Yes, they truly are the Grinch that stole Christmas. Sadly due to these technical issues on our brand new site, we were unable to go live with the launch of the new and improved www.basigrey.com as we had anticipated. We are working hard to have these glitches taken care of so that we can have a smoothly functioning site up for you soon, but as of now, we're afraid there isn't an exact time. Just please know, we want it to be sooner rather than later, too! (Darn Grinch!)
In the meantime, I'm going to tell you one of the exciting things that will be up when the site goes live (as well as give you a mini-gift to tie you over until the launch!). Not only are we going to be doing all the fun digital papers and brushes, etc. that was mentioned in previous email blasts, we are also going to be offering BLINKIES & SKINS!! Seriously! This is more exciting to me (almost) than the other digi stuff as I'm a "limited" digi-girl! ;) I'm talking Skins for your desktops, skins for your iPhones, skins for your blog, skins for just about anything! Is that cool or what? And as a special little present from me to you, here is one of our new blinkies that we will be offering shown below. Please feel free to copy and paste it into your own image hosting site to use wherever you post!
Enjoy this Friday and Happy Holidays! I'll be back with more info as I have it!
Thanks for the update Kelly :) As always...anything BG is sooooo worth the wait!!! Looking forward to the launch and many thanks for the blinkie!
I kind of wondered ... it's cause you advertised it!! If it were just going to be a quiet update, nothing would have gone wrong. The gremlins prefer publicity.
I was totally thinking "they promised a date - of COURSE the grinch came out!" Darn tech issues! Well I suppose I can get ready for this little holiday coming up (Christmas anyone?) while I wait...
Bummer about the site, but think of it this way. All good things come to those who wait.
Oh, and thanks for the blinkie! It's going on my blog right this second.
Ugh, I know all to well about that. Such a bummer. Well, I'll be waiting with bated breath along with everyone else! ♥
Bummer!! But I'm sure when you do get it up and running it is going to be AWESOME!!! I can't wait!!
Skins for my iPhone...oh no...I'm in trouble now! Those little Lime Rickey birdies would be oh so cute. I tried posting the blinkie to my blog...but it won't blink...hmmmm
thanks so much for the updating , like many i have been stalking!! LOL
i can't wait! and will wait patiently :)
great blinkie-off to post :)
have a great weekend!
that darn grinch! tell him to go bug somebody's else! anything basic grey is worth the wait so just add me to the list of those patiently waiting. ;)
I'm so glad for the blinkie. I already put it up on my blog! No worries on your technical delay. All great things are worth waiting for.
good things come to those who wait, its a good thing that the technical difficulties came up now, so things can be repaired...
Launch problems happen. I used to be part of an internet marketing team, so I totally understand. The last launch I was involved with, we couldn't get the site to pass load testing. So stinkin' frustrating! I bet your techs are going nuts. :)
That's a bummer - hopefully all of the kinks will be worked out soon - thanks for the sneak peak - looking forward to seeing the site!
Looking forward to seeing the new site! Love the blinkie! :) /Pia
Bummer on the delay - I was really looking forward to the new website. Oh well - all things are worth the wait!! Thanks for the blinkie!
Thanks for the blinkie :) I still can't figure out how to get it in my 2peas signature... lol.
Love your blog btw!
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