Friday, May 07, 2010

Picture Perfect: An Ella Publishing GIVEAWAY!

Good morning, all!

I have something exciting to share with you today! My sweet friends over at Ella Publishing have generously allowed me to give away a copy of their latest eBook to one of my fabulous blog readers! I'm absolutely thrilled as the subject matter of this particular eBook is near and dear to my heart - tips and tricks to help you take fabulous portraits of any subject! It's called Picture Perfect and was a collaborative effort from three of my favorite photographers - Becky Novacek, Kelly Noel, and Elisha Snow. These three ladies are so talented and they give you some of their best tips in how to capture beautiful portraits in just about any situation. I read it from cover to cover last night and I was completely inspired to get out there snapping away today! (I just have to wait for my boys to get home! Boy are they going to love me ;))

Here's what Ella says about their book:
"Picture Perfect
to the rescue! Organized into nine relevant sections (babies, toddlers, kids, teens, pets, adults, duos, trios, and larger groups), this eBook is packed with practical advice that will help you take your photographs to the next level.

Several of the tips are geared toward those with some experience with semi-manual or manual modes on a DSLR camera. But even if you're a DSLR beginner (or you use a point-and-shoot), you'll learn how to improve your photographs dramatically."

So, here's what you need to do - to get in on getting a copy of this book for yourself, simply leave me a comment on this post between now and Sunday, May 9th (Mother's Day - What a gift, no?!) at 11:59 pm Eastern telling me why you need a copy of this book/what you hope to learn from it! It's that simple! I'll draw a winner on Monday morning!

Good luck and Happy Friday!


Unknown said...

Put my name in the hat. I would love to win this woderful book.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I NEED to start taking better pictures and I a have no time to take outside courses - this would be great for me. I'm the family photographer, but that extends to my sisters too - none of them take pictures so I have to capture their families too! This would be a great help! Thanks for the chance to win it!

Kelly Massman said...

Thanks for a chance to win! I LOVE taking pictures, but I am not the best photographer--so i think this will help me get better shots of people--which is my favorite thing to shoot (pics of)!

Jennifer said...

Any help I can get taking better pictures would be so appreciated!

Aubree said...

This book was added to my "wish list" the day it was released. I have this really nice DSLR camera and ONLY ever use the manual mode -- seems a shame to have spent all of the money and not to learn to use it's functionality!!

Peg said...

I am always game for anything to help with my photography - I have the equipment, now the "user" needs training...your recommendations are always stellar, so, if I could learn just one or two things from this book I would be thrilled - Thanks for the chance to win, if I am not the lucky winner, I will seek it out for purchase :-)

Amy C said...

How very kind!! I would love to win this book because I have no training in taking photos. I could really use some pointers/tips and I have thought about getting some kind of book or taking a class. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Amy ♥

serendipty photography said...

I would love to have a copy of this book! I am starting a photography business and could use more pointers and tricks. Thank you for the give a way!

kee kee said...

I would love to win a copy of this book to learn how to take better photos of my family and the events that we attend. Thanks for the chance to win :-)

Angie Heller said...

Wow! I love taking pictures, scrapping, You name it. Every day I take pictures! I am a picture aholic. True! I would love this book. I try everyday to exceed in getting better at picture taking and so wished I was a photographer.

kmp1515 said...

I love photography and I think there is always room for improvement. I would love to learn new ideas, angles and settings for my own portraits.

ArlaMo said...

These are three great photographers! I would love to learn whatever they have to offer - always room for improvement!

Ilona said...

would love to get better pictures of my 18 month old niece who is always in motion!

christine j said...

What a great gift idea! I would love to be able to take better photos and an ebook would be perfect 'cause I can take it with me anywhere! said...

Yes, I agree, what a great gift idea! I just bought a Sony (I was inspired by your pictures! yes, I kept trying to do layout of my grandbabies and expecting to get beautiful pictures like you, and nothing, I than read the information you provided on what kind of camera you use, rest is history) and do not know were to start...all I've done is -automatic!

Christy Carlson said...

I would love to win this book because my picture taking is just lack luster...and because I know my dear bf has a very nice camera hiding somewhere and I want to use it!!!

Denise B. said...

Wow, what a great give-away. I'd love to learn to take better pictures of my family. As a mom I feel such a need to capture my son's life through pictures and to have something to show him when he is a father. Thanks Kelly for the opportunity to enter this give-away.

Malwina said...

WOW! thanks for the chancte to win.

Nicole said...

Who wouldn't love this book. OH man I would love to have this book.
Hope you have a wonderul Mother's Day Kelly.
~Nicole M.

Anonymous said...

oh, I would love that book for Mothers Day! I am always looking to improve on my photos! I've got 3 beautiful girls to take pictures of! :)

anniekate said...

I would LOVE this!! I am a new mom and always looking how to improve my photography skills using my SLR. This would be the perfect MOM'S day gift!

~*~ Stephanie ~*~ said...

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!!

I'm a point and shoot user.. but I have been working soo hard at shooting in manual more often on it... I'm learning a lot, but really want to learn more not just about my camera but taking better shots all around!

April said...

I need a copy of this book because it sounds amazing!!! I love taking pictures and anything I can do that can improve the quality of them is ok by me. ;) Thanks for the chance to win!
- April

Shara said...

Oh, how I would love to get my hands on this book. I spend way too much time looking for photography inspiration and I have a feeling this book would be a huge learning tool for me.

posted by lori said...

Like Ella says 'I want to take my photos to the next level'...

LG said...

I would love this for Mother's Day! I would love to learn about photography.

Melinda AKA medialady said...

I get in such a slump when I am taking pictures. They look so ordinary and need some "spark"!

Liz Chidester said...

I have been seriously considering taking some photography classes at our local community college. This would really come in handy to start out with. That way I won't feel too much like a lost 31 yr old in college. :)

Jessica said...

We just bought a DSLR about a month ago so I am looking for lots of information to learn how to use it to its full capabilities!

JJ Sobey said...

I want to learn more about taking portraits that don't look too posed, KWIM?

Paula said...

I am getting a dslr camera for my birthday/mothers day gift. What a perfect way to break it in!

Kristina said...

That would be a wonderful book to win on Mother's Day! I have a Drebel that I can always learn new tips and tricks on.

alisa logue said...

Thanks for the chance to win Kelly! I NEED this book so that I never miss a memory again due to blurriness or harsh shadows. I want my memories to reflect the moment and those I love. -Alisa

Heidi G said...

This would be such a great book for me as I am struggling to take better pictures. Thanks for offering the giveaway.

heidi @ dicarlo1 dot com

Lisa said...

As not only the "family photographer" but the photographer of my two god daughters, I'm always looking for ways to improve my photographs! Happy Mothers Day!

Kristiina said...

I would love to win :)

Wendy said...

I dont have a fancy answer...i just need it!!! lol!!!! sad huh!!!! just like i needed all those pattern papers in my several inch high stash!!!

kim m. said...

I need to get off automatic and learn my new canon 40d. I would love to win this book. Thanks, Kelly for the give away. Happy Mother's Day!

Kelly said...

Book looks great! I'm always looking for ways to improve my photography skills. Thanks.

Unknown said...

I love photography and I love learning about photography! This book looks awesome!

Kelly said...

I would love the book so I could take better pics of my beautiful daughter:)

Kim Linton said...

Wow ! I would love a copy of the book - I purchased an SLR almost 2 years ago and I would love to learn how to shoot great pics outside of the AUTO mode. Thanks for the offer!

cheepincharge said...

When my grandSON was born, I told the doctor to "put him back" (LOL) because all we had in our family was girls and I didn't know what to do with a boy. Needless to say...he has stolen my heart. I love to photograph him, bugs, dirt, and all. I think this eBook would help me do better in documenting this incredible journey he and I are on! Thanks for the chance!

Karina said...

Well... What can I say? I just would love to improve and - of course - learn more about portraits... Actually I need to learn a lot about that!!!

Thanks for the chance,


Kim M said...

My hubby got me a Canon rebel this year and I really need that book. I don't do my camera justice. I know if I learned more, I could take awesome pictures.

Catherine said...

I *DO* NEED a copy of this book! We are expecting our first baby in July and are in the process of buying a brand new camera (Canon Rebel 2Ti) which I'm pretty sure I'll have no clue how to use once it's in my hands (which is very shortly). So I'm gonna need all the help I can get so I don't miss a moment of our brand new son's life!!!! Thanks for the opportunity!

Patti said...

Ooohhhh... just the help I need! Hope the randome generator picks me!


Maggie Geiger said...

I would surely like to win this e-book. Sounds like just the help I need.


Shawninaz said...

I really need to learn to take more of a variety of shots. I look through my photos and I feel like the poses are far too similar. Thanks for the opportunity to win this great resource.

Vicki said...

This would be a wonderful Mother's Day gift. Thanks for the chance to win!

Brenda L said...

I am an photo enthusiast. I love taking pictures of nature and of my grandson. So a book with photo tips always catches my eye. Love your photos, Kelly.

Joan127 said...

I'm about to purchase my first DSLR and I'd love this book to keep me inspired while I learn the ropes.

Ambre said...

I would love to win this book! I need to learn to take better pictures, and different techniques. Thanks :)

Shelley said...

I would like to learn more about composition!

Meghann Andrew said...

I need to learn how to stop using the auto mode on my DSLR! I would love to win this book!

Abby said...

HI Kelly! Why do I need this book?!?! Well, my grandfather was a very prestigious photographer in Mexicali, Mexico. All of my uncles got the gift from him and my mother too. I on the other hand was not that fortunate :( So I need all the extra help I can get!!

GennyV said...

Wow! This would totally transition me from the point and shoot to a dlsr!!

Romy said...

I now have a new, better, camera and I can take beautiful flower and landscape pictures with only problem is family pictures. I don't know why but they always turn out not the way I had in my mind. I'd love to learn something more about family photography from this book and of course it would also be a great source of inspiration! Thanks for the chance to win this:)

Lynette C said...

Love to win this. I have 2 kidos and really want to learn how to take better pictures of them.

Debi said...

I am always looking for ways to become a better photographer. I would love a copy of this book!

Danielle Flanders said...

I would love to read this e-book! I have a nice camera, but need some tips on how to use it to its full potential! Thanks for the chance to win!

Tara said...

What a great giveaway! I {heart} ella ebooks! I have a good camera and am always looking to improve my portrait skills... I look forward to reading this book & hope I can win it!!

Kyla said...

I take horrible pictures and definiely need some help. I want to have good pics for my scrapbooking pages.


Amy O said...

I think taking portraits is so hard. It seems like whenever I get a natural smile from my kiddos, the background on the photo is terrible, or vice versa. Good tips would be appreciated! Thanks for sharing with us!

Deb said...

I desperately need this book. Desperately. I pretend that I know what I'm doing with my limited photography skills, but I truly don't have a clue. I'm doing my beautiful children an injustice by taking mediocre pictures of them. Please pick me! Happy Mother's Day!

Kim said...

I need a copy of this book...probably because it will be the only thing I GET for Mother's Day. HA---but seriously, I would love some tips and hints from some pros.

Anonymous said...

Wow - what a giveaway! I hope I win!

Anonymous said...

Carrie G.

I hope I win this amazing giveaway!

Shelley said...

I got a DSLR a few months ago and still haven't figured out what makes a good picture. I need some help before I give up using the new camera!

Rebecca Keppel said...

I really need some composition tips for young children portraits. My kids are so fast I usually just take a bazillion shots and hope some turn out cute loL!

lynnfrompgh said...

I need some help from the pros....trying to take better pictures. Would love to take a class in the future. Wonderful give away...thanks for the chance to win. Wishing all the Moms a Happy Mother's Day!!

Anonymous said...

How cool! I enrolled in a photography course for Fall just to learn more about taking better photos.

Brenda P said...

Wow what a great book! I have just got my first DSLR and this would be a great addition I am sure.

wustaz said...

what a novel idea.... take my DSLR off automatic!

Anonymous said...

I keep telling myself that I WILL make time to take a photography class or at least do some reading so that my camera and all of its possibilities won't go to waste!!
Karen in NH

CCC said...

I take ok pictures, but I know that I could do better composition and learn more about natural light.

Mitchgreen said...

I could use all the help I can get!!


life documented said...

Oh! I would LOVE to get this for Mother's Day, how fitting considering I take pictures of my kids! all the time

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm so glad this email came in time to enter my comment cause I could really, really use this book. My daughter shows dogs and always wants me to photograph her dogs for her but I feel like my photos are lacking something. Hopefully this book will help me to capture their shining moments. Thanks for the opportunity.

lindac said...

I would love to get this book. I love to improve my photography skills. hate to miss those wonderful moments of the kids and come home with less than perfect pictures. Thanks for giving me a chance to enter.

PAT said...

Thanks for the opportunity. I just received a ne camera for Mother's Day and sure could use some tips!!

JMCPhillips said...

I have THE most BEAUTIFUL 4 yo adopted daughter in the WORLD (not at all biased LOL) and i want to learn how to take amazing pictures of her. It would be a wonderful Mother's Day gift!!! Thanks for the chance to win, and have an amazing Mother's Day!

Candy said...

Why do I need this book? I went to my granddaughters dance recital last night...dark audience/no flash allowed/stage lights....only got a couple decent pictures. So, that is why I need this book.

Susan from Maryland said...

I am a veeerrrryyyy amateur sports photographer and I'd like to learn how to take other kinds of photos (portaits, macro, different stuff). This book looks great! Thanks for the opportunity and hope you had a great Mother's Day.

Rebecca Ednie said...

I'd love to learn some more tricks for my DSLR. I've taken some courses but it never hurts to read more! Sounds like a great resource!

TracyL said...

I LOVE taking pictures but am not that good at it! If I'm going to take them they might as well be great! Thanks for the chance to learn.

Carol said...

I would love to take this class! I've had a dslr for a couple of years now, but mostly it just sits. That's so sad! I just really need to get with the program and USE MY CAMERA!!!

gg said...

My absolute favorite book to read - a photography book! Keeping my fingers crossed to win so I don't have to buy!!!! Happy Mother's Day.

Unknown said...

I am a photographer wanna-be, but just can't get it, despite having the camera. I want to learn how to chose the right angles, and how to focus on my subject better. Would love love love to win this!! Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

Hope I'm not too late to enter!!
I need all the help I can get with my photography. I just bought a DSLR (my first) two weeks ago and I'm lost....HELP !!!
Debbie K