Friday, August 01, 2008


ETA: And the Winner is:

Which means DAWN, you're the WINNER! Email me at to let me know if you prefer to go to Paris or London! Congrats!

All Right! Let's get August off to a bang with a little giveaway, shall we? I have to admit that I'm kinda lamenting the end of summer (the boys head back to school on WEDNESDAY believe it or not!) and I'm thinking that sharing some good stuff just might be a way to pick me up!

My sweet friends April and Scarlet from Studio Calico generously sent me an add-on from their July kit to share with you all. If you have never been to their site, you must go. Their kits are absolutely wonderful and the customer service is superb! Anyhow, the winner can pick which one they want from the two shown below - either London or Paris! They are both yummy! And maybe just maybe I might throw a couple other things in there for good measure.

To enter, leave your name and a little comment that's school-related...from your fave subject to back-2-school supply shopping. Anything is fair game! I'll pick the winner first thing Monday morning so no entries after Midnight EST on Sunday, August 3rd. Ok? Sound good? Good. Get to commenting!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Haberdawoman said...

Hello, great rak. Our Pricess is starting pre k 4 and today we went to Target to get a Hannah Montana back pack, with the matching lunch box, matching thermos and matching water bottle. She said Princess stuff is for little girls. LOL

Heather M. said...

My, oh my! What a beautiful giveaway!

I can't get over how early school starts for you guys in the States. Back to school isn't until September here. I loved the shopping for clothes and school supplies we did every year at the end of August. And there was always that great anticipation of seeing friends again that I hadn't seen all summer.
My DD is only 21 months so school is still a few years away for us!

Anonymous said...

2 kiddos starting very important grades this year. My daughter begins the end of her high school days and my baby...oops I mean my son begins his high school days! Someone grab me a box of kleenex Tues morning I'll be needin em!

Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

My name is Andi... My kids (ages 10 & 9)don't start school until Sept. 2nd!! Yeah! I feel better now.. we were pouting that August is already here....

My only fave part about back to school is a trip another mom & I take with our kids to our nearest big city... We are both ranch moms/wives in a rural area, so we drive 2 1/2 hours to Boise, stay in a hotel for 2 nights, and school shop and play (aka pool, zoo, or whatever we find)! She has 2 kids and so do I. We both have a boy and a girl in the same age range so it is just perfect!
PS.. Awesome goodies!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe school is starting already... the carefree days of "school" oh I can only wish to be a kid again and have the carefree days in school. Thanks for the give-a-way!

Anonymous said...

My little girl is starting kindergarden!!! OMG!!! How will I ever spend the day without her:( It's going to be a sad day at my house on the 18th of Aug.

Michelle said...


I'm a bit sad about school starting this's my boy's first year. :( I can't believe he starts school already. :(

I always loved going back to school. I could hardly sleep the night before because I was so excited!

Kristina said...

School shopping is on the agenda for this weekend. Only two more weeks til the start of school!

jeffandjess said...

love those kits! We don't go back to school for a few more weeks here, and I am loving summer for as long as possible!

Anonymous said...

School related for me means being sad this year because my youngest is going into senior year. It is a wonderful exciting time but after that he is going off to college and I will miss him sooooo much!

ConnieC said...

I just like to buy back to school supplies. Pencils, pens, notebooks...I buy them and I've been out of school for a long time. And I have no children to buy for. I just can't resist the paper.

Dawn G said...

my DS moves up to middle school and his first day is on his birthday this year(first time ever!) but unfortunately mom doesn't get to send any cupcakes for the class or anything - "not in middle school, mom". :)
thanks for the chance!

pam said...

Yeah, I'm done with school supplies, backpacks, etc. School starts here in KY on Aug. 13. Thanks so much for the giveaway.

Jamie Ko said...

I was a spelling bee champ in the sixth grade. I went on to the district spelling bee and was eliminated in the first round. I remember raspberry was one of the words I got out on. didn't know there was a P in there.

that was probably one of the big moments from when i was in school...way back when!

Becca said...

Oh! What a great rak! I am always over at SC drooling!

I love back to school! It was one of my favorite times of year when I was a kid. The new clothes and school supplies were just too exciting. I still like to look at all the school supplies every year. I can't wait till my kids start school then I can experience buying supplies once more.

Shannon said...

What a wonderful rak....I think my favorite subject in school was science because I wanted to become a nurse

Thanks so much Kelly

Amy Harle said...

Ooohhh - fun!! My fave subject by far was Psychology. I even became a Psych major in college :)

Lauri {Scrap Attack} said...

School? Ugh! ha ha! I loved math and arts and crafts in school - not so much going to school but definitely had some fun times in highschool! :)

Gypsy Lady said...

What a generous gift...and beautiful too!!

I'm always taken aback by the fact that you start school so early in some parts of the States. Here in Ontario, the first day of school always falls the day after Labour Day. Essentially, summer is only half over for us! I associate the beginning of school with the first hints of fall in the air, markets overflowing with produce, and cooler, shorter days. Still 4 more weeks of hazy, lazy days of summer left up here!!

Oh, and I need to say that the new BG fabric is pure genius! I hope I can get my hands on some of it!!

Anonymous said... favorite subject was always Spanish. Languages, spelling, reading was all good for me, but leave the math and sciences for some other genius...I hated those subjects!!!

With my oldest starting homeschooling this fall, I think my new favorite thing is going to be teaching her to read. I'm excited to see her get excited at the worlds that will open up for her.

Anonymous said...

Wow! School starts early for you! I always loved going back to school to see all my friends again! And of course shopping for new school clothes and supplies. I just have a preschooler so I can't relive that quite yet!

AmyInKy said...

School starts here on TUESDAY! I can't believe my oldest will be in 4th grade and he's already way past my shoulder! He's grown 2" in 6 months! I will miss having my boys home with me everyday!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh back to school - the thrill of getting brand new stationery was just the best. My favourite thing to buy would be my new pencil case and then I would try and get everything else to co-ordinate with that! I miss those days!

Anonymous said...

Where did the summer go? My DD is only 20 months old, so no school for us yet. However, DH is a teacher so we still have to go through all of the back to school "events" including the shopping we did for shoes today. It will be nice to get back into our "routine".

Karen Knight said...

that is such a cute RAK.
I love studio calico's stuff, it is always so gorgeous.

School ... hmmm..
well i still am at college mid exams time..
I love this quote.
"Education is what remains when one has forgotten everything he learned in school." ~ Albert Einstein

and...i have to say that i love the things you did with basic grey's new ranges that came out at CHA.
THey are so awesome.

Kayla Renee

ricanlaw said...

Joshua is starting 1st grade and is so looking forward to getting a new backpack. I love shopping for school stuff, I love the smells. I know sounds wierd, but it's true.

Kelli said...

My absolute fav school subject was french in high school. it is so much fun to learn something totally different then you are used to. I hope I win.

Rachel Carlson said...

oh kelly, you are so generous, this looks awesome! ah to be in school again. i always check out the school supplies to see what 'i' can use for myself - hee, hee! i snuck into the school aisle the other day at tarjay and purchased TWO very colorful pencil pouches and i'm using one for jewelry and one for makeup, is that bad!? HUGE hugs cute girl, rachel

Monica said...

My daughter is starting 1st grade and I can't believe it. I feel very sentimental about it yet excited to watch her learn and grow. Being a Mom makes you feel so many mixed feelings!

Margie Higuchi said...

First of all, thanks for offering such a great RAK!

It's funny you mention back to school, we just went to Target this afternoon and was amazed at all the busy-ness in that area! We don't start school until the 21st! LOL!

I love to go shopping for back to school freaks the boys out tho! ;0P

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Have fun Back to School Shopping! .. i love it .. new supplies is always fun fun fun and I love seeing the kids excitment!

Unknown said...

My kids start on the 19th and I am already so very sad. We have so much fun together when they are home in the summer. The only saving grace is shopping for school supplies. We moved to SC a year ago from Salt Lake where my kids went to Private School. Man, I was in heaven. The supply lists for each child was three pages long. Last fall when they started public school here in SC (2 in Elementary and 1 in High School) I was totally devastated when I saw the supply list. Kleenex, paper, a couple of folders, pens and pencils. That was it! I had to ask each of my children's teacher's if there was anything they needed so I could fulfill my destiny of buying as many school supplies as I could. Unfortunately, none of them needed anything. When I came home with bags and bags of stuff my husband thought I had lost it. I told him that it made me happy to buy all of these unnecessary supplies. So then I donated them to the boys and girls club.
Guess what I am doing tomorrow? Office Max, Target, and Staples, here I come!
Have a groovy weekend.

Sasha Farina said...

superb RAK! U know what I like about school? New notebooks! LOL...

Shannon said...

Kelly, you cute thing! What a fun giveaway!
Our summer has flown by here in Utah. School starts in 3 short weeks! AAAACK! Where did it go!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh! SC add-on. Pick me, pick me! As far as back to school, my DD is going to preschool this year so I will be buying her a first day of school outfit (with elastic waistband so she can easily go to the potty by herself while she's away from me) and a new backpack. No idea what I will be putting in her backpack, maybe sunscreen and her blankie, LOL.

oooh, I'd love that add-on.

Cass said...

Gorgeous goodies!

My fave subject at school was maths. :S

Trace Geworsky said...

That is one awesome giveaway.
My son starts school in Sept, and Im dreading getting back to school clothes for him, because he is obsessed with "high school musical" and he will only wear clothes like the actors do...HE IS 4:)
TRace G

Rebekah said...

I love how excited my little man is to go off to school... he is a big KINDERGARTENER this year!! Time for the mommy tears... he has been going to PreK-D for 2.5 years, but this is the first time for him to be mainstreamed. I am SO proud of him!

Mindy said...

I have a big first grader this year and she has all the attitude to go with it--just a year ago I was unsure if this child was socially ready for kindergarten and now I don't know why I was ever worried! My middle child will be in preschool four days this year (she's four) and I am so excited about the teachers that she got! And my youngest starts three day preschool this year (I have no more babies!!) so I actually have some mommy time this year. So bittersweet...

Marilyn said...

I have always liked going back to school! I LOVED the school supply shopping-I think that is why scrapbooking was so appealing to me, lol!

That kit is looking amazing!

Micaela said...

Hi Kelly!
I loooove studio calico! YAY!

I work in a school, so for me home time is definately the best time of the day :)
Our school year here is way different to you guys though...we're half way through the school year!

Jessica said...

I really lo Studio Calico.
Gorgeous kits.
My favorite subject at school was math. A long time ago ...

Mel Nunn said...

Hi Kelly...

I have been playing a bit on Facebook and have found a lot of my old school friends. I have moved away so it is strange seeing them all in photos all grown up with kids of their own!

aida said...

I love buying pens, sharpies and pencil. Sharpening those pencils and arranging the in her pencil case. The kit is lovely. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

FNATASTIC RAK-- i too am a little sad that school is going back already, but then again I can get back to my normal schedule. Bought all the School clothes and have them ready--HAD TO RETURN THEM ALL BECAUSE SCHOOL DISTRICT DECIDED NOT TO GO TO UNIFORMS THIS YEAR AFTER ALL. So now its off to go clothes shopping for 2 girls all over agian. I love it-- they hate it.

Anne House said...

Too fast---it's all going too fast!! I'm a preschool teacher, and I need to get my curriculum in order....could somebody send me more time, please? No? Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Wednesday?? Hugs on that! When did summer start for them?
I love back to school shopping! Hate the $$ it costs but love brand new school supplies!
I'll admit....buying a lunch box for Johnny about killed me this year! He is going to baby! And, 2 longer days means a lunch! He was so excited though!
Have a great weekend!

Ann said...

Super giveaway!

My two are both in preschool, so I go wacky over buying cheap crayons, gluesticks, and paper at back to school sales.

Jenna Franklin said...

My little one has been back in school for a full week now - woohoo! Love him dearly, but seriously needed a break as this was my first summer stay at home since he was tiny and he just wore me out!

Susan Beth said...

Oh my gosh! Your kids are going back so early! We don't go back until Sept 2, so I'm not in that mode yet. But we did buy a new lunch box for my third grader yesterday - black camo with an attaching water bottle. He wants to use it for lunch every day before school starts too! (Mean old me said no.) The give away looks great!

Kim said...

I love school supply shopping. It is my favorite time of year. Something about the smell of paper, guess that is why I love scrappin!!

Anonymous said...

My children are also returning to school on Wednesday. It will be a sad dat for for me because my Sweet Son will be a SENIOR. Where did the time go? The thought of it brings me to tears. I am happy that I was able to experience all the happy memories of his school youth BUT I am so sad it is almost over. We soon begin a new school adventure as he enters college and I can only pray we will make just as many fond memories. The only problem is he's not going to want me along cramping his style...LOL!!!

BTW ...Great Prize....

JJ Sobey said...

I was never a fan of going back to school, but I always loved shopping for new school supplies. I still like to browse those aisles this time of year - even though I don't need the supplies! I think that's when my paper obsession started!

anniekate said...

Ah, Back to School time! I'm a teacher and am thankful we aren't starting this soon yet...we just got out! We've got a month yet to enjoy before gearing up for another year ahead. Thanks for the giveaway!

Kirsten said...

We start after Labor Day here in the Northwest, and I'm in no hurry - but I do love taking the kids to shop for clothes - remember that was so fun when I was a kid. And it always amazes me how much they've grown!

Kelly said...

I love back-to-school because I love all the fun new items that can be brought into my scraproom! There's something about all the new pencils, pens, notebooks, ect that just makes me giddy!!

What a fun rak:)

Anonymous said...

OOOH - Not having been able to pick up one of those, you are very lucky! As for back to school, it happens too fast! Some of the kids in AZ are already back to school and my kiddo heads back on the 11th. Really, didn't summer just start!?

Anonymous said...

Back to school doesn't mean as much since I stopped teaching full-time to have babies, but my oldest starts pre-school this year. Can't believe my baby is growing up so fast!

*reyanna* said...

Every year around this time, I actually get disappointed that *I'm* not going back to school because I just loved the "back to school" shopping. :) I still wander the aisles and decide what *I'd* get if I were going back. Tee hee. I'm such a dork. :p And my favorite subject was always English/Penmanship/Language Arts.

p.s. Studio Calico rocks! If I were to ever sign up for a KOTM, that would be it. :)

Sweet Peripety said...

SC is the BEST!

Well, hmmmm...I'm still in need of the school supply list for DD's kindy class. I feel behind! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Super nice giveaway !
No kiddos to buy for but I still hit the school sales to buy supplies for myself. I am a sucker for a 10 cent notebook.
Enjoy the rest of the summer!


Dena said...

We still have a month before school starts, Thank goodness! I am NOT ready for summer to be over with.
Lovin the RAK's Kelly.

Alex Hardy said...

what a YUMMY giveaway! i heart SC!
nothing is better than a brand new box of crayola crayons. [i always buy one for myself in addition to my boys!]

Corey W. said...

I have to say you're the only one I know with kids going back earlier than my daughter! she goes back on the 13th and I haven't even shopped yet! looking forward to the frenzy at the mall! lol

Anonymous said...

Karen Pinsonnault
I get to go back to school shopping every year, I'm a teacher!! I still love walking through the aisles in Staples picking out my faves!

Sara said...

Back to school shopping! And the routine of school. My son is only in first grade, so i'm not sick of it yet...

Leigh Penner said...

thirty two days until my boys go back to school...

Heather said...

I kind of miss school. Back then there really wasn't anything to worry about.

Anonymous said...

Such a cute set. I could really use that. Love your pages.
Heidi h.

Dawn said...

Back to school time always makes me nervous/excited. I remember how I felt on 1st days and now I live through it with my son. It is hard, but we always make it through. :-)

Michelle said...

Oh those prizes are YUM Kelly!!! :] I can't believe your boys are almost badk to school already!!! WE have another month to go in Canada!! MY fave school subject was always ART. The one and only thing I looked forward to in school LOL except for recess of course!! LOL

Yvonne said...

Back to school shopping is my favorite. My daughter and I both love it. It is kind of like shopping for office supplies. I don't know what it is about office supplies and girls.
Thanks for the RAK. You are so sweet ot share.

Jennifer Hansen said...

My youngest just started Kindergarten a couple weeks ago. She is loving it!

Vicki said...

Fun RAK! School shopping...brings back a lot of memories. I loved it and shoes were always on the top of the list and the most difficult to find/choose! I could never make up my mind which pair..."can't I have more than one pair"?

Anonymous said...

hope this is open to us in the Southern Hemisphere. We are only 1/2 way through the school year, In the middle of the winter and we have had a little storm across the country. so all the kids at school have cabin fever.
my eldest it about to start high school here next year, she will be thirteen. Wow how time flys by, you really has to stop and smell the roses or at least stop the world and get off for a while because before you know it they have left school and begining there owns lives

Karen said...

Oh, I used to love buying all of the back-to-school stuff! My kids are teen now, but I still love to go to Target and always have a good buy with some paper, pens, and crayons for my nieces and nephews to share and use, when they visit!

Dana said...

Its Tax Free weekend here in my town. So its back to school shopping time!

DebW said...

Even after graduating from high school in 1980 and my youngest graduating from high school in 2003 I can still feel the end of the summer coming and have pangs of anticipation of the new school's an odd feeling that will probably be with me for the rest of my life!

Beth said...

we start school on the 13th and i'm in denial. i don't want it to start yet either. the studio calico kit is great btw!

kristina proffitt said...

Hey Kelly! Great giveaway! :)
I LOVE school supplies! Always have and even to this day I like to go and buy some new pencils, some packs of wide ruled paper and a few notebooks. Hee hee! Love this tme of year!

Anonymous said...

Great RAK!! We don't start school here in MI until after Labor Day. My daughter starts Kindergarten in 1 year. I'll be back to subbing this fall though. Hope the kids have a good school year!

Kimmie said...

Lets see, i cant wait for SCHOOL to start, i cant wait to go SCHOOL shopping

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly,
My 16 year old daughter will be entering her final year of highschool this September. She can't wait to go back to school shopping for clothes and supplies. I think she actually enjoys this more then Christmas.
It sure would be like Christmas to win one of those kits, thanks for the chance!

BabyBokChoy said...

My children aren't school-aged yet, so I still don't know why there is back-to-school shopping since I didn't grow up in the U.S. I mean, aren't the supplies available for purchase throughout the year? One thing I have thought of is that maybe everything is really inexpensive/on sale during the back-to-school shopping period and that's why you really stock up. I guess I'll find out eh? :)

SnapScrapRepeat said...

I am a starving, scrapbook-loving teacher! I am in the middle of scrapping my heart out and enjoying the summer before I have to head back to my third grade classroom this fall. Back to school days will be a part of my life for the rest of my life, but I still have dreams of endless scrapbook supplies (esp. this RAK!!) without fail! :)

Erica Hettwer said...

{sigh} I am so not cool! My fav subject in school was Algebra! I actually took Calculus in college for fun! Yep, so not cool!

Thanks for the cool RAK! :D

Fun in the sun, Katie Style said...

My favorite part of back to school is meeting the new teachers :) Love finding the class room and the kind soul who is going to guide my little one for the year.


Anonymous said...

WOW great giveaway. My fave part of kids going back to school is the excitement my kids feel at the prospect of seeing old friends and making new ones.

Sheila said...

We started school on Thursday. I'm afraid I'm not handeling it well- this year my baby is a sr :o(
It goes all too fast.

Maggie Lamarre said...

wow this wonderful, thank you so much for doing this...

Anonymous said...

My kids are starting in about a youngest is really excited...he's a big boy now, starting frist grade;) He had a good time picking out a backpack and lunch box. I'm a little sad and happy about them going back to school. I've gotten use to them being around all day, but I'm also looking forward to having a couple of hours to myself;)

Thanks for giving us a chance to win one of the kits


Brianne Nevill said...

WOW summer went by QUICK!

Well I would love to be able to give you an answer that really involves school supplies, but since my son is only 2 1/2 I really just enjoy the sales to pick up his next season clothes at a MUCH cheaper price.

Hope you had a GREAT weekend and a wonderful upcoming week!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Your kiddos go back on Wed? We still have 23 days (not that I am counting!). My favorite thing about back to school is the anticipation of who their teacher will be (I already know...but Im not telling). They try and imagine what their class will be like -- and of course, there is 'that teacher' that they absolutely DO NOT WANT. LOL Its a blast listening to them as they anticiapte the first day and reading on the class rosters posted on the front doors of the school.

Amy Wing said...

School... I've been in school most of my adult life (graduated in 2004). What I loved most was the ability to shift focus just a tiny bit every quarter or semester - a whole new batch of classes each time!


Victoria said...

I love this time of year . . . aisles of notebook paper, spiral bound notebooks, pencils, pens, erasers, containers, folders, the smell of new crayons . . .I love to see everything packaged and so orderly. Unfortunately, my 4-year old twins are not old enough yet to shop for supplies but the time will be here soon and I cannot wait.

Thanks for the chance to win the RAK!!

Amy said...

I love back to school! I will be teaching jr. high special education this year! I have been collecting great decor for my classrooom...lots of Compendium books with quotes I plan to put up! I love shopping the sales and getting the best deals for my students! Thanks for the chance to win the RAK!

Sue said...

I always loved doing the back-to-school shopping ;) all those pens and paper and glue *lol* it must have been my inner-scrapbooker trying to get out :P

Chloe said...

Here's hoping you do not feel too lonely once the boys get back to school! I know my Mum always used to cry our first day back at school b/c she loved having us home to keep her company! Lucky for me I still have another 2 or 3 years before my little girl heads off to school for the first time. I'm sure a bit of back-to-school office supply shopping would be all the pick up I need!!! Gotta love the cute erasers, funky coloured pens, and lined paper! MMM!

Anonymous said...

hi Kelly! my husband is a college professor, so we're getting ready for "back-to-school" too! Can't wait to meet you at Creative Escape in just one month! see ya in AZ! {excited}

Anonymous said...

What a great idea Kelly! I am going to IKEA today to get my DD ready for her first year of college...wish me luck :)Cindy W.

Mom of 3 Boys said...

I just saw a fun 'back to school' idea in a magazine. They use the sign that says 'First Day of School' and change the date on the sign each year. I think I will start that this year! (My son starts 2nd year of preschool)

Renee' Morris-Dezember said...

ohhh that's some great stuff...I have three kiddos starting in about 3 weeks...3rd grade, kindergarten, and preschool...we've got most of clothes shopping out of the way shoe shopping done...and now supplies done! Now its just sit back and wait time...and of course...Is it time for school to start? lol Thanks for offering the great give-away :)

AFScrapperMom said...

Great give away, can't wait for Creative Esape, our summer is long over, we are on modified traditional and they went back on 14 July!

Anonymous said...


I love back to school shopping. I did some for myself last night.
I'm an elementary school teacher!
Love fall, love school supplies and I love the give aways!

Margie Rowles

Lynn said...

My little boy is not back to school until the 26th of August ( which is the norm here in Ireland). I've had all his back to school shopping done since the start of the holidays though! I'm still finding it hard to believe that he's finished his first year of school and about to start his second. Time is flying!

scrappyljm said...

Hi Kelly!!!! My kids go back on August 25th. LOL! I think my babysitter will be GLAD. ;-) My dd Melanie is starting Middle School, and I AM NOT READY! LOL ;-) xo Linda

Charlene E. said...

Found you on and now love coming to your blog.
My favorite thing about back to school is supply shopping, love love love the smell of new crayons!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Your kids are going back to school early. I think the Dallas schools start later this month. My favorite subject was arts and crafts, of course. lol... I can't wait for your class at Creative Escape!

Thanks and have a great day!

Anonymous said...

I do miss getting ready for returning to school. It marked the end of a wonderful summer.

Debbie said...

Hello, oh what a yummy rak as usual. I am way past school shopping unless its for grandkids. But do love the smell of new crayons. And my favorite subject way back when was Geography! That's probably way I love to travel.

Anonymous said...

My son (an only child) will be a high school senior this year! Looking forward to a very exciting year including the college search/admissions process! Yikes!

Anonymous said...

The kits from SC are lovely! They do a great job putting things together! I don't have kids, but I did buy some notebooks this past week during a back to school sale!

debbiec said...

ooh, please please let my luck kick in this time! i LOVE the studio calico kits! awesome.
i did soem back to scool shopping today for the first time ever with my soon-to-be kindergartener. 22cents for a box of crayons! that rocks!!!!!!

Denise said...

Mmm...pencil boxes! New pencils & back-to-school loves.

Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

My baby is headed off to school in 3 that is !!! We have been shopping for backpacks, lamps, XL bed sheets, laundry's like stocking a mini apartment. Darling daughter won't be too far away......just 30 minutes.....but it has been fun shopping for supplies in her favorite pink !!! Boy I hope her roommate can tolerate such an intense color.

The RAK looks fabulous.....I'd be thrilled to add one or both of those kits to my collection

Mary Mitchell
Battle Creek, MI

Anonymous said...

Great Rak. Thank you for offering it to everybody. I have not been blessed with kids yet. i use too( along time ago)like getting my school supplies ready.i remember having to get the perfect trapper keeper.My folders had to match my notebooks for school. That was the only thing i liked about school.I hope you pick me... Great blog

Emily B said...

I used to love shopping for school supplies, sometimes I still do, even though I have no classes to go to!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly! Awesome prizes!! We start school on Sept. 3rd so have a while yet, but it will go very fast! I always love doing the back to school shopping with the kids. We always head to the states to find a Target!

Also, speaking of school, I just celebrated my 20 year high school reunion this weekend! What a BLAST!!! It was soo much fun to see people that you hadn't seen since we left high school and also re-connect with the ones that live in the same town as you.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Kathy F

Anonymous said...

Wow! Back to school already. THanksfully my kids don't go back until after labor day. I just love bck to school shopping though.. love the supplies.. I think that is part of the whole love for paper thing we scrappers have:)

Anonymous said...

I too am lamenting the end of summer or the back to school business. I took my oldest son who is going into 7th grade shopping for school supplies. It was a little sad, they no longer need the box of crayons or markers.

jenney said...

When I was in school, I LOVED shopping for school supplies. That is by far my favorite aisle in the store!!! Now I love shopping for my son's supplies even more. LOL

Anonymous said...

I can't believe the stores are filled with back to school supplies already. It seems like the kids just got their summer holidays! I don't want the summer to end!

Carrie K said...

too fun! ive been dying to get one of those kits!

I dont have kids but i still LOVE school supply time. I always treat myself to some fun notebooks, crayons, pens and

Cecile said...

Great Rak.My Son starts school Wednesday so all of the shopping is done but it's a bummer that he has to wear uniforms so that was no fun:(
We did have fun buying things that he could pick out like shoes,lunchbox,notebooks all of those goodies.

Kari said...

Great giveaway! We start school on Wednesday also. My baby is going to kindergarten, so it is bittersweet. She has to wear uniforms so that is pretty limiting in selection. We did have fun picking out a bookbag, shoes and lunchbox, all pink of course!

Gloria said...

Hey, Kelly, nice RAK!!! LOL Sorry, I just had to say that. I sure would love this giveaway. I'll take anything. I'm not picky. Thanks for sharing the scrap love!

Gloria said...

Oh! I forgot the most important part! My 5 yr old son is starting KINDERGARTEN!!! He's my only one, and I'm already having separation anxiety! :( However, he's really looking forward to taking his new lunchbag to school, and getting a new backpack.

Kirsten said...

Great RAK Kellie!!! My favourite subject at school was Home Ec as we always made something yummy - my DD is 13 and has just done her first cooking class last week. She was so excited and brought home some of her "Honey Oat Fingers" to share with us :)

CindyML said...

When school starts for the kiddos, that is when I - armed with trash bags and rubbermaid tubs, go into their rooms and organize. Then we go thru the stuff to decide what to keep and what to give away.


Anonymous said...

sounds like fun! we are getting ready for our first year of homeschooling here! so excited! :)

Anonymous said...

My kids don't start school until the beginning of Sept. I'll be here to see that all goes smoothly for the first day and then it's off to Creative Escape the very next day (bad Mommy?). What an exciting fall it will be!! So generous of you to give away the back-to-school goodies, Kelly...they look terrific!!

Shauna said...

The start of the school year has always been exciting for me...and a little scary! My ds will be starting grade 1 this year, and I'm a little nervous about what full days of school, every day will mean for him...

Anonymous said...

I can't get over how fast time flies. I so enjoyed going school supply shopping; there is just something about brand new supplies that excites me, I love it more than the kids and I always pick up extras of just about everything for me. I know big kid at heart.

Anonymous said...

i am picking the deadline is up for this - i am int...but i have wonderful memories of driving to school with my i am taking my 2 DSs to time flies. hera

Stine66 said...

Wow - just visited studio Calico, that sure looks interesting, I must head back there to look some more !

tammyj70 said...

I love school shopping with my kids! All those pens, pencils, notebooks, backpacks, lunchboxes... I could just go on & on! I think I enjoy it more than they do!

Amanda Sevall said...

What a cool set of stuff you're giving away this month! :) I don't have any children yet and I don't go to school, but I do love checking out all the cool new office supplies in August. Nothing beats hitting Target and checking it all out -- And I must admit, I bought a really cute new composition book by Mead that has a fun black + white print to alter! :)

JapanFreds said...
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jennihaywood said...

I love school shopping with my kids. It is so fun to see their little personalities come out with what they wear to the folders they pick. THis summer has flown by too quickly. I do enjoy the weather that we are having now. There is just a hint of fall in the air. NICE!