Monday, October 27, 2008

It's Mini Monday!

*********GIVEAWAY NOW CLOSED - THANK YOU!************

Good morning, all!

I had the pleasure once again to be asked by Jennifer McGuire at Hero Arts to do a little feature over on Hero's blog for their "Mini" Week! Today is Mini Monday and the feature is Mini Cards. For my part, I did a little 5" x 4" card using BasicGrey's awesome 6x6 pad in Ambrosia along with a few Halloween themed stamps from Hero! It was so much fun! And for those of you that haven't tried them yet, let me just enable you with these fun 6x6 pads - they are absolutely perfect for card makers! Not only are they already pre-cut to 6", but they are the full sized designs just shrunk to miniature! Awesome!

Here's how it came together:

First I used pigment ink to stamp onto the orange (Citrus) paper with the spider web stamp from Hero's Owl-oween set. I then embossed with black embossing powder and once it was dry, colored the webs in with my white opaque pen. Next, I punched out the webs with a circle punch and mounted them onto a circle piece of chipboard the same size for a little added dimension. To get the "Happy Halloween" only from this Hero stamp, I created a little mask the covered the spider, then turned the stamp sideways. I only had to do it twice to completely span the length of the 5" width of the card. I finished up by cutting along the curve then adding an orange scalloped border with my deco scissors.
BasicGrey Ambrosia 6x6 pad (Pome, Fresh Squeezed, Citrus, Ebony, Rind)
Hero Arts Owl-oween Clear Design Stamps
Hero Arts Dots and Lines Clear Design Stamps
Hero Arts Spider Border
Other: Ranger Embossing Powder, Ranger's Inksentials (Big & Bossy) Pad, Rubber Stampede ink, Clearsnap (Colorbox) chalk ink, Uni-ball Signo pen, ribbon, Marvy Uchida circle punch

And just to enable you further, Hero is giving away some awesome stamps and goodies including an Ambrosia 6x6 pad on their blog, so click HERE to be entered to win that. gets better! I'm also giving away the awesome Owl-Oween stamps I used to make the above card along with a Sugared and Archaic 6x6 pad to get you started on your own cards! Simply leave me a comment telling me about your favorite fall activity and you'll be entered to win! I'll leave the comments open until Tuesday, October 28th at 11:59 p.m.

Happy Stamping!


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P said...

My favorite fall activity is taking pictures of the girls with the gorgeous autumn colors :)

AmyInKy said...

We have too many great fall activities to narrow it down to one, so I'll pick my top two - celebrating both of our boys' birthdays. (Great card BTW!)

{VICKI} said...

CARVING PUMPKINS if I had to pick one. I also love the hay rides, corn mazez, playing/jumping in the leaves, taking picture of the fall colors, breathing in the fresh, crisp fall air---I LOVE IT ALL!!!!!!


ps--took a stamping class over the weekend and discovered I NEED MORE STAMPS--maybe I'll win some!!??

Anonymous said...

Love your card Kelly!!
My favourite fall activity would have to be going for a walk in the woods with all the bright leaves on the trees and on the ground. Love the smell of fall leaves.

Jenna Franklin said...

Very cute! My favorite fall activities are haunted houses and walks in the leaves to take pics of my son. :) Luckily he likes haunted houses and leaves as much as I do!

Anonymous said...

I love to jump in a big pile of leaves, eat apples and carve pumpkins. Autumn is my favorite season.

Scrapmaven said...

I love to eat or make anything with fresh cranberries.
BTW: Love your Halloween card

Erica Hettwer said...

I love carving pumpkins. Just love it! I'm so glad my little guy is getting big enough to be into it, too. :D

Szilvi said...

I love going out to the nature and shoot tons of photos. It's the best part of fall. :D

Anonymous said...

My favorite fall activity is going for rides to see the pretty trees. Also spending the last nice warm days walking in the woods.

Heather Landry said...

My favorite Fall activity is visiting the pumpkin patch with my kids! I think Fall is the most photogenic season. LOL

Lysa said...

That is a great card!

My favorite fall activity would have to be carving pumpkins too!

Thanks for a chance at some stamping goodies!

Anonymous said...

Going for walks and collecting leaves. My little ones do this each year-they pick big ones, colorful ones, crispy ones-and then we send some to Gammy in ND. My grandmother used to send leaves from her backyard when I was little-from ND to OR. Now we send them the other direction.

Anonymous said...

My favorite fall activity is going to the state fair!! Love me some some fair food.

Kim M said...

My favorite fall activity is going to the Apple Festival. Gotta love those caramel apples.

Sue Lui said...

Love that card Kelly, especially the spiderweb. I don't get to experience Fall here in the tropics, but whenever I take a holiday during autumn I always marvel at the beauty of the changing colours and hues of the leaves.

anniekate said...

Going to the apple orchard and eating caramel apples--yummy!!

Love your card--you never disappoint!

Lori Renn said...

Love your card, Kelly! We love walking around and viewing the gorgeous colors of the trees.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly, My favorite fall activity would be hiking in the woods with all the beautiful fall colours. Thanks for a chance to win :)

Anonymous said...

My favorite fall activity finding the perfect pumpkin and just going site seeing to look at all of the fall colors.

Anonymous said...

Favorite fall activity... picking out pumpkis at the pumpkin patch :) its the first thing that starts off our fall... my favorite season and time of year!

Becky said...

Our favorite fall activity is family pumpkin picking and the kick-off seasonal beef stew. Thanks for this chance and your card is really cute!

Jennifer said...

I love carving pumpkins at Nana's!

Anonymous said...

my favorite activity...

dressing warm and in awesome fall colors. smelling fireplaces, crispy air and leaves....decorating for halloween and by all means...Halloween with my whole family

lynda in calif

Anonymous said...

My favorite fall activity is: making a leaf slide on the hill at my house and watching the kids go down and even doing it myself it's awesome and soooo fun.

Eveline said...

I love fall. I am not a fan of hot weather and welcome the shorter days and cool (read: cold) weather. I always go to the woods with the children to look for toadstools. And to collect acorns, conkers etc.
BTW Jennifer told us to go over to your blog but I already have you with my favorites.
Lovely card. And great stampset to win.

Celina said...

My favorite thing abotu the fall is the leaves, I love watching them turn and kicking them around with my feet. It is so satisfying to crunch a crisp leaf under one's foot! Moreover, the cool evenings are filled with stars and the return of the constellation Orion to the evening sky.

Brianna said...

My favorite is going to the pumpkin patch! And we are going on Thursday...can't wait!

Lynn Stevens said...

My Favorite Fall activity is making my Holiday cards. I grab a cup of hot coco or hot tea and head to the studio to make my Halloween and Thanksgiving cards.Great way to start the season.

Michelle said...

My favourite fall activity is to jump in and roll around in a big pile of leaves!!! I'm 34 and still love to do that!!

Anonymous said...

My favortie fall activity is talking our dogs for a walks with my son and husband and seeing the amazing fall colors and the crispness in the air!!

Gracie Ann Tan said...

My favorite fall activity is creating a costume for my daughter for Halloween. I want her costumes to be unique & I try to be as resourceful as I can.

StampinCathy said...

Love your card. The layout and colors are just wonderful. My favorite fall activity is the week before Halloween. We do a Pumpkin Carving party. We carve pumpkins (a given), have a campfire and cook hot dogs and smores. Oh and we have a little hayride for the kiddies too. We look forward to it each year. Thanks for a chance at this sweet candy.

Anonymous said...

My favorite fall activity would have to be shopping for all the spring/summer scrapbook items that go on sale! =) End of the season sales are always the best!

Atticelf said...

I look forward to fall because I love everything related to Halloween - visiting the pumpkin patch, carving pumpkins, planning costumes, trick-or-treating, haunted houses, etc... It's a fun-filled, exciting time of year!

Becca said...

My new favorite fall activity is taking our son to the pumpkin patch...he is nine months so this year was the first year! :)

Lindsay said...

My favorite fall activity is definitely going to the pumpkin patch! We always go on a glorious sunny fall day and have the best time!

melle said...

My favorite fall activity ist walking through the red and yellow colored wood an enjoy the Indian Summer.

Greetings from Germany

Kelli said...

My favorite thing to do in the fall is take my dogs for a walk. I love to be surrounded by the beautiful scenery of falling leaves and the crisp air.

Anonymous said...

I love how you colored in the web with the white pen! My favorite fall activity is planning my Christmas cards - already have a ton of ideas that I need to get started on.

Leesa said...

Oh Kelly, that card is just adorable! I am just loving how versatile the Ambrosia line is!

My favorite fall activity, that is a hard decision... probably going to the cidar mill and pumpkin patch. Our local cidar mill is huge and has so many fun activities to do. It is now even more fun that I have my own child to enjoy it with!

Thank you for the chance to win!

~Leesa (Amigosa)

Anonymous said...

Love your card. My favorite fall activity right now is water color painting. I just started taking lessons earlier this month and am really enjoying it.

Jenn said...

My favorite fall activity is going to the pumpkin patch and hunting for our family pumpkins.

I also am starting to really enjoy making costumes for my little girls. I don't know how to sew by any means, but for some reason I get them to turn out better than I has hoped they would.

Shannon said...

My favorite fall activity is going to the pumpkin patch with my kids. They love it and I love pictures I take there.

Anonymous said...

..kayaking on the water until it freezes over for the winter...all bundled up with hat and mittens, too!

Theresa Smith said...

I love the cooler weather and of course the holidays!

Anonymous said...

My favourite fall activity is cooking and eating pumpkin soup. I love everything pumpkin. *gg*

Eve said...

My favorite part is taking the kids to Apple Hill for cider and doughnuts!

Summer Braxton said...

my fave Fall activity is sitting on the porch bundled up with my kids and hubby and sipping hot cider. Yuu-uum! But we don't have cool weather yet in FL, so I'm patiently waiting :)

Michelle Quinno said...

I love leaf peeping!

Love your projects!!

AbbieTorroll said...

aw, yeah!! My fav fall activity is going for nature walks to look at the beautiful fall colors!

Sally Watkins said...

My favorite fall activity is having a warm cup of tea on a brisk, cool morning and watching the day come to life.

Jennifer Cowan said...

The usually from me... apple picking and the pumpkin patch. We also love to ride along the great river road (Mississippi) to see all the fall colors. Always beautifull.

Carmen O. said...

My favorite fall activity is taking a walk with a camera to capture fall in all it's glory!

Awesome card Kelly!

Anonymous said...

Karen D My favourite fall activity is going to the country for a drive and seeing the colours of the leaves changing although the wind and rain have taken most of them away and snow is on its way

Marla said...

My favorite fall activity is sitting around the fire drinking hot tea or cocoa

AnneMarie said...

favorite fall activity...
showing my girls how to make "house plans" with fallen leaves, your feet and imagination. We used to do this when I was a girl at St. Agnes in Memphis. All the leaves would fall all over the playground and we would drag our feet together creating a "wall" with the leaves. The walls became rooms and from there we created hallways and such.. a new spin on playing house with your girlfriends :)

Jennifer Love said...

My favorite autumn activity is shopping! LOL I love shopping for autumn and winter things. And after that comes....Christmas...of course, I have to get a head's up on Christmas so I start early. :)

Jen said...

I would have to be building high leaf piles and jumping into them. Then making a batch of Baked Potato Soup to eat at dinner that night.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly! Awesome card! My favourite is taking the kids to the park or my parents where there are tons of leaves and just letting them play in them. Of course I dress them in fall colours and love to take fall pictures of them in the leaves. Unfortunately, we don't have a pumpkin patch where we live, that would be a favourite too! thanks for your generous givaway!
Kathy F

Kimmie said...

my favorite fall activity is Hay Love it and the kiddos do too

Anonymous said...

I love the sound and smell of taking fall walks on leaf covered trails! I don't even mind raking the leaves in my back yard.

melita said...

My favorite fall activity is being outside at the kids soccer and baseball games and then being inside watching football on tv!

Brian's Blog said...

I love sweater weather. Going outside and feeling the air but not freezing. I love being outdoors with my family and doing fun stuff, like apple picking and pumpkin patches.

Ravengirl said...

My favorite fall activity is having card parties at my home with a fire in the wood stove and hot apple cider in the crockpot!

Louise said...

In the fall, my husband and i love to take drives in the country to see the beautiful colors of the trees.

Thanks forthe chance to win! (I do love those 6 x 6 pads, especially that the pattern is reduced - great job Basic Grey!)

Louise C.

Jennifer said...

Hi Kelly. My favorite activity in the Fall is going to the pumpkin patch with my son!

Wonderful giveaway, thanks for the chance to win!
Jennifer L.

Amanda said...

My favorite fall activities is going for drives in the country side and taking pictures of the fall leaves! But it is hard to pick just one favorite, since Fall is my favorite season!

Donna said...

My favorite fall activity would be going for walks, and watching the changes from day to day. Thanks for the chance to win some wonderful stamps.

Anonymous said...

A Popcorn Ball Making, Pumpkin Carving,Warm Cookie Eating day always make me smile.
Thanks for the chance

TraceyScraphoria said...

I love fall at the cottage, all the colours--red, orange and yellow. Great family times.

Anonymous said...

I love fall! I love fall smells, especially pumpkin spice.. How nice that is works well in a pumpkin spice latte, too!
Jeanne in Denver

Erin Glee said...

My favorite Fall activity is helping my kids get their costumes together, (often sewing them to get exactly what they want),and taking photos of them before Trick-or-Treating for scrapbooking later!

Anonymous said...

taking fall pictures of my babies! leaves, pumpkins, everything fall.

Crafting Queen said...

This is a wonderful card, love the spiders web!
My favorite fall activity is taking photos of the trees and the frost on the ground. Such a beautiful time of the year.

Scrappycath said...

Just love all the great activites this time of year. A favorite is one we do just before Halloween, we "ghost" our neighbors. We pick 3 neighbors to visit after dark. We leave a goodie bag, a ghost image to hand in the door/window, and a poem describing the "ghosting" tradition.

Then those neighbors in turn choose 3 more neighbors, that do not have the ghost image hanging in the door/window), to leave goodie bags for, and so on, and so on... until the whole neighborhood has been "ghosted"

Anonymous said...

I love making pumpkin bread and when it is baking it makes the house smell so good too!

Anonymous said...

My favorite fall activity is going apple picking and picking pumpkins from the local apple orchard/pumpkin patch. I have a lot of great memories (and have eaten many yummy apple pies!) from doing this every year.

Lin said...

Well, you asked, so I'll tell favorite fall activity is going to Elk County, PA, to see the elk! They evidently were native to that area of PA years ago, but were hunted out, so Pennsylvania brought in a herd from Wyoming, or Yellowstone, or somewhere out west, and protected them for years until they could multiply. Now they are almost tame.....they walk around this little town there called Benizette like they own the place!! My 88-year old father, being a hunter, loves to go there in the fall and wander the roads to find them.
For me, it's just a nice family time to spend with my parents. I love crunching around in the fallen leaves in the woods there.

Anonymous said...

My favorite fall activity is taking a drive with my family on the backroads of America's Heartland.

Nancy said...

I love decorating the house with gorgeous fall colors using pumpkins, gourds, leaves and scented candles!

Bee-Jay said...

My favorite activity is admiring leaves, whether in the car on the highway or taking a walk. I think there's a reason I was born in October!

Anonymous said...

My favorite fall/halloween activity is going to the pumpkin patch with my daughter to pick out a baby pumpkin. She has loved doing this since she was 2 years old. When she was 3 yrs old I got a great photo of her in front of this gigantic pumpkin that was twice her size. It was awesome.

Anonymous said...

Awesome Card! My favorite fall activity is taking walks and enjoying all the beautiful fall colors. Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Going to Starbucks and getting my pumpkin spice latte!! Even better will be next year when I have my first child to take to a pumpkin patch!!!!!! We are due in March :)

Anonymous said...

We just did it yesterday! My husband and I drove to the ocean on a crisp and colorful fall day. It was the perfect day!

Anonymous said...

My favorite fall activities are my daughter's birthday and making Halloween costumes.

Sara said...

my favorite fall activity is to go to the pumpkin patch on a sunny day. So beautiful and so fun.

1scrappycat said...

Yay! Great card! My favorite thing to do is Halloween decorating inside and out!

Debbi said...

Food is sooo good in the Fall. All the baking and soups and chili..... Can eating be considered an activity? I think so.

Unknown said...

My favorite fall activity is going to the pumpkin patch and picking out our pumpkins.

Anonymous said...

My favorite fall activity is walking in the woods through the fallen leaves and make beautiful pictures of the great autumn colors.

Anonymous said...

Fall is a great season and I like sitting at my kitchentable with a big glass of tea and a piece of chocolate while the wind is blowing outside.

Anonymous said...

Getting pictures of all the beautiful fall colours, watching our kids play in the leaves and squash, I love squash YUMMM

Heather said...

We carved pumpkins with our kids last night (2 and 4 years old) and they loved it. It has become a fun tradition with them.

tammyb said...

Gosh one of my favorite fall activities is baking anything using pumpkins. I absolutely love pumpkin pies and anything pumpkin but after Christmas holidays I don't get anything pumpkin until the next fall season!

Dani said...

my favorite fall activity is going to the pumpkin patch! So fun!

Anonymous said...

Decorating Pumpkins has to be my favorite fall activity to do with the kids - they come up with the funniest Jack-O-Lantern faces!

jeneaevan said...

My favorite fall activity is going to the pumpkin patch with my family. I love to see the look in my children's eyes when they see all of those pumpkins!

Lori Y. said...

My favorite fall activity is taking my 3 kids to the apple orchard. We get to pick apples, check out the pumpkin patch and get lost in the corn maze! So much fun!

Mary said...

I enjoy picking apples in the orchard and taking them home and baking an apple pie with them.

Anonymous said...

My favorite fall activity is going for nature walks to look at the beautiful fall colors!
Love your card!

Anonymous said...

Going up north to my friends cottage for a girls scrap weekend away!!!
Janet Z

Brenda said...

My favorite fall activity is to spend a weekend taking photos of the changing leaves. Fall has the best colors of the year. Love you card, and thank you for the chance to win.

Kirsten said...

Walking in the fallen leaves - I love the crunchy sounds they make as I walk through them !!

Gina said...

My favourite fall activity garending and enjoying the gorgeous colour of our deciduous maples, birches and oaks..also eating pumpkin soup! :D

Tracey said...

Love your card!!!

My fave fall activity is going to my family Halloween party. I love dressing my girl up in her costume as well as seeing all my nieces and nephews in theirs.

Anonymous said...

My favorite activity is to go to my friends' house for what we call Stamp Bash. It's always the last weekend in Oct.

Kristy said...

My favorite fall activity is going to the apple orchard/pumpkin patch. And of course eating all the food. Yummy!

Debby L. said...

My favorite fall activity is our annual family and friends camping trip to the beach at Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

My favorite activity is raking leaves...I know sounds weird, but feeling the crisp air and seeing all the pretty colored leaves makes me feel good. Oh and also...the smell of pumpking & spice...candles, pies you name it!

annms said...

My favorite fall activity is picking apples. So fresh and crunchy.

Sara said...

Baking anything with pumpkin!

Mel said...

Our favorite fall activity is the corn maze!

Victoria S. said...

I love the smells of fall= pumpkin pie spices and i LOVE pumpkin pie, hot apple cider, spiced muffins, candles -anything with cinnamom, cloves etc.

C. Sage Deerborn said...

My favorite fall activity is making pumpkin butter and other goodies from our home grown pumpkins.

Rona said...

Cute card Kelly. I love how the wide ribbon looks on it. My kids are teenagers now and so my favorite fall activity now is usually the 3 fall weekends my daughter has soccer tournaments. The air is cool and it is so much fun to be outside and enjoy SOCCER!! Our favorite tradition that I still "make" them do with me is making caramel apples. LOVE IT!!

Victoria said...

Every year our entire family gets together and carves pumpkins, roast marshmallows for smores, sing songs and tell ghost stories around a camp fire. So much fun!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE pumpkin gathering. My husband and I take our 2 yr old who is still delighted by the smallest of things. The smile on his face is worth the 12 lb. pumpkin he wanted this year :)

Love your Halloween card, Kelly-- so vibrant and fun!

Erika M. said...

Seeing the leaves change colors and snuggling with my hubby!

Shawninaz said...

Getting my daughter all dressed up and made up for Halloween.

Anonymous said...

Kelly, great card. My favorite fall activity is going to the apple farm with my family, riding the wagon to the orchard and picking lots of lovely apples.

Julie said...

Love the card you have made. Mt fav fal activitity is going for picnics and walking in amongst the fallen leaves.

elsie said...

My favorite fall activity is eating apple slices dipped into caramel. YUM! I also love to watch the trees turn colors.

Miss Kathy said...

My favorite fall event is a family woods hike and picnic we call Wintergarden. We gather moss, berries, etc to make winter gardens and have a picnic lunch. Usually 60+ family members attend and we have a great time.

Anonymous said...

My favorite fall activity is pumkin carving - we have a great time picking it, deciding what to carve and lighting it up :) Of course great pictures are always taken.

Jeanne Ann said...

my favorite thing to do is walking down my lane and kicking up fallen leaves. It makes me feel like such a kid again.

Alison said...

Even though I dread the coming of winter, I do love the fall. I love raking leaves, picking apples, and hot apple cider paired with fresh cider donuts.

Amanda Sevall said...

Cute card! Too hard to pick just one activity... love going to get apples from a local orchard and making apple pies + applesauce! Also my favorite time of the year to take pics - so pretty outside.

Anonymous said...

I love that the weather is cooling down so I can snuggle under a doona with a hot chocolate. :)
Anna D

Unknown said...

Coming home, taking a hot shower, and putting on my footie pajamas. Yes, I'm 33.

Anonymous said...

Making apple pie, eating caramel apples and warm cider with sugar doughnuts!

Arlene said...

I love going up to an area in Northern California called "Apple Hill" and enjoy the mountain air, sample freshly made Apple Cider, eat marvelous fresh apple pies, and check out all the vendors of hand-made products.

Anonymous said...

My favorite fall activity is taking long drives with my husband and taking pictures of all the breath taking colors of the mountains that surround us! I love gathering leaves of all colors and pressing them in a book. Then I use them to decorate inside and outside. Going to the cider mill for hot cider and cider doughnuts are yummy!!

Danielle Sheehan said...

my favourite thing to do is going for a walk in the parks and looking at how the trees and leaves turn different colours

nancy said...

My favorite fall activity is raking and playing in leaves with my two great-nephews.

Anonymous said...

I Love fall hiking at the local parks, enjoying the changing colors. That's got to be my favorite activity, otherwise it would be getting ready for Halloween!
VickiR in OH

Dawn said...

We always go to the pumpkin patch with my sister and all the kids.

Sarah said...

My favorite fall activity is visiting cider mills around Michigan. There is so much more to do besides getting cider and donuts, but that is a huge yummy factor!

Ellie said...

My fav. Fall Activity is making hot cocoa and drinking it in the backyard w/my kids... its the perfect weather to be able to be out in the back and warm up with cocoa and enjoy each other. :)


Anonymous said...

I love all the little kids in my neighborhood trick or treating. I am in training to be a grandmother!

Anonymous said...

My favorite is making apple butter and enjoying early morning coffee and toast and apple butter out on the porch as the crisp, fresh fall morning unfolds. Makes everything all right the rest of the day.Everything about this time of year is just dandy!!
PS--love the card....

.jessica jo. said...

love that card!!! the mini packs of BG are my favorite!!!

my favorite fall activity is taking pictures of all the rich fall colors.

DeniseB said...

favorite fall activity..... enjoying the fall colors on the local trees. Lovely!

Diane said...

Love your card, Kelly! My favorite fall activity...would have to be looking at the beautifully colored trees here in the midwest. Visiting apple orchards and decorating for Halloween are also at the top of the list.

Beth S said...

My favorite Fall activity is photography. it is truly the most beautiful time of the year to take outdoor shots. Love those vibrant colors!

Sawyer's Mommy said...

My favorite fall activity is to go and pick out a pumpkin. I have always enjoyed it and now that I have a son (and another to be born tomorrow or Wednesday) it is going to be even more fun. I have always been excited to have kids to do things like that with them.

Angel S. said...

We love to carve pumpkins! In fact we are doing that tonight!! Thanks for the chance to enter!

Anonymous said...

How can anyone resist heading off to the country and picking apples in the fall!!!! (or perhaps my favorite activity is eating apple crisp?!!!!) LOVE the card and the paper! Thanks for the great give away!

Anonymous said...

My favorite fall activity would have to be going to the state fair! I can smell the elephant ears and corndogs already! ha, thanks for a chance to win some great prizes! kim

Marge said...

My favorite activity for fall is just being outdoors, often helping hubby in our yard, as we live in AZ and it's too hot to even want to go out until October!!! I also enjoy the little Trick or Treaters - they're always so cute!

Anonymous said...

My favorite fall activities are carmel apples at the apple orchards and pictures of the amazing colors!!

Geralyn said...

My favorite fall activity would be taking lots of pictures with the backdrop of leaves changing color. It's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I love fall - we went to a pumpkin patch this last weekend and it was so much fun. There's just something about kids in a pumpkin patch that makes for great pictures.

Jan said...

We do a pumpkin carving night with my neices, then line them all the pumpkins up and light them up. They always turns out so good!

Anonymous said...

My favorite fall activity is raking big piles of leaves for my kids to jump and frolick in!

Love the card!

julie.schellin said...

my fave fall activity was what I did yesterday: go to the apple/pumpkin farm with my family

Anonymous said...

My favorite fall activity is going to the pumpkin patch and picking out the perfect pumpkin. We make it all an day event taking photos, picking apples, going on hayrides. It's a blast! I love this time of year!

Anonymous said...

My favorite fall activity is making Halloween cards, of course! Thanks for sharing! Cathy M.

Sus said...

one of my favorite fall activities is apple picking while watching the fall foliage. =)

Anonymous said...

My family and I take mini walks during the evening and collect the perfect fall leaves along the way. At home, they sit in the middle of the kitchen table as a decoration and a reminder of how we took time out to spend together.

Anonymous said...

My favorite fall activity is cooking warm satisfying meals and spending time outside enjoying the weather and leaves changing colors.

Jodee said...

I guess my fav fall activity would be taking pics! So many beautiful rich colors to capture.

Anonymous said...

I never win anything but I thought's I'd try anyway...would love a little 6x6 pad and some stamps. Fall activity??? I think putting away the shorts and t-shirts and getting out the jeans and sweaters. I look much better in fall clothes and there is a lot less ironing now that I'm not wearing as much cotton.
Thanks for the opportunity to play along.

nativetexangirl said...

I just love looking at all the beautiful trees in the autumn and trying to capture pictures of them.

The J9 said...

My favorite fall activity is visiting the pumpkin patch with our entire extended family and picking apples with my kids!

Alex S. said...

My favorite fall activity is going to a pumpkin farm with my family! I love how my DH reacts when she sees all the pumpkins (big or small)! Thanks for the chance!

Whozz Me???... said...

Hmmm we don't have fall here In Brunei..... and reading everyones comment on leaves/pumkins... makes me wish we do have one here.....

Anonymous said...

Well, what do you know? You have become a (gasp) stamper! I have no favorite fall activities because there AREN'T ANY in So. Cal. But I just wanted to say that YOU ARE A STAMPER. LOL. xo.

KellyW said...

We go to Cedar Point's Hallo-weekends and have so much fun!

I love to see all the families sharing that time together and to be able to share some alone time with my Sweetie!

Elaine said...

What a great card! It was my favorite on the Hero blog today! I like that you shared the technique to do the spider web stamping - I would never have done it or figured it out if you didn't share! :)

Elaine said...

I almost forgot - my favorite fall activity - one of them at least, is planning & making Halloween costumes!!

lindagerig said...

Visiting the pumpkin farm with my grandchildren.

Anonymous said...

I love drinking hot apple cider and helping the kids dress up for trick-or-treating!

Anonymous said...

Hayrides in the country on chilly fall evenings.

Debi said...

I love going to my son's football games and trick or treating with my daughter.

Anonymous said...

Carving pumpkins is my favorite fall activity! It's fun to watch my kid's creativity grow each year...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

My favorite fall activity is going to get or making a warm drink and curling up and enjoying it with my hands wrapped around it - with my dear hubby of course!! I drink lots of iced tea all summer but look forward to the cooler nights when a warm drink of tea or cocoa tastes especially good. And fall time also means Pumpkin Spice Latte time!

Anonymous said...

ooo i love fall seeing the leave change color inspires me. Even though i live in south africa we love carving pumpkins and decorating our yard.

Anonymous said...

We don't have 4 seasons here, but from the mails and photos that my friend Krista (from CA) sent, my fav fall activity would be having fun among the falling leaves, with loved ones.

Eva said...

I love to take a walk and admire fall colors...and to drink hot chocolate!!!!!
Thank you for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

My favorite Fall activity is having a bonfire. Great card Kelly!

Jenny said...

I would have to say a visit to the local pumpkin patch. They have a corn maize, farm animals, horse drawn hay rides and lots of yummy treats!

Sue D said...

My favorite fall activity is taking a walk in the woods to see all the pretty colors and hear the crunch of the leaves underfoot.

elana k said...

I love pumpkin anything: picking, carving, pumpkin pie and ice cream... Thanks for a chance to win and super cute card!

Shirley said...

My favorite fall activity is to take a walk in the morning while the air is still crisp and the leaves are starting to show off their colors. Darling card, too! Thanks for the chance to win some goodies.
Shirley L.

Sammie said...

We live on a farm, so my favorite fall activity is harvest.

Nancy L. said...

Thats a very nice card. I love being outside w/the kids more often!

Anonymous said...

My fav fall activity is just enjoying the scenery. We live in the mountains and the view into the valleys below is breathtaking! Love your card!

Sarah and the rest of the family said...

My favorite fall activity when I was a kid was raking the leaves and jumping in the piles; however, now that I have kids, we don't seem to ever live anywhere that will give us enough to jump in. No, my favorite thing to do is take the family to a pumpkin patch. The kids play all day then get to pick their own pumpkin, then they all sleep on the way home.

Anonymous said...

Favorite fall activity is going with family to pick apples and take a hay ride around the orchard! Love the designs on your blog, and all the basic grey goodies!

Anonymous said...

My favorite fall activity is playing tourist in my own city. I love taking off work the day before Thanksgiving and go around and see some of our local tourist attractions.

Jessica said...

I love walking through the autumn leaves, admiring the beautiful colours, and seeing the mountains in the distance, already covered with snow!

joybear said...

Love your cards!!! Would love to win the give-away my favorite fall activity is going to the pumpkin patch with the boys!

Cassie said...

My favorite thing to do is to take the kids out for Halloween where we end at our neighbor's house for a Halloween party.

denine zielinski said...

Love that card! Ambrosia is perfect for the season! We love the Fall leaves and jumping in them!

Peg said...

Driving along the countryside enjoying the gorgeous fall colors, with the sun shining bright - Also, the smell of fall, that's what I love about this season!!

Anonymous said...

love your card. my favorite fall activities are watching high school football and watching my kids play in a pile of leaves

Monica said...

My favorite fall activity by far is going to the Pumpkin Patch with the family and I also enjoy watching the "Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!" with the kids every year which is on tonight! Thanks for the giveaway and your card is so awesome.

Wendy said...

Favorite fall activity has to be Pumpkin Show...the biggest & best festival in the state of Ohio!

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