The random number generator picked #90, so Marilyn, that means it's YOU! Come on down!! Email me at to claim your prize! :)

Also, as promised, here are a few images from CE 2008 (including an embarrassed Tim Holtz!) I didn't take many pics as usual (what was I thinking?!) but I hope you enjoy anyway! :)

Then there were these decadent treats! The first was delivered to my room with a "thank you" from the CE staff the first night I was there (oh yes, it's all edible chocolate ;))...the 2nd picture is from the "Dessert First" tradition of CE at the closing dinner. YUM!

One of the best parts for me was getting to spend a little time with Heidi and get to know her better. The first night we were there, a group of us went to dinner together and on the way, we rode a little ferry boat along the "river" that flows through the hotel property. The first picture is Heidi, Liz (and Dax), and Mona and Lisa from Bazzill...the next is Janet Hopkins, Emily Waters and me (Photo courtesy of Heidi). And check out those cool bags the girls were holding. I'd been coveting one since I saw Heidi post about them on her blog ages ago...and she very generously brought one to all the teachers - ok, not Tim - all the way from China. LOVE it!

After Trunk Show and a relaxing first night, it was time to gear up for an intense 2 days worth of classes! I loved meeting everyone and hearing their stories, see where they traveled from, spend some time with them...and just check out the people that sometimes show up when you least expect it. ;)

And here's one from Tim and Laurie at our closing dinner and another of me and two of the sweetest girls on the planet that I initially met at CHA - Kay and Lori. Love those two!

And sadly, the picture I took of Kolette and Jason Hall didn't turn out (bad horrid flash in their faces) or I would have posted it here because I can't close out my excitement over CE without mentioning them.
I had the priviledge of hearing Jason speak over 11 years ago at another event and even though I've heard numerous motivational speakers since then, none had ever touched my heart as Jason had. He has a God-given gift for humor, insight and public speaking that makes for an amazing combination. When I heard that he was going to be the keynote speaker and I finally made the connection that he and Kolette were married, I hurridly jotted off an email to Kolette (the amazing desginer of Studio G stamps) telling her that story. She was so gracious and when she came to CHA, she made a point of stopping by to talk to me and then share her awesome news that she and Jason were going to be first time parents! I can't even tell you how much I respect and admire these two and getting to hear Jason speak for a second time was such an honor. His speech was an amazing closing to an amazing event and I can't thank him enough for sharing himself with all of us.
Coming up: Some more WASSAIL and all that I missed when I was out of town and then I think I'll finally be caught up! HA!
Congrats to Marilyn. Also, Kelly, I posted my gratitude/baby album and if you want to take a peek it is at:
Thanks again for your inspiration!
Sad that I didn't win, but REALLY EXCITED for Marilyn!!!! Congratulations!!!! (She will be REALLY excited when she sees this!!!)
The pics from CE look great!
Congrats Marilyn!! :)
Have fun Marily. Congrats.
Wow, thanks Kelly! That is so awesome, I am so excited! Looks like you all had a blast at CE!
Enjoyed reading about CE. It was my first time there and I had a Blast, thanks to great teachers like you.
So freakin' jealous it's ridiculous! That CE looks amazing. Maybe someday....sigh!
oh Kelly.. thanks for sharing the pictures!!
Dear Kelly,
My name is Michelle aka chowchow from Malaysia. I run the Malaysian Scrapper's Society blog - This is a non-profit blog which is run by me to promote scrapbooking in Malaysia. I am writing to you to ask you for your permission to link your blog to ours. Hope this is agreeable to you as I am sure the malaysian scrappers will gain inspirations from your beautiful work. Hope you will say yes. I may be contacted at this address:
Thank you for you kind attention and hope to hear a favourable reply from you soon.
Looks like you guys had an awesome time!
I am hoping to get over there next year sometime for CHA...or maybe CKU...who knows, it is definately on my 'to-do'list.
Chat soon
Ali x
Congrats to Marilyn! CE looks like a grand time. Thanks so much for sharing your pictures.
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