Thursday, September 11, 2008

Creative Giveaway!

There is SO much I want to say about Creative Escape very. much. That seems to be par for the course lately, I'm afraid, but honestly, I don't know where to begin. It just seems like I can't even scratch the surface of the impact it had on me. I loved seeing old friends and making new ones and spending time with all of you.

I just have to do this so I'm going to do it as short and sweetly as I can. I have to thank so many people for all they did to make the event a success.
First THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to Heidi and the entire Bazzill team - Doug, Marti, Lisa (my hero!), Frani, Mona, Carol - all of you. The event seemed practically flawless in execution and it was due entirely to you. You all made it so easy for us as teachers, and I was beyond thrilled to be included in such an amazing experience, to get to know you and your families, and see the impact you have on others.

For my fellow teachers, Tim, Janet, Jenni, Kolette and Jason, Jessica, and Laurie. Thank you so much for allowing me to spend some time with you and learn from you. You are all absolutely incredible and I have so much respect for each one of you.

To the amazing attendees of the event, the students - you were all amazing. It was so overwhelming to see how far you had traveled, what you had overcome, your generosity, your spirit, you smiling faces. Thank YOU so much for making it such a wonderful experience for me. I am forever grateful.

And finally to my above the call of duty room volunteers, Jeanne Wines-Reed and Susan girls rocked so hard. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking care of me and giving me a few minutes of rest in between the classes and always keeping a huge smile on your faces. You were organized, professional, on top of things, and a true god-send. Thank you!

Boy did that sound like an academy awards speech or what? Sorry for blathering but I just had to get all that out and let those people know just how special they are.

And after gathering approval from the Bazzill powers that be, I am allowed to go ahead and post the images from my class. I did the layout track at CE. We did four layouts using BasicGrey's Sultry and the theme for the class was "Treasuring Today" and capturing the everyday moments. I hope you enjoy and should you want to create any of these on your own, detailed instructions and step-by-step photos are included in the Creative Escape 2008 booklet available at

SO for your patience with all that, I wanted to do a little giveaway! An extra kit for my CE class followed me home and I'd love to share it with one of you! I know so many of you wanted to attend CE but couldn't for one reason or another, so if you'd leave me a little note between now and Monday at midnight telling me what you would have done/wanted to do if you had gone to CE and I'll put you in a drawing for my kit! :)

(And I PROMISE pictures will be coming - I didn't take many, but I did get a few good ones - including one of Tim Holtz getting stripped of his shirt in the name of raising awareness of Cancer. It was awesome!)


Cass said...

I would have loved to have soaked up all the creativity that would have been everywhere!

anniekate said...

Sounds like a wonderful experience! Ahhh, to be part of an event with all those top names in the scrapbook industry. Being gone the first week of school as a teacher just doesn't work! Oh well!

DebW said...

Beautiful LO's Kelly! TFS!!

Gypsy Lady said...

I have always wanted to attend CE but have had to live the experience vicariously through other people. Had I gone this year, I would have taken the time to get to know the instructors better...ask all my silly questions, get ideas. It (CE) sounds like an awesome event! I love what you did for your LO's!!

Tracy said...

I would have loved being exposed to so many different types of art. I have never made an acrylic album, I love the home decor pieces, and to make some great 12x12 pages - would have been awesome!!

Anonymous said...

just read Heidi's blog and I think I need some chocolate now... I received the email notification about the lotto for CE but didn't try because I knew I couldn't afford to go... I have AZ on my places to visit and CE 2008 would have been AWESOME! So many great instructors at this event - I don't know where to start. Thanks for the give-a-way op!

Anonymous said...

I would have loved to meet new scrappers and see different styles of scrapbooking.
Susan (from Maryland).

Lauri {Scrap Attack} said...

I soooo wanted to go to CE, maybe next year! I love what you created, always so inspirational!!

Raewyn aka whinney said...

I know I wouldn't have been able to sleep after seeing all the creativity oozing out of everyone and every corner. Love what you created!

Anonymous said...

I would have had a blast and I am sure learned some new techniques and would probably still be up on a cloud LOL. I love your LOLs there are very cute.
Patti in So Cal.

JJ Sobey said...

OK, at the risk of sounding like a suck-up, I wanted to take your classes! But I was a little busy having a baby (daughter born Aug 15th). I would love to use that kit to make baby pages!!

Shannon said...

I WANTED to be there when you were there! I would love to take classes from you and Heidi and Tim and the others! I was sooooooo stoked for this years CE, but I didn't get in, so your kit would be the next best thing!!!!! ;)

Anonymous said...

I would have just enjoyed all the classes by the amazing instructors!

Anonymous said...

As always, your pages AMAZE me!

Tricia Wilson said...

I really wanted to go and am hoping to attend next year. I love being in the presence of so many creative people, learning new techniques and being inspired.
I am glad to hear that you had fun (and saw Tim without his shirt on)!

Deanna said...

Kelly, first off, your work is amazing! I also gain so much inspiration from it! Second, if I woulda/coulda gone on the CE trip, I'm sure I was have gawked at all the "celebs" like a big dork, worked hard to get my stuff organized and completed, and come away so full of ideas that I'd be busting at the seams!

Anonymous said...

Would of loved to attend CE! Being around allthose creative artists would have been so inspiring, I know I would not of been able to sleep for weeks. Thanks for the chance to win your extra kit.

Kelli said...

I love the layout! Great colours!

Trace Geworsky said...

awesome rak......I would love to be able to go to CE for the chance to learn from those amazing scrappers

Anonymous said...

I would have loved to go to creative escape but just couldn't get the vacation time and not only that I did not want to leave my fiance home while I was having a grand ole time (yes I love my honey to pieces). What I think would have been awesome is to meet all the teachers and learn all the new techniques out there. Also living here in Florida and during hurricane season, it is kind of hard to get away. We don't normally vacation during hurricane season unless it is in the state of Florida

Love your layouts that you have posted from CE


Lindsay Teague Moreno | 5ive Photo said...

well, i'll play! If i had gone to CE, I would have WANTED to go out and party with you and some of those other crazy teachers I know! I mean, events are really about the after party, right? hahaha.


AmyInKy said...

Looks like you put together a great class. I think if I had attended, I would have simply enjoyed a little creative escape. The event sounds appropriately named!

Adrian V. said...

I would have loved the whole experience, all of the unique projects and the instructors!

BethW7372 said...

I would have loved to have gotten some great scrappin inspiration - especially after taking the 6 hour MCAT and waiting for my scores! I'd love to work on 12 by 12 pages, mini books (especially learning to use acrylic albums and knowing how to play up the acrylic part). Your work is beautiful, as always!

lwarren737 said...

I'd have loved to attended, and soaked up some of your always seem to be able to create new, different layouts, and I often struggle to create something different instead of repeating the same style.

Kirsten said...

It would have been great to get some new creative inspiration from the many wonderful teachers at CE :)

Melanie H said...

These layouts are fantastic Kelly, if I was to attend CE I would have taken this class for sure.

Sultry is my favourite range by Basic Grey so far and you used them beautifully.

Rebekah said...

I would have LOVED to go to CE and take classes from the amazing people such as yourself ;). You are one talented individual, and I hope that I am fortunate enough to meet you in person one day!

Debbie said...

Just to be there and soak up all that beautiful creativity . . . what a feeling!

Jennifer said...

I didn't hear about CE until it was going to start... my first time hearing about it. WOW! What awesome fun that would have been! I will have to stalk the sites to keep track of it for next year!

Jennifer, Vancouver WA

Anonymous said...

You have always been such an inspiration. I swear someday I will get to meet you and take a class.

Kim Watson said...

Living in Cape Town (SA) the chances of taking one of those awesome classes are very slim hahaha! I do hope one day that will all be different...but for now I'll 'osmose' (if there is such a word)creativity through your blog & all the other SUPER talented ladies blogs, who inspire me daily.
Have a super day!

Anonymous said...

Oh boy wish I was there to say that *LOL* I totally love the layouts that you did, they are absolutely stunning!!!

Paula said...

Hmm, what would I have liked to do atCE? I haven't seen many projects yet, your layouts are awesome though, and that would be a good thing to start with!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous Layouts
I would have loved to be inspired by all the people I visit via Blogs and would love to met in person
It sounded like such an awesome experience
Have loved hearing about it must have absolutely rocked

Jacquie Hay said...

I would have loved to take part and meet all those people we here so much about but I am all the way over in Australia.
Jacquie Hay

Anonymous said...

I just love color and being around it makes me so happy. This might sound a bit odd. I think I would have loved to spent hours walking the bazzill colors and just touching them all. I also would have been excited that I was walking away from a weekend with all those projects completed. Your layouts are great!

Mary Ann Jenkins said...

I would have Loved to have been at CE this year to soak up all the creative energy from all the wonderful teachers! I have heard nothing but praises about the classes! Maybe next year will be my lucky year!
Thanks for the chance to win one of your extra kits!!

Rene Sharp said...

Considering that I live on the other side of the world, namely South Africa, I don't know if I will ever have the opportunity of seeing you in action, so receiving a kit would be the next best thing!! I too have 3 sons, so your lo's are always such an inspiration for me. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I would have loved to meet all the great scrappers and soak in their creativity. Plus I would have preserved the beautiful chocolates Heidi showed!!!
Lori R

Susan Beth said...

Really, for me, CE would be an esacape. An escape into a world of creativity that I just love, and am often unable to achieve because - well because family life, while wonderful is just so busy! Having a large chunk of time devoted to scrapbooking and related activities would be so wonderful. And, meeting people who have made that passion a priority would be so inspiring!

Anonymous said...

Oh I would just love to learn a few new techniques as I tend to keep on repeating the same things in my projects, dont get me wrong I love the tried and true but I'm ready to pick up on some new creativity!!
Kitty whitlow

Anonymous said...

Beautiful layouts! I think I'm going to go check out the book you mentioned!

Jingle said...

I have recently learned to really appreciate classes and how much fun they are! To go to something like CE would be a dream come true for me! I would simply absorb as much inspiration as possible from the incredible team of instructors! Your pages are wonderful!

Monica said...

Ooooh I would love the kit! I wanted to attend CE so bad this year -- but couldn't pull it off. Thanks for sharing!

Michelle said...

Sounds like a great time! I always love your make product look good. :)

Nicole Nowosad said...

man, I would have just loved to be able to pick up on new ideas or techniques that I haven't seen or been able to try yet! Not to mention getting some ME time in! ;)

pam said...

OMG..just to go and soak up all the talent and creativity there. I can't imagine the exhileration you felt learning new techniques. Thanks so much for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

That must have been a really stellar experience!

I would have loved the scrap porn. ;)

Angie said...

Kelly, your class alone would have been worth the price of admission. I am such a fan of yours and adore your work. Many thanks for sharing your projects and allowing me to experience CE '08 vicariously through you.

joyfull said...

great layouts!! thanks for your generousity!

Anonymous said...

Great Layouts! love 'em all :)

Sara said...

What gorgeous layouts! I'm pretty sure if I could have been at CE I would have just soaked in all of the creativity around me and let it fill up my creative well like soaking in sunshine :) Being around beautiful, crafty things, and creative people always refreshes me in that way!

Jenn Langlois said...

I would have wanted to meet you and T!m and bid on his shirt. =)

But really - the classes looked amazing. I think that Creative Escape oh-9 might be on my 'to do list' next year.



sarah said...

I would've loved to come, but September is so busy with three kids in school. It sounds like a great time was had by everyone, maybe.. maybe.. one day I will be able to join you guys.

momma_arch said...

I think I would have run around like a crazy woman trying to do it all and meet everyone. The excitement could not be contained.

Anonymous said...

I would have loved to be inspired by all of you scrapbooking celebs.

Michele M

Ann said...

Beautiful layouts! I would've loved to be there to take some classes and learn some new techniques!

Andrea Venn said...

I attended CE the last two years but with the lottery system this year I didn't get it:( I loved the layout track because I was able to get so many great pages done quickly, so inspiring. I would love to add your designs to that book of layouts!

Kelly said...

I would have loved to see/feel/breathe all the creativity that seeped from all the fabulous teachers and attendees! What a cool experience it would be:)

Anonymous said...

Don't pick me because I got to go to CE .. but if it happens.. I promise to pass it on to a very special friend who didn't get to go!

grammypame said...

I have never been to a crop I am home bound with wheelchair so its not too easy but would love love to attend. I would love the company and learning from all my idols LOL Sounds like soooo much fun, Scrapbooking has been such good therapy for me. I love the creative process, saving memories and taking my mind off of my pain.
Thanks for the chance to win a kit.

Grace said...

This is so NOT a "kiss up"...I would have loved doing youor class the best! Why? scrapbook pages no one does them in classes anymore. especially 12x12 or something I can put on a 12x12 they do tiny small itty bitty books. Of course everything else looked like it was fun I went the first year could not make it this year. Hugs Grace (Kiss Kiss)

V said...

Going to CE would be so utterly amazing. All the inspiration! I would have taken a bazillion pictures, made new friends, and totally scrapped my brain out.


Becky said...

Your LO's look great! I would have loved to have had CE been my first class - just learning all of the techniques would have been great and to get some feedback from the teachers.

Karen W said...

I have loved to have been there to get inspired and excited about new techniques and ideas. Love your work!!

Anonymous said...

I would have loved to have attended Creative Escape - unfortunately I didn't even know about it until the lottery was over. I would have really enjoyed being around so many creative people and learning new techniques. Hopefully I can go next year!

Debbi said...

I would have sat in awe over all the creativity that was going on, but would have jumped in head first and hands everything I could. Thank you for sharing.

House Family said...

Oh how I would have loved to be at CE this year!! My friend and I went last we KNEW what we were missing out on...bummer!! But our names weren't picked! Darn! So, if I would have gone, I would have had all the instructors sign my book like we did last year and have photo's with all of them, get reaquainted with old friends and make lots of new ones!! Next year baby!!

Anonymous said...

I had to miss CE this year but it is by far one of the best events I have attended. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself!


Yolanda said...

I'm even inspired by the thank-you's!
The track you designed is lovely, as always- i've got my fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

I was so sorry to give my CE spot but with a baby and toddler I just could not go. But I have tons of photos and love this kit! Barbara

Anonymous said...


The pages look awesome!

Margie R

Sara said...

After going to the very first CE - I would have loved to see how far its come over the last couple of years...and met back up with a couple of ladies I met at a Nashville event that were there...I love 12x12 the best still!


Christie Wildes said...

Ohhh I would love to just meet all those wonderful scrappers!!!
And making beautiful pages like this. I am sure the inspiration was flowing.
Keeping my fingers crossed that I can get my hands on a class kit.

Kirsten said...

If I had gone...I'd probably have just kept pinching myself to see if it was all real. I've so enjoyed living vicariously, and a kit would be fab!

Aleks said...

It's too far away! Tickets from Canada anywhere are just sick! :( I would have loved the opportunity at meeting some new friends!

Anonymous said...

I love, love, love your LOs!
I sooooo wish I had the opportunity to go to CE! Maybe next year. But, winning your givaway would be a little slice of CE heaven:) Fingers crossed.

simply susan said...

To attend the Creative Escape 2008 would have been like being on cloud nine! To enjoy the energy that you write about would have been truly awesome. To be at the same event as all of the talent and to have taken classes from the "movers and shakers" in the industry.... WOW! I would have been a sponge. All I can say is that I am truly envious and it would have been a "dream come true!"

Anonymous said...

Pick me, it's my birthday!
I love the LO's we did at CE, that is one of my favorite lines from BG.


Anonymous said...

I loved the pages/kits and was so excited about your creativity. thanks Michelle

Anonymous said...

What a great event! I am so sorry to miss these great opportunites when they come along. I'm in such a rut. I lift myself all the time and all my pages are starting to look the same. Would have loved some inspiration and a peek at all the different styles out there to help me kick-start my scrappin'.


Alissa said...

I swear that someday I will actually attend a scrapbooking "event". In the meantime, I enjoy reliving it with you.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Sounds like a super wonderful time. I would love to go to CE sometime. It is on my list of a hundred things to do. I have been keeping my an eye out hoping you might be teaching somewhere close to me. No luck yet. A kit would be nice until I could get the real class with ya'.

Shelly in the NW said...

i could have used a creative mojo jumpstart ;) plus, just a little mini-vaca would always be nice.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh sounds like it was quite the experience!
I would of probably taken tons of pictures and tried to soak up as much info and inspiration in my head as possible! What true inspirations you guys are!

debbiec said...

i think it would be cool to have a class about how to incorporate unique sewing techniques in my scrapping. i was just tihnking about this today...look at how many stitch possibilities there are! and if someone could teach me to sew around a curve...

Sasha Farina said...

oh Kelly.. those are just amazing!!!

Sasha Farina said...

oops.. and what would i have wanted to do? meet YOU!! hahahaha

Marilyn said...

What would I want to do if I went to CE? Does it matter what I would do, I would be there, isn't that good enough?!! LOL I would do anything to be able to go to CE!! One thing I would definately do is take the BG classes! It is my all-time favorite product, and have loved everything that BG has released! Oh, I would love to have a chance to win that kit!!

Unknown said...

I went last year but had to miss it this year. I misss the creative energy of so many scrappers and teachers.

Mom of 3 Boys said...

Wow, this event looks so great; I can't wait to see more pics. I would have loved to have met other scrappers and seen their creativeness.

Barb said...

I would have enjoyed every minute of being in the company of such talented teachers and attendees....just be in the moment.

grandmaryb said...

I would love to go to CE someday and do it all! love the ideas.

Anonymous said...

I would have love to gone, but my little first graders might not have appreciated it at the beginning of their school year. A teacher's job is to inspire, so I stayed to inspire...instead of being inspired by all of you!

Tiffany said...

Your layouts are amazing as always Kelly! i have always wanted to go to CE, but with a 2 year old, a 1 year old, and a baby on the way, I am just lucky to spend an hour scrapbooking each day! If I could have gone, I would have loved to learn all the latest tips and tricks... and meet all the 'scrapbooking celebs' LOL.

Anonymous said...

Your layouts are fanatabulous!!!

I would have taken all the fab classes and learned new techniques. Plus I would have had a grand time!!!

Heather said...

I would have loved to learn some new techniques. I'm kind of behind in the scrapbooking world..haha.

Ria Maningat-Mojica said...

I can only imagine how gerat it would have been to attend CE...

Angela Fehr said...

I would have loved to be a part of a group - I do so much papercrafting alone! And to learn new techniques...and come home with freebies! But that's what this giveaway is for - so I can realize 1/3 of my dreams! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! I love your beautiful LOs! Sounds like it was a great time. I would love to go to CE someday, to spend some time nurturing my creativity!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great time!!! I wish I could have been there and as always ~ I love your pages.

Anonymous said...

I would have loved to attend Creative Escape. I love making 12X12 pages and would love to have learned to make an acrylic album. I would have tried for a photo op with each of the instructors. What awsome pages that would have made.

Anonymous said...

I would have loved to attend Creative Escape. I love your 12X12 pages. They're my favorite. I would also love to have tried making an acrylic album. I would have tried for a photo op with each of the instructors.

Love the pages

J Archie

sara b said...

I would have loved to see all the inspiration that I know is at one of those events!! Thanks Kelly :)

Susan said...

I would have to save Inspiration! I am so inspired when I get around talented scrappers. It rejuvenates me and puts me into action accomplishing more with my scrapbooking. I would have loved to have listened to Jason's motivating speech.

Anonymous said...

I would have just wanted to be there period!!! It seems like there a great variety of projects and layouts, which I love!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!


Cilla said...

Would have loved the escape. Would have loved being challenged and pushed out of my creative comfort zone. Your layouts are gorgeous. Thanks for posting them.

Just Sew Sue said...

I'd have loved to have done the whole thing, but I live too far away to swing it with two school age children. Sounds like it flowed brilliantly.

Love your layouts, shows that you can achieve four very different looks from one paper range.


Anonymous said...


CE has been on my list since it's inception but this year I was unable to attend due to pressing health issues. I have been following the CE site, teachers blogs, etc just to get a glimpse of all the event had to offer.

I ordered my CE book and should have it in my hands Monday!!! I have all of them and they are a "fun" and inspirational read over & over again.

I hope to attend in 2009. Tha ks for the opportunity to "win" a small piece of 2008's event! Love your layouts.


Anonymous said...

I would have scrapped!! Uninterruped scrap time!! I would have also visited friends and family. I grew up in AZ and still have many loved ones there!
Karen P.

tammyb said...

I would have loved to take classes from all of those wonderful instructors (you included!) but especially Tim Holtz. I love all of his stuff but can't seem to get up the nerve to do any of it! Thanks for posting your class layouts, loved them! Tammy

Anonymous said...

Wow! I love your work. It would be fabulous to win one of your kits! Sounds like CE was wonderful. Really wish I could have been there!

Lisa said...

It sounds like so much fun! Great location, amazing teachers, a weekend to scrap... sounds like heaven! Your layouts are beautiful!

Valerie Koop said...

I just had an itty bitty baby girl and couldn't come. I tried not to think about all the fun I was missing, but it was too hard, and I have been reading your blog in hopes you would post what you did. I'd love your extra kit -- your LOs are amazing.

Anonymous said...

I am a scrap queen wannabee. Just seeing IN PERSON the projects by some of my favorites would have made my day. And technique teaching is what I need. I am not the most creative person,but I love trying.Thanks for doing this for us stay-at-homers.

Anonymous said...

I Would have LOVED to make all the projects and especially I would have LOVED to just soak up the atomosphere of scrapbookers having a great time !!! Maybe I will make it next year.


FrancescaVe said...

I really love your layout but one day I'll promise you I'll go at the creative escape event. From Italy isn't so easy :-)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the event was just fine the way it was! You'll have your hands full just trying to equal it for the next time around!
Gloria L.

Tiersa McQueen said...

If I had gone to CE, I would have loved to meet other scrappers. It is always nice to be around people who share the love of the hobby.

Joy Tracey said...

It sounds amazing! I would have loved to have gone and especially seen the Tim Holtz t-shirt cancer fundraising event. Sounds like things got really exciting then! Ha ha!

Anonymous said...

Hi, CE would be just a great experence to learn from all the teachers and follow students and to complete new projects. One day I hope to attend all the way from New Zealand.

Unknown said...

I was signed up but had to cancel in June because I got a new job that started the first day CE started. I knew it would be good and I would have loved learning new techniques from all the talented teachers.


Phyllis R. said...

To have had the chance to just create at Creative Escape, without all the little interruptions of everyday life! Bliss:) Oh, and to play with my favorite papers by Basic Grey, of course!!!

fran h said...

I would have loved to just be a part of it and experience what creative escape is all about. So much talent in this industry and so much to learning and having a wonderful time creating the beautiful projects in each class.
Thanks for posting this wonderful giveaway.

Barbara said...

wow....Great pages. If I had the opportunity to go to CE .. i would be a wreck trying to take in all that talent.

Debi said...

One thing that would have been high on my list if I could have been there would be to relax and enjoy the moment. Love your LO's.

Erica Hettwer said...

I would just enjoy all the wonderful people I'd meet! That's always my favorite part of any scrappin' function. :D

The Karrens said...

Sounds like so much fun... and your pages are awesome!

China Doll said...

Let see... I would have taken a lot of picture to make a "Creative Escape" memory book... autograph of course! Soak it all in and not get any sleep. Then by then end of the week get sick and exhuastion (like I did at CKU). teehee

Unknown said...

Creative Escape seems like such an amazing experience, saw the photos on the CE blog, looks like everyone had a woderful time. The first thing I would want to do is create all those fabulous projects - I'm ordering the book so hopefully I'll be able to - but also would have loved to hear Jason Hall talk. Sounds like he made quite an impact on all that were there. :)

deend31 said...

I would have loved to learn from some of my favorite designers. Beautiful work on those four LOs, Kelly, as usual!

Amy said...

I really wanted to go to CE but we are moving to Italy in less than two months and I really need to get my affairs in order. The worst part about not being able to go this year is that I am in AZ. Maybe next year though! Thanks for the chance to win a kit =)

Anonymous said...

I would have loved to learn a few ways to spice up my pages! Thanks for sharing yours...

Anonymous said...

so if i were to go to CE, would I be albe to hang out with the ultra coolest KG or would all her time be taken. :)

Maya said...

I would have loved going to CE...a small vacation AND scrapbooking at the same time...must be heaven :-))) in Norway makes the trip too long unfortunately :-((

Anonymous said...

after reading all of my fav blogs about creative escape and the wonderful time you guys had, i definitly want to go next year! hope I win your kit! your work is GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kath W said...

CE just wasn't in the cards for me this year or even next year...sigh...

Beautiful layouts!

I would have loved to slowly walk thru the Bazzil warehouse, looking at all the beautiful paper.

And, how about when you first open a class kit, the excitement of starting a new class, looking at all the new products. : )

carabecca said...

I'm so jealous of everyone who got to go. Everything I read looked like so much fun and I am always up for learning new things!

Heidi Y said...

I would have enjoyed all the new techniques that I'm sure was taught, and to experience the creative mojo from all the instructors!! This event will be on my list when I get a chance.

Kim M said...

I would have loved to have been able to just sit and scrap without my dd pulling on my leg all day!

Anonymous said...

I would have soaked in EVERY second!!!! SO MUCH're layouts are beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing!!

Karen said...

If I had been able to attend, I would have loved taking the classes but I also would have taken a side trip to see my friend whom I have not seen in 2 years that lives there and gone to Sedona.

Val said...

Fun giveaway! I don't know what I would have done because I've never been to ANY scrapbooking retreat of any kind. I'd probably be in a daze the whole time.

Anonymous said...

I would have nejoyed taking your class which focuded on pages instead of projects. How refreshing! I am always inspired by your layouts. thanks.

Oscar T. Grouch said...

I would have been a sponge and absorbed everything I could. Distance is such a deterant for some of us to be able to attend these things.

borcherding said...

Without a doubt, all of the projects look absolutely WONDERFUL but I would have loved to meet new people and form new friendships. Part of why I love scrapbooking so much is the new friends I have made who love this hobby too!! Happy Monday!!

Sarah Mullanix said...

I would have just loved to see all of the work up close and personal...there's just something extra that seems to inspire me when I can see artwork and projects first hand!


BLoNotJLo said...

I really like the clock layout and I would have enjoyed classes from Kolette and Tim again. I already bought the CE book again this year and can't wait to get it!

Anonymous said...

I love looking at your layouts and would love to win a Creative Escape Kit! Maybe it's my lucky day.

Kaitlyn said...

I so would have loved to get some inspiration from so many talented scrappers, and to learn some new techniques. Maybe next year!

TC said...

WOW, sounds like an awesome time was had by all. I look forward to trying to attend next year.
Theresa Dalzell-Wells

julie.schellin said...

CE sounds like a dream come true. I would have soaked in the company, learned new tricks, and scrapped without having to pause to pour sippy cups, fold laundry, change a diaper, prepare a meal, talk a teen down from the wall, etc. etc. etc. LOL

Stephanie said...

I would have loved to attend CE. First on my list? Registering for your class! Your layouts are always so beautiful and timeless. They are constant sources of inspiration for me!

#1 Buckeye Fan said...

Kelly, those layouts are awesome! I wish I could have made it there, but my plans got changed. I read your other post about Jake, what WONDERFUL NEWS!!!

Camille Robinson said...

I would have just loved to been there--I'm getting the book, though, so at least I'll get to see what was done there. I would have loved to have been in your class--that's for sure!

Anonymous said...

I would have loved to have gone to CE...maybe next year. I got my hands on the book and just love looking thru it and seeing all the great things that were taught/created. It looks like a very fun and creative weekend.


Leesa said...

Wow! These 4 layouts are absolutely stunning! I love the Sultry Collection and you have used it beautifuly.

Anneinaz said...

I would have been doing what I love best-paper. I'm sorry I missed it.

Anonymous said...

Getting lots of inspiration and learing so many new tricks. Love your LO's!

Diva Loca said...

wow wow wow - love your layouts!

Carol said...

I've always wanted to go to CE and so has my daughter, but her daughter's birthday is always at the same time. If the CE dates ever change, we'll be there!

Susie Jensen said...

Wow, it looks like CE was an absolute hit this year, as it always is. Being that I'm an AZ Native, I really need to get to it one of these times. I love all of your posted layouts and projects. You are an amazing talent. Thanks for sharing it all with us!

Unknown said...

Your weork is amazing i so want the kit! Pleeeeease!! :)

Anonymous said...

Love the LOs - especially the clock one! I have never attended an event anything like Creative Escape, I'd probably be so overwhelmed I wouldn't know where to start. I would have loved to take lots of classes; so many creeative souls there!

Anonymous said...

ouahhhhhhhhhhh it is marvelous . aLL LAYOUTS OF COURSE
A FAN's French