But enter 2010. It's time for a change, right? A new beginning, a new year, a new DECADE for pete's sake! So I wanted to give something a go. I had been watching folks do the Project 365 for a couple of years (where they take a photo a day, every day, during that year). That excited me! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE taking photos but will admit, when the weather is bad or things are going on, I will often leave my poor camera neglected. And that's just not what I meant to do when I got her. you know? SO...I am making the effort. Some days are easier than others. I'll admit to already missing a day and fudging a day here or there...but I still have INTENT! Whooo hooo! Go me!
It's already into February

It's not too late for you to start either! Pick up your camera today and show me what you've got! If you decide to join Shuttercal where I've posted my pictures, let me know so I can add you as a friend and check out yours, too!
(p.s. Thanks to Ms. Emilie for sharing her cute little 365 image!)
Happy Monday, all!
Those are great pics, Kelly!! I love the 1/1 one.. you can see your reflection in there! I love your self portrait! My gosh are your boys growing up fast. And, I will take your weather anyday to here! Its is snowing really good here...we have about another 7 weeks of snow! We sometimes get snow in April! Yuck!!
You know... I actually started doing this at the start of the new year. Then after about 2 weeks into the project, I stopped. When I looked back through my photos I realized that about 75% of them were of my cats! I couldn't bare to continue. I didn't need a year in photos documenting the fact that I had, in fact, become a crazy cat lady. :P
This is the first year I've joined in to the fun and so far I'm really glad I did. Not only am I using my camera every day but I'm actually printing pictures constantly. What a refreshing change this has been. Go me and you!!!
Hey Kelly! I'm on shuttercal too! My screen name is Shomburg. Would love to add you to my list!
ooooh this makes me want to start the whole 365 thing...can i ignore the fact that February is half over and just start my year now?!? :)
Please add me!!!! Love your talent!!!
Oh Kelly - I'd love to add you as a friend on shuttercal. I just discovered it myself the first of the year and am have a great time with it! My screen name is PeggySue. Love your blog, love all your lo's.
Ahhh...Shuttercal. I love it! But It runs hot and cold for me. I forget about my poor camera for days and weeks sometimes. Life happens when you're not taking pictures.
I discovered shuttercal because of you and am trying to keep up with it!! I started Feb 14th... I was using mostly my iphone, but I just had to get me an early present-- a sony a330--gabyangel
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