now to get some fun goodies!
Hi Kelly!! - I love your creations here!!! The little mini albums are too cute and totally love your valentines!! I am so not a valentines person!!! I mean I love to make valentine things and look at pretty pink stuff and buy myself chocolate but I would consider myself very Anti-Valentines!!! IT may have something to do with my always being single on the big V-day .... even if I did have a significant other it always seemed to end right before V-day ... I think its a curse!!! LOL
Thanks for sharing, I love to see your work!!
Is it sad that Valentines day passes with most of us over here not even realising it has passed?
Perhaps because we are so busy revelling in the heat :o)
And kelly, I love ya girl but even in NZ those are Lollipops. Lollies are small.
You need to come back. ;o)
My husband use to be romantic, and then we got married! Yes, he is one of those! So since he doesn't do a thing for me on that special, romantic day, I make it all about my 2 girls! I do go a little over board, but I guess I am just making up for his weakness! ANd I remind him of that too!
For many years when i was young, my Mom always made a cake for Valentine's Day, or Easter, or Halloween, the list goes on! It was always homemade, and always in the theme of whatever holiday it was! I would do the same, but nowadays with all the allergies some kids have it makes it tough!
So for those of you that still have those husbands that are romantic, enjoy it!
Jennifer Fast
Well Kelly, I can totally relate to the testosterone laden household since I am in the same boat as you with three sons, husband and sammy (the dog from %$#@). V day is a great excuse to get all girly, pink, blingy and romantic! I welcome any excuse for that kind of free pass! So ENJOY and revel in your girly-ness!
Hi Kelly - really enjoy your work! Great inspiration. I can't help but tell of a very romantic Valentine's Day when my husband and I were first married. My husband awoke early and gently kissed me on cheek and presented me with a beautiful red rose. With an I LOVE YOU, he slipped out of bed urging me to stay in bed. I lazily rolled over and stretched, glad for his suggestion. As I lay in bed, I heard him tip toeing back up the stairs to our bedroom. In his hands, he had two glasses of champaign - I couldn't help but think, how romantic - but it gets better. I could hear someone else down in the kitchen rattling pots and pans. Unknown to me, my husband had hired a gourmet chef to prepare breakfast for me in bed. What an absolute surprise not to mention the wonderful breakfast we shared in bed.
Kelly - love the mini-albums! Valentine's Day is romantic for me, but in a reserved sort of way. My husband is good at it - attentive, great card, nice gift, lots of affection. But, our household of men doesn't really tolerate all the pink and hearts as well as some, so it's a subtle thing. But my almost eight year old son makes the most wonderful paper colored hearts that are just dear!
I hated valentines day at school as giving valentines wasn't a big thing and only the "popular" kids got them.
DH and I don't do anything special but we do always try to have a quiet meal alone together although not normally on Valentines day. DH does shift work so we have to work around that all the time.
Hi Kelly!! I love all your work and reading your blog!! Your such an inspiration!!
I don't care for Valentines day much anymore. 3 years ago, I was at the funeral home for my grandfather. We were very close to each other, and I would have to say it was one of the worst days of my life.
I am getting a littl bit excited for Valentines Day again though, but it has taken a few years. I normally get choc. covered strawberries!! Which are my FAV!! :)
Take Care!
I was never into Valentine's until I had my dd, then now we make all kinds of goodies to take to school, we even made a wreath using a kit.
Take a look here
Have ag reat day,
Hi Kelly,
I think your work is great, can't wait to take a class with you at C.E. Hopefully I'll make it to right at home.
I have always been a huge fan of Valentines day, My favorite was the year my now husband made me breakfast in bed,followed by a plate of chocolate covered strawberries and the most beautiful diamond engagment ring in the center, it was so romantic and he knows me so well,I love the day and we have made it special ever since. I still have not scrapped the proposal though. Hopefully someday.
Happy Valentines to all !!!
Hi Kelly, I have just found your blog! I just love, love this layout and was wondering if you minded at all if I scraplifted this at all? My son was born 12 days late on Valentine's Day 2006 and I would love to do this layout for him!
your work is just so gorgeous, my friend.
hey, i bought those same lollipops in hopes of getting some photos of sean and luke with them.
SUCH a cutie! Love your new banner too!
Hi Kelly! Love those photos! Too cute! What a great prop! ;) Beautiful album, layout and cards, too! I really love Valentine's Day. My hubby knows how much I love M&M's so every year without fail along with a little something else, he gives me a big bag of M&M's and I put them in the fridge because I like them cold. ;) It's just a sweet little thing that he does for me every year and really it's the sweet little things like that that make my heart smile. ;) I hope your Valentine's Day is a great one!
Hi there.....I do like Valentine's Day, but usually my hubby has to work, so we do something the weekend before or after. I do make a big deal of it for me son though, and we have fun getting all of his "goodies" ready for his kindergarden class too!!
Hey Kelly!
I actually really like Valentine's Day. I really do. However, I always get cheated because my birthday is the day after. I used to always get the ever-popular "joint present" (2 holidays for the price of 1!). But one year, my dh took the cake--I got an industrial shelf from my dh's work (that they were going to throw away) that he thought would be useful for "all my scrapbooking stuff". Now, I know it would seem that at least the thought would count, and to some extent it does. However, I got this gem of a gift on Valentine's Day and apparently it was supposed to suffice as a birthday gift too because not so much as a card was thrown my way the next day. As for the shelf being great for my scrapbooking "stuff"--not so much. It is a great place to store our stockpile of pantry items though! I love my husband, but he really doesn't get holidays...
I've never been into Valentine's Day myself. Probably because my birthday is just one week after (Feb. 20). So my birthday/Valentine's Day celebrations kinda get melded into one.
Actually, one Valentine's Day when I was first dating my husband, we actually "broke up"! I say it in quotes, because we had only known each other for less than a month. We got back together about 3 months later....and are now happily married with a beautiful 3-year-old daughter, Sofi.
These projects are beautiful as always!!!
I love Valentine's Day! I have always been a big holiday person. My mom always used to get me and my brother a little gift for Valentine's Day morning...so of course I have to pass on the tradition for my three muchkins. We already have our house all decorated with sparkly hearts. The kids have bought their valentines for their friends and now we just have to pick out a treat to go with them...hmmm or maybe we will make some red and pink cupcakes. And then we have to pictures...whats not to love about that.
Hey there... was stopping by to see if there were any CHA hints!
I love all the "things" associated with Valentines days- the colors, the flowers, cards, the chocolate and, yes, the scrapbook supplies! Rachel and I became known for "our" hand made Valentines amongst her classmates. Sadly, Rachel is now in middle school and they don't do Valentines!!!! The HORROR!
Hi Kelly,
My favorite Valentines Days ever were in 1998 I brought my brand new DS hoen from the hospital on Valentines Day and in 2006 DD brought my brand new DGD home from the hospital on Valentines Day.
Nothing can beat a brand nw sweet baby for valenetines day :)
V-day around here is nothing highly special. I get the kids some small things with some candy. DH and I don't really 'exchange things', but I am always open to his wanting to get me something.
I love Valentines Day too. My most memorable Valentines Day was when my husband and I were dating. We had talked about getting married and even had the date for the wedding in mind. When I got to work that morning there were 100 little red and pink hand-cut hearts all over my desk. Each one had something special about me written on it!! He also put little kissy bears on my desk too. At the time Kay Jewelers was giving out kissy bears if you bought an engagement ring so I just knew that he was going to propose. He surprised me after work by taking me out to a nice restaurant and then to the orchestra. It was SO romantic. As he was dropping me off back at my house we said goodnight and that was it. No proposal. I was a little frustrated. So the next day when he came over I was prepared to give him a *stern* talking to and tell him that we needed to be officially engaged before we proceeded in planning our wedding. As I started talking, he stopped me and said "I think I can do something about your concerns" He pulled a little jewelry box out of his jacket pocket and asked me to marry him. I didn't even look at the ring. I just threw my arms around him and hugged and kissed him. Now, 5 years and two kids later, I love him even more than I did that day! :o) Kristie
OOo i love valentines day! Never been one to get millions of cards landing on my doormat but hey ho you can't have it all!
I just love spending the evening with my hubby eating our favourite food and laughing lots, cause laughter is good for ya!
Oh and love you stuff BTW :)
Hi K
My sweetie and I have been married forever and some of the V-Days that most would consider the least celebrated are the ones that are the most special. A few years ago when I was stuck in the hospital over Valentins Day and returned to find my bed all decked out in nice soft pink sheets and a cuddly pink blanket. The man even took the took the time to launder the sheets before bringing them to the hospital. AND if that wasn't special enough he had bought a second set and kept me in fresh clean soft pink sheets my entire stay. I will never forget that year.
Valentines day is mostly a card holiday around our house. falls in between about 8 birthdays and anniversaries... but this year I decided to really make it a card holiday and made cards for my hubby and all 3 kids!!! :D
Hi Kelly!
I love Valentine's Day too (even though DH calls it a "Chick Holiday"...LOL)!!
I think the best Valentine's day was after I had my second set of twins. I wasn't feeling very good and I didn't get out to buy cards.
My DH sent TWO dozen roses and put a really nice message on the card. I was shocked because this is something he never does.
I too love Valentine's Day!
Love your work, just too sweet!
Well we are not really into valentines day here but dh did propose to me on valentines day quite a few years back but it wasn't such a surprise as he had been telling me for months he knew just when he was going to ask me.lol
Just love your work kelly.
I am a very lucky woman. I have been married to my high school sweetie for over 25 years & we are still young at heart & in love. All though there have been many romantic & wonderful get aways over the years with just the two of us, one Valentines Day stands out above all the others. Two years ago we decided to host a "Valentines Dinner" at home with our daughter and our granddaughter who had just turned 3. We did it all up....loads of valentine decorations, heart shaped balloons, chocolate covered strawberries for dessert - the works! We gave my granddaughter a stuff bear wearing a floppy hat and feather boa that shakes her head and sings "girls just wanna have fun"... after dinner she jumped up and ran to her dress up box and dragged out 2 floppy hat and 2 feather boas and insisted my hubby put it on and dance with her to the "girls just wanna have fun song". Much to our surprise, he did! You should have seen the two of them dancing around the living room with their boas and floppy hats and chocolate smeared faces. It was hilarious and A WONDERFUL VALENTINES DAY MEMORY OF HOW MUCH LOVE OUR FAMILY SHARES.
I just love your fun stuff, (and will be making a Target trip soon!) I love Valentine's Day, but, unfortunately, my hubby HATES it! The year we started dating, we'd planned to go to dinner together. I spent all day curling my hair and getting ready. I even bought some new clothes. Somehow, he managed to "forget" and offered to move a washer for his brother-in-law. I offered to go with him in hopes that he would remember that we had plans. It ended up taking us 3 hours to get the washer where it needed to be. (We followed my father-in-law down the freeway in a snowstorm going 20 miles an hour, literally!) We decided to bag dinner and go get ice cream instead. He suggested it would be fun to go make out in a parking lot somewhere, so we found an empty parking lot and got snowed in. Someone called the cops and they came to see what was going on. The officer seemed a little upset that we were out in a parking lot so late and asked if we had some ID he could check. He went to his car to run a check, and he came back extremely embarrassed. He hadn't realized we were as old as we were and thought we were minors breaking curfew. He politely handed us our ID and wished us a pleasent evening. Needless to say, that was the most exciting Valentine's Day we've shared. In fact, my hubby has been out of town for a tri-state track meet every V-Day since we've been married. Here's hoping for something better this year! :)
Hi Kelly- I love valentine's day. Though we don't go 'all out' here, I have been blessed with a husband who each year writes me a love note that day and gives it to me. It melts my heart every time! My DH is also is teaching our boys to do the same - so now I get a letter from my husband, and then both of our boys (ages 6 & 8) write me a love note as well. I treasure these notes, and hope that one day, the boys will do the same for their wives.
Love the new goodies!
Love all your stuff Kelly! You do amazing stuff with the Basic Grey! :)
You know what? My hubby & I decided that we wouldn't do or get anything for each other on Valentines Day - mostly 'cause everything is overpriced anyways! LOL!
But we do try to have a special "family" (yes, got include the 3 kiddos! ;)) dinner at home and make sure to love each other extra LOTS that day!
Hope you're getting all your beautiful work done for CHA! Sure wish I could have been there this year to see ya again! {HUGS}
Hi Kelly, love your blog and looking at all of your gorgeous creations! I know I can always find inspiration here!
I love your valentine projects here.. so pretty!
I can't wait to see BG's newest release but in the mean time, and since you are a pats fan (good girl! lol) I will share with you what my favorite valentine was ever...
when I was little , my mom always made a big deal over holidays but this one valentines really stood out...
when we woke up on the kitchen table was a goldfish in a bowl, some valentine stuff (chocolate of course) and a set of flowers... I had never been (and never would be) spoiled like that again on a valentines!
such a wonderful memory of valentines and my mom!
I don't really have a STORY because I'm such a private person that we like to celebrate Valentine's Day quietly. I buy a little something for each of the kiddos & DH. This year my oldest DD is ENGAGED so I bought her the Love Story CK KOTM kit to start scrapping their relationship right from the get-go (and she's never been a scrapper before so what an EXCITING OPPORUTNITY to get her motivated)!! I will also be giving DD & her fiance a GC to go out to eat for THEIR Valentine's Day since this time next year he'll probably be deployed overseas as he's already enlisted in the Marines and will leave this summer. *gulp*
My youngest DD (5yo) is very artsy-craftsy so we will probably make cards for the grandparents using her beloved & trusty "craft box" (a Cropper Hopper box that I got at a CHA).
HAVE A GREAT VALENTINES DAY, Goree family!! - Melissa
I like Valentine's Day! My husband and I usually go out for dinner/date on our own. But on actual Valentine's Day we usually do something as a family. I have two girls 6 and 3 they love pinks and reds and frilly things. I usually buy them a little gift and treats. Then we make a Valentine's Day supper. Last year which they are still talking about we made a heart shaped pizza! They loved it! We had fancy pink drinks, heart cookies and heart shaped chocolate cake. Before Valentine's Day we also made our own Valentine cards to send and give to friends they like doing that.So this is a day we look forward too in our home!
Happy Valentine's to you and your family!
nwedlake at shaw.ca
Valentine's Day is one of my FAVORITE Holidays. Growing up it was no big deal, but my MIL makes a HUGE deal out of it and it is so fun! We have an pink and red dinner where anything and everything is pink or red...and we leave treats on the door step, ring the door bell and then go through the garage and act like we have no idea who left them! I love Valentine's Day!
My favorite Valentine's Day was when my friends and I were in college and very, very single! We stayed in that night, rented the classic sleepover movies Girls Just Wanna Have Fun and Pretty Woman. We watched movies while eating all the Valentines candy we could find and just had a blast!
that album is too adorable! and love your girly lo!!!
Valentine's Day just starts the festivities at our house - dh celebrates his b-day on the 16th and mine is the 17th (poor, poor dh - lol). And with my 4-0 this year is should make for an interesting February!
Hi Kelly,
I can't wait to see you layouts with the "new" basic grey coming out.
Now to Valentines's Day, My DH and I celebrate each year-just a little different now. At first it was the day we got engaged-10 years ago. Then 4 years ago my youngest was born on Valentine's Day. We still celebrate but now it is with a Birthday cake and presents for the little guy. I actually like to celebrate with the birthday party-then all of the family is envolved-we usually go out for a speical birthday dinner.
I do give my kids a valentine each year with a little sweet treat!
Melanie S.
Hi Kelly,
I love the fact that I can use Red and pinks with my family of men in my crafting. As for celebration, simply we have breakfast on heart shaped plates.
Normally it's just another day for me but THIS YEAR, I have TWO DATES - yes, ma'am, I will be spending the evening with my godsons - 3 1/2 and 6 months - can't wait!!!
Christine C
Love your new stuff! :)
I knew my husband was for me when I found out we were born on the same day in the same year (July 30, 1981). That was just another thing to add to the list of our similarities. So on our first Valentine's Day together, I didn't find it *all* that strange when we gave each other the EXACT SAME CARD. Out of all the cards out there! The card was just silly and ridiculous, but so "us." And with the card, he gave me a liter of Club Soda and one lime. That may sound strange to anyone else, but *totally* sweet and creative, as my favorite drink is "Club Soda with Lime" whenever we go out to restaurants. This will be our 8th Valentine's Day together! :D
For some reason I do love Valentine's Day. As a kids I loved, loved, LOVED decorating the little mail pockets that we hung on our desks. It was great to read all the cartoony Valentines from classmates -- I always read more than was written on the cards from the guys I had a crush on. I'm sure the guys trashed theirs, but the girls would talk about them for days. . . .I can smell the cherry suckers and the heart-shaped word candy as I remember. Hmm -- maybe I'll cut and paste this memory and make it the journaling for a page. I am 30 years old & I think I probably have every Valentine I every received.
i love valentine's day. maybe it's the pretty reds/pinks in the middle of winter that make me happy, maybe it's the love, or maybe it's just the chocolates, but i love the day. :)
i actually just posted about my favorite valentines day on my blog - but it was when i was a senior in high school. my hubby and i were together then (high school sweethearts). he's not really a romantic, but on that valentines day, he came to my house and brought me one red rose, and a little naked troll doll! yep, a naked troll! it had its hands open wide with a little heart in one hand and a sign in the other hand that read 'i love you this much'. it was sweet and dorky, but my dork gave it to me and it made my day. :)
Hi Kelly, I can't wait to take your classes when you come to "Right at Home"next month.
After Christmas, Valentine;s Day is my favorite holiday. When my 4boys were little (they are all young men now!)we started a tradition which has become our family's favorite. For dinner I make heart shaped waffles with a selection of everyone's favorite toppings, write each one a love note and put a heart shaped box of chocolates on everyone's plate. At first they poked fun at the love notes but they have all saved their notes from each year. When my granddaughter was born 8 years ago we added to the tradition by having her put her handprint on the wall in my craft room.
I LOVE your stufff.
Happy Valentine's Day,
margie rowles
My favourite Valentine's Day EVER was Valentine's Day 1965.
I was 6 years old and I convinced my dad to take me to get my ear's pierced.After having my ears pierced my dad and I picked up a box of Laura Secord (the best chocolates Canada has) for my grandma. The reason I will never forget it is that it is the ONLY time ever (I had 6 brothers and sisters very close in age to me) that I was at my grandmother's house with just my dad. It was her birthday and we bought her a big box of chocolates and I got to pick any and all that I wanted.
To this day Laura Secord are my very favourite chocolates.
Happy Valentine's Day,
Margie R
Kelly, You never fail to amaze me !!!Luv all the prettyness I see here ! I luv Valentines- Its a great reminder to take action and demonstrate the ones you luv what you constantly say all year :' )
I really luv just staying in and doing fun stuff with the kids and my hubby. I think this year I might choreograph a play (which my kids luv acting !)tape it and turn it in to a DVD movie for them.
Norma Kennedy
Hi Kelly - Happy Valentines Day to You and YOurs! You just HAD to mention the VD stuff at Target didn't you?!?!?!?!? I came home with 2 big bags full and a ton of ideas to make loved ones for VD. Now I just have to find time to make them BEFORE the 14th....your snow pics are wonderful and such special memories of a fun time with your "Boy Harem" !
I am starting to like Valentine's Day again now that my boys are getting older and have fun giving things to their friends. I always want to be more "into" it than I am. Thanks and love your work!
Hey Kelly!! I LOVE those photos of the little guy!! I wish that I could go to CE... you are an amazing teacher!!
hi kelly! i love your work and your stile..you are my first scrapbook diva of the world! :)
kisses and hugs
I am probably too late but I LOVE valentine's day. I actually stay up after my kids go to bed and decorate our table area. It is so much fun!!
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