As an aside...I had a funny happen today (about the ONLY funny thing that happened today!). I was walking in the mall trying to reign in the above mentioned children when a woman walks by. "Self", I said to me. "That woman looks familiar. That woman looks like Shannon's sister, Paige. I don't know her from Adam, have only seen her in pictures and through stories, but I wonder if I say her name softly if she'll turn around and I could maybe always pretend I was trying to talk to some else if she looks at me strange." (How's that for a run-on sentence. I'm sounding like Kayla Aimee now I think ;)) So I call out "Paige!" and indeed she turns around. So I rush over like some crazed woman and introduce myself. Of course I did. That's just what I do. And graciously she talked to me...even though she probably thought I was some crazed stalker chick! What a sweetie of a sister you have, Shan!
Happy Sunday, everyone! :) ~k
oh.my.word. That pic is just too precious for words!! Makes me wish I would've taken one of my boys when they were sweet & peaceful like that! haha
That is so sweet! I love it!
Such a great picture!!!
hmmm... assuming this was after Paige heard you say you were going to throw one in the fountain ;)
Hey Kelly! I just popped on to see how that amazing trip of your's went and I am happy to hear you had a blast (what a sweet shot!) can't wait to see more!!!
Aww so cute pic!! Kids are so precious while they are sleeping.
Great shot! I know, because I've tried getting it myself. ;) Precious moments.
OL - sounds like a repeat of you and I in the Atlanta airport! And that picture is just absolutely adorable!
What an adorable picture! Priceless!
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