Five years ago yesterday, I laid in bed next to my then 2.5 year old son and cried my heart out because I just didn't know how I could love another child as much as I loved him. Then 5 years ago today, I cried my heart out again because I saw this sweet face for the first time and knew immediately how it was possible.
Happy 5th Birthday, my Turner. I love you.
(p.s. Yes, that is indeed the cake I dropped right before I took this photo!)
Hi Kelly,
Would you mind sharing how you place the border around your photos on your blog please. It looks great.
I have to confess that with this template in blogger, it does it automatically.
But if you wanted to create something similar, I'd edit the photo and then increase the canvas size by about 6 pixels both width and height using a black background and then do it again with only 2 pixel increase width and height with a white background. I think that will give you the same effect.
You might also set that up as an action so you don't have to do it everytime you want that border.
Kelly, today my dd turned 1 year old. I also had the same feeling just before I had her, how am I possibly going to love another little girl as much as I have love my first one!!
Glad I'm not the only one that has those thoughts!!
happy birthday, turner!
Happy Birthday Turner!!!
Kelly, my friend, I know how you feel! My Ryan turns 5 this month too!! I can't believe how fast those five years have gone by either!
Sorry about the cake!! :(
Happy 5th Birthday Turner!
Who cares what the cake looked like, how did it taste?
Happy Birthday, Turner!!!!!!!! And welcome back, mom! (so, am I going to see you in the Atlanta airport again next month???)
Such beautiful words, Kelly. Happy birthday, Turner!
Happy Birthday Turner!
Kelly - I sent you an e-mail through your scrap resume site. I hope you received it - if not - can you send me an e-mail at lisanroxy822@earthink.net?
Thanks so much - love your work and
Happy Birthday Turner!! What an exciting time for you! Our kids grow up way too fast!!
Hi Kelly! (Happy B'day Turner)
Wasnt sure where to find your email so pardon me for posting here but I have a problem!!! I did two of your classes in OZ, and I bought the kit for the third as it was booked out. I have just discovered though that I dont have any instructions :(
Would there be any chance you could poste me some to my US Address in GA?
My email is kylas@tpg.com.au and the class im missing the instructions for is the little maya road mini book of my favourite things :)
Thankyou sweet!
What a little cutie!
I think a lot of moms have that fear when they become pregnant again...and isn't it amazing how that love just washes over you so intensely the moment they are placed into your arms?
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