Yesterday was Mr. Carson's last day of pre-school and he's so excited to be spending the rest of the summer at home. I, on the other hand, am thrilled he's going to be home full-time, yet heartsick at the thought that my baby is now out of pre-school and will be five soon. Funny how your perspective changes, isn't it? It just goes too fast and I've been all sentimental this week. Add to that having a wicked cold and it makes for one miserable mama.

On Monday, Ethan had his very first baseball game, and boy did he look so handsome and grown up. He has a true love of all sports and is really in his element in a team environment. It's awesome to see. He hit well, played shortstop when they were out in the field and even scored his first run! So though his team lost pretty decisively, he was pretty happy! And since I love doing sports related layouts, getting some fun pictures made ME happy! ;)

1 comment:
Super douper great post! I love all the little updates illustrated by the photos! Hope you get over your cold soon!
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